Switch Mode

Chapter 43

Chapter: 43

I brought my mace crashing down once again onto the twisted face of the witch sprawled on the floor, producing an awkward squelch.

As I was brushing off the residue from my mace, Joy and Jacob, who had been some distance away, approached me.

“Are you okay?”

Of course!

“You silly noble. Do you really think I would fall to such a pathetic creature?”

“But you’re hurt.”

It’s hard to say that I’m absolutely fine.

Sure, I’ve mastered the witch’s patterns perfectly, but there’s definitely a gap in our specs.

But it’s fine.

This much is nothing to me.

Honestly, I might have gotten hurt worse when I sparred with Porcel.

I flashed a grin towards Joy, who was looking at me with worry.

I’m fine!

“I’m not weak enough to stress over your pitiful concerns. Silly noble.”

“…Ha. Alright. Mischievous noble lady.”

Although it felt like she was implying I was annoying for worrying, I supposed it was just my imagination.

I led the two of them further inside.

Just a few minutes later, we spotted a white statue that didn’t quite belong next to the laboratory, standing in the very middle of the pathway.

It’s the symbol of the Safe Zone.

“So this is the Safe Zone.”

“Does that mean we just have to wait for rescue here?”


“Right. Let’s wait for the slowpoke rescue team from that lousy academy.”

I set my shield and mace down and leaned against the wall.

Since I was in charge of this party, I believed that if I appeared relaxed first, the other two would feel at ease as well.

At first, Joy and Jacob seemed to be pondering whether they could take a break, but soon they decided that recovering their stamina was more important than their tension, and they leaned against the wall just like me.

Ugh. It’s been a while since we entered this dungeon, so why is the rescue taking so long?

I want to escape this gloomy place as soon as possible.

Hey, girl.


I jumped slightly at the old man’s voice calling me.

Ever since I fell into this dungeon, the old man only called me when something bad was about to happen.

Knowing we were guaranteed safety now that we reached the Safe Zone, there was no need for me to worry.

But I couldn’t relax too much, as today had already been filled with so much chaos.

There’s something watching this place from outside.

Watching us?

At the old man’s words, I turned my gaze to see an Argos standing beyond the boundaries of the Safe Zone.

That’s bizarre.

Argos are sentinels. They don’t just stand around; they constantly patrol assigned areas to detect intruders.

So why is one just standing there watching us?

As I mulled over this, another Argos wandered in from afar and took its place next to the first.

Seeing him made me hastily grip my mace and shield and rise to my feet.

This is a variable.

A variable that did not exist in the game.



I’m fine!…

“What are you worrying about? Can’t you see those idiots can’t get in? It’s fine.”

Despite knowing that this situation wasn’t normal, I still had to say it was okay.

If I didn’t, the fear that had settled in their hearts would escalate and turn into panic.

Even as we were keeping an eye on our surroundings, the number of monsters surrounding the Safe Zone continued to increase.

One became two, two became four. Before I knew it, the Argos were densely packed around the Safe Zone.

Escape was impossible.

We were mice trapped in a cage.

Yet we were still safe.

Because we remained inside the Safe Zone.

Because we are staying in a place they can’t invade.

But why do I feel so uneasy?

Since entering this world, I’ve never seen my ominous instincts prove wrong, so I chewed on my lips and scanned my surroundings.

Get ready. Something is coming.

Before long, I could pick up on something massive approaching through the herd of Argos.

A tattered and faded gray rag, with decaying skin showing through the rips.

Tentacles dragging along, and a grotesque staff supporting that massive body.

A nefarious aura wafting around it, and red eyes glimmering beneath a veil covering its face.

The moment I laid eyes on it, my initial thought was simply, disgusting.

I felt nauseous.

Just gazing into those eyes was enough to make me feel ill.

Something that shouldn’t exist was right before my eyes.

Something whose right to stay in this world seemed questionable was standing there.

Hey, girl.

I have to run. To where?

Where do I run to?

Get a grip!

But the Argos were surrounding the place—where would I even escape to?

That’s impossible. Then in order to flee…



My fear inhibitor kicked in, bringing me back to reality.

Are you okay?!

Sort of.

So this is what the ‘alchemist’ passive skill entails! Mental corruption is that dangerous?!

In the game, a simple mental skill could get me through!


I turned my head at the sound of retching from behind me.

Jacob, grasping his neck with both hands, and Joy, collapsed on the floor, struggled to keep their stomachs down.

Damn it. This sucks.

Unlike me, these two without mental skills couldn’t withstand the mental corruption of the alchemist.

If I leave them like this, they’re going to end up losing their lives by their own hands.

Knock them out.


Better to faint than go crazy and die.

The old man was right.

Once my judgment was settled, I swung my shield and knocked Jacob out cold.

Just one solid hit to make sure he stays down.

After that, I slugged Joy on the back of the head to put her to sleep, and then I faced forward.

You throw yourself at something mad enough to leap into the void? For a hazardous thing like that, why is it here?

That’s because it’s the boss of this dungeon!

