Switch Mode

Chapter 110

Chapter: 110

There was a minor commotion, but the preparations for the duel went on as normal.

If you were to ask who the strongest person in this Combat Studies class was, two names would pop up first.

Lucy Alrn of the Alrn family and Frey Kent of the Kent family.

In the duels held during class, the results were always overwhelming victories for Lucy.

No matter how fiercely Frey Kent attacked, everything was meaningless against Lucy Alrn’s shield.

Like a turtle hiding in its shell, Lucy would defend against all attacks and seize any opportunity to counterattack, causing Frey to inevitably fall.

Jakal felt both awe and jealousy watching the dynamics of their duels unfold.

Who was Frey Kent?

She possessed the most exceptional weapon among all the divine beings in this continent.

Jakal had previously participated in a tournament hosted by a noble, and after facing Frey Kent, he knew just how ridiculous her skills were.

At that time, Jakal couldn’t even land a single scratch on Frey.

No matter how he wielded his spear or what schemes he devised, it all meant nothing.

Before Frey Kent’s overwhelming speed, everything Jakal had was mere child’s play.

He should have been grateful to survive the storm of blades directed at him back then.

Back then, Jakal claimed he couldn’t win against Frey because he hadn’t put in enough effort, but deep down, it was different.

He had already surrendered within himself.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t win against Frey.

It was impossible to pierce that genius with a spear of his own.

He could only conclude that.

However, Jakal didn’t envy Frey.

How could one envy someone born with such extraordinary talent?

Frey Kent was destined to stand above others from the start.

A genius with unmatched talent that no one could rival.

Everyone said so, and thus Jakal thought the same.

But that wasn’t the case.

The belief that Frey stood atop the heavens was simply a conclusion drawn by people.

Lucy Alrn had effortlessly dragged her down from that lofty position.

Only recently had she been considered a disgrace of the Alrn family.

A girl who wreaked havoc both inside and outside high society, known for her antics, would’ve had her head long gone if not for the reputation of Benedict Alrn.

A girl who had once been taught by a teacher who spread rumors about her being an utter moron, now stood where she was.

The bothersome little brat who used to be out of breath halfway up the stairs to the second floor had just bested the most renowned genius of the continent.

At first, people labeled it as a fluke.

After all, didn’t it seem impossible for a troublemaker like Lucy Alrn to defeat Frey Kent?

It just didn’t make sense.

It must have been Frey’s carelessness.

Perhaps she wasn’t in peak condition.

Various rumors circulated, but Lucy Alrn once again validated her prowess.

Through overcoming Frey Kent yet again.

Unaware of the whispers surrounding her due to her lack of friends, Lucy didn’t know that people were beginning to acknowledge her skills.

There were those who wanted to witness the might of the Alrn bloodline.

Frey Kent and Lucy Alrn stood face to face, ready to start their bout.

It was likely that the outcome of their duel wouldn’t be different this time either.

Lucy Alrn would prove herself once more.

Reflecting on that, Jakal felt jealousy boiling up inside him, gritting his teeth.

Is it talent then?

In the end, is it just talent?

No matter how much I try, I can never win against Lucy Alrn, nor Frey Kent, nor Arthur Soladin?!

What’s the point of giving a speech as the representative of the freshmen?!

People don’t recognize my efforts!

They sing praises of Arthur Soladin and gossip about Lucy Alrn’s changes.

They only gasp at Frey Kent’s sword!

If only my brother were here, things could have been different!

Could I have run alongside those shining stars when they dashed by?

Could I, who have been robbed of talent by my older brother, ever soar as a cog in the machine?

I am.



Frey watched Lucy hoist her shield in front of her.

It was marked with many scars, as was her armor.

Though she put on a calm front, weariness was visible in her eyes.

Lucy wasn’t in a normal state.

It was clear.

Compared to current knights, Lucy wouldn’t lag in stamina, and yet she felt fatigued, suggesting something must have happened last night.

Normally, someone claiming to be a knight would consider their opponent’s state.

However, Frey didn’t care about that.

What mattered to her was cornering Lucy at all costs.

This would provoke more words to spill from Lucy’s mouth.

And then, she could feel that bubbling something plaguing her back.

Ideally, it would lead to a win.

Hmm? Could I manage if Lucy is in bad shape?

It was a perfect opportunity to press the advantage.

Alright. Let’s try to beat her today.

And then, I’ll make Lucy furious.

