Switch Mode

Chapter 119

Chapter: 119

On the way to the entrance of the Academy’s dungeon.

Phoebe couldn’t hide her anxious feelings at all.

Though she was moving due to a promise, her steps were hesitant, stopping and turning back several times before moving forward again.

Her footsteps kept circling the same spot.

The reason for this was refreshingly simple.

She was breaking her own doctrine and following her desires, all because of one burning curiosity in her heart.


Phoebe often preached that anyone could falter in formal settings.

As long as one atones and regains their composure, Armedi would surely grant forgiveness.

What mattered was not the sin itself but how one acts afterward.

However, in this moment, as she realized her wrongdoings,

Phoebe absolutely couldn’t think that way.

In her eyes, the sin she committed was not something that could be easily forgiven just by asking.

“Fool. Idiot.”

No matter how lost she felt inside, what was the point of doing something so reckless?

Making a deal with none other than the Apostle of the Evil God?

That very night.

When she criticized her petty feelings and slipped out of the church,

The moment she stepped forward without hesitation to heal someone in need,

Phoebe had crossed paths with someone bearing the aura of the Evil God.

In a normal situation, upon seeing him, she should have called the church’s people to subdue him, but Phoebe didn’t do that.

She was enchanted by the words spilling from his lips.

The promise to resolve all her curiosities had touched the deepest part of her heart, and thus she took a step forward.

‘Does Lady Alrn have Armedi’s love?’

The question she voiced for the first time made the man narrow his eyes and chuckle.

“Why ask what you already know? Do you wish for that person to be unloved?”

“That’s not…!”

It wasn’t true.

What she truly wished for was for everyone to be loved equally.

She wasn’t trying to steal anyone’s love.

Phoebe just…


“I will answer you. Yes, Lucy Alrn is loved by Armedi. She is chosen as Armedi’s Apostle. She cannot be unloved.”

Armedi’s Apostle.

The shock those words delivered to Phoebe was anything but light.

Historically, Armedi had never had an apostle.

This was a fact noted in the Bible as well.

Armedi loved the world fairly and thus did not appoint apostles.

Anyone working in the church would know this common knowledge.

So, how could she not be surprised hearing something that contradicted it?


“Think as you wish. I’m just speaking the facts. How you accept it is of no concern to me.”

Seeing Phoebe step back and deny it, the man couldn’t hold back his laughter.

“How delightful. Since I’m in a good mood, I’ll answer one more question. Go ahead and ask.”

“You’re just going to lie again, aren’t you?”

“That may be so. But wouldn’t it be better to listen anyway?”

Phoebe hesitated.

Under normal circumstances, she should turn back right now.

Regardless of deals and such, it was right to turn her back on this.

But Phoebe couldn’t detach her feet from the darkness.

‘…Can I receive Armedi’s love?’

“Oh? Asking the Apostle of the Evil God about Him, are you?”


“That’s too pricey a question. An answer I cannot currently give. First, heal. And then…”

“Hopeless Saintess?”


Surprised by the voice from behind, Phoebe let out a scream, losing her balance and nearly toppling forward.

She closed her eyes to brace for the impact, yet the shock never came.

When she cautiously opened her eyes, she saw a gloved hand at her waist.

“What are you doing? Want to be a foolish Saintess like your friend?”

At the sharp remark, Phoebe recognized who had saved her.

Lucy Alrn.

The very person she both wanted to meet and feared.

What should she do?

Even after getting up with Lucy’s help, Phoebe trembled and kept her gaze down.

“What’s up? Nervous? Scared? So it turns out you’re an even bigger fool than your friend?”

“That’s not true.”

Phoebe shook her head at Lucy’s words.

She wasn’t scared at all about entering the dungeon.

Although she had lived as a Saintess of the Church, she hadn’t grown up like a flower in a greenhouse.

She had faced monsters a few times already, so it was impossible for her to be scared about entering the Academy’s dungeon.

“Then, what’s wrong?”

Phoebe couldn’t answer that question.

She couldn’t.

How could she tell someone who might be an Apostle of Armedi that she was afraid of her dealings with the Evil God?

Lucy wouldn’t know.

How much courage Phoebe had needed to speak to her after that night.

How every time she saw Lucy smile, she feared her shadow would be revealed under Armedi’s light.

She would have loved nothing more than to hide in a church room and pray for atonement forever, but Phoebe bore her fears and spoke to Lucy for one reason only.

She wanted to know why Lucy was loved by Armedi.

She wanted to understand what had drawn Armedi’s heart to her.

And if she could follow in her footsteps, maybe she too could receive Armedi’s love.

She thought she might just be able to hear that voice.

