Switch Mode

Chapter 45

Chapter: 45


With a scream, I jolted awake, sitting up straight.

Panicking, I scanned my surroundings and sighed in relief, realizing I was in the accommodation.

After witnessing that idiot getting schooled by the alchemist yesterday, I ended up dreaming about being chased by him.

I thought I was fine, but it seems that almost dying at his hands was etched into my mind like a trauma.

I wiped the cold sweat gathering on my forehead with my hand and looked up.

Before me floated a spear I had meticulously gathered, and another spear I was seeing for the first time today.

[Please enroll in the Academy]

[Get baptized at the Lord’s Church]

What’s this about getting baptized at the Lord’s Church again?

[You have been chosen as an apostle of Armadi. By receiving baptism at the church, you will prove your authority and simultaneously etch Armadi’s blessing upon you.]

[Reward: One of Armadi’s powers.]

Aha. So that’s what this is about.

It’s related to that shabby deal I made with the Sloppy Lord yesterday.

Ever since I was rescued from the dungeon, not a peep from him no matter how much I called, and now he decides to pressure me like this?

Seriously, that Sloppy Lord is filled with a sense of being chosen.

Can’t he just casually chat instead of pestering me like this?

While grumbling about the Sloppy Lord’s actions, my racing heart began to calm down.

Because honestly, the Sloppy Lord’s silly antics annoyed me more than the nightmare that just threatened me.

Not that he intended to help, but it was somewhat beneficial.

I got up and called for the maid outside.

“Did you sleep well, Lady Lucy?”


“Did you think I slept well?”

“… I’m sorry.”

The maid, trembling at my words, fumbled around and bowed so low that her forehead almost touched the ground in a polite apology.

What’s up with her?

It’s just the usual greeting.

When has Lucy ever answered with anything like that?

[You think she’s worried because you’re on edge due to yesterday’s events?]

The old man, who had been silent until now, suddenly chimed in.

‘Why’s that?’

[She probably thinks she was rude for asking if you slept well when you had a nightmare.]

Ah, I see. Asking someone who just had a bad dream if they slept well is indeed rude.

‘But how do you know I had a nightmare?’

[You screamed loud enough for the room to shake; how could I not know?]

So my scream when I jolted awake was pretty loud, huh?

‘It’s fine, so lift your head.’

“Listen up, Sloppy Maid. Just this once, I’ll let you off the hook, so lift your head.”

“Thank you so much, Lady!”

The maid exclaimed joyfully, lifting her head.

Her pale complexion seemed to say she thought she had committed a huge mistake.

But honestly, I wasn’t very concerned about it.

‘More importantly…’

“More importantly, Sloppy Maid, did anyone contact me while I was sleeping?”

“There was one. The Academy requested your visit. They probably want to discuss yesterday’s incident.”

Oh, really? Well, that’s good timing.

I had been planning to go anyway.

I was originally thinking to hit the Lord’s Church first and then head to Soul Academy, but I’ll have to switch up the order now.

Since I was rescued from the dungeon, I had made one determination.

I need to get stronger.

To the point where I can handle things on my own, no matter what happens.

Having declared myself an apostle of Armadi, Agra is definitely going to use even more varied means to target my life than now.

Therefore, to avoid a pointless death, I needed the strength to overcome whatever trials lie ahead of me.

I need to gather whatever I can use immediately.

I have to do everything I can before I get into danger.

To survive.


“Sloppy Maid. Where’s that Sloppy Lord?”

“If you’re talking about the sword, it’s waiting outside.”

Maybe it’s because I constantly call the sword sloppy.

Even though I just said “sloppy,” the maid understood perfectly.

If this goes on, maybe there will come a day when she understands the true meaning of my words?

I have no clue when that will be, but I hope that day will come.

Then I can always have her by my side to interpret what I say.

‘Has everything already been prepared? Good. Let’s head out.’

“Is that Sloppy Lord like a dog that doesn’t know what to do when it’s away from its master? Whatever, good deal. Let’s head out as soon as we’re ready.”

I need to go raid the Academy.


Having been rescued from the dungeon yesterday, I was immediately taken by priests for various examinations.

To check if I was cursed. To see if I had any injuries. To find out if I had any mental issues.

I knew this was all done for my safety, but considering how exhausted I was from surviving in the dungeon, those tests were truly grueling.

By halfway through, I was practically in a daze.

By the time I was declared without any issues and left the church, the sun was already setting.

I gazed at the sunset-painted sky and immediately returned to the accommodation, burying my head in the pillow.

Then I woke up this morning from a nightmare and screamed like a girl.

I wonder if Joy and Jacob have come to their senses by now?

They were so dazed when they were rescued from the dungeon that they were sent to a different location.

