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Chapter 189

Chapter: 189

Last time…

I infiltrated into the Mind World of Pinkvalez, who had been taken over by the Succubus Queen, to rescue her.

However, the queen I thought I was fighting against turned out to be a fake, while the real queen was lurking in the body of young Yuli, waiting for the perfect opportunity—until she struck me with a fatal blow as soon as I showed a gap.

With my body and mind in tatters, I fell deeper into the Mind World. It turned out to be the tummy of the Succubus Queen, who digests her prey, and there also lay the real Pinkvalez, who had been devoured first.

Could I possibly escape from here…?

“Don’t just stand there, fight!”

I berated myself while reminiscing.


Bennett’s folktale “Hoo-Won” is… somewhat underwhelming.

The ability to not break as long as one doesn’t lose heart has a very limited application. It would be different if it were a large shield.

If by chance, the collapse point of a crumbling abandoned mine is narrow enough to be propped up by one sword, or perhaps if a star-shattering strike conveniently fits perfectly on the blade…

In any other scenario, it’s just a sword with high durability. It’s practically like having a space storage function. So, while lying in bed and covering myself with a blanket, I occasionally thought about ways to improve it.

What if I built a railgun launcher and used the unbreakable “Hoo-Won” as ammo? It could be summoned and retrieved at will.

Or should I gift a throwing sword technique instead? Honestly, it seems more appropriate to treat it like a bullet than a sword.

Then I stumbled upon a concept… “Combined Folktale.”

A transformation of a folktale results in the weakening or elimination of the original ability. Like Elaine, who turned her ultimate damage-dealing skill into a universal one, or Rodellus, whose magical materialization performance decreased.

So instead of losing the existing folktale, what if I could overlay another folktale? And make them synergize with each other.

With that thought in mind, I considered a possibility.

“What if Tara’s spirit coexists inside Bennett’s body and can use a folktale simultaneously?”

Combining the unbreakable nature of “Hoo-Won” with the energy absorption ability of “Regretful Surpass.”

Clang, clang!

Shadow Bennett clashed the swords held in both hands. Each time they collided, sparks flew dramatically, and fierce magical energy ignited like roaring flames.

Absorbing power until “Hoo-Won” shatters with “Regretful Surpass.” But “Hoo-Won” will never break until the heart gives out.

Thus, showering infinite power until then—”Hoo-Won Extremis.”


As Shadow Bennett swung the sword, a black flame whirled around in a 30-meter radius. I rolled on the ground.

Pinkvalez, lying flat, quietly listened to my explanation and asked, “… I understand the theory. So what’s the countermeasure?”

“I’ll call Yuna.”

When dealing with individuals who use infinite energy like that, overwhelming firepower is the orthodox solution. Going for a prolonged battle will lead to hell.

“But there’s no one around.”


Still, does that mean we can’t win? Not at all. That’s just a fake. If we weren’t dissolving in black tar and losing all kinds of data, we would have caught it long ago.

A ragged Pinkvalez alone cannot capture Shadow Bennett.

And neither can I, in my current state.

We have to join forces.

“… I have an idea. But it might feel a bit awkward.”

“Isn’t that better than dying?”

“It’s probably worse than when you cockily tried to challenge the queen and got caught.”

“You know I had no idea what love was until now—”

Since I jabbed her, she seemed to take it as a signal of permission. Though my form might look a bit ridiculous, I leapt onto Pinkvalez’s back and secured my legs around her waist tightly.

After ending up here, I restructured Pinkvalez’s form to give her legs since she looked like a legless piece of meat, thoroughly slushed and ripe in this Mind World. I could interfere with her data.

To put it simply, this was a fusion.

“… Is this dangerous?”

“Don’t talk.”

Of course, it’s dangerous.

While we fused, if we couldn’t separate, our consciousness would become one. If we mixed completely, I’d be known as the mad wizard Yuli Lanster from then on.

So, I intended to share only what was necessary while holding onto the core structure.


Shadow Bennett launched a fatal blow that couldn’t miss. It was an area attack designed to burn everything around, leaving no escape.

Whoosh! Wham!

Pinkvalez moved with me on her back. Her movement as she dashed through the sticky swamp resembled that of a leopard, utilizing her physical functions to the fullest.