Holding back her fear, Phoebe stood there.

While she fiddled with her long hair, Lucy stepped forward, walking underneath it.

Then, lifting her face to look up, she wore her usual annoying smirk.

“So, you’re scared? ♡ Such a pathetic coward ♡”

The instant Phoebe heard those words, her heart, which had been painted black for days, blushed crimson.

“No, I’m not scared!”

“Really? ♡ Doesn’t seem like that to me~ ♡”

“I really am.”

As Phoebe insisted, Lucy scrutinized her face and then tousled her hair, slipping away.

“Then let’s go, Hopeless Saintess. We have no time for slacking off.”

As she said that, when Phoebe looked at Lucy’s back, that tiny form somehow seemed so incredibly large.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you coming? Still frozen in fear, are you, Cowardly Saintess?”

“Ah. No. I’m coming.”

Dazedly watching, Phoebe finally snapped back to reality and hurried to catch up with Lucy’s quick strides.

“Excuse me, Lady Alrn.”


“I wanted to ask something. Where do you plan on heading while we conquer the dungeon today?”

Phoebe had only heard that they were going to raid the dungeon but didn’t know how far they intended to go.

She had just been told to brace herself, as Joy would likely suffer.

“To the very end.”


Upon hearing Lucy’s response, Phoebe thought she must have misheard.

Then she assumed they would keep raiding until the time for dungeon exploration ran out.

But Lucy shook her head at Phoebe’s words.

“We’re going all the way to floor 100. Preparations are already complete.”

“But hey, I’m just starting at floor 1, though.”

Since Phoebe had never raided the Academy’s dungeon before, starting at floor 1 was a must.

No matter how fast Lucy was at raiding, there was no way they could clear from floor 1 to floor 100.

Phoebe wasn’t doubting Lucy’s abilities; it was merely common sense.

It was physically impossible.

Just walking from floor 1 to floor 100 would be exhausting in a single day, and with fights scattered throughout, wasn’t it utterly unfeasible?

“Excuse me, Hopeless Saintess.”


“Just because an incompetent Saintess can’t do it doesn’t mean I can’t either, right?”

As Lucy’s laughter followed her response, Phoebe almost snapped back but quickly calmed down.

Just breathe.

She was clearly teasing her for entering the dungeon for the first time.

Lucy was just being playful.

It would be childish to get upset over this.

You aren’t a child. Pull it together, Phoebe.

“Okay then.”

As Phoebe smiled in reply, Lucy merely grinned and said nothing more.

Thus, immersed in silence, they arrived at the entrance of the dungeon, where Phoebe would meet the others who would accompany them.

“It’s an honor to enter the dungeon together, Saintess.”

Professor Karl, the Combat Studies instructor.

Though a junior professor, he was well-liked by many students.

Not only was he dedicated to teaching, but he also had a good personality.

Especially among the female students, his fairytale knight-like looks made him popular.

Phoebe had heard her friends say how much they adored Professor Karl countless times.

“It’s my honor as well, Professor.”

“Let’s work well together.”

Beside him was Frey Kent.

A likely candidate for the next Sword Saint, acclaimed for possessing exceptional martial skills among the sacred on the continent.

Though Lucy had begun to shine brightly, denying her strength was impossible.

After all, even the commander of the Saintly Knights would want to make her one of their own if he had the chance.

“Yes, I’ll do my best too.”

“But, Saintess. How’s your stamina?”

“Me? I think it’s about standard for priests.”

Though Phoebe’s stamina wasn’t bad, it wasn’t top-tier either.

As a priestess, she had to move around a lot, so she had at least the minimum required stamina, but that was about it.

Upon hearing Phoebe’s words, Frey studied her for a moment and then quietly said,

“Hang in there.”

…Excuse me?

Hang in there?

Phoebe blinked in confusion at Frey’s unclear response, but he didn’t offer any further explanation.

“…Excuse me.”

“Didn’t we greet each other? Then let’s go.”

As Phoebe finally began to regain her sense after that delayed reaction, she reached out to grab Frey, but Lucy’s voice intertwined and faded away.

Without getting an answer, Phoebe walked into the dungeon, and she couldn’t help but admire the scene.

This was crafted directly by the professors at the Academy?

Well done.

It really felt just like a real dungeon.

Shouldn’t it be called the Soul Academy for a reason?

While surveying the interior of the dungeon, Phoebe felt a gaze directed at her and turned her head.

It was Lucy.

With her arms crossed and examining Phoebe from top to bottom, Lucy finally spoke.

“Lady Alrn, what’s the matter?”

“Hopeless Saintess. Can I carry you?”


Carry me?


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not work with dark mode