Switch Mode

Chapter 200

Chapter: 200

Immediately after learning about the disappearance of Evil God-chan, Yuna flailed about like a caught child, feeling unnecessarily guilty.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize it was such a rush back then!!”

“No, it’s my fault for not overseeing things… but it is late… very late…”


Two weeks of neglect certainly counted as quite late.

Both of us were in a predicament. I lost a week worrying about the fainted glass and then spent time scrambling to deal with Yuna’s detestable incidents.

It felt like we naturally forgot about it.

I had set up various safety measures, but no matter how decayed, it’s still a shard of ‘that.’ It could escape the collar with some unimaginable means, almost like magic.

In that moment, reality was crashing down as if season 2 of Cthulhu was hitting. I couldn’t let it remain like this. I declared a state of emergency and sat upon the magic circle underground at the Academy.

It was indeed the magic circle that efficiently devoured emotions down to the marrow.

Let’s track ‘Ginkgoa’ from here. I would amplify and release a special magical wave from the Academy. This would easily pass through other objects but…

Upon encountering ‘Ginkgoa,’ the internal trigger would activate, prompting the collar to relay their current position and status. If Eternal Dark was still within the Empire, I would be able to locate them.

If they had already crossed the border and sought asylum or had thrown ‘Ginkgoa’ into some thicket, it would mean a long-term expedition. I would have to embark on a journey to capture them.

Their malicious intent stemmed from the same maliciousness I accepted. So, I knew well how dangerous they could be. The biggest problem was that ‘that’ evil had no delays.

They commit evil acts – find satisfaction – and do not cycle into rest. Even when they experience joy, it never fills them up; it always craves, more and more… and constantly spreads malice.

It felt like a virus that has sunk all its life’s purpose into misdeeds.

If they originated from me, then the responsibility also lies with me. I must capture them.

Seeing Yuna’s conscience pricking away at her, she supported my search with a guilt-ridden expression.

“I’ll amplify the signal when you give me the cue!”

“I’ll start counting to three. One, three.”

“Wait, don’t count weirdly!!”


A sound I could feel even through my skin reverberated. Like ripples spreading across a lake, the magical wave radiated from the Academy. The spell activated successfully.

Now it was a matter of whether I’d receive a response from ‘Ginkgoa.’

I waited anxiously for about 30 minutes. If the waiting time exceeded two hours, it would mean they were ‘beyond the border.’ I trembled my legs, and Yuna was about to bite her nails when I stopped her.

And then, a reply came. Yuna and I jumped up and rushed to the magic circle.

“Analyze! Analyze!”

“Shall we check the status first or location?!”

“Look at the status first! I’ll set the location!”

Yuna input the encrypted data into the analyzer while I calculated it in my head. The results came in.

“…? What? Why is this guy returning to the Academy?”

The recorded movement path was strange. Rather than wandering through populous areas to plunge the world into ruin, he was instead cutting through the forest directly toward here.

He did stop briefly at the Holy City, but even that was an extremely short stay. Why didn’t he flee? What is going on?

No, there’s no way he would just return easily. There must be some conspiracy at play.

I crossed my arms and glared at the monitor screen, deep in thought about how to interpret this result when Yuna bounced up beside me and asked.

“Um, what does this parameter for the ‘praise sticker’ mean? It says 2…”

“Did it go up? That counts good deeds.”


What are you talking about?

There’s no way.

While I did implant a triangle of conscience within Evil God-chan’s heart, I thought that wouldn’t hold any weight. The act of falling into the path of good hadn’t even begun yet.

Is it a sophisticated deception tactic? Or is it possible they’re arriving with an army to assault the Academy? I couldn’t afford to let my guard down. Something lethal is bound to occur!

“Is it really that dangerous? It reportedly involved a Demon Lord that fell from the ‘Nest,’ assisted by Eternal Dark. Even if it’s not a full change of heart, they’re somewhat different.”

Hearing this from Pinvalez, who seemed to be suffering from a safety blind spot, both the Tower Master and I erupted in counterarguments like we were having a seizure.

“Yuri, you don’t know what you’re talking about! From birth, they were a notorious brat! They keep messing with things like ‘I was trying to have a good time in TRPGs, but Nioré and Tara…’”

“Pinvalez, you dolt! Why are you so relaxed about what kind of monster that is?! You’re bound to get blindsided if you’re not careful!”

“I think if they’re tormented 3000 times, everyone might reconsider their past.”

“No, no, you’re wrong. Tower Master! Let’s prepare! Let’s set up about four magic cannons and trap them so we can devour whatever army they bring!”

Yuna and I began transforming the laboratory in preparation for Evil God-chan’s insurrection. We stocked up on barricades, lethal weapons, and information bombs, also buying sturdy armor for ourselves.

