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Chapter 102

Chapter: 102

Avery chuckled as she went through several documents packed in a brown envelope.

“Right. Lucy Alrn. There’s no way you’re squeaky clean.”

The brown envelope she held contained various pieces of information obtained from an informant she accidentally came into contact with regarding Lucy Alrn.

Here’s what the documents revealed.

First, it noted that the current Combat Studies professor, Karl, is a knight from the Alrn family.

So, that’s why those two are always together! They were actually in a master-servant relationship from the get-go.

This was a violation of the Academy’s rules, so she could definitely raise a complaint.

But that wasn’t all.

The papers indicated that Lucy Alrn had dealings with underworld figures.

How scandalous for a noble lady from a knightly family to directly engage in transactions with filthy scum just to get what she wants!

This was a clear disgrace.

Not even bothering to put in a little effort, like going through a servant first?

She has absolutely no grace.

But then again, what would a barbarian know about learning grace?

The documents didn’t specify exactly what kind of deal she made with the underworld types, but that was no problem.

Isn’t it obvious?

It’s likely related to the corruption in her Soul Academy entrance exam or some underhanded bet against Prince Arthur.

Or it might even be something worse.

Additionally, the documents contained various rumors and doubts about Lucy Alrn.

Okay then.

At first, I was half-convinced when I saw this, but this informant turned out to be quite capable, despite being mostly black and gloomy.

At the bottom of the document, there was a note—presumably written by the informant—that read, “Do not officially antagonize anyone from the Alrn family.” But Avery ignored that with her eyes.

What on earth is this person so worried about?

There’s no way Lucy Alrn, who keeps digging her own grave every day, could cause me any harm!

Well, unless that crazy girl swings a fist at me, but if she doesn’t confront me, it doesn’t matter.

You don’t actually think that lunatic would come charging in to kill me, do you?

Avery stuffed the document back into the brown envelope, humming to herself as she left the room.

Her destination was the room where Joy was resting.

Recently, Lady Partan has been getting close to Lucy Alrn.

Because Lucy Alrn was her savior.

Who knows how it was in the past, but she’s probably not as terrible as you all think now.

Joy said that, but the other ladies didn’t buy it.

They were all former victims of Lucy Alrn’s insults back in the high society days.

That foul-tempered Lucy Alrn has turned over a new leaf? That’s impossible!

It would be more realistic to think she’s just learned the art of pretending.

Since Joy was her friend, they kept those thoughts to themselves, but most noble ladies thought that way.

Avery’s thoughts aligned with theirs.

Lady Partan just didn’t know the ugly truths hidden behind Lucy Alrn.

Once she learns that dirt, she’ll definitely change her mind.

So, after being humiliated by Lucy, she sought out an informant.

She was sure that Lucy was up to no good, so she asked for an investigation.

Her intuition was right.

Lucy Alrn was far from pure.

If she showed this to Lady Partan, that lady would surely reconsider her stance.

Once she realizes Lucy Alrn is nothing but trash who easily commits illegal acts, she would.

Knock knock. Avery knocked on the dormitory door and not long after, it creaked open.

Lady Partan was as graceful as ever.

Her refined demeanor was truly a model for noble ladies.

When Lady Partan saw Avery, she slightly furrowed her brow and spoke.

“Good day, Lady Rumley.”

“Good day, Lady Partan. What brings you here at such a late hour?”


Avery laid out her prepared words in front of Lady Partan.

She talked about the various scandals related to Lucy Alrn.

And about the events caused since her entrance to the Academy.

Finally, she shared the information she had gathered.

“Lucy Alrn is not as clean as you think.”

“Therefore, even if you feel grateful, getting too close is a bad idea.

“Please return to the original Lady Partan.”

Summarizing what Avery said turned out to be like this.

With her arms crossed, Joy listened to the explanation, and after Avery finished speaking, she sighed softly, closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them and asked in a voice lower than usual.

“Have you said everything you wanted to?”


“From the looks of it, you’ve said what you needed to. So allow me to return the favor. Please mind yourself, Lady Rumley.”

“What? Excuse me? What did you say?”

“I know you’re spreading various rumors about Lady Alrn. However, I’ve let it slide. I knew that Lady Alrn had made mistakes in the past. She hasn’t said a word either.”

“Lady Partan, what on earth do you mean?”

“However, I never expected you to investigate Lady Alrn and try to insult her.”

Avery couldn’t believe the situation she found herself in.

The azure eyes she expected to change based on her words were still looking down on her dismissively.

