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Chapter 121

Chapter: 121

“Beyond the door lies a pathetic dragon.”

A dragon.

It’s more accurate to refer to it as a phenomenon than a mere living creature.

How can something capable of annihilating an entire nation in a single blow be regarded as just a biological entity?

It represents disasters, like storms, earthquakes, or tsunamis.

No wonder so many countries have made anti-dragon pacts centered around the Lord’s Church.

And you’re telling me such a being is waiting beyond this door?

For a fleeting moment, the word “lie” crossed Phoebe’s mind, but it quickly faded away.

Many of Lucy’s past statements had seemed like lies, but none were ever false.

This time would be no different.

“To be exact, it’s a lame patchwork dragon created by binding a dragon’s soul into a golem’s body. It’s trash compared to a real dragon, but still, it’s strong due to its name.”

Given that the original dragon is considered a disaster, it’s only logical that a degraded version would also possess considerable strength.

Just look at how Lucy, despite using derogatory terms, still acknowledges its power.

It’s definitely a tough opponent for mere first-year students of the Academy.

Phoebe gulped as she imagined the dragon beyond the door.

“It won’t be possible to tackle it through normal means. I’m fine, but I have a weakling pathetic knight and a silly weak saintess with me.”

“Get to the point.”

Was Frey angry at being called weak? She spoke up from the back, her tone sharp.

If her voice could cut, it would be lethal, but Lucy only scoffed, as if she were used to it.

“Think of it as some creepy necromancy nonsense, huh? By now, even the foolish weak saintess should be catching on, right?”


As soon as Phoebe heard “necromancy,” she understood Lucy’s intention.

Despite being in a golem’s body, a dragon is still a dragon, making it hard to deal with.

So, they simply wouldn’t have to face the golem itself.

If they could just obliterate the dragon’s soul residing within, the golem would collapse on its own.

“Of course, even though it’s a pathetic dragon slaughtered by humans, purifying a dragon’s soul is no easy feat. Even so-called priests would hesitate. But here we have a weak saintess, even if she’s not all that great, right?”

Purifying the dragon’s original soul.

Typically, this would be an impossible task even for dozens of average priests.

Dragons usually have lifespans of several hundred years at a minimum.

They’ve wreaked havoc on the world during their long lives.

How could such a being’s original soul be light?

It was said that when a dragon was revived from death to become a necromancer, it required three bishops to band together, so no matter how weak this dragon beyond the door is, a bishop-level priest would need to be present.

Logically, a first-year student at the Academy should not possess that level of divine power.

Regardless of any outstanding talent, there simply hasn’t been enough time to accumulate such prowess.

But there stands a saint before us.

She is regarded as a symbol of the Lord’s Church, having performed numerous miracles in various places.

Even if she’s young and hasn’t mastered her abilities, her inherent sanctity does not vanish.

Her divine power is ample enough to purify a dragon’s original soul.

“We’re just gonna coast on this. Do you have any idea how much the pathetic Academy professors have struggled?”

Lucy’s giggles and her plan appeared flawless, just like always.

As always, Lucy always has a plan in the dungeon.

Whether they were passing through the dungeon’s layers or facing bosses guarding every tenth floor, it’s as if the gods are whispering the strategies in her ear.

So then…

If so…

If Lucy truly is the Apostle of Armedi, as the Evil God’s Apostle once revealed,

Could my name be included in those plans she spills?

Does Armedi still trust me even after I struck a deal with the Evil God’s Apostle?

Does she believe her little lamb will find the right path, despite wandering aimlessly?

I’m sorry, Armedi.

I have no confidence.

This foolish little lamb, unable to overcome her anxious heart, has fallen for the Evil God’s temptation and may not meet your expectations.

“Pathetic saintess?”

Phoebe lifted her head at the sound of her name, locking eyes with Lucy Alrn.

Those eyes filled with confidence met hers head-on.

“You can do this, right?”

Phoebe stared blankly at Lucy’s gaze, as if asking if she couldn’t handle it.

Can I?

Of course, Phoebe had recited purification prayers countless times.

As a saint, she traveled through many places.

Most were more filled with sorrow than joy.

In those places, cries often drowned out laughter.

So for her, offering a funeral prayer became a routine with every new location.

However, she had never purified a spirit of such high status before.

Such tasks typically fell to bishops or cardinals, while Phoebe merely observed from behind.

Before entering the Academy, she might have confidently declared she could handle it.

Since Armedi sent her here, it meant entrusting her with this task.

Phoebe likely prayed, believing in Armedi, with her hands clasped.

But things were different now.

She questioned whether she truly carried Armedi’s love.

Now, having made a deal with the Evil God’s Apostle, her heart has grown dark.

So how could she easily say she could do this?

“Can’t do it?”

But Lucy’s next words made her involuntarily shake her head.

“No, it’s fine.”

Provoked by Lucy, red flushed onto her cheeks as her emotions flared up.

Realizing her mistake, Phoebe hurried to correct herself, but it was too late.

