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Chapter 35

Chapter: 35

The great hero Ruel’s exploits didn’t end when it came time for the history exam.

As a noble and a paladin who had undergone long years of training, he displayed exceptional wisdom even in subjects like math and language arts.

Thanks to that, I was able to navigate the academic obstacles with the grace of the magnificent Ruel until it came time for those two exams.

However, unfortunately, that grace did not extend to the academic study of magic.

As a paladin, while Ruel was used to divine miracles, he was somewhat clumsy when it came to human miracles.

So, regarding magic, I decided to place my faith instead in the grace of the Dice God.

Is it really okay to help such a kid do well on the exam?

The old man murmured with skepticism as he watched me roll my pen, but I ignored him.

After the magic exam, the last thing blocking my path was the Dungeon Studies exam.

For this exam, neither the old man’s help nor the Dice God’s assistance was needed.

I didn’t need any help.

I, more than anyone, was the person who knew the dungeons of Soul Academy like the back of my hand.

Where could there be someone who understood dungeons better than me, who had cleared every dungeon in this world by various bizarre means!

From my perspective, the questions on the entrance exam were so easy that anyone who had been around the Soul Academy for a while could answer them.

Hey, kid. Is that really right? It seems quite different from what I know.

“Don’t judge me with outdated thoughts from a hundred years ago! This is the most efficient method, I tell you!”

Is this how kids do it these days? Is the world changing so quickly, or am I just falling behind?

Using the knowledge in my head, I breezed through the problems and submitted the exam paper before slipping out of the examination room.

I was off to have a meal.

The cafeteria of Soul Academy, designed for the daughters of nobles, proudly boasts excellent quality.

However, that food isn’t provided for free.

After all, the cafeteria operates for the noble kids, and they generally have plenty of financial freedom. No one can’t afford the prices here.

Commoner students, however, are different.

Even if they receive scholarships by putting their future on the line, they don’t have much money they can use personally.

For them, dining at the cafeteria is a lavish affair, so they carry packed lunches.

If there happens to be a commoner today who didn’t bring a packed lunch, that kid will probably have to go hungry all day.

Sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, I looked around at the scenery I had only seen through the monitor and shifted my gaze back to the menu.

What should I eat today?

As much as I’d love to shout, “Give me everything from top to bottom!” my stomach isn’t that big.

Just yesterday at Tierra Mars, I was so stuffed at the end that I could barely breathe.

Knowing I could only manage to eat one item at most, I was cautious in my selection.

How long are you planning to ponder over this?

“Just wait a bit. I’m making the most important decision of my life!”

Just grab anything. Once it enters your mouth, isn’t it all the same?

“It’s the same? Not at all!”

How can steak made from tender veal and steak made from salmon delivered directly from its habitat via teleportation be the same!

Their names may both be steak, but the gap between land and sea is simply too vast!

Fine, fine. Do as you please, whether you agonize over it or not.

“Yeah, I was gonna do that anyway!”

But by the way, it seems your guest is coming?

A guest?

Is someone seriously going to come and talk to me when everyone in the academy avoids me like the plague?

Upon hearing the old man’s words, I lifted my head and saw Joy striding toward me.

Her graceful yet confident walk captivated the attention of those around her, yet at the same time, made it impossible for anyone to approach her.

To get close and disturb that poise would surely result in being pierced by those sharp eyes.

“Lady Allen.”

As soon as Joy arrived in front of me, she called my name with an icy voice.

What’s this? Why is she here?

Did she come to talk about what happened yesterday?

Suppressing my racing heart, I awaited her words.

“Did you do well on the exam?”

“Yes. Sort of.”

“Is there really a need to ask that? It’s obvious, isn’t it, Lady Allen? You aced it.”

Ah, once again she’s gone and called me that obnoxious nickname.

Damn it.

Perhaps I should sew my mouth shut with a needle.

Joy bit her lip upon hearing my taunt and crossed her arms, her voice tinged with even more frost.

“You’re so confident. Then you must certainly be able to win our bet, right?”

She must be referring to the bet about that pesky nickname, ‘Obnoxious Lady.’

If the question is whether I can win that wager, I would shake my head.

While Joy may stumble over important parts like ‘Obnoxious Lady’, she fundamentally possesses outstanding abilities.

Whenever we took exams, she always ranked within the top 10, and her combat skills are evaluated as A to S grade among Soul Academy’s characters.

Given my current specs, I may slightly outperform her in practical performance, but there’s no doubt the written exam would show an overwhelming gap, making it a formidable task to beat her.

But you know…

Even if I lose the bet, would that annoying little brat really start calling me something other than ‘Obnoxious Lady’?

She’s not the type to just patiently acquiesce to a request.

No matter what title I mention, she’ll surely call me ‘Obnoxious Lady’ anyway.

What should I do then?