“Lady Rumley. If you pull such a stunt again, even if Lady Alrn stays silent, I won’t let you off.”



“Why are you defending Lady Alrn so much?”

Lady Partan had hardly known Lucy Alrn for a year.

In contrast, Avery had known her for what felt like a lifetime.

So why was she siding with Lucy?

Even if it was true that Lucy had saved her life, considering their time together, wouldn’t she at least be willing to listen to her words?

At Avery’s question, Lady Partan sighed and grabbed the doorknob.

“Lady Rumley, let me ask you one thing. If you’re really my friend, then why aren’t you listening to what I say?”

“Huh? Well, that’s… it’s because of Lady Alrn.”

“Again with Lady Alrn?”

Avery couldn’t respond to that question.

Lady Partan closed the door without hesitation, leaving Avery alone in the hallway.


Why is it only me?


In the game Soul Academy, exams weren’t regarded as particularly significant content.

The users typically treated the exam period as a time to boost their abilities or prepare for upcoming events based on how much they’d leveled up.

In truth, it was a reality that it was hard to even place any emphasis on the exam content.

Soul Academy was fundamentally a game focused on conquering dungeons and clearing various quests.

Achieving good grades was only a side objective.

That hasn’t changed much for me now.

What’s important to me isn’t the grades in the Academy, it’s what I can actually gain from it.

So, even when everyone was holed up in the library preparing for midterms, I didn’t set foot in there.

Even when Joy encouraged me to study together, I still didn’t go.

Sure, part of it was because I had no need to prepare for midterms, but if that were the only reason, I would have gone to study with Joy.

This is my youth with my favorite character!

If I can enjoy that, even the most boring and tedious studying would be bearable!

I turned Joy down with blood on my hands because I had something I needed to do first.

“Is there really a dungeon here?”


“Are you seriously doubting this incompetent informant?”

“But there’s nothing here, is there?”

A place in the forest outside of Academy Street. On the surface, it looked like there was nothing there.

But that was only the surface impression.

“Grandpa, what was the prayer of purification again?”

[Didn’t I tell you I’m not needed? ]

“Are you sulking?! Always nagging and so narrow-minded. You’re such an old man!”

[…My girl, are you not becoming increasingly tainted by the curse? ]

“Am I?”

I’m not entirely sure about that.

Though Grandpa was grumbling a bit, he soon willingly shared the prayer of purification.

Once I recited what he gave me, divine magic spread out, revealing the hidden entrance of the dungeon.

“See? It’s here, right?”

“Informant. Now you can see it clearly, even with your useless eyes, right?”

“…Yes, that is correct.”

“Why did you doubt the lady then? She is always right.”

“It must be so for a knight like you.”

I turned away from the bickering Karl and Alsetin to focus on the dungeon entrance.

According to the main story of Soul Academy, an incident occurs during the midterms.

The Apostle of the Evil God, who previously attacked the Academy, seduces one of the Academy’s students to incite terror from within.

And the dungeon near the Academy plays a role during that time.

The gloomy and brooding Naklad intends to rampage through that dungeon and link it to the Academy via the student he seduces.

The monsters there are too strong for the first-year Academy students to handle.

Professors from the Academy nearby would respond quickly, suppressing the rampage, but some students would still suffer during the chaos.

Furthermore, the monsters controlled by the Evil God will infiltrate the Academy and cause a series of incidents.

Interestingly enough, this event can be prevented depending on user actions.

You can simply eliminate the dungeon that Naklad intends to unleash!

It seems there’s a distance limit for the Apostle of the Evil God to connect dungeons, so if all the dungeons in the vicinity are cleared beforehand, the event won’t trigger.

Of course, the Apostle isn’t an idiot; he hides the locations of the dungeons he plans to use. But in front of a veteran, he stands helplessly.

Ah, I can’t wait to see Naklad’s face when all the dungeons he had his eye on vanish before him.

I want to see him shake in frustration as his plans go awry.

Wouldn’t it bring me joy to inform Naklad when he comes crashing in?

Just imagining it makes me happy.

To see that jerk’s face turn red from rage.

I want to see that soon.

“Hey, you two? Let’s hurry up and conquer the dungeon, shall we?”

“Two useless ones. I don’t want to find out who’s more useless, so let’s just get going.”

“No need to know that, my lady. I am way more useless.”

“Yeah, I think you’re the more useless one.”

Seeing Karl looking pleased about being called useless made my gaze turn icy.

This is my escort?

I’m grateful for their willingness to take the mocking from my Mesugaki skill, but shouldn’t they at least have some normal thought processes too?

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not work with dark mode