“Then let’s move. Pathetic knight, you just stay back and protect the weak saintess. Don’t move around unnecessarily; it’d be a hindrance. Weak saintess, prepare your purification prayer the moment we enter. Use it as soon as you’re ready.”

With one last glance around, Lucy pushed open the immense door leading to the boss room without any hesitation.

– Kuoohhhh!

The moment she did, a colossal resonance reverberated through the space, shaking the very air.

Within the sound lay resentment, fury, and hatred.

Can I truly handle this?

Can I embrace all that’s hidden in that voice?


Please answer me.

This insufficient little lamb begs for guidance.


Damn, it’s ridiculously loud.

I think my eardrums are about to burst.

I remember when I was at the movies, the sound was quieter than this.

Is this what they call being a dragon?

Crossing the threshold, as I set foot inside, the door shut behind us, plunging the boss room into darkness.

Not long after, a wind began to howl from above, and as something landed, the floor quaked, letting a gentle light seep into the room like dawn.

– Kuoohhhh!

That’s when I finally laid eyes on the enemy.

Standing atop a stone in the center of the boss room was a dragon.

A dragon possessing a body made of stone,

A dragon that had once been hunted by humans and now remains under their control.

Ah, it’s been a while.

In the first semester, tackling the Academy dungeon bosses yielded rewards that were just not worth the effort.

I think this might be the first time I’ve encountered one since trying to clear all the bosses barehanded in a challenge format.

But thankfully, that won’t be a problem.

I’ve memorized exactly how to hunt this creature.

Besides, we have a saintess with us, our cheat code.

Unless pure luck has seriously left me, this saintess, who can’t even be drawn into our party at this point, will help us.

What if your resentment runs deep?

But really, you’re just going to get purified and that’s it, right?

Hey? Pathetic little lizard.

Just lie down quietly and offer us our rewards.

As Phoebe began to clasp her hands for the purification prayer, I opened my mouth to the dragon.

“Hey, you pathetic piece of trash lizard!♡ What’s it like being treated like a toy after being slaughtered by humans?♡ Huh?♡ How does it feel to be gawked at by a girl like me?♡”

As the dragon’s red eyes focused on me, a sense of exhilaration surged through my body.

Since my provocation hit home, Phoebe would be safe from threat now.

So now all I needed to do was hold out until Phoebe can begin her purification.

That should be easy.

The reason this dragon was so annoying in the early game was because it flew around.

It’s a sneaky little prick that almost never comes down.

To bring it down, you need to bombard it with ranged attacks, but there aren’t many of those early on.

That makes hunting it a tedious grind.

But now’s different.

If Phoebe just purifies the dragon’s soul, everything’s sorted.

Holding out until then?

Pfffft, piece of cake.

“Oh right♡ You can’t talk because you have no brains, can you?♡ Oops!♡ I forgot you’re pathetic!♡ Trashy!♡ Stupid little lizard!♡”

As soon as my taunt finished, the dragon let out a roar, spreading its wings and soaring towards the high cavern.

If you think about it, those Academy professors are real scumbags.

They throw dragons at students while leaving their biggest advantage—flying—intact.

Sure, it’s nothing compared to the veterans.

That dragon has two main attack patterns.

Flying around and breathing fire.

Or using spells with dragon words.

There is also the pattern that occurs when it takes enough damage and falls to the ground, but that’s of no concern to us.

That thing will just plummet from the skies.

So, what comes first?

With my shield raised, I fixed my gaze on the dragon as its maw opened.

And then I launched forward.

Moments later, the spot I had just occupied was engulfed in flames as the dragon’s breath scorched the earth, turning everything to ash.

This pattern is simple enough.

All I need to do is run.

There’s a duration for which flames burn on the ground, and if I misjudge my escape route, I’ll meet an early demise, but that’s not an issue for me.

After all, I’m a veteran.

I’m so familiar with the escape routes I could dash without even seeing them.

Long ago, I dodged this pattern effortlessly as a level one bald character, so there’s no way I can’t do it now with this juiced-up stamina and speed.

As I dashed, the area turned to a veritable sea of fire.

When the dragon finally stopped its flames and headed toward the center, I knew my run was nearing its conclusion.

With its wings spread wide, it opened its mouth once more.

The second pattern.

A rain of spells.

The spell types unleashed depend on its health, and right now, since it’s at full, it’s likely to use around three types.


Spear of the Earth.

Summon of Souls.

How to deal with any of those?

[Looks like the purification prayer is about to begin.]

Just as I contemplated my response to the magic, the old man’s voice came through.

Has he finished preparing?

Wow, impressive, saintess.

Carrying her all the way to the 100th floor was definitely worth it.

While waiting for the dragon hovering in the sky to drop like a simple statue, my expectations were dashed as it began casting spells instead.

I dodged a spear sprouting from the ground by rolling to the side and turned my gaze toward Phoebe.

Her eyes, fixed on the ground, appeared lost.

…Could it be? She’s failed the prayer?


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not work with dark mode