As she bought time, I interfered more deeply. I reached beyond her skin, beyond her bones, all the way into the depths of her heart, into her very soul.

I transformed my form into a black cloak and dyed her with my darkness. The sensation felt like melting into her. The connection was short-lived.

A mysterious woman with black hair and yellow eyes, the “Mad Pinkvalez,” had made her debut.

… Ugh.

Pinkvalez let out a suppressed sound as if ice-cold water was poured down her back. With her control slightly slipping, I backed her up.


I nudged her insides to move.

Pinkvalez likely felt her body moving against her will. Her arms stretched, her legs stepped, and she placed her palms on the heated blade of Bennett… and dripped.

Since we were in the Mind World, the flames rising from the sword were also pieces of information. Thus, by concentrating and manipulating it, we could alter its direction or reduce damage.

And then, “Whoa.”

“This body doesn’t move like that. Be sure to account for the weight of having two fat deposits attached to your chest.”

In my frantic effort to control and reduce damage without fully merging, I barely managed that thought. If you understood enough, then you handle it.

“Yes. Just let me know the patterns and provide good buffs… Is thinking of my childhood memories at this time a sign that I want to be scolded?”

Okay. We were properly connected.

A collaborative effort based on non-delayed communication. I acted based on what I noticed, and Pinkvalez moved based on her insights.

At first, we fumbled a bit, but we ended up syncing quite well.

After fighting for quite a while, we were able to finish the battle by sticking “Hoo-Won” into the jaws of Shadow Bennett.

Shadow Bennett, flailing as if searching for my sister, eventually vanished.


Some time passed. We were battered, but we were still hanging on.

We fought against the Celestial Demon (which didn’t exactly recreate the fight well), and we fought against Namgoong Cheonghui (who was easy to catch). With the steadily accumulating experience, I made some improvements.

I… adjusted this fusion state a bit more elegantly. I created a tail from Pinkvalez’s backside and connected it with my own tail. Essentially linking the strings that share information between us.

After all, complete fusion is too risky.

Hello, mad wizard.

Sure. There was some side effect of our thoughts bleeding into each other, but I concluded that this fusion mode was favorable for combat.

Since it wasn’t communication through conversation, I didn’t have to worry about the queen catching us.

We spent our time fused together, chatting while melting, and fought whenever our shadow enemies respawned. Then we’d chat again.

As we waited for the right moment.

Yuna likely knew best that my lifeline had been cut. She would wait a bit, grow anxious, attempt a rescue, and if things went south, she would unleash a barrage.

The passageway leading to the “Nest” embedded in the Third Prince’s mind.

After the first attack through that corridor, if things didn’t go well…

She planned to free the seal on my physical body left in reality and pour “that” from my head into the “Nest.” That was the agreement.


I’m not sure, but isn’t that quite dangerous? Pinkvalez conveyed her thoughts through the connection.

It is dangerous, indeed. But isn’t it better than dying right here? It was a self-destruct button for when things got tangled and couldn’t be untangled.

If “that” could neatly destroy the Succubus Queen and allow me to reclaim it, that would be the best, but… things don’t tend to flow that optimistically. It could very well unleash chaos into the world.

If it breaks free, I can’t predict what will happen. But considering the nature of the 7% Evil Spirit, it won’t be anything pleasant—for the world or for me.

So, what’s the utmost effort we should aim for?

The moment the sincere bombardment of Tower Master Yuna Violet Iris pours into the “Nest,” we must somehow escape this place.

If we can’t escape, something unpleasant and terrifying will be unleashed upon the world.

If a merciless bombardment rained down upon her stronghold, the queen would likely be at a loss too. Yet, since we’re not in prime condition either, it would be a tough battle…

How should we proceed? How do we draw her out, and how should we attack? While I repeated the tedious cycle of hypothesizing, countering, dismantling, and reestablishing…

“Mad Wizard.”


Pinkvalez, her body melting in patches, spoke quietly.

“Since we’re connected like this, I can vaguely sense something. It might sound strange, but you… already have a folktale.”

“If I had one, I would’ve used it long ago.”

“It seems like it’s half-formed. Imperfect, if I may put it that way?”


I scratched my chin with my melted forefinger and middle finger, pondering.

The manifestation of a folktale involves dyeing one’s soul in the colors of emotions. And upon reflection, I had just engaged in a fierce emotional rollercoaster until a moment ago.

