Switch Mode

Chapter 116

Chapter: 116

“Why only you can hear the voice of the God?”

“Why does His message reach only you?”


“What difference is there between you and me?”

“I can’t understand.”

“I don’t even want to understand.”


“I’m the one who put in more effort to please the God.”

“I’m the one who dedicated my life to be of help to Him.”

“It was me who lived my life carefully, choosing each word and action for you.”

“So why does He only speak to you?”


“Uh, hey.”

Phoebe, who had been staring blankly ahead, quickly stepped back upon hearing Lucy’s voice.

What on earth did I just do?



Jealous of someone else again!

“Holy Saintess?”

“Oh! U-Um! You said you’d lift the curse on this sword?! Please wait a moment inside! I’ll finish up and come right back!”

Phoebe yelled that and dashed into the church.

If a cleric saw her scuttling away like that, they would have said, “You shouldn’t be so reckless, Holy Saintess,” but Phoebe was too flustered to care.

Staring at Lucy made black feelings grow larger in her heart.

If she didn’t escape, she felt those feelings would devour her.

After running for a while, Phoebe realized she was alone in a room and plopped down onto the floor, panting.

Why am I acting like this?

I’ve seen people who hear the voice of the God before.

I know if I just wait, I’ll eventually get some answers.

So why do I feel like this every time I see Lady Alrn?


After the incident on Academy Street last time, Phoebe had been actively avoiding Lucy.

Every time she faced her, every time she caught sight of the necklace around her neck,

And occasionally, whenever she glimpsed the mace in her hands, strange emotions would rise up uncontrollably.

At first, Phoebe didn’t understand her feelings.

She was pure white, and on top of that, she had painted it white again.

There was no room for dark emotions to settle.

Being invaded by blackness was something she was awkward with.

But this time, it was different.

Phoebe was well aware of the feelings swelling up inside her.

It was jealousy.

Jealousy of someone monopolizing the love of the God.

In Phoebe’s view, Lucy Alrn was undoubtedly receiving love from Armadi.

This wasn’t a proposition open for discussion.

She was hearing Armadi’s voice—a voice hard to hear even once in a lifetime—every single month.

If Lucy wasn’t receiving love from the God, then who could claim to have Armadi’s affection?

Thinking that way, every time Phoebe saw Lucy, memories of her time in the orphanage would resurface.

Back when she hadn’t yet been called a Holy Saintess.

Memories from the times she questioned whether she, too, could be loved by someone else.

The orphanage head had indeed been a good person.

He showed mercy on the orphans without gaining anything for himself.

But since he was human, that love couldn’t be perfect.

With so few adults and so many children to care for, how could that kindness reach everyone?

Whenever she slipped away from the head’s care into a corner, Phoebe would often feel anxious seeing the children happily laughing under his watch.

What if that kindness meant for others never reached her again?

But that was a baseless worry.

The head was a good man, and whenever he saw places where his love was absent, he came to warm them.

Even now, Phoebe carried the same worries.

What if Armadi loved Lady Alrn too much,

What if He became so blind with love that he forgot to spread that warmth widely, only sharing it with one person?

This worry’s conclusion was a thought Phoebe can’t dismiss.

Armadi was a noble and honorable being, so surely he wouldn’t show favoritism.

Even if it appeared as favoritism, it might just be foresight for greater glory.

As a believer in the God’s will, such doubt shouldn’t fester.

Having spent a lifetime in training to become a Holy Saintess, Phoebe was well aware of this fact.

But still.

But still.

Ultimately, Phoebe was human.

And before she was a Holy Saintess, she was just a little girl.

She couldn’t stop doubts from bubbling up.


Please take away these dark feelings of mine.

Help me realize that Your love spreads throughout the world.

Grant me, this doubtful and lacking believer, Your miracle.


Suddenly, startled by the sound of the door opening while praying with her eyes closed, Phoebe sprang to her feet.

“Holy Saintess, what are you doing here?”

“…I was just resting for a moment.”

Phoebe tried hard to appear calm, but her disheveled hair, clothes, and tear-streaked eyes couldn’t hide her state.

The church priest sensed something was off but didn’t pry further.

Instead, he merely inquired about the sword Phoebe was holding with a look of confusion.


“Are you really giving a present to someone like me?!”

Upon receiving the sword Phoebe had promised to give him, Karl took the blade with trembling hands.

He then stared at the sword with wide eyes, as if he had seen magic, before falling backward with it cradled in his arms.

The noise from his collapse echoed because there was nothing but bare ground beneath him, but Karl wore a blissful expression, savoring the happiness.

“What the heck?!”

“What’s wrong with Professor Karl?!”

“Could it be that he’s…”

“Hey, keep your voice down!”

Karl, can’t you see how this is affecting everyone around you?

Thanks to your shouting, the gossip about Lady Alrn will only get worse from here on!

Why is it that because you wanted to be nice to the guards, I have to suffer?

I kicked Karl in the thigh out of annoyance, but his face remained serene.

Is this what it feels like to have no pain at all?

So frustrating!

