Switch Mode

Chapter 175

Chapter: 175

Knock, knock, knock.

The voices of the women echoed alongside the knocking.

“Your Highness, we have arrived! Along with the usual familiarity, we bring a new encounter!”

A new encounter. That must mean the woman he had glimpsed at the window earlier. Just a brief moment of eye contact had made his heart race.

The Third Prince, Sledo, felt his entire body tense. He was nervous.

If he felt like this from a distant gaze, how would he manage up close? Could he really maintain his composure?

Behind that flutter of excitement was a hint of fear.

However, he couldn’t dismiss the women outside. He needed them to fall asleep. Struggling to steady his trembling voice, he spoke.

“…Come in.”

As soon as he responded, the door squeaked open.

One of the Succubi bowed gracefully, but it wasn’t for Sledo. It was to elevate the woman with long black hair who followed.

She accepted the reverence naturally, her raven-black hair flowing like it absorbed all color. Every movement she made captivated Sledo’s gaze.

What could one even describe such a figure as?

Her eyes, her walk, everything about her was beautiful. Noble yet enchanting. It stimulated the instincts of a man without being vulgar. It felt as if he were staring at a sculpture meticulously carved by a master artist.

It was as if he were gazing at an existence from a higher dimension.

Her lips, which had been adorned with a faint smile, parted, releasing a melodic voice.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Third Prince. You can call me Princess.”


It was only then that Sledo realized the woman he had seen from afar was now right in front of him.

However, upon seeing the peculiar glances exchanged between the Princess and the Succubi following her, he thought,

“Lady, this is the Third Prince Sledo.”

“Ah, I was too hasty… I should have waited for the introduction. Can you forgive me for stealing your part, Yuna?”

“Of course. If you allow me to serve you more in the future.”

“That’s something I would greatly appreciate.”

The two seemed to blend together like a painting. It felt that way indeed.


Entering the scene.

The goal of this scene is to extract information from the Third Prince and subdue him if necessary.

I could drop a chair shot and forcibly extract the information right now, but… there’s an emotional bond with Elaine and Irid. I wanted to deliver him back with his mind intact if possible.

Now, let’s get the conversation started.

Disguised as Succubi familiar with the Third Prince, Pinkvalez and Black Lez, along with myself, who was merely cloaked in a fantasy spell.

The reason I’m playing the role of “Succubus Princess” is to use the facade of a first encounter to gracefully bypass any awkwardness.

For instance, like this.

“I was curious since the Imperial Prince was joining us, so I came to visit. I hope my visit isn’t a bother?”

“No, not at all. Th-that’s not a bother or anything… I usually receive help, after all.”

The Third Prince stammered, glancing around the room as his gaze landed on the tea set neatly arranged on the shelf.

He seemed hesitant about whether to grab one himself. I had expected him to act more brazen since he was dealing with drug dealings. But perhaps he’s more straightforward than I thought.

“Oh… what kind of help do you receive?”

“I receive sleep therapy. I have a hard time falling asleep…”

It would be suspicious if a Succubus who visited regularly suddenly asked, “What should we do now, Your Highness?” There’s no way he’d forget about it, that’s for sure.

However, with the new acquaintance as a shield, everything is so much easier.

Yuna Lanster chimed in from the side.

“Yes, Princess. We’ve been working to help the Prince have good dreams. Sleep is truly important for skin care, after all.”

“Oh, is that so? In that case, Yuna, do you have somnambulism?”

“I might not be able to help thinking about the Princess even in my dreams, so perhaps there isn’t much of a difference?”

“So we’ve been sharing the same dream every night?”

A light exchange of banter.

I moved my eyes to lightly sweep across the room. There were a table and chairs. As I stepped towards them, Yuna stepped ahead and prepared a chair for me.

Sitting demurely while glancing at the Third Prince with curiosity.

“Shall we sit and chat? I have many stories I wish to hear. Including what kind of man the rumored Third Prince truly is.”

“Um… the Princess doesn’t go out much, does she? So, she would naturally be curious. Please understand, Your Highness.”

Yuna’s assist created a similarity between the reclusive Third Prince and me, adding a dash of intimacy. Quite clever.

“Is that so? I see… It’s the same for me…”

“Wow, indeed! Your skin and mine seem quite alike in color. When placed side by side…”

I reached out and grabbed the Third Prince’s hand lightly, drawing it closer, subtly altering our skin tones with fantasy magic to make them match even more closely.

