Switch Mode

Chapter 196

Chapter: 196

Opportunities come; they will definitely arrive someday.

Evil God-chan had the patience to wait even a thousand years. Such a virtue was essential for an entity with infinite lifespan, and that’s how it was made.

So, waiting is possible. Especially if it’s an imminent, guaranteed opportunity. There’s no restlessness or anxiety. Evil God-chan thought with a peculiar confidence.

The Mad Wizard will definitely pull a fast one on the Succubus Queen.

Kaga kaja—!!

With a flick of Dragon Scale, the Queen spun around to absorb the shock, offering a faint, awkward smile.

“Hmmm, it seems the Heroine is being eaten, but why isn’t there any reaction…?”


A few broken dragon scales fell and clinked to the ground.

Evil God-chan, taking the form of a lanky black-haired beauty, had drastically reduced their size to gain an advantageous position in combat (more accurately, they had shrunk due to the ongoing fight).

Now, they took the form of a sixteen-year-old girl with scaled arms.

Hooook. They let out a suppressed breath.

Let’s face it; Evil God-chan was losing to the Queen. All thanks to the Mad Wizard. With limbs severed and bizarre things attached, if it were their original body, they would have crushed her.

Soaring through the vast skies with majestic wings, the life of a farmer sowing seeds in the hearts of people had once been radiant. Though 93% was lost, Evil God-chan could still recall that they had once been a powerful being, their wings covering more than half of the world. But then…

Clack clack-!

What a pitiful state to be losing to a mere prototype.

The clicking sounds tightened around them. Calculated with cold malice, they knew they would be incapacitated in roughly ten minutes.

Ten minutes. For the shards of an Evil God, it was humiliating to realize “I have become this weak,” but it seemed to only intrigue the Queen.

She appeared genuinely curious that this piece of fragmented information could endure for so long. The Queen openly expressed her confusion.

“Your resistance is stronger than I expected… Is it because I’ve held a dagger to the owner of the ability?”

“You’re the one who’s useless. Dumb in the head and talentless too.”

“That kind of curse… increases the intensity of the ‘punishment’ you’ll receive later. How about choosing your words more carefully and speaking in a more dignified manner?”

“Whatever, you blockhead.”

While it was the Mad Wizard’s fault that they were losing, it had also contributed to their survival up to this point.

The unnecessary malignant information… like how to apply makeup like Hyeong-hyun the fox, or graphs showing how ribbon size and angle affect impressions. It had only deepened her role as a Heroine.

By nudging these tidbits of knowledge just right, they could subtly mess with the flow. Even trailing off bits of information slyly delayed the Queen’s offensive. If they were to be devoured, they could at least discard the data, which made for a bit of fun.

“Hey… you called me a shabby prototype. I knew the Dream Demon was created by someone, but was there perhaps my ‘successor’?”

“There is. They’re significantly more stable compared to your lot. In the Eastern Region…”

At that moment.


The area near the Queen’s heart exploded. The time had come.

Whatever trick the Mad Wizard had pulled, the Queen’s hidden emotions caused a catastrophic explosion—against both herself and the Tower Master!

Evil God-chan cheered silently. A critical hit!

They had been waiting for this moment.

The paths the Queen could choose were essentially two. She could humbly accept her death, or twist her body and struggle to survive.

If she chose the latter, her escape routes would be three.

One, the mind of Glass Lanster guarded by the Mad Wizard. If she exited through here, she could get to the academy.

However, a fully intact Mad Wizard would be waiting eagerly with lit eyes. How could one expect to fight back when already beaten to a pulp in their own home ground of the realm of the mind?

If the Mad Wizard had abandoned Glass Lanster, this battle would’ve ended a while ago.

Two, the mind of the Purple Tower Master, who was unleashing area-wide fable chaos in the Third Prince’s psyche. Exiting through here would also lead to the academy, where, unsurprisingly… there was an angry Tower Master.

Translation: it meant certain death.

In that case, three was the original entrance to the ‘Nest.’ The path that had been leading to Elmest, the western territory of the Empire, where the eradication team had been captured in its entirety.

