Switch Mode

Chapter 101

Chapter: 101

“Like I said, magical power is…”

As the class was going on, I glanced down at the crow’s seal hanging from my left hand and couldn’t help but smile.

How reassuring!

It’s like I now have an all-access pass to get information or items from the underworld at a much lower price than what I’d usually have to pay.

Sure, my original goal of grabbing that Burrow family necklace turned into trash, but I’m satisfied just having gotten this.

Though, I have to admit, Kurz Newman’s offhand remark did weigh a bit on my mind.

‘What about my son? Isn’t he quite the looker?’

At first, I had no idea what he meant.

I thought he was just a proud fool wanting to brag about his son, like Benedict.

So, I went along with it.

It’s true that Chester Newman is pretty cute, regardless of my likes or dislikes.

[Hey girl, do you understand what that guy just said? ]
‘Is he just trying to brag about his kid or something?’

[Oh dear, I figured as much.]

I only realized what Kurz Newman meant after the old man explained it later.

He said that when nobility speak, there’s always a hidden meaning.

That comment was actually him asking if I was fond of his son.

How should I have known that?!

I’m not from this fantasy world; I’m just your average modern girl!

Realizing that, I wanted to correct myself, but there was no chance to slip in a word before Kurz had me wrapped up like a snake in his conversation.

This darn old man! You were aiming for this from the start, weren’t you?

You must think you’re some doting father loving his son, but now you want to tie me to your bloodline?!

I thought you cared about your son!

Why would a loving father want to sell his kid to a Mesugaki?

Do you want to see your son being called a weakling? ♡ Pathetic ♡?

Don’t tell me you genuinely want a daughter-in-law that spouts such nonsense?!

What on earth do you see in me to pull this kind of stunt?!

Ugh! Kurz Newman, you sly perv!

A person’s heart can’t be so malicious without consequences, you know. Soon enough, your hairline will start receding!

Even your hair is scared off by your wicked heart!
You get that, right?!

What’s even more annoying is that shortly after, Kurz Newman showed no signs of any ulterior motives.

If only he had given me a moment to argue back, I could have pointed out some flaws. Instead, he went on like a cold businessman just discussing work, leaving me helpless.

‘Sure, I will give you the crow’s seal, but for now, let’s handle this through Alsetin. Our infrastructure is a bit lacking. We’ll send someone from our family there shortly.’

With those words stuck in my throat, I left the mansion feeling like a little kid who just lost a debate, replaying what I should’ve said back then.

Even now, it’s absurd to think about.

I should have just used my Mesugaki skill to provoke him.

“Lady Alrn?”

As I was quietly fuming inside, I heard someone call my name and looked up.

It was the professor of magic studies, staring right at me.

Why can’t he just give up?

No matter what trial or tribulation you throw at me, I have the grandpa backing me up!

Every time you ask a question, I give you the best answer possible, and yet you still doubt me.

You just don’t like me, do you? Right?

“Could you summarize what I just explained?”


[Not happening.]


Grandpa? Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?

We usually have a fantastic combo, don’t we? You’re like my perfect partner!

So, what’s up with this change of heart today?

‘What’s wrong with you?!’

[No matter how I think about it, I feel like I’ve indulged too much. Sometimes, you need a push off a cliff for your own good.]

What did I do wrong?!

Did I hear you nagging this morning?

I told you not to!

Or was it because I didn’t clean your weapon this morning?

It might be a little dirty, right?

Trapped in a corner, I asked for your help, promising to do better, but Grandpa remained silent.

“Lady Alrn?”

Grandpa! Lucy Alrn won’t forget this!

Just remember that!

What now?

There has to be a way to get through this crisis.

Desperately racking my brain, I remembered the feature that that pathetic god had given me yesterday.

The log!

Yes! If I use that feature, I could definitely figure out what the professor said!

Frantically pulling up the log window, I quickly scrolled through to find the professor’s remarks.

“What on earth are you doing?”

Got it!


‘Magic is…’

“Just like Professor Hag, magic is…”

Using quick thinking, I slipped out of the trap the magic professor had set and headed straight for the restroom at Soul Academy.

Why? Because I needed to get back at Grandpa.

If he wanted to give advice, he should’ve done so instead of pushing me off a cliff just when a trial came up.

If you shove a bird that doesn’t know how to spread its wings off a cliff, do you think it will fly?

It would probably fall and smash its head.

