Switch Mode

Chapter 96

Chapter: 96

As soon as the real Kurze Newman stepped into the store, the puppy of the Newman family backed off.

The person who was just a moment ago boiling with rage now wore an astonished expression, making me involuntarily admire the sight.

So this is what a backworlder is like.

If it hadn’t been for the Mesugaki skill, I definitely would have seen right through that.

But the Mesugaki skill didn’t allow for any slip-ups.

I always had to act all haughty, rude, and arrogant.

Kurze Newman approached with his legs crossed, furrowing his brow, and politely bowed his head.

“Lady Alrn, to think you would see through this old man’s little trick. Truly, one could see you’re of the Alrn bloodline.”

‘It’s nothing much. Thank you for the compliment.’

“Did you really think I wouldn’t realize this? For someone so pathetic, it sounds like you can only think pathetically.”

As soon as ‘thank you’ slipped into the dialogue, it got completely mangled.

It doesn’t mean much to me now.

Having been through this too many times, I simply thought, “Ah, this guy is throwing another fit.”

Grandpa said that if trouble arises from provoking, it might actually work out better, so there’s no problem here.

Oh Mesugaki skill! Let’s see some real work today!

Isn’t it fun to see that relaxed uncle’s face turn beet red with anger?

…Nah, maybe that’s not such a good idea.

Let’s keep it moderate.

If he really starts to use all sorts of nasty tricks to screw me over, it’ll be troublesome.

“I apologize. This old man has a bit of a playful nature.”

Despite the insults, Kurze Newman relaxed and smiled as he walked to the spot where the original puppy of the Newman family had sat and took his seat.

Then he pulled out a jewelry box from his pocket and opened the lid.

What lay inside was undoubtedly a necklace from the Burrow family.

The issue is whether it’s real or fake.

Given that it’s Kurze Newman, it wouldn’t be surprising if he prepared a fake and tried to engage in psychological warfare.

Come on emotional skill, do your thing!

You haven’t been useful until now; shouldn’t you do something at least once?

[Unknown Necklace]
[A necklace with various jewels embedded in it.]

Sorry, I haven’t helped you level up much.

I should have been analyzing all sorts of things from the beginning to grow your skill, but I was too absorbed in building up my combat skills and forgot about you.

I’ll pay more attention to you from now on.

At least you did well this time.

On the surface, it might seem like the emotional skill did nothing, but it actually did its job.

Usually, a fancy-looking necklace would be described as expensive or rare when analyzed.

But look.

The emotional skill didn’t add any descriptors like expensive or rare to that necklace.

Instead, it conveyed that its true nature was unknown.

This is as good as proof that there’s a story behind that necklace.

Even if Kurze Newman replicated me, he likely wouldn’t grasp what’s hidden within.

That necklace is definitely the genuine article.

“Before we start negotiations, let me show you this item. This is what Lady Alrn desires.”

‘That’s right.’

“Seems you don’t engage in deception in this regard. I suspected you might be too gloomy.”

Upon hearing me nod, Kurze Newman raised an eyebrow slightly.

That was a minuscule change hard to notice, but his usual composure made it too easy to see his nervousness.

“Thank you for your trust. If it’s not too much trouble, may I see the item I desire?”

In response to Kurze Newman’s question, I took off the cross around my neck and handed it to him.

The necklace that proves Agra’s curse has been lifted.

At first glance, it looks like a plain cross, but inside is the sanctity and blessing of Armadi.

Since it’s an item given after verification at the church, it couldn’t be a fake.

While it may not attract much attention among ordinary people, Kurze Newman would be different.

So, a person searching for someone to lift Agra’s curse definitely wouldn’t miss it.

My thoughts quickly turned to certainty.

“I confirm. This is indeed a genuine item given by the church.”

Grandpa, you’re a huge comfort!

So all I need to do is get what I came for?

There’s plenty of things I’ve thought up.

Kurze Newman, a person with significant power in the underground world.
If I demand something from him, I should be able to get just about anything.

A while back, Grandpa advised me to think up things to extract, and I’ve been pondering it a long time.
I doubt there’s been a time where Lucy had such deep thoughts since my first life.

However, the more I think about it, the more vague my desires seem.

I have no changing equipment.
The things Grandpa gave me are ones I have to keep until the very end.
I just got a new shield recently, so there’s no point in changing that either.
And the armor was a gift from Possell, so I definitely don’t want to change it.

So what else could I ask for?

It would be possible to extract some sort of secret from the Newman family, but they’re just skills that don’t hold any meaning for me.
The only things I’ve got are skills related to thieves or something like that.
It wouldn’t be any use for me to have such skills since I’m always up front getting hit.

I’ve thought about plenty of other things, but each time it remains unclear what decent rewards might be available.