Loving young Yuli, only to be struck hard from behind.

It was like my students, who were submerged in the session and pulled out in a similar manner.

But if it hasn’t manifested… perhaps there’s an issue on the other side? With the soul itself. In that unknown black box deep within. Something.

If that’s the case, it’s bad news. I had been intending to implant thought penetration to manifest my folktale, but while emotions could be fulfilled countless times, if there’s a problem with my soul, there’s nothing I can do.

For some reason, it just wouldn’t manifest.

There, Pinkvalez had an outrageous idea.

“My soul is still fully intact.”

She hasn’t reached sublimation. She isn’t in a constant state of corruption. So her soul’s color only gets dyed when the folktale activates.

And right now, she and I are closely connected. Just nudging the boundaries could meld us into one.

So then… if I could infuse her soul with my emotions… wouldn’t that either create a different folktale or, at the very least, allow her folktale to manifest a bit differently?

We could say “Folktale Alteration”…

“Let’s call it ‘Folktale Fusion’ for a refreshing change.”

As I said this, Pinkvalez flashed a casual smile, and I returned the gesture. While we were joking around, the situation was quite thrilling and full of crisis.

We were surely dying, and perhaps we could actually die for real.

It’s just that I hadn’t deliberately entertained that thought.

Thud. Pinkvalez leaned her head against my shoulder. She felt squishy and sticky. We were both covered in black tar, so I pretended to dislike it, even though I felt somewhat pleased.

… You’re so clingy.

“You’re no different.”

Looking back on it, I realized that since my reincarnation into this world, I hadn’t thought deeply about emotions… I hadn’t truly confronted them.

What had I done when my lust boiled over? I suppressed it.

Anxiety and anger, I had prepared modules to deal with them.

Love… well, I had only danced around it, never truly engaging.

I had been indifferent both to my own desires and to the feelings of others.

Now facing this death that was so palpable, with the modules crumbling and everything in disarray, I finally recalled a question that had circulated in my previous life.

If I were to die tomorrow…

What then, mad wizard? If at this very time, I were to be sentenced to the brief remaining moments of my life… and that vivid premonition was realized in body and spirit…

What should I do now?


Oh, don’t be such a fool.

Just as I was about to slap my forehead and return to serious thoughts…


Pinkvalez suddenly distanced herself from me. Her face was beet red. I mulled over that phenomenon for a good while… before realizing.

She had been yammering away and was now retreating, which meant…

Wait, was Pinkvalez all bluster then?

I just hadn’t known. That makes sense. I had been confused by thinking solely from my own perspective, but if a succubus invited a man into bed and didn’t touch him until the very end…

That meant she had been scared.

… I wasn’t scared!

“Then come over here.”

“Keep a safe distance, please!”

Had I gone a bit too far for it to be a guaranteed win?

I couldn’t help but chuckle at realizing Pinkvalez’s fragility. It’s nice to learn something new, but I also worried that I might not have much time left to tease her with it.

I looked up at the sky. It was full of thick, black, unpleasant liquid, but then again, seeing it positively, it could be likened to a starless night.

If I squinted, I could easily recall the constellations from memory. I could start adding stars onto that oppressive blackness one by one.

However, the shapes of the stars were vastly different from my memories.

In the early years of my previous life, I distinctly recalled the Big Dipper, Arcturus, and Spica. They led into the Triangle of Spring, along with Denebola and the twinkling Regulus, as I recalled the skies of Earth.

Now, however, the stars I was conjuring seemed to belong to this world. Like the night sky seen after a study session at the Magic Tower or the night sky enjoyed over a cup of tea at the Academy.

It might sound a bit odd, but…

At this moment, I found I could distinguish between the ‘previous me’ and ‘current me.’

In the eye of the storm. Facing a battle where death was a possibility, I casually suggested to Pinkvalez.

“Just in case… let’s leave behind some last words, Yuli Lanster.”

“Last words? We’re in a position to explore grave sites together, and who would they be for?”

“Last words for each other.”

Something stirred within me. This endeavor felt less like a melancholy reflection and more like a vague anticipation that it would help me complete myself.

For the man who had suppressed emotions with magic, and for Yuli Lanster, who had buried her feelings under folktales… it’s the moment to be fully honest one last time.

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not work with dark mode