“Th-that’s right. They definitely are.”

“Oh, you have a mole on your chest. I do too. Already discovered two similarities. Right?”

“… … …”

“Perhaps, we have even more in common. We seem quite alike, don’t we? If you’re not too busy, I’d love to know more about you.”

I poured a bit more pressure into the hand I was holding, and the Third Prince froze, reminiscent of a mouse caught by a hawk.

At that moment, Yuna quietly took my hand away. A hint of jealousy flickered in her eyes. She quietly murmured,

“Your Highness looks troubled, Princess. Holding hands like that…”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I might have gotten a bit excited…”

I laughed awkwardly, delighting in her jealousy. There was a hint of mischief and thrill in my eyes.

And then, I began to gently tickle the palm of her hand with my fingers, subtly asking,

“Indeed. Holding hands without hesitation must mean we’re very close, right…?”

“Yes, my lady. It shouldn’t be the case unless we’re lovers.”


I wove my fingers through Yuna’s, intertwining them so that none of our fingers were apart. Like we were one from the very beginning.

This would imply that we were indeed lovers.

In turn, Yuna smiled shyly. This was the setting of a crush.

I held onto her hand for a lengthy time, pretending to be relaxed. And just like a butterfly fluttering its wings, I lightly let go. However, my fingers brushed against hers, leaving a lingering sense of regret.

People yearn intensely for what is taken away.

Voluptuous beauties showing interest in someone, only for Yuna to swoop in and take that attention away, redirecting it toward herself.

This was meant to make the Third Prince feel discomfort towards Yuna and drive him deeper into my allure. Furthermore, Yuna was disguised as a Succubus he routinely met.

This aimed to heighten his animosity toward the “existing Succubus faction.”

If I convey the message of “I’m different from them” at this timing, the Third Prince would likely immerse himself deeper in the character I portray.

Even without exchanging words, we harmonized effortlessly. I discreetly tapped Yuna’s thigh from an invisible angle beneath the table, signifying, “Well done.”

Yuna stepped on my shoe, responding with, “Don’t mention it.”

Now, let’s see the Third Prince’s reaction and decide our next actions. If his hatred towards Yuna rises significantly, I’ll drive a wedge between them. If he seems to fall for me instead, I’ll draw out his true feelings…

“… … …”

What’s this?

That boy’s expression is quite peculiar. What emotion is he feeling?

The Third Prince’s expression was ambiguous.

I couldn’t determine what it was. There was goodwill, but maybe not admiration. It was confusing. I needed more information.

Yuna, seemingly confused as well, leaned down to bring her face closer and whispered in my ear.

“What do you think, crazy wizard?”

“I don’t know either… Heh, Yuna, you truly… You don’t have to ask for permission to do such things. Yes, please groom him beautifully. Just enough to make anyone fall in love.”

“Yes. I’ll make sure he looks stunning. His hair, especially.”

“Yeah, I’d love that.”

As I casually tossed that line, Yuna began styling his hair. Touches filled with affection inevitably create a peculiar atmosphere. I could feel the desires within those ardent touches intensely.

I giggled, pretending to be ticklish, and slightly trembled. Yuna then deliberately brushed away my hair in a teasing manner.

“He’s ticklish.”

“You enjoy tickling too, my lady.”

“You know I find it adorable when you do it. You’re forgiven, so go on and do it freely.”

Having said that, I glanced at the Third Prince. His expression looked like someone cheering for a couple, similar to Yuna’s. It seemed Yuna noticed it too.

Shall we test the waters? Why not.

Yuna purposefully ran her fingers down my neck, causing me to release a soft gasp. That was a somewhat blatant signal.

“… … …”

Why does it feel like he enjoys my playful interaction with Yuna more?

It’s a bit frustrating. I’ve conjured this cute girl and showcased various skills, yet this guy seems more interested in my character than in any romantic situation between us!

Calm down. I can understand. It’s not entirely shocking. It’s likely similar to how someone might hesitate to confess to a girl at the very top of the social hierarchy—perhaps a formidable character trait was acting as a barrier.

Rather than thinking, “I’ll brush this girl aside to claim victory,” it seems he simply relishes the sight of us together. Perhaps he’s already given up.

Or maybe he just inherently leans towards yuri.

What’s done is done. If that’s the case, I should switch tactics. Let’s pivot towards fostering a sense of identity and closeness.

“What does the Prince enjoy doing on a regular basis?”