We regularly checked to confirm that Evil God-chan was heading directly to the Academy.

That morning, the approaching figures of ‘Ginkgoa’ were detected. Close. There seems to be three presences… Even if Evil God-chan only brought two helpers, we couldn’t let our guard down. And—


The moment the door opened, I triggered the prepared traps.

“Hey, you bastards, eating well without me—owp!”

“How do you like it, Espoíar of Eternal Dark? It’s a special slime created just to catch you! Surrender and give up your resistance!”

“Just give up already! Give up and surrender!”

“Ow, you crazy bastards! You could’ve returned without this—!!”

The first suppression was successful. The target was temporarily immobilized. This was a spell crafted using the Queen’s vital fluid; it had the effect of melting and bloating the target’s information.

Evil God-chan’s dress began to dissolve in patches. Since that dress is not material but a fabrication from data, it proves the special slime was having an effect.

But I couldn’t let my guard down here. As I was about to bring out the info-club to apply the second suppression, I locked eyes with two figures standing outside the laboratory door, staring at me: the Scarred Face Senior and Beauty Mark Guy.

Their gazes… they shifted between me and the club I was holding.

And then they glanced down at Evil God-chan, curled on the floor surrounded by slime.

Their expressions reflected as if they were looking at a piece of human garbage.



“No, this is a misunderstanding.”

It’s a misunderstanding. I don’t know what kind of misunderstanding it is, but it’s a misunderstanding! I am justice, and Evil God-chan is evil. I’m doing the right thing here!

“…And this is why she disliked you, junior. I’m disappointed in you. I don’t know the circumstances, but treating a child like this, even if they’re a bastard… it’s too much.”

“Step back, mad wizard. She’s still my client. The request is not yet complete, and if you continue to harm her, I will act to protect my client.”

A bastard? A bastard?

Well, it’s not entirely inaccurate to say that, but no! That’s not it! I’m not a person who’s going to mess up a bastard’s clothes and then go on to whack them with a club! This is a misunderstanding!

I was trying to seal a malicious being that wanted to plunge the world into evil!

“I-I am for justice!! Tower Master, explain something!”


Yuna had somehow transformed into a butterfly and flew away.

I glanced down with trembling eyes. I had made eye contact with Evil God-chan. I felt the bubbling rage in her eyes.

Evil God-chan was flashing a Morse code signal with her eyes, sending a message visible to no one but me.

-You must have forgotten. After struggling against the queen and even saving the fallen, you treat me like this now?


-You’re done for.

“Honestly, you have a history of causing trouble yourself…!!”

So this was a misunderstanding? Really, has Espoíar of Eternal Dark turned out to be a slightly nice child?

What are you trying to do? No, let’s not panic. Evil God-chan can’t do anything right now. I held ultimate control over ‘Ginkgoa,’ and if we fought here, I would win. What can you do…?

“Ugh, hic……”

What did I just hear?

A world-weary sound echoed through the air. Tears were dangling from Evil God-chan’s eyes, falling drop by drop. I could feel my reputation shattering into pieces as if it were dying.

I had to stop this. But how?

“Wah, I just… wanted to get praised by Dad. Ugh, please… don’t hit me. I’ll hold back my crying, just don’t do that…! Please, I’ll even lick your feet…!”


My gaze hurt.

That gaze from Scarred Face Senior. That chilling expression, akin to seeing something repulsive, pierced through my heart like a sashimi blade.



Today, I am socially dead.


Today, we reached an agreement where I would be the chair for Evil God-chan. Snuggled on my back, she gleefully chattered away.

After always being the one to get hit, now that she was in a position to hit, it seemed like dopamine was overflowing.

“I’m just kidding, just kidding! Don’t take it too seriously, Lorey and Rowillen! This is how we usually play, so don’t worry! Right, Daddy? Answer me!”

“Yes, Eternal Dark.”


Evil God-chan patted my rear as if I were a pet. I had no choice but to swallow down my anger and frustration at that humiliation.

In a fit of rage, I could unleash a 3000-fold beam, damaging Scarred Face Senior’s misunderstanding beyond repair! But this wasn’t the right time to get angry.

I felt a bit guilty too. I never thought she would work so hard.

Carefully, I asked, “By the way, Eternal Dark, can I clarify that misunderstanding regarding the bastard and the servant relationship…?”

“Do you hate me, Dad? Do you want to erase me from the family register?”


“Ah, naughty! Use pretty words!”

Evil God-chan swatted my butt again. What the…!

However, the more I got hit, the quicker the misunderstanding dissolved. There was no choice but to endure it.


