Switch Mode

Chapter 90

Chapter: 90

My affinity level was over 70.

I saw that message, closed my eyes, opened them again, wiped my face, and looked once more.

But no matter how many times I looked, the message was still the same.

Seriously?! Joy’s affinity has surpassed 70?!

It was something I never expected, and somehow it felt like the biggest reward of all.

My favorite character actually likes me!

What could possibly be bigger than this?

Of course, her liking me is more like seeing me as a benefactor rather than just a friend, but who cares!

Friendship isn’t something you can force; it happens naturally!

Just seeing that one message made me feel like I had earned enough reward for nearly dying moments ago.

If I can win over Joy’s heart, then a little hole in my body is nothing! Hell yeah!

With the newfound assurance that I could laugh off whatever came next, I smiled and checked the next message.

[You successfully endured against the Apostle of the Evil God!]

[Reward: Complete recovery of your physical condition.]

So that’s why my body was fine!

You useless god, at least you can maintain your toys, huh?

But if you can do that, why not just keep them from breaking in the first place?

Why break them only to fix them?

Are you truly a sadist who enjoys watching things crumble?

If that’s the case, then you really are one nasty piece of work.

Sadistic perverted god.

But today, since I’m in a good mood, I’ll trust you’re not that way.

I mean, what kind of god would clap their hands with glee watching a girl bleed?

As those thoughts crossed my mind, I glanced at the next message.

Once again, it was a message from the useless god.

[You have successfully repelled the Apostle of the Evil God!]

[This is an achievement you cannot currently attain!]

[The skill that had the greatest contribution during this process will be enhanced!]

…Wait a second.


Stop it!

Why are you enhancing this?!


No, Armedi!

What are you trying to do?!

I clenched my teeth as I repelled your enemy!

You said it was an unattainable achievement!

So why aren’t you giving me a proper reward instead of trying to mess with me?!

I couldn’t even bear to look down at what would come next; it was just too scary.

But what could I do? The results were already in.

Still, since the sword wasn’t being called a useless sword but just useless, maybe the penalty was lightened?

Yeah. Let’s think positively.

Even though I’ve been betrayed every time I thought positively so far, this might be different!

Please, please, Armedi.

Don’t gift any more tribulations to your toy.

As I prayed that inwardly while looking down, the next message appeared.

[Reward: Decrease in the penalty of the Mesugaki skill.]

I still buried my head in the blanket.


Thank you so much, Armedi!

This distrustful god who constantly insulted and threatened you still shows mercy to a believer like me!

Until now, I’ve doubted your will, but not anymore!

Looking at this moment makes me realize you’ve dealt me so many trials until now!

Ah, Armen.

I swear to attend church regularly from now on and pray!

I’ll donate too.

I’ll take everyone around me to church!

Karl? Frey? Visi?

Just say the word!

I’ll turn them into your devoted believers in a heartbeat!


With a beaming smile, I read through the last message.

Ah. What could it be this time?

Based on my past experiences, it’s probably time for something outrageous to pop up.

It’s always the trend to have my mood soar to the heavens only to smack down to the ground.

But this time, it won’t be like that.

My mood is soaring so high right now, it’s broken through the atmosphere and is shot into space!

Can anything bring me crashing back down?!

[A new quest has been generated!]

[Claim the highest position!]

[Achieve first place in the Academy’s midterm exam!]

[Reward: Unlock inventory feature.]

[If failed: ???]

I was expecting something outrageous, but when I read the message, I was puzzled by the absence of any traps.

What is this?

Isn’t this surprisingly mundane?

Useless god, aren’t you just itching to get cursed out?

Are you not enjoying all the swearing coming from my mouth?

So why are you behaving yourself this time?

I mean, I’m grateful but…

I’m really thankful, but…

When someone who usually acts out suddenly starts being nice, it gets a little unsettling, you know?

What’s coming next is anyone’s guess.

I never expected to say this, but honestly, it would’ve been better if you tossed some outrageous stuff my way.

That way, I could peacefully think about how to twist my body while cursing Armedi.

But now, I have to worry about what outrageous thing is waiting for me around the corner.

Damn it.

What’s going on?

What is it?

Something related to the main story?

Well, I already considered that, so it shouldn’t matter.

Even if it worsens from there, I can handle it.

How about something related to human relationships?

I already have a quest that asks me to make two people with over 70 affinity, so what more could come from that?

Even if someone else gets added, if it’s Arthur or Phoebe, it’s not a problem at all.

Maybe it’s about reputation?