Then the next time, she’ll spit something even nastier.

A flawless plan.

Pleased with her own thoughts, Frey grabbed her sword with both hands.

“Are both sides ready?”



“Confirmed. Then we shall begin the duel.”

There were still no gaps to exploit.

Even in her exhausted state, Lucy was still Lucy.

She trained to fight even at the brink.

Frey hadn’t expected Lucy to show any weaknesses from the beginning.

To create cracks, one would need to strike that sturdy turtle shell countless times until it shattered.

With that mindset, Frey charged at Lucy without hesitation.

What was needed when facing Lucy was not brute strength.

It was speed and frequency.

Attacks that could disrupt her thoughts.

Creating pressure to unsettle the turtle hiding in its shell.

The moment Frey swung her sword, a shield closed in fast.

An accurate move, as if she could read Frey’s mind.

As expected of Lucy.

She knew exactly how to make Frey struggle the most.

With the clash, various thoughts revolved in Frey’s head.

How should I swing the sword this time?

Where should I aim?

What attack could fluster Lucy?

“Pathetic swordswoman♡ I guess you don’t know the meaning of improvement♡ Can’t even swing that trash sword properly! How foolish and stupid♡ Hehe!”

That laugh.

It pierced through all the noise in the duel arena, echoing in Frey’s ears.

Her heart raced as a grin crept onto her lips.

This time, I’ll crush Lucy.

And then I’ll see her sprawled on the floor, teary-eyed.

That’s a must.


“I feel like I’m going to die from exhaustion.”

[For someone who says that, you sure move well.]

“I can move my body, but tired is still tired.”

Since last night, I hadn’t stopped moving for even a moment.

Fatigue was piling up throughout my body.

I could almost imagine closing my eyes on the bed, sleeping through day and night without waking.

As a result, it had almost cost me dearly during the duel with Frey.

My mind had gone hazy at times.

If it hadn’t been for the skill that guided my shield, I would’ve lost to Frey.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t think twice about losing to her, but this was an exam.

Even if the evaluation was solely about the content of the duel, I couldn’t help but care.

I somehow managed to get through the duel exam, and today I could free myself from my schedule after just one more test.

To say it was a test would be generous.

For the Dungeon Studies exam, as long as we conquered the dungeon past the 30th floor this semester, we would automatically be awarded full marks on the midterm.

So there shouldn’t be a test waiting for me at the exam site.

Normally, I wouldn’t need to go there at all, but I had to because I needed to observe who was acting under Nakrad’s orders.

The moment the dungeon appeared during the midterm in the Soul Academy game was exactly when the Dungeon Studies exam took place.

As the exam was going on, a mysterious entrance to a dungeon would suddenly appear, and monsters would pop out.

It would later be revealed that a student under the Apostle of the Evil God wielded a magical tool, causing the sudden appearance of the dungeon in the academy.

Likely, during this Dungeon Studies exam, another student would also use a magical tool.

Originally, I had wiped out all the dungeons, so the Apostle shouldn’t have been able to do anything, but that scoundrel Nakrad used foul play and created a dungeon.

He must have given that student something to connect to the dungeon as a present.

The student would unknowingly use the magical tool as Nakrad commanded, but nothing would happen.

Because I had destroyed that dungeon.

Thinking back on it, it’s horrifying.

What would have happened if the mansion of Adri, which shouldn’t have existed by this time, had gone on a rampage, releasing monsters out into the world?

Even if the professors responded immediately, there would still have been significant damage.

Many students would be hurt,

Adri would be taken down,

And Bisi would surely have been sad.

I had to admit it was a good decision going to save Adri last night.

In times like this, I should be thanking the pathetic god.

Without him, I’d never know what choice I would have made.

Heh! Today, I’ll even call him Lord Armadi out of appreciation!

Is that not bad enough?

As I lost myself in thoughts to forget my exhaustion, I arrived at the place for the Dungeon Studies exam, where Joy was talking with other young ladies and spotted me, making her way over.

“Lady Alrn.”

Joy’s expression was as fierce as ever.

Even with a normal greeting, she was intimidating.

It wasn’t unusual for her to look displeased.

Knowing that, I still wondered why she seemed even more upset than usual.

“Yes, Joy.”

“What’s wrong, you clueless Young Lady?”

“What were you up to last night, sneaking out of the dorm?”


How did she know I wasn’t in the dorm yesterday?

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not work with dark mode