Switch Mode

Chapter 100

Chapter: 100


If I were to describe my first experience with teleportation, I’d say I’d rather ride in a carriage.

Sure, it takes longer and is uncomfortable, but at least the motion sickness is bearable.

Now that my body has gotten a bit tougher, it wasn’t as torturous as before.

Teleportation is on a different level!

It’s more like a torture method, compressing a month’s worth of carriage travel discomfort into an instant. Great for proving to others what I had for lunch today.

This is less of a travel method and more of a torture device.

After recalling those memories from when I first entered university, I decided right then and there that I would never use teleportation again.

I would rather take my time with the carriage, or if that’s also too much trouble, I might as well walk.

I do NOT want to go through this horrific experience again.

[But hey, young lady. You’ll have to use that magic to return too, right?]

Gramps, pick up on the hints!

I’m trying hard to deny reality, and here you are throwing that out there!

“Are you alright, Young Lady?”

‘Yes, how about you?’

“Yeah. How’s that supposed loser doing?”

“This level is nothing!”

Looking at Karl, who laughed as if it were no big deal, I felt how incredibly strong he really was.

I’m envious.

Will I ever be able to endure such pain if I keep training?

‘Knights are amazing.’

“Is it because your head is made of muscle that you’re holding up so well? Impressive.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Getting my act together, I followed Alsetin as he guided me towards the Newman family’s residence.

“Welcome, Lady Alrn.”

When I arrived at the front of the estate, one of the Newmans’ butlers greeted me as if he’d been waiting.

Wasn’t this the guy who was impersonating Kurz Newman?

“Please come in. The Master is waiting for you.”

‘Alright, got it.’

“Got it, gloomy butler.”

I just wanted to hurry inside and sit down.

No matter how tough the training gets, I’ve never thought it was this hard.

Once I’m back at the dorm, I’m collapsing straight into bed and closing my eyes.

I’m really looking forward to a good night’s sleep after a long time.

“Before that, may I have your weapon and shield?”

‘No way.’

“Gloomy butler. What do you want with my weapon? Just thinking about it is so unpleasant!”

I wouldn’t mind giving it up if I felt safe here.

But I don’t entirely trust this place yet; I’m not letting go of my mace and shield.

Not a chance!

“Don’t worry. We’re just trying to make things less cumbersome.”

“I said no, didn’t I? ♡ What are you planning with my weapon? You’re just going to smell bad doing that! ♡”

The butler’s eyebrows slightly lowered at my remark.

So he’s human after all.

No one can keep their expression perfectly managed all the time.

Seriously, why does he want to take my weapon away?

Don’t think about snatching Gramps from me, you smelly old man.

I’m really not into BL or NTR, you know?

What if something unexpected happens and Gramps isn’t here, and I end up dead? Who’s taking responsibility, huh?



Just as the butler was about to say something more, Kurz Newman appeared from behind.

“Lady Alrn. I’ll guide you myself.”

‘Yes, I’m counting on you.’

“Let’s do it, you pathetic lord.”

I slipped past the bowing butler and headed deeper into the estate.

As Kurz led me, he explained the process of acquiring the healing potion.

He said that just as I suggested that day, a miraculous elixir for recovery was indeed there.

At first, he was skeptical, but after consulting an emotional advisor, he realized it was genuine.

“It was truly amazing. You must surely be blessed by the gods, Lady Alrn.”

There was an unusual excitement in Kurz’s voice as he spoke.

Is he that happy about being able to heal his son?

This guy really is a doting father too. I wonder how he’d match up in a ‘father of the year’ contest against Benedict?

Probably not well, considering that guys like Benedict need a much harsher title than ‘dad of the year.’

“If I were to nitpick, you wouldn’t have needed to summon Lady, but just in case, I thought I’d mention it. The swearing was vague, and I didn’t want it to cause any trouble for you, Lady Alrn.”

Kurz said he was worried about me, but that’s most likely a lie.

This dude doesn’t care about anyone outside of his bloodline.

He definitely must be getting some benefit from this.

Just thinking about it, one advantage could be dumping Agra’s curse onto me.

Sure, there are benefits for me too, but I can’t help but wonder.

What is it that Kurz is really after?

“This is the room. Please enter.”

The door opened, revealing a boy lying on the bed.

His long, untrimmed black hair hung over his shoulders like he hadn’t seen the sun in ages, resulting in his skin becoming paler.

For a boy, he was incredibly small too.

Chester Newman.

Usually, I wouldn’t mind any character in Soul Academy, but this one is an exception.

I dislike Chester.

Why? Because this little punk is a freaking brat.

In the earlier days…

Back when Soul Academy was just released, Chester was an unknown character.

Unless I performed Agra’s curse on him before the second year started, he’d just die silently, without a sound.