The church’s priests would definitely take care of them, but I still couldn’t help worrying.

What if something happened because of that hit I delivered when I knocked them out?

At the time, I thought it was the best decision, but looking back now, it seems like I might have overdone it.

I knocked them out with a huge shield, after all.

If this weren’t a fantasy world, that would count as attempted murder.

Ugh. I’ll have to check on their condition when I go for my baptism later.

I hope there are no issues.

As I continued to think about all this while walking, I found myself at the front gate of Soul Academy before I knew it.

Soul Academy was bustling with activity.

Academy professors and priests were gathered, discussing something.

They were probably deliberating about yesterday’s events.

Since it’s been revealed that Agra can interfere with the Academy’s dungeon, they’re probably trying to find ways to prepare for it.

Such hard work they have.

If they’re going to do it, they better prepare well.

Once I enroll in this school, such incidents will happen time and again, and I can’t have them making a fuss every time.

“Good day, Lady Allen.”

As I was about to pass through the entrance of Soul Academy, a guard standing next to me blocked my path.

“Did you come to give a statement about the situation?”

I had expected this, but did they really call me to ask about what happened in the dungeon yesterday?

Since it’s the first time Agra’s curse has affected the artificial dungeon of Soul Academy, they must be wanting information.

I was willing to answer their questions as much as possible.

The sooner they set up countermeasures, the safer I’d be while living at the Academy.

“You should head to Professor Luca’s laboratory on the second floor of Building 3.”


“Sloppy guard. Want to repeat that?”

“It’s Professor Luca’s laboratory, Lady Allen.”

Forget it.

That cooperation I was considering? Cancelled.

If it were a normal person, I’d probably just cooperate obediently, but I don’t want to be close to that psycho.

That madman seemed to take a liking to me yesterday, you know.

What would happen if I told him about the things that went on inside?

I’d definitely be under his watch from then on.

It’s the same situation as last time with the incident involving Karl.

Given these circumstances, I have no choice.

Plans have changed.

‘Sorry, but I didn’t come to cooperate.’

“Sorry, but I don’t intend to cooperate with this shabby Academy, you know?”

“Then why are you here?”

‘I’m here to complain.’

“I’m here to complain! Almost got killed because of your lousy Academy, you really think I’m just going to sit around quietly?”

As I forced a smile, the guard looked taken aback and stepped back.

I gave a friendly smile, yet I have no clue why he reacted like that.

‘So, can you step aside?’

“Can you just disappear from my sight? Seeing your bulky self brings back bad memories from yesterday.”

The guard made no further attempts to stop me and cleared a path.

I suppose my notoriety as Lucy had its perks.

Thus, having entered Soul Academy, I walked straight toward the largest building in the center without a moment’s hesitation.

“Lady Lucy, may I inquire where you are headed?”

‘To the principal’s office.’

“I’m going to meet the principal, who is just as shabby as this Academy.”

As I mentioned before, I am determined to work hard to become stronger than I am now.

However, there are ultimately limits to this effort.

I have been pushing my body to its limits to pass the Academy’s tests so far.

Even if I torment myself more than this, I cannot become stronger any faster.

Because Posel said that if you cross today’s line, you’ll only harm your body.

But you see…

This limit is only a physical one.

If I train something other than the body, I won’t have any problems.

Fortunately, I have found something to train.

By becoming Armadi’s apostle through the contract with him yesterday, I gained access to several useful divine spells that exist within the church.

I’m talking about divine spells that don’t require complicated calculations like other spells—just asking the god for help, and the magic devours mana and miracles happen!

While my body recovers, I can build my proficiency in divine spells, and while my magic regains momentum, I can train my body.

What a wonderfully efficient and beautiful cycle this is.

At this point, you might be wondering why I came to the Academy if I’m going to learn divine spells.

There’s a reason for that, too.

It’s true that divine magic is very different from other types of magic, but it’s still magic nonetheless.

Every time it’s used, it consumes mana.

Naturally, if I have less mana, the efficiency of training drops.

And right now, the amount of mana I possess is so pitiful, it would run out after using Armadi’s mercy three times.

I’d bet that if I started training under these conditions, I’d collapse before even thirty minutes passed.

And the solution to this issue exists at the Academy.

‘The Well of Mana.’

One of the essential skills in Soul Academy that boosts your maximum mana, recovery rate, and the growth speed of your mana!

Originally, this passive skill is obtained only after enrolling in the Academy and completing various quests assigned by the principal, but this isn’t a game; it’s reality.

If I negotiate with the principal, I’ll be able to snag the skill without going through that annoying quest.

I really hope the principal will cooperate with me.

Otherwise, I’ll have to dig into her weaknesses.

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not work with dark mode