But that’s pushing it.

If you’re asking me for my reputation within the Academy, I’ll just throw in the towel.

If it involves some other sort of reputation, I might be able to navigate that…

While I was worrying, a whole new set of worries rose up.

If I had been leveling up my character behind the monitor, I could have tackled all of this, but right now, that’s not an option.

Okay. Let’s stop worrying for no reason and focus on what I need to do right now.

Even if I run into some outrageous stuff later, I can think of a way to deal with it then.

It’s better to spend time preparing so that I’ll be ready for anything that happens.

Alright. First off, let’s work on leveling up and skill proficiency.


Phoebe, who often heard that her eyes shone like moonlight, stared at the mace placed right in front of her.

According to Johan, who worked in the Alrn territory, this mace once belonged to the holy knight Ruel, one of the heroes who saved the world long ago.

Ruel’s mace.

An item that disappeared the moment the holy knight Ruel vanished from the world.

For the last two hundred years, countless people searched for it but never even saw a glimpse of it.

Many scammers proudly proclaimed their fake maces as Ruel’s only to lose their heads.

According to Johan’s report, Lady Alrn received a divine revelation and managed to find this item.

Before today, Phoebe hadn’t really paid much attention to him.

No matter how grand the history might be, it’s just an object.

If the divine led someone to this object, it must mean they had something to accomplish with it.

There was no reason to envy someone just because a holy item came into their possession.

That’s what Phoebe had thought.

However, as of late, small doubts have started to sprout in Phoebe’s mind.

Feelings she had never experienced throughout her life began to stir restlessly in her chest.

Why was it that only Lady Alrn was spoken to by the divine?

Why was she being acknowledged?

Why was there such care extended toward her?

Up until recently, Phoebe had denied the existence of the divine, so why bestow such a gift on Lady Alrn and continue to share her light?



Lost in such thoughts, Phoebe widened her eyes, shook her head, and clasped her hands before her heart.

To repent for her darkened thoughts.

Before she even learned the meaning of the term “worldly affairs,” Phoebe became a member of the Church as foretold by prophecy.

There were no problems during that process.

After all, she had no ties to parents or anyone else.

The only payment the church made to take Phoebe in was a single silver coin to the orphanage.

Since then, she had grown up in the church as a saintess.

It wouldn’t have been a difficult task for anyone else, but for Phoebe, it was nothing too burdensome.

The education she had to receive as a saintess.

All the various things she had to endure.

All the many tasks she had to do.

None of it felt particularly strenuous to Phoebe.

Thus, she thought, “Ah, this is why the divine chose me as a saintess.”

Her only lament was that she had never heard the voice of the divine.

While Armedi doesn’t assign a saint to his service, it doesn’t mean he never speaks at all.

Just looking at the higher-ups in the church, many of them have received revelations from Armedi and taken this path.

But Phoebe had never once heard the voice of the divine.

Even being called a saintess.

Despite being considered someone who receives the love of the divine.

Even as someone who spreads the divine’s love throughout the world.

Not once.

But until now, Phoebe hadn’t been impatient.

She thought the divine must have some intention; eventually, he would speak to her.

Lately, however, she started to harbor some doubts.

What if the divine no longer loves me?

What if he is too busy lavishing his love on others to notice me?

When that doubt surged, a certain figure popped up in Phoebe’s mind.

That figure’s mace in hand.

The necklace enchanted with the divine blessing.

That confident, irritating smile.

The voice mocking her while looking down, saying:

“Phoebe, what’s wrong with you? This isn’t the way to repent.”

Phoebe inhaled deeply, as if chastising herself.

“Armedi, please bestow a revelation upon me.

Guide this wavering lamb.

Help me to shake off this confusion.”

As she continued to pray, a sound echoed from the door opening.

Walking into the church was no other than—

“Hello, useless saintess.”

The very face Phoebe had just been fervently thinking about.

She forced a smile as she looked at him.

“Lady Alrn.”


After the incident in the alley with the stranger, Joy had made one firm resolution.

She couldn’t just stop here. If she became shackled by her past, she would surely live forever indebted to Lady Alrn.

That couldn’t happen.

Lady Alrn always throws herself into hardship.

In order to repay her kindness, she needed to break free from the past and be someone who could stand beside Lady Alrn when she faced hardships.

“Lady Alrn.”

That’s why Joy came to find Lucy.

Excuse me, but I need to earn one more favor.

And through her, repay that favor.

“What’s up? You clueless noble?”

“Please help me become stronger!”

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not work with dark mode