There are items I could try getting that wouldn’t be too shabby, but it feels meager to threaten the Newman family for them.

In pondering how to maximize efficiency, I reached this conclusion:
If it’s unclear to demand each one, just ask for everything at once!

So I could ask for that item which could only be obtained after completing all quests related to the Newman family in the game.
The Crow’s Seal. A mark given only to those who truly deserve it within the Newman family.
A resource that grants access to the web owned by the Newman family anytime.

I want to get that in my hands.

I don’t expect Kurze to nod readily when I demand that from him.

But what then? Kurze Newman.
You who were busy running around to save your son can’t possibly withstand the countdown of his life ticking down.

Let’s negotiate.
If it doesn’t go well, I can just ask for some reasonable items, right?

As I donned the necklace Kurze Newman handed back to me, I smiled.
In return, he smiled back.

‘Shall we begin negotiations?’
“Alright then, oh lord of the pathetic Newman family. Let’s begin our conversation.”


Incredibly exceptional, beyond my imagination.
That was the thought that came to Kurze Newman when he first faced Lucy Alrn.

Sending a substitute before meeting someone for the first time was a common practice for Kurze Newman,
as checking the perceptiveness of the other party was crucial in the underground dealings.

However, Lucy Alrn broke through his trick far too easily.
Despite never having met Kurze Newman in her lifetime, she immediately saw through the façade the moment she laid eyes on the stand-in.

At this point, Kurze felt it could happen.
Lucy Alrn probably had some kind of information network to rely on.

He suspected she might have heard about Kurze’s little jests.
But then came the twist.

Lucy Alrn assuredly confirmed that the necklace Kurze Newman produced from his possession was genuine.
From afar, she claimed it to be undoubtedly genuine.

What a ridiculous situation.
He had thought she would consider the possibility of it being a replica, but it was clear she excluded that possibility entirely.

Was that just bravado?
No, it wasn’t bravado.
If it had been, she would’ve at least pretended to verify something.

Lucy Alrn, still far from adulthood, had an eye for detail that was impressive.

Being intelligent enough to secure the first ranking in the Soul Academy entrance exam.
Possessing the strength to crush Frey Kent head-on.
Even her skills in conquering dungeons could easily outclass seasoned adventurers.
And to top it off, she had better perceptiveness than ordinary underground dwellers?

That just doesn’t add up.
Does Lucy Alrn have some favor from the gods?

Well, that doesn’t seem too odd.
Before a year ago, she was labeled a disgrace to the Alrn family; her rise to this level could only be seen as divine favor.
As Kurze Newman chewed over that idea, he admired but simultaneously found his faith in her growing.

The necklace she had shown just moments ago was real.
She had indeed lifted Agra’s curse before.
She was already someone with the Evil God as an enemy.

How could such a young, arrogant brat ever procure a method to break Agra’s curse?
He must have reasoned that she was genuinely favored by the divine.

What doubts and struggles she might have faced, Kurze didn’t know.
But it didn’t matter.
For him, what mattered was that there was a high possibility she held the means.

“You’ve already made your desires clear, so I will state what I want.”

What do you seek, you arrogant little brat?
You who doesn’t seem likely to receive divine favor yet claims it anyway.
Are you seeking weapons? Jewels? Magic?

I wonder how aware you are of your own value.
“I want the Crow’s Seal.”

What came from her mouth was beyond Kurze’s imagination.
The Crow’s Seal.
Ha! How do you know about that?
He thought that was something only attainable by those within the Newman family.
So how could she, with her impressive information network, learn about it?
Or is her god revealing it to her?

He didn’t know. He wasn’t sure. But it fostered trust.
Incredibly, he felt Lucy actually was extraordinary.
That haughtiness seemed like a credit to her talents.

Alright, alright. I like this.
You suggested negotiating, didn’t you?
Let’s negotiate, indeed.

But this negotiation wouldn’t be aimed at reducing rewards.
Normally it would, but it’s different for you.
Lucy Alrn, born with overwhelming talent in a prestigious knight family.
I see in you the light of a raw gem. You will soon reign over the continent.
A brilliant star shining bright in the sky, influencing the world.
A genius like you, filled with arrogance, won’t settle for just being another guardian of a kingdom like Benedict Alrn.

Should I be well-connected with you at that time, there’s no doubt it would lead to tremendous benefits for myself.
So in this negotiation, I’ll give you the Crow’s Seal.
However, instead, I will also toss you the connection with the Newman family.

“Oh? The Crow’s Seal, is it?”
Let the negotiations begin.

“Exactly, oh lord of the trash family. You still look young, but it seems your hearing is already going. Look at that widening forehead; age must be catching up quickly. So unfortunate.”

I feel like I’m going to faint having to keep up with this damn tone.

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not work with dark mode