Right beneath Evil God-chan!


“Wha, ha ha ha ha ha!!”

The Queen’s fragmented shards of information screamed as they rushed in. The shards of Evil God opened wide like a whale sucking up tiny fish, laughing as they devoured each and every one without leaving a trace.

Great! They could digest it all and use it to gain power, but…

That would surely result in facing all kinds of ridicule and scorn from the Mad Wizard once they ventured outside. Evil God-chan was capable of learning.

So, they would sneakily consume just a little and preserve the rest.

Evil God-chan plopped down comfortably on the floor. Now that the job was done, they could just sit back and wait. With the Queen dead, the ‘Nest’ was bound to collapse.

So, wouldn’t they have a rope to throw down at some point?


…Wouldn’t they?

Gugung, kurururu!!

“Throw it down, throw it down, you bastards!!”

Grggggggh—. As ‘The Nest’ began to crumble, the Tower Master severed their connections with deadly precision to avoid the repercussions of the collapse. From inside, it appeared as though the gaps in the sky were silently vanishing.

Evil God stared blankly upward.

Surely not. Could it be that… they forgot about retrieving themselves? They’re an Evil God, you know! They had genuinely worked hard this time!


Their tightly clenched fists trembled. Memories of being treated like a dog raced through their mind, fueling their indignation and disbelief.

Even their nose twitched, and tears began to sting their eyes. The malicious information of a girl’s sensibility lodged in their head began to stir.

“I, I… you bastards—! Ah!!”


As the world shook, ‘The Nest’ completely collapsed, launching Evil God-chan out into the vast entrance of the Elmest territory with a long scream.




The discarded organic Evil God sat on the edge of a large altar, grinding their sharp teeth. This place was underground in the Elmest territory, where the main entrance of ‘The Nest’ used to be.

Scattered around were brainwashed members of the annihilation team and citizens.

Ah, so they mean to use me as their efficient little puppet. They want me to tidy these chumps up. It’s not that they forgot about me, right…?

Inside, the situation had been dire, so they were upset about it, but thinking coolly, there was no way they could forget about Evil God-chan. There must be some ulterior motive, and that was… to have me save those captured by the Dream Demons.

But what gall! To send a shard of an Evil God, who makes a living by tormenting people, to rescue lives? Absolutely ludicrous.

Espoir of Eternal Dark, shall I try this on for size?

Is it really correct to say you’re ‘wearing’ this scrap of cloth, you lunatic…?

Oh ho, funny words!

It wasn’t a good attitude to dwell on the madman’s thoughts. Sure, if I could be used as a human mannequin, I could also be utilized as a rescuer.

Though I’d love to gulp down all these humans and then make a run for it…

There would definitely be a trap.

There was no way they would send me out without any safety protocols in place. Perhaps butterflies were fluttering around, observing me. Given it was a large-scale illusion magic, everything could be fake.

It felt like a cunning little trick to see whether I would suddenly find my freedom and test my loyalty… right at the moment I meticulously chewed on some juicy human’s information, the Mad Wizard would pop up and go:

You’re now a battle helicopter born of a female pig.

That’d probably happen!

So, while grinding my teeth, Evil God-chan started moving people one by one. For those whose minds were shattered, they even helped recombine their pieces, and for those whose psyche was forced into pleasure, they yanked them out.

One could argue it was better to toss those with no future away, but even those were kept alive. Add a hint of morality when attacking karma questions, right?

After saving everyone captured…

A day, two days, three days passed.

Evil God-chan, who had been discreetly feeding stolen apples to the fainted annihilation squad members, suddenly heard commotion from the outer passage and hid in the shadows.

It was Defense Bureau Agents.

They seemed surprised to see the remarkably well-maintained victims, and one by one, they began to transport them up to the surface. Great! Finally, this annoying chore is over.

Now they should start taking me too, right?

But not a single person was searching for Evil God-chan. The Defense Bureau Agents only scooped up the humans and headed out, and well, there wasn’t even a note or message left behind. No henchmen from the Mad Wizard followed either.


Um, a bit delayed, huh?