The alchemist.

A being who devoted itself to breaking taboos to satisfy its own obsession.

Though sealed away for its sins, it was chosen as the master of this dungeon by Agra.

Why on earth had that insane creature gotten out of its confines?

Surely, there’s no one among us three that could be a worthy test subject in the eyes of that being.

As the alchemist casually approached the edge of the Safe Zone, it looked down at me, leisurely moving its lips.

“Remarkable. To not go mad at the sight of me.”

Each movement of its lips released a foul stench, stirring my mind.

Damn it.

I want to shove this mace right into that ugly mouth.

“How fascinating. You haven’t reached that level yet, have you? You truly are the apostle of Armadi.”


That useless god who gives nothing yet draws in all kinds of attention is pulling stunts again!

Damn it! I always sensed Argos appearing every time I used Armadi’s grace.

The alchemist laughed at my gloomy look as I frowned.

That laughter was as vile as a worm crawling on my skin.

“Test subject.”

The alchemist pointed with fingers lined with wrinkles.

“If you step out of line, I won’t touch the two pathetic creatures behind you.”

“Is it because you’re a rotting piece of garbage? Your words stink just like your breath!

You might as well just throw a knuckle sandwich at me, you lunatic.

I might be influenced by this Mesugaki, but my sanity is just fine!

You think I’m gonna believe a lunatic who’ll twist honesty through alchemy?

As I openly provoked it, the alchemist’s eyes flared with rage.

Mad. Terrifyingly so.

But what’s it gonna do when it gets angry?

You can’t even step inside the Safe Zone!

“I see you have faith in Armadi, but you’re oblivious to one thing. This laboratory may be a dungeon, but it’s also not much different from one’s flesh.”

The alchemist raised its arm to clench a fist, a moment later, the narrow corridor morphed into a vast wilderness.

Dungeon manipulation.

One of the patterns used when this monster shows up as a boss.

What on earth does it intend to do?

This doesn’t change the fact that we’re in the Safe Zone.

As if answering my confusion, the alchemist’s clenched fist unfurled, bringing the corridor back to its original size, and just like that, I—not just I, but all three of us were thrown into the midst of the Argos.

…What the hell?

Girl! Roll forward!

“If you don’t want to come out, then consider your evictions done.”

Hearing that bloody scream from within, I tried to move, but it was far too late.

I felt the weight press down on my shoulders.

“Don’t think that powers are a guaranteed solution.”

And then, something seeped through, crawling over my shoulder.

I had neither time to think nor space to resist.

In a moment, my mind turned blank, and my body lurched forward.

I slammed my face into the stone floor, but I felt no pain.

Like I was paralyzed, I could barely move even a finger.

“You were supposed to be the one I took, leaving the other two as beast fodder, but that plan has changed. It’s only fitting to show the future to a child who enjoys rebelling.”

The sound of the alchemist dragging its foot echoed around me.

As soon as I heard it, I used Armadi’s grace on myself.

I was practically on my last leg, trying to raise my skill level till now.

And yes, that included the skill levels of Armadi’s grace.

Though I hadn’t yet reached the stage of lifting Agra’s curse…

Put in other words, it means that unless you are on a divine level, anyone else can be granted skills.

I snatched up my mace the moment I regained control of my state and charged at the alchemist.

In this battle, I understood that I had no chance of winning.

I know that I can’t face the alchemist in my current state.

Yet, I still charged forward.

To buy some time.

And holding out hope for a miracle.

Hoping a hand of salvation would reach out to me.

Yet, faster than a miracle would happen, tentacles shot out from beneath the alchemist’s ragged cloak.

The tentacles struck my abdomen with uncontrollable speed, hurling my body against an Argos that formed a wall, crashing down onto the floor.

Just then, a wave of pain penetrated through my armor, making me retch, as slithering things captured my wrists and ankles.

I struggled to break free, but escape was impossible.

The alchemist’s tentacles were just too durable.

“Such a stubborn child.”

Its ancient hands grasped my neck.

With those decaying arms, I couldn’t comprehend where that strength was coming from; even a slight squeeze of its grip left me gasping for breath.

“I like the determined sorts. They hold a certain charm beyond the ordinary, you see.”

I could feel the oxygen fading away.

My head was growing blank.

I couldn’t even feel the fear of death creeping upon me.

“How should I break your spirit?”

Damn it. This damn incompetent god Armadi.

You peeping Tom, you perverted son of a bitch!

Then help me out.

Save the human graciously blessed by you before they bite the dust.

This mess is because of you anyway.

Take responsibility!

Are you honestly not going to intervene because the dungeon is under Agra’s domain?

If that’s the case, just go to hell!

You pathetic god should just kill yourself while apologizing to all those faithful souls that perished because of your incompetence!


[Need help?]

Amidst my fading consciousness, that message appeared before my eyes, prompting a hollow laugh to escape me.

What the hell.

Why are you only showing up now?

Armadi, are you just a masochistic pervert getting off when I’m berated?

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not work with dark mode