I managed to avoid a faceplant thanks to my wings, but had I not been able to? Oh boy, now that would have been embarrassing!

So this is revenge.

The one who tried to smash someone else’s head should be repaid in kind!

[Hey girl! You do realize this is all for you, right?!]

‘This is for you, Grandpa. You really need a shower sometime.’

[Isn’t it strange that the shower water is the same as toilet water?!]

What of it? There’s nothing in there.

It might even be cleaner than seawater!

You get that, right?

Just hold your breath and dive in!

Ah, but you don’t even need to breathe because you’re not alive, huh?

Perfect! As I imagined Grandpa soaking in the toilet, screams echoing in the background, I recalled our recent conversation.

Back when I was playing the game, the log feature was honestly useless.

It only told you what characters said, what items you picked up, or how much experience you gained.

Unless you were new to the game, as a veteran at Soul Academy, I had no reason to press that button.

Back when it was a game, I could control every variable at my fingertips, so why would I bother with the log?

Character dialogue?

I probably heard it dozens, hundreds, even thousands of times; hearing it again wouldn’t mean anything.

Knowing what someone would say afterward was no reason to replay the same dialogue in the first place.

But this world isn’t a game.

I can’t control every variable here.

In this world, that log feature held far more weight than I realized.

Take a quick look at how I managed to answer the professor’s question with ease just a moment ago.

It’s definitely a useful feature for me.

Sure, it can’t record every single detail due to scroll limitations, but even a day’s worth is enough!

Just skimming through what’s covered before the exam will be like an open-book test afterward!

I can essentially guarantee top marks without Grandpa’s help!

[You’re just blowing hot air, aren’t you?]

‘Hot air? Well, if you wanna think that, go ahead.’

[What? What have you gained from this, huh? ]

‘Well! I…’

Suddenly, in the middle of my conversation with Grandpa, the restroom door swung open.

The girl who had casually walked in while chatting with her friend froze in place as our eyes met, and only after about two seconds did she realize the reality of the situation.

“Oh. I, uh, sorry!”

After dragging her friend’s hand and fleeing, footsteps faded away, and I sighed, wiping my face.

[Oh, hey girl?]

‘Shut it, Grandpa.’


What kind of strange rumors will circulate this time?


“Lately, people are spreading weird rumors about Lady Alrn. This time, they said that she was breaking the toilet with her mace in the restroom.”

Having such ridiculous rumors swirling around about me isn’t new, but this one crossed the line. I could only remain silent as I watched Joy get outraged.

While it had some distortion, it wasn’t entirely wrong.

Those girls probably didn’t think I was torturing a toilet!

“I was so mad hearing that from other young ladies.”

‘…Joy, I’m fine.’

“Dummy Young Lady. You worried about me? Haha. If someone saw that, they might think you’re not so much of a dummy anymore.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

After Joy worried for me, she rolled her eyes, which made me tease her for being too uptight, and she turned her head away.

Watching her, I realized how much closer we’ve become since the beginning.

At this point, being friends wouldn’t be weird, right?

I’m so happy to be friends with my favorite character!

Every time I see her like this, it feels like a reward for all the hardships I’ve faced so far.

Ah, what if she comes to me for dating advice one day?

Would I have to grit my teeth for Joy’s happy future?

As I contemplated this, I finally understood how concerned Benedict had been about getting himself a girlfriend.

Of course, there’s a huge difference between what Benedict and I face.

I’m nearly zero percent likely to end up dating, but for Joy, it’s a whole different story!

Ugh, should I prepare myself for that?

“Speaking of which, ah! By the way, Lady Alrn. Lady Kent. Are you preparing for the midterms?”

It seems Joy thought that if we continued on this path, we’d keep teasing her.

Desperate, she hurriedly changed the subject.

While her intentions were clear, I decided to play along.

‘Of course!’

“Who are you worried about? The dummy Young Lady who lost to me in the entrance exam?”

“This time will be different!”


Joy, while I’ll admit you’re smart, do you really think you can outsmart me while I’m legally cheating?

I’m invincible! The log feature is my secret weapon!

The log copies the scores for me!

Feeling confident, I puffed out my chest when a tiny voice piped up from beside me.

“I’ve left it to fate.”

Freya said that with the same expressionless face as always, as if she were delivering absurd news.

Coming from a person who once aimed for special admission into the Academy, she really shouldn’t be saying that.

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not work with dark mode