“Huh~ Want to be trampled by a pathetically cute girl? What kind of knight are you?! Ugh! Disgusting! Pervert! I honestly wish you would just drop dead!”

I hurled insults at him, wishing he would get up, but it fell on deaf ears with Karl lost in a euphoric haze.

Seriously, is this my most reliable knight?

I appreciate that you like me, but could you at least try to be a normal human being?

Sigh. He’ll eventually get up someday.

Until then, I’ll keep myself occupied with other things.

I actually have something to check on.

I initially wanted to verify something, but I got sidetracked by Cecil’s chatter.


[Field Study: Time for an Event!]

[Gain recognition from the Forest Master.]

[Reward: ???]

[On failure: A truly humiliating experience.]

Field studies happen regularly each semester.

They’re a sort of class to give students, who normally only engage in structured battles at the academy, a taste of real combat.

Rewards are based on grades, and each location has its own specific events so completing those yields additional bonuses.

The event for the first-year field study is simply the Forest Master.

The format involves having a battle with the Forest Master, whom you can’t meet unless you meet certain conditions.

There are substantial rewards, so for veterans, it’s a must-do event.

I was already planning on facing the Forest Master, and there are rewards involved!

Armadi, you’re truly great for continuously doing things that benefit me like this.

But I’m a little scared.

Since you never acted this way before, it makes me wonder what’s waiting for me down the line.

Especially what’s making me fearful: that truly humiliating failure.

What on earth is that?!

I don’t know why the word humiliating is included, and the emphasis on “truly” is perplexing.

Of course, there’s no way I’d fail the quest, but the mere possibility exists, doesn’t it?

If I somehow fail the quest, what will happen to me?

What kind of shame will I face?!

I can’t bear the thought of what a sadistic, mazo perverted god might consider humiliating!

Damn it!

I finally had some time to relax, and now this word just ruins everything!

You blasted pathetic god!

Ugh, I’m stressed out.

I want to smash something.

I want to torment someone.

I need a place to vent this stress!

While thinking this, I suddenly recalled the perfect target.


That guy messing around on the outskirts of Soul Academy.

The Apostle of the Evil God is something that should be exterminated!

I might not be ready to take him out just yet, but I should be able to have some fun at his expense!

Since it’s not long before the seals on the Evil Gods are nearly broken, he’ll likely be weaker now.

With Karl and Alsetin by my side, I could surely make him cry!

Imagining that he, who had toyed with my life before I was about to surrender, will end up in tears?

Ha! Oh my goodness!

Bring on the food!

Just imagining it makes my mouth water!

Arthur mentioned he comes out in the evening.

So, if I slowly make my move now…

“Hey, you pathetic little pup! How long are you going to keep ignoring your master’s words? Want to end up a stray?!”

“No, I don’t!”

Seeing Karl instantly spring into action at my snappy remark made me let out a helpless sigh.

If you’re getting up, shouldn’t you have done it sooner?

Are you trying to get kicked?

Are you seriously turning into a perverted sadist just like that pathetic god?! Huh?!

Gosh, if you were only a tad less competent, I would have abandoned you long ago.


“Thank you so much!”

Naklad chuckled as he watched the student from the academy bowing to him in gratitude as they left.


I should be the one thanking you.

This means little by little, the influence of Taliki is spreading throughout the academy.

After a previous plan failed, Naklad had felt despair.

What a ridiculous situation!

How could someone break into the dungeon he had set up in a remote place and conquer it?!

How is that even possible?!

In the midst of his failure and despair, one thought crossed Naklad’s mind.

The wretched Apostle of Armadi.

That devil must have received some useless revelation from Armadi to have pulled off such a feat.

Otherwise, it would be impossible!

Regardless of how the situation unfolded, the fact remained: Naklad had failed.

Because of his negligence, things went wrong with Taliki’s plans!

While Naklad felt overwhelmed with regret and wanted to atone with his own life, Taliki was merciful.

That being, who was all-powerful, provided Naklad with a new opportunity!

Moved by that generosity, Naklad devised a plan to redeem his failure.

It was this—the gradual infiltration of Taliki’s essence into the students of the academy.

They would be clueless.

The moment Naklad and they struck their deal, a contract was made, and the essence of Taliki seeped into their bodies.

The being he served, Taliki, is an Evil God.

Once his essence seeps in, it boasts an obscurity that even Armadi couldn’t detect.

Gradually, the evil god’s influence was spreading inside the academy, unbeknownst to anyone.


Another person has fallen.

If things go on like this, there will come a moment when the Evil God’s influence will be unfurled within the academy.

With that thought, Naklad smiled, but suddenly froze as he sensed a powerful energy he deeply loathed.

Oh, isn’t that the Apostle of Armadi?

How careless.

To visit this place in a time when darkness is set to engulf the world.

How foolish! Does the incapable Armadi not warn against threats?

Very well then. A delicious meal just walked right into my mouth, so why would I back off?

Time to savor this snack.

Apostle of Armadi, you shall pay the price for obstructing me!

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not work with dark mode