As I sweated profusely from the karmic retribution hitting me back, it felt like Scarred Face Senior and Beauty Mark Guy were somewhat understanding. Their expressions of disgust were slowly replaced by a hint of doubt.

“I believed in you, junior.”

“You didn’t believe at all, senior.”

“How was I supposed to trust you in that situation? Seeing you burst in and try to hit with the club!”

“That was due to various circumstances!!”

In reality, she’s something terrifying lurking in their minds, a being closer to information than substance. She has indications of traversing the globe and wreaking havoc on people.

And it seems from Yuna’s mention, the more awareness and faith one has, the greater the danger, so I couldn’t share this with anyone. Surely, you understand?

I can’t put it this way.

I’ll leave it to my customers.

“Thanks. Rowillen, do you need extra payment? You could perhaps squeeze some money from Dad now.”

“No, it’s fine. Uhm, is it really fine? If this isn’t a joke and there’s a genuine threat…”

“I said it’s fine. Lorey, thanks too. Because of you, we arrived at the Academy quickly.”

“That’s all I was expected to do, really. No need for thanks. The incidents at the tavern were entertaining.”

The three concluded their brief farewells. Evil God-chan waved handily, and the two declared the end of their request and left the Academy.

In the now-empty laboratory, I muttered to the still-occupying 7% on my back.


“Speak properly.”


“…You really did it.”

Evil God-chan said in surprise, but…

If one works hard, they should be rewarded. Good deeds must have consequences. I have to recognize how hard she had worked. That’s a rule that must be honored.

So I should apologize. What I had done to Evil God-chan until now was necessary but regrettable, and I would continue to strike her, so she wouldn’t act maliciously in the future.

But surely, rewarding her praise sticker shouldn’t be too much to ask.


Evil God-chan was sitting on the chair, her head slightly lowered. Her thin neck was visible through the strands of hair flowing down sideways. The ‘Ginkgoa’ was hanging around her neck.

I accessed ‘Ginkgoa’ to read the detailed information. It encompassed every action she had taken and every emotion she had felt.

I scanned through it.

Scenes of feeling abandoned and betrayed.

Scenes of tricking a boy.

Scenes of spreading my downfall.

Scenes of rescuing a waitress at a tavern.

And then I realized… her self-awareness was more juvenile than I expected.

The nature of ‘that’ was difficult to estimate, but I surmised it had lived for over a hundred years. So, I figured that Evil God-chan, being a derived entity of ‘that,’ also approached an ancient existence.

It was unclear what kind of chemical reaction occurred after being layered onto the data version of Evil God-chan, what malice I poured into it caused it to do something, or perhaps only the softer aspects from ‘that’ managed to break away.

For whatever reason, it became clearer that her mind wasn’t particularly sturdy.

If it were in her childhood, alterations could be made. With proper training, she could shift as needed. Even psychopaths could live decently if accompanied by systematic education.

I assumed her malice would remain unchanging, thus I hadn’t given her even a breath. However, if she indeed could change…

Perhaps, it might not be a bad idea to give her a chance.

“Hey, you mad wizard.”

From behind her slightly purple-tinged black hair, Evil God-chan’s voice came through.


I replied gruffly. If my shifting feelings were discovered, she would definitely climb right up.

Evil God-chan seemed to think for a moment before continuing.

“Did you know? Right now, there’s a boy dying caught in my trickery.”

“…? Hmm?”

“This ‘Ginkgoa’ is filled with vulnerabilities. You fool. I used a security gap to swindle some living expenses from a fool in the Elmest territory!”

“Ah, I see.”

Evil God-chan proceeded to share details about the contract she had with the boy, claiming money in exchange for doing me a favor, while emphasizing how terribly wicked she was.

It seemed she was trying to deny the simple fact that she had done a good deed. The way she danced around it showed how she hid her embarrassment.

Good Samaritan, huh?

It was assuredly in a gray zone.

Nonetheless, Evil God-chan’s actions certainly showcased a clear benevolence. She didn’t just walk by when she saw someone collapsed on the road; she called for assistance. She could have chosen to leave it be.

That manner of abandoning everything to support someone in need was genuinely noble, but it was sad. My idea of ideal altruism only emerges when my heart permits.

So… regardless, that’s a good sign.

“Oh, look at our sweet little monster, finally trying to be human!”


I hugged Evil God-chan tightly and ruffled her hair. While she struggled, it seemed according to ‘Ginkgoa’ that even if she pretended otherwise, she felt a bit pleased.

Compliments even got Evil God-chan to dance with glee!

“Let go of me!”


Eventually, Evil God-chan, who had reached the peak of embarrassment and rage, bit me hard enough for me to be left in shock.

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not work with dark mode