“Sleeping… I tend to sleep a lot.”

“… … Is that it?”

“… … …”

Regret, sorrow, frustration. The Third Prince was lamenting his own situation. From what I gathered, it sounded like he just sequestered himself away in his chamber all day long.

I decided to reel him in.

“We share another commonality.”

“Do you also sleep, Princess?”

“Yes. There are many things I must accomplish in dreams. You could say I need to be there… Because of that, it’s quite rare for me to have moments like this.”


Yuna wore a sorrowful expression. At just the right moment, I received support. I tried my best to feign indifference while subtly adding a hint of sadness to my eyelids. Sorrowful.

If we create a funeral-like atmosphere together, the other one is bound to be influenced.

By writing “I have many things to do” I paint the picture of almost being half-confining myself. The Princess is not enjoying her life due to some sadness.

I just need to create space for imagination here. The rest of the details will bloom in the Third Prince’s mind. What’s important is what comes next.

“…Do you also carry something, Your Highness?”

“I… I mean…”

By sharing a confidential topic, it imposes silent pressure, signaling he could share as well. Yet my expression contrasts with empathy, displaying it’s perfectly fine if he chooses not to.

Usually, that would prompt someone to open up.

“…I’m cursed. No matter what I do, nothing ever seems to work out. That’s why I sleep.”

“That sounds painful for you…”

“Thus, seeing others getting along… I’m envious. I’m glad you have someone like that.”

“… … …”

So, it was a longing for those who got along, huh? In that case, it might not be that he liked yuri after all, and more like he’s viewing it as a warm bond between sisters.

Then, under these circumstances… I could completely tip things over.

Alright, let’s flip this.

“..Your Highness. What if this is all due to someone’s conspiracy… how would you feel?”

“Lady! What are you saying…!!”

As soon as I started speaking, Yuna jumped in. She understood immediately what I was plotting. The Third Prince’s face turned flustered.

“What… What do you mean?”

“Your Highness, no! No matter how pitiable the Third Prince seems, that would be a betrayal against the Queen…!!”

“But, Yuna. This can’t continue. Mother is treading the wrong path. You know this…?”

“What are you even saying?”

This was an impromptu setting.

I said that I was the daughter of the Succubus Queen, collaborating with her, but completely oblivious to her malicious deeds. Or, I might have known but chose to ignore them for so long.

But with this event as a turning point, I decided to feel an empathy with the Third Prince and realize this path couldn’t persist any longer. So now, I’m trying to act as a whistleblower.

“Listen carefully, Prince. The First Princess and the Second Prince… have reconciled. They haven’t sent an assassin after you, nor do they have any deep-seated vendetta.”

“What… what…?”

“It’s true. I gathered this information while peeking into dreams, there’s no lie in it.”


Yuna clung to my arm with a desperate expression. She knew, too. What repercussions awaited anyone defying the Succubus Queen.

Yet, she loved the Princess, so even facing the risk of the Princess treading a dangerous path, she wouldn’t dare deter her… only torment.

That was the setup.

Yuna’s face brimmed with confusion while I infused my gaze with firm determination. Adding just a sprinkle of innocence. Conveying a sense of trust.

It seemed the Third Prince was starting to grasp the nuance of the conversation.

“…Was I being deceived all along? But… why would you tell me this…?”

“We may have only known each other for a short time, but… we understand the pain of being trapped in dreams. We know just how tormenting it is.”

“… … …”

“Don’t let yourself be used, Your Highness. The time has come to awaken from this nightmare.”

Yes, surely the Third Prince had felt it too. Why would anyone become a dark mage? They are brutal beings who crush souls for their own gains.

He would have known there would be no pure reason to help the Third Prince; he just chose to overlook it.

“…Then, what should I do?”

“I’ll help you escape from here. And, there’s currently a Defense Bureau agent on the academy grounds. You should reach out to them.”

“But, what if Elaine and Irid… come for me?”

“Trust me. They truly… don’t harbor any intentions to harm you. Now, let’s rise!”

I took the Third Prince’s hand and pulled him up. He hesitated but began following my lead. With this momentum, I could snatch him away.

I’d seal the deal with an aura of tension and unease, alongside the determination of someone doing the right thing. Yes, borrowing the earnestness from the initial Niolle.

His resolve began to flicker like fire, and the light shone brightly, spreading to those near it. The Third Prince mustered his courage as he began to walk on his own.

As I guided him out of the mansion, a guard blocked our way.