Ugh, I don’t know. This isn’t a problem that can be solved by worrying.

Whatever will be will be.

“Last night, while returning home, I thought about our bet, and it seems this wager is structured in a way that only I lose.”

Ah, isn’t that right? I have nothing to lose since Joy stands to lose something.

But even though it favors me, it was you who suggested this bet, right? Obnoxious Lady.

“That’s unfair! So you must agree to a penalty if you lose the bet.”

“What kind of penalty?”

“What will it be?”

“If I win the bet, I will call you ‘Rambunctious Lady’!”

Rambunctious Lady.

That title really does suit Lucy well.

But isn’t that a title everyone already uses secretly?

Seriously, Joy could just call me that right to my face.

“Do as you please.”

“Go ahead, Obnoxious Lady.”

From my position, that doesn’t sound like a loss at all, so I nodded, and Joy gave a bloodthirsty smile as if she were about to kill someone.

“Oh, so much confidence! Rambunctious Lady! But that too shall end after today!”

As she finished her statement, the dignified figure of Joy departed, leaving me staring at her back when the old man chuckled and remarked.

I think I understand why the blessing refers to that child as Obnoxious Lady.


Once you get past the bias of looks and voice, there’s no better fitting title than that!


Once the meal was over, it was finally time for the much-anticipated practical exam.

The first practical exam was a sparring match.

In this exam, two candidates designated by the academy engage in combat in front of the interviewers, and what’s important here isn’t about winning or losing.

It’s simply not fair to evaluate candidates with such diverse backgrounds based solely on victory or defeat.

What’s crucial in sparring is not the immediate strength but the talent that resides within the candidate.

To what degree will that talent bloom through the education of Soul Academy?

That’s the only thing the interviewers will be focused on, as the sword told me.

Hearing that, I felt immense relief.

How could someone like me, recognized for my talent by everyone in the Allen family knight order, receive a low evaluation from the interviewers?

Donned in armor that I could now wear on my own, I restored Ruel’s mace to its original size.

Finally, after grabbing my shield, I exited the room and headed toward the sparring arena.

Everyone in the sparring arena bore familiar faces.

The interviewers were naturally faces I recognized from countless hours of playing Soul Academy, and my opponent was someone I couldn’t forget since we had fought like cats and dogs just yesterday.

That nameless lady who first picked a fight with me upon seeing my face.

Noticing the bruises still present on her pale skin made me chuckle.

They must have decided to pit us against each other to ensure we couldn’t wield our weapons without some bad blood between us.

The nameless lady stiffened her lips upon seeing my face and tightened her grip, meaning she would be using a longsword.

Given the manner in which she holds that sword, it appears she’s been training for at least a year or two.

“Can you see that?”

I can see it. When you gain experience later, you’ll know it instinctively.

In this aspect, the old man is certainly not mistaken, so that lady is likely someone who will not be lax in her sword training.

But she seemed quite clumsy when we had that little brawl yesterday.

I wonder if something changes when she has a sword in hand.

As I gazed into the blazing eyes of the noble lady, I remained calm.

Compared to the orc who had tried to kill me to survive, how could I possibly be scared of this?

It seems like she’s harboring some feelings from yesterday, so I just need to poke the bear a little.

There’s no better opponent to play with than someone who’s lost their rationality.

“Both of you, please come to the center of the sparring arena.”

The interviewer stood before us in the center of the arena.

As we drew closer, strength filled the lady’s eyes.

Finding it highly amusing, I replied with a smile.

This only caused her to bite her lips tighter.

I could see blood seeping from her mouth.

“The rules are simple. Treat each other as enemies until I, the interviewer, intervene. Any injuries incurred during this match will be treated by the academy’s healers, so there’s no need to worry.”

Once the rules were laid out, the interviewer stepped back, and right then and there, the lady expressed her pent-up frustration.

“Allen of the Arlen family! I never expected to see you here again.”

“Neither did I expect to meet you again. Meeting such an easy opponent is quite a surprise.”

“Likewise! How rude is it to send such a weakling as my sparring partner. Do the interviewers lack any discernment?”

“Do you really think I’m weak?”

“Are you so clueless to not realize how I beat you yesterday?”

“Even after getting beat up yesterday, you still haven’t grasped your limits?”

“After getting beaten up yesterday, you still don’t get it? What a low IQ—just like a dog! How pathetic! ♡”

Perhaps it was my laughter that sent her over the edge.

The lady swung her longsword mindlessly at me.

That emotional and direct attack was blatantly obvious compared to what the knights of the Arlen family would wield.

There was no need to heed what the Steel Wall skill had to say.

With only my proficiency, I could easily deflect those attacks.

Her sword struck against my shield, bouncing off with a clang.

Seeing her falter from her own strength, I couldn’t help but smile victoriously.


“Sloppy? Is that all you’ve got? Try harder.”

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