I was the first to discover that Chester Newman could become an NPC in the academy.

At that time, I was so absorbed in the game that I was literally losing my life to it. I stumbled upon the conditions for him to enter the academy.

Excited about uncovering a hidden element that others didn’t know about, I immediately set out to strategize against Chester Newman.

And then I discovered the shocking twist.

This little brat wasn’t just a girl dressed as a boy; he was a legit brat!

I can’t even express how shocked I was back then.

His illustrations were nice, his personality was good, and his specs were solid. I thought he was a beloved character, just not as dear as Joy. And then BAM, I was deceived.

I was so upset that despite him being a good character, I didn’t even touch him after completing the achievement.

He still looks cute in reality, but it’s not like it’s his fault he looks feminine; I’m just bitter from being betrayed once.

“Father, who is this?”

“This is Lady Lucy Alrn of the Alrn family. She’s here to cure your illness.”

“Is that so?”

Chester lifted his head weakly, echoing resignation in his smile.

He really doesn’t believe he can get better, does he?

Seeing that makes me feel a bit sorry for him.

I handed Chester the potion I received from Kurz Newman on the way here.

“What’s this?”

‘Drink it.’

“Drink it? If even that useless weakling can handle that, sure!”

“Is this really the healing potion? Haha. No way would this heal me…”

‘Can you tell me after you drink it?’

“Shut up and just drink it. Why’s the useless one talking so much?”

Even though he was getting healing offered, why was he so chatty?

Should I maybe provoke him, just to shove it down his throat?

I was thinking of doing that when thankfully, I didn’t have to use my Mesugaki skill.

He opened the potion and gulped it down.

Even though it wasn’t a lot, he struggled a bit, but he managed to finish the potion.

“See? Nothing changes… huh?”

Just as Chester Newman squinted at me, a few message windows popped up in front of me.

The first one wasn’t from that pathetic god.

[Agra is glaring at you.]

Like this is any surprise.

Of course, you’re gonna look.

I’m just imagining how I can make him tremble every time I step into a dungeon.

If my god is indeed pathetic, then you’re just petty. Petty, petty evil god.

Then, the next message was from Armadi.

How is it that the so-called god here is slower to react than an evil god?

This makes absolutely no sense.

You’re just sitting there looking at me, thinking about how to torment me.

You might be more useless than the evil god, but at least show some diligence!

I have a lot to say, but if I trash talk any further, who knows what that guy will do?

That’s not a thought for now.

I checked the message from Armadi with caution.

[Armadi is watching you with delight.]

Right? Aren’t I doing great?

I’ve served that nasty opponent a nice slap in the face!

So, gimme something good! Something good!

[The functionality of Ruel’s mace opens up.]

[Divine attributes are infused into the mace. This feature increases as the user’s divinity strengthens.]

Divine bonus damage?!

Wow! This is seriously amazing!

I mean, normally you’d have to hit level 60 for the special feature of Ruel’s mace to activate, and it’s opening up for me now?!

Awesome. I was struggling with lack of damage, and this solves that problem!

If I can infuse divinity into Ruel’s mace, not only will my base damage increase, but I’ll also gain an edge against the evil gods and related foes I’ll be facing going forward.

Naklad, just wait!

Once I train enough, I’m coming to smash that head of yours!

Apostle of an evil god? With just a mace carrying divinity, you’ll be absolutely helpless!

Just that was already satisfying, but there were still more message windows.

Wow! Why is Armadi so generous all of a sudden?

Is there even any profit to be had here?

This god has lost it!

Barkeep! Pour me a shot!

[Log function is now active.]


Is it that log that talks about the lost data?

But if that’s the case, it doesn’t make sense to be opening the function.

Then what’s left is—

No way.

I activated the log function like pulling up a quest window.

Before me, a blue window appeared.

It displayed all the conversations I had with Chester and the messages sent by Armadi and Agra until just now.

Ah, this log.

I thought Armadi was showering me with rewards, but it looks like he’s carefully adjusting it instead.

I mean, too much goodness would just spoil me, right?

He has quite the insight.

I really should be happy just for the divine bonus damage, but why is my mood so awkward?

I’d rather you just don’t give me anything… no, that’s not it.

It’s nothing at all.

When I lowered the log window, I saw Chester getting up from the bed, curiously looking around his own body.

“Hey, Chester. How does it feel? Are you okay?”

“… It’s amazing. My body feels oddly light.”

“Oooh. Oh my god!”

Watching Kurz embrace his son made me realize even aristocrats from the cold underworld have their fatherly moments.

In the past, I would’ve envied that sight, but I have someone who would do the same for me now.

For now, I’ll just step back and let these two have a heartfelt conversation.

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not work with dark mode