Switch Mode

Chapter 77

Chapter: 77

Is this my second time facing off against the Minotaur?

The first match ended in my utter defeat.

Honestly, calling it a match would be too generous.

It was one-sided brutality.

One punch from the Minotaur shattered my shield, and the next attack crushed my will, leaving me trembling in fear before death.

But what about now?

Back then, I was just a level 1 potato, but now I’m a seasoned veteran with maxed-out proficiency.

Overall stats have skyrocketed, and I’ve even mastered holy magic.

Let’s not even get into the combat experience.

Plus, I’ve just gone through all my current doping, making this a total joke compared to when I overcame Ruel’s trial.

If this were a game, I wouldn’t have a worry in the world.

Having once taken down a Minotaur with a level 1 character, I could toy with it now given these specs.

But is this reality really messing with my head?

Or is it just because of that last humiliating loss?

My mind was a complete jumble.

[You alright?]

‘What do you mean?’

[You must be scared since you’ve lost once.]

‘Thinking about that makes me angry, you old man. Want to witness a potato go nuts after a long time?’


With just one comment, the old man zipped it.

I was trying to avoid bringing it up, and then he opens the floodgates!

That’s your karma, old man! I’m still holding onto that grudge!

Anyway, just because things turned out well after dunking the potato doesn’t mean I’m all over it yet.


It’s true; I’m terrified.

I’m not some strong protagonist from a story.

Even when I first downed the elixir, if I hadn’t had skills, I wouldn’t have dared touch a second one because of the fear of pain.

It was the same when I started training.

My skills moved me forward; without them, I would’ve given up ages ago.

It was the same when I faced my first Orc.

If it weren’t for overcoming fear, could I have calmly handled that? I highly doubt it.

And it’s not really any different now.

Facing that monster still scares me.

Moving like a madman is exhausting.

But I can do this.

Because I have skills.

Really, players getting possessed by games trust in their skills and press forward, right?

I’m just like them.

I believe that overcoming fear will erase my dread.

I trust that my unyielding will won’t let me give up.

I believe my shield will block the Minotaur’s attacks.

And so, I take a step forward.

“I’m going in.”

“Follow me, poor prince.”

I leave the alley and stand before the Minotaur.

Its massive figure.

Its blood-red eyes.

Breath so hot it feels like it could scorch my skin.

I see the axe that could split me in half.

Taking a deep breath, I raise my shield.

“Hello there, you ugly, stinky, dumb brute!”

As the Minotaur’s eyes find me, I tightened my grip on my mace.

“Why are you looking at me like that, you pathetic pile of junk? Do you want me to help you enjoy a little torture? Hah! Don’t worry; I’ll tenderize you with my mace!”

With the confidence granted by my Mesugaki skills, the Minotaur bellowed and charged at me.

Damn! For such a big one, it’s deceptively fast.

But still.

I can handle this.


I deflected the Minotaur’s axe with my shield.

The clash of metal ringing as we grind against each other makes it sound like a wrestling match.

It’s tough. Really tough.

My hand holding the shield feels like it could splinter, my arm, my shoulder—

But hey, dumbass, don’t you know?

I haven’t even buffed up yet!

‘The deity sends their apostle to the earth…’

I recite a prayer in my mind.

One of the special skills of a Holy Knight.

Magic created to protect the people of the divine.

Adding to my health.

Boosting my strength.

Strengthening both body and mind.

Instilling a firm will.

The holy magic I can use, even Johan the Bishop wouldn’t dare scoff at.

It was enough to narrow the gap between the Minotaur and me.

It was Arthur who broke the stalemate between the Minotaur and me.

As a spellcaster, he unleashed wind magic that struck the Minotaur in the face.

Taking advantage, I swung my mace toward its thigh.

The Minotaur’s tough skin and firm muscles didn’t matter.

With the level difference between us, no matter how high its defense, my True Demise hits home!

And as I slammed down my mace—


I felt a delicious rush.

Was it the unexpected pain that made it angry?

The Minotaur stumbled back, glaring at Arthur as if he was the source of its suffering.

Hey! Where are you looking?

There’s a cute girl wanting to bean you right here!

It’s downright pathetic to take your eyes off me like that!

Are you possibly a female?

You’re far too grotesque for that.

Hmm. Ah! You might be a male of an unusual species?

Now that makes sense for you to turn your gaze away from me.

But I won’t let that happen!

I’m a tank!

“Look over here, you dumb beast!”

“Are you scared to break my shield? Of course you are! With your pathetic axe, it’s simply impossible!”

Look at me boasting while I mock you.

“Coward! Useless! Idiot!”

Right on!

Look at me, you stupid mini-Mino.

Your enemy is me.

The irrational Minotaur charges at me to crush me.

I block the Minotaur’s axe strikes with my shield.

I don’t have time to attack back.

Even though my buffs have narrowed the physical gap, the Minotaur still reigns supreme.

If even one of its desperate attacks lands, I’ll be done for.

So, I wait.

Holding my shield. Like an alligator waiting underwater.

Waiting for my opponent to tread into my territory.

The Minotaur’s vitality is impressive.