And so, another day, two days, three days, four days…

While squatting on the altar with no one around, Evil God-chan suddenly realized the situation they were in. So, indeed. Those little bastards…

“…Did they… forget me? Forget me, the Espoir of Eternal Dark!!”

After going through the trouble of stealing apples to save all these humans, carefully blending them into fine pieces, I even fed them bite by bite!!

“You crazy Mad Wizard…! Alright, if they forgot, I’ll just go back! I’ll wreak havoc on unsuspecting humans, turning them all into a chaotic mess! Get ready!!”

Squeak, squeak—!

Fueled by rage, Evil God-chan charged out. Let’s go, and let’s mess up whoever I run into first! I’ll create a snowball effect and bring an entire city to its knees!

Leaving the altar behind, they dashed through the passages, crawling up the ladder at the exit.

When they emerged, the scene was of a temple destroyed to a wreckage. The remnants of the fallen goddess statue, caught in the blast, were carelessly scattered about.

Crunch. Crunch.

With every step, the little stones crumbled beneath them.

Then, sounds of life could be heard. Was there someone still here in this nearly ruined temple? Perfect! Just perfect. Evil God-chan was starved for human interaction. It would be my pleasure to inflict the worst type of agony.

Purposefully making crunching sounds, a little boy peeked his head out from the confessional. He looked up at Evil God-chan with clear, innocent eyes and asked.

“Um, uh… who are you?”

“No need to know. You don’t need to know at all!”

From the outfit, he appeared to be a young clergy member. Whatever circumstances led him to stay in this wrecked temple, it was just delightful.

A faint whiff of divine power lingered. A divine prey was the best. Torture him thoroughly and gain strength from it. Then it would be time for revenge against that crazed Mad Wizard who dared to toss me aside!

As the vengeance-soaked fragment of the Evil God reached out, the safety mechanism implanted deep within by the Mad Wizard began to activate. A red choker appeared, wrapping tightly around Evil God-chan’s slender neck.

Gingoa (紧箍儿)!!


An explosion of harmful information hit Evil God-chan at an amplified rate. They fought and thrashed to tear it off, drooling as they bent over and fell forward.

Their body trembled, and they couldn’t control it. Evil God-chan thought while clawing at the pleasurable information bombarding their mind. The Mad Wizard was clearly prepared for my escape.

But wait, this time it wasn’t me who escaped; it was you guys who abandoned me…!!

It’s fine. Yes. I can resolve this. Just hold on for about five minutes… I will filter out the malicious data that even makes gentle breezes feel painful. Deep breaths. Now.

While Evil God-chan continued processing calculations to escape…

The boy’s sheer kindness descended upon them relentlessly.

“Um, are you alright…? Ah, you’re a victim of the Dream Demons, aren’t you?! You weren’t rescued after all! I’ll move you to a bed right away, please hold on!”

“Ah, no…!”

Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!

The boy awkwardly picked up Evil God-chan in his arms.

If he recklessly laid hands on the highly sensitive state they were in—



The information from the Succubus Queen, which Evil God-chan had kept intact without digestion due to the Mad Wizard’s interference, lost its control. Evil God-chan quickly assessed the situation.

If this spills out and… harms an indiscriminate number of people…

That choker may just stew me right in it! That cannot happen.

I need to hold on tightly to the information trying to escape, and I’ll fabricate and seal off any leaking parts. Solid forms may be more stable, but time is running out. I’ll tie it up in liquid form for now. The result of all this effort?

Drip. Drip…

The liquid information flowed down to wet the hem of Evil God-chan’s skirt.


The boy turned his head away, pretending not to see the tragedy unfolding.

Evil God-chan’s shame skyrocketed.

No! That’s not it! I don’t even have a metabolism. The concept of excretion doesn’t exist! It’s information! If you’re hit, it could be disastrous, I made it liquid!

But in the attempt to explain, even the vibrations from the boy holding them were causing tremendous damage. They had no room to reply.

After a few shaky moments, Evil God-chan was finally able to lay on the bed.

“… You crazy Mad Wizard.”

It was all thanks to that mad wizard.

All I wanted was to die.

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not work with dark mode