“Stop! Why are you taking the Third Prince out?!”

“Emergency treatment is required… it cannot be done in this mansion. We need to take him somewhere better.”

“What? Last time you said everything was here… huh?!”

I shoved the guard with all my strength and shouted to the Third Prince.

“Let’s run! To where the professor is!”

“…But! You! What about you?!”

“I’m the daughter of the Queen, so I’d get a good scolding, but I won’t die. Don’t worry, just hurry!”

“This is betrayal! The Third Prince is escaping!”


I was knocked down by the guard. The Third Prince hesitated, then turned away and started to run. It was a chance granted by the brave Succubus’s sacrifice. I couldn’t let it go to waste.

The Third Prince had mustered his courage. They could have simply allowed him to live, but their conscience compelled them to aid him.

Even weakened after being holed up for so long, he ran for his life. And he shouted,

“I-I’ll call for help! I’ll get someone!”

“… … …”

I see. Is he saying he’ll call for reinforcements to save him? I felt a sense of satisfaction deep inside. He’s the sort of person who would repay a favor.

Upon hearing the Third Prince’s shout, the guard yelled out loudly.

“After them!”

“I can’t let them go! Sense of Direction Off!

I cast an illusion magic on the guards stationed at the mansion. They stumbled around, running in the wrong direction. The guard, with a face full of anger, drew his sword.

While on the ground, Yuna pulled me into an embrace.


“…Yuna, I’m sorry. It’s my stubbornness. But I just couldn’t stand by.”

“It’s okay. I know your personality too well; it’s my fault for not stopping you. When you kept insisting you wanted to see the outside, I should have just flatly refused…”

“Take me away, Yuna. There’s no need for you to pay for my reckless decision.”

“I’m sorry… It’s so saddening to uphold a powerless sense of justice. My eyes are filled with guilt…”

As we comforted each other, heavy with remorse, Yuna gently soothed me…



The scene ended.

“What are you all babbling about— cough, ugh!

I tripped the guard’s leg, throwing off their balance, and at that moment, Pinkvalez delivered a left straight right into him.

Black Lez gasped in shock, pulling out her whip.

“… Is the act over now?”

“Uh, it’s over.”

“Crazy wizard. To meet the Third Prince in his original state, shouldn’t we wrap this up quickly and get to the laboratory first?”

“Right. We need to do this fast.”

I stretched lazily and released the illusion spell. Gone was the lovely lady, replaced by the grim male character with dark hair and red eyes, leading only to the guard’s shocked expression as he coughed.

If the sky were to fall, I wouldn’t expect such an expression.

“It’s a shame we didn’t get to shoot the kiss scene, crazy wizard.”

“The lead was the Third Prince, how could I kiss you instead? We both knew it was going to end without anything more.”

“I knew that! Still, I hoped you’d give it a try, even if it didn’t align with the story.”

“Your words flow smoother than a river.”

How frustrating. It left me feeling oddly bittersweet.

I licked my lips and glanced around. The troops under the illusion were beginning to snap out of it one by one. I noticed a few getting ready for some soul-extraction; they appeared to be dark mages.

We needed to finish quickly and get back, so I decided to go all out.

Except for the Veil of Deception. After that dark mage suicide incident, I promised myself to choose those moments wisely.

With a snap of my fingers, I commanded.

“Come forth from the ocean of information, Celestial Demon / Evil Deity.”



“I, I am… gulp. I am the Third Prince of the Empire, Sledo Crown! I need help, I need assistance!”

The Third Prince, after desperately running, was now a pale figure, panting as he requested reinforcements. He needed to save the person who rescued him.

Thus, the insane wizard, hood drawn over their head, coolly said, “The Third Prince… I’ve heard plenty from the Second Prince. They said if you ever seek help, they would pay the expenses for your assistance. What’s going on?”

Is that so? Irid genuinely seemed to worry about me. The assassins sent were not from him. What they had said was true. He was indeed a benefactor.

In that case,

Sledo grasped his chest, forcing words from his lungs.

“The women who saved me… are in danger! I need to rescue them, can you…?”

Sledo, gathering his breath, scoured the faces of the wizard and the elegant woman standing behind him.

Both were slick with sweat, as if they had just run a great distance.

Before Sledo could finish, the two started to explain themselves.

“…It’s just a bit warm. Don’t mind it.”

“…Yes. We tend to sweat a lot.”

The three of them bolted back the way they’d come.

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not work with dark mode