Among all monsters, it ranks among the toughest.

However, being tough doesn’t mean it’s infinite.

It’s still a living creature, not some incorporeal ghost without a body, nor an undead that feels no fatigue.

Eventually, a gap will open up.

And the same goes for me, right? I dunno.

As I held on, the Minotaur prepared for a massive strike.

Twisting its waist.

Pulling its arms back.

Trying to showcase how many muscles it has beneath its hide.

That hit is dangerous.

I can’t block; I’ll have to dodge or evade, warns my shield.

The old man tells me to charge in and disrupt its attack.

I know he’s right.

After all, how much grueling training have I gone through to ignore that advice?

But my body, exhausted from fending off the Minotaur’s blows, just won’t obey my will.

The only option left for me is to block its attack with my shield.

As the Minotaur’s sweeping blow connects with my shield, my body is lifted off the ground.

Ah, this feels oddly familiar?

As that silly thought passed, my body slammed against the wall.

Damn. That hurt like hell.

I coughed up dirt from hitting the ground, trying to get up while grabbing my trembling legs.

Then I saw the Minotaur charging at me, looking to smash me flat without pause.

Right now in this state, I can’t withstand that attack.

Raising my shield would only result in it shattering.

Knowing that, I still kept calm thanks to overcoming fear.

The mercy of Armadi.

Even if I hate that the name belongs to the useless, pathetic, perverted trash god, the skill is undeniably solid.

The moment I activated it, my body returned to its optimal state, and I blocked the Minotaur’s attack without a hitch.

And I could see the Minotaur flinch in response.

Ha ha. What’s wrong? Thought you had won?

Too bad for you!

Hey, dumbass! Want to hear something fun?

I can still use this mercy of Armadi at least ten more times!

Knowing that my potions mean I can do even more!

So, let’s see how this plays out.

Who’s actually got the endurance here; you, this measly, overgrown beast?

Or me, as an iron-willed saint?

“Come at me, you dumb brute!”


Lucy Alrn stood firm. Even with her shield crushed.

Even with her armor broken.

Even with blood trickling down her face.

Even with her hair, usually tied in twos, a complete mess.

Even as she screamed in pain from countless attacks, she wouldn’t fall.

Standing tall, she blocked the Minotaur’s path, wearing that annoyingly smug grin.

What about the Minotaur, though?

The unimaginable foe we never thought we could defeat?

Its hands had lost the strength to wield its axe.

After taking so many hits, its legs often wobbled, struggling just to remain standing.

It no longer had the strength to maintain its relentless assault.

Perhaps due to its pride as a monster, it held on, but that was its limit.

The overwhelming terror it once displayed had vanished.

And the moment Lucy Alrn swung her mace, the last shred of its pride shattered.

The Minotaur’s legs crumbled, and it sank to its knees.

The showdown between an overwhelming monster and a girl, contrary to every expectation, started and reached an entirely opposite conclusion.

Looking down was Lucy Alrn, and gazing up in fear, as if seeing a true monster, was the Minotaur.

Could this be Alrn blood flowing through her veins?

Is she, the girl from the family that birthed countless heroes?

It wasn’t merely talent.

Carrying extraordinary prowess and another instrument beyond that, she must have turned into such a monster!

Hah. I can hardly believe I’m starting to respect her.

If someone told me a week ago I would think this, I would’ve questioned their sanity.

Lucy Alrn lifted her mace high before the Minotaur.

And with that downward swing, the Minotaur’s horn fell to the ground.

“Let’s move. Poor Prince.”

Wiping the blood off her face, Lucy Alrn smiled at me, looking more reliable than ever.


[That was close.]

‘Yeah, it was.’

Facing the Minotaur wasn’t exactly comfort zone material.

Really, it was disgusting how tough that thing was.

That dumb beast.

To put it plainly, I could hold out somewhat.

I had several holy magics, Armadi’s mercy, and other skills available.

But the problem was with dealing damage.

No matter how much I struck with my True Demise, it barely accounted for 5% of my attack power.

Against this Minotaur, famous for its endurance, it seemed futile, like last time with the specters.

Had Arthur not created openings or struck at its weak spots with magic, it would have been a tough battle.

Well, regardless, at least we won, and I’ve leveled up.

That’s enough, right?

– Ding!

While I thought that and stepped into the safe zone, a message window appeared as if waiting for me.

Having been spooked by Agra once before, I jerked my head toward the message window in panic.

[Quest Complete!]

Thank goodness this time it’s from that damn, useless, incompetent, perverted trash god.

That useless god, who can’t even stop Agra’s curse, shows up to mess with me again!

Ugh. I’m seriously annoyed.

[Stope’s Special Ticket has been granted.]

Well, they at least gave a proper reward.

After all, if they didn’t, they’d just be a scam artist and not a deity. Right?

Alright, hurry up and give it to me. I’ll stash it in my pocket and take a break.


[Confirmation that you’ve successfully repelled Agra’s influence has been made.]


[Bonus reward granted.]

What’s going on?

Why is this useless god suddenly acting weird?

This isn’t like him at all?!

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not work with dark mode