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Chapter 170

Chapter: 170

The Academy has a small number of professors. This is mainly because there’s really no need for many.

Students aren’t strictly separated by grade, so there’s a degree of overlap in the subjects they take, and even that overlap doesn’t necessitate dividing classes.

It’s a place where all sorts of distinguished individuals gather. Nobles have mostly inherited their family’s martial arts, so they have little need for skills, and commoners, if they manage to get through the cut to enter the Academy, likely learned something, anything, to get in.

Thus, Academy students arrive with their fighting styles largely developed.

There’s simply no need for lectures like “Let’s Follow Along with the Fun and Easy Three-Point Sword Technique!”

So, what exactly do the professors teach? They teach experience. They instill the understanding that there are viewpoints one hasn’t encountered. Academy lectures are primarily practice-oriented.

That’s why Professor Alexon, who teaches “Everything About Close Combat,” can teach all grades. One of his titles is Weapon Master, meaning he can wield any weapon like a seasoned expert.

Yesterday he was using a spear, and today he’s swinging an axe; he provides a wide range of experiences by himself.

It’s the same with Silvetarry, who teaches “Introduction to Basic Elements.” He’s a magician from the Golden Tower but can also adeptly wield any spell.

Yesterday he was blasting fire and today he’s splashing water; he provides a variety of experiences all on his own too.

And I, who teach “Illusion Magic Response,” can provide a wide range of experiences. Tentacle mazes, rhinoceros escapes… you name it.

On the flip side.

The fact that us three entrenched powers are cornering such a wide-ranging teaching scope means there’s hardly a place for new professors to join.

In fact, we’ve contributed significantly to the resignation of existing professors. This has happened before.

There was once an old retired knight reputed for his skill with a great sword who was a professor, but upon observation, it turned out Alexon was even better with the great sword. Students flocked to Alexon’s lectures instead of his, and…

The angry retired knight challenged Alexon to a duel, lost, and ultimately handed in his tearful resignation.

I didn’t say anything, but I think I might have sent over one or two students under his tenure.

Thus… our ratings among the faculty aren’t so great. Once the pie starts being divided, people become sensitive, don’t they?

The end result is the faculty dinner (not).

Chew, chew. Alejandro, shall we have an arm wrestling match?”

“Compare that muscle-bound beast with my compact, handsome muscles, will you? My muscles are precious pieces of art meant for admiration, and thus shouldn’t be used! But how about we flex our brain cells instead? A new challenge just came up at the Magic Tower…”

“With men gathered here, why would you want to work your brain! I know you’re going to boast for 30 minutes straight again. Just imagining it is giving me bad luck.”

“I can understand you being intimidated by my razor-sharp intellect. However, sometimes it’s wise to gain insights from someone more knowledgeable. Because in the end, it leads to a heightening of wisdom…”

And so, these guys, who just don’t fit together at all, end up sitting here drinking. Alexon shot a look of disdain at Silvetarry, who was spouting his usual nonsense, while guzzling his beer.

Seeing that Alexon didn’t respond remarkably, Silvetarry shifted his target to me.

“Oh, although you haven’t attained the stage of myth yet, you still are a magician, aren’t you? Shall you attempt to solve a riddle from the Golden Tower?”

“Sure, let’s see it.”

“Alright, ahem… It might be too difficult, so I can offer hints. Of course, it’s imperative to form habits of learning on your own to progress, so I’ll decline to help twice. When you ask for a hint the third time, I’ll give you a clever hint—one that won’t spoil the thrill of intellectual excitement.”

I took a glance at the magical puzzle that Silvetarry had copied onto parchment. And out of politeness, I paused for 10 seconds. I had to pretend I was thinking, right?

“Don’t know? Just to give you a hint, if you approach from the bottom left corner…”

“It’s a grasshopper. Correct answer.”

“…Using a divination spell…!!”

Silvetarry was unable to accept the reality of getting the puzzle solved in 10 seconds, and pulled out the Goddess’s emblem from his pocket, waving it around.

However, since no signs of black magic were found anywhere, Silvetarry sipped his beer with an increasingly gloomy face, muttering about how he spent a week on it and that it was unfair.

Alexon erupted into laughter, clearly amused.

“Ah, this is delightful. Truly, there’s always someone taller on the sky. Why was I so arrogant, you fool! Hey, shall we make a toast?”

“Seems like you’ve had quite the struggle?”

“Why even say it? Whenever I start drinking, that so-called intellectual thrill nearly drives me mad. I thought about splitting my skull with an axe, but even a major brawl didn’t fix it.”

So, he really had a significant altercation.

“Well, I’m used to it now! Should I say I’ve learned how to handle it… Just see!”

Alexon grinned mischievously at Alejandro.

“You are the Academy’s greatest magician!”


“Not really.”

“… .”

How can a person’s expression switch like an on/off switch? It’s almost remarkable how low their resistance to compliments seems to be.

My bias that magicians who reach great heights might have a screw loose is reinforced even further.

“You’ll likely hear this soon, but they say he developed that kind of personality because he couldn’t overcome the wounds from a breakup. It’s a sad tale.”

“Hmph, isn’t it rather sadder for the one who’s never had a romance in their entire life?”

“… .”

“… .”

A sorrowful and poignant atmosphere filled the space. The two professors tipped their beer glasses, and looking into their eyes, the deep-seated wounds told me both of them seemed far removed from love.

But generally, one would think that achieving social success would naturally lead to connections, right? They’re both strong enough to be professors at the Academy…

“…In my youth, I lived for revenge! So I never paid attention to love or family. But once all has been accomplished, I began to feel emptiness…”

“Being a magician is a lonely profession. You must endlessly struggle against your research. Yet, one spring came to me, but she left fleetingly. She nailed me to a beautiful season…”

“What you’re saying isn’t about losing someone due to death but rather getting dumped. It means you got so hung up on your first love that you missed all opportunities. So, don’t fret too much.”

“I understand. Love… it’s tough. I haven’t had any yet, either.”

I nodded, showing my empathy. In this life, I’ve yet to have a true romance. Then, Silvetarry and Alexon’s expressions grew slightly ambiguous. Alexon asked,

“I’ve heard rumors you’ve been spotted with a lady. What about that pink-haired woman in a suit?”

“Oh, she’s just a friend. Sometimes we sleep under the same covers, but we both see it as friendship.”

“I’ve heard rumors about you spending time with a woman whose voice is sweeter than honey. What about that?”

“Oh, that’s a bit complicated. Sometimes it feels like that, but it’s more like family, you know?”

Alexon clenched his fist, seemingly wanting to ask more.

“Do you share a bed with that girl?”

“Yeah, we sleep together every day. But that doesn’t mean we’re dating.”

I reflected on the past girlfriend who led me down the path of TRPG. It started from me fearing that if I rejected her confession, my college reputation would be ruined, but I remember it being exceedingly tough.

I had to be ready to go out at a moment’s notice in the early hours, act as a porter at the mall, and accompany my girlfriend to her friends’ gatherings to showcase my worth to elevate her social standing…

It was all extremely tiring. That’s what love is.

In that sense, the time spent with Pingvalez and Yuri is simply enjoyable. They don’t seem to think love is that exhausting, but honestly, wouldn’t it be alright to keep it like this without taking any risks?

I quietly settled that conclusion.

“I think it’s fine to not do it at all. Love, that is.”

“You little jerk.”

“Come on out!”

A few slaps followed.


As the alcohol kicked in, the atmosphere loosened up. I felt the tension in my nerves easing as the liquor circulated through my body.

The topics of conversation twisted and turned. We played a vs game debating what the strongest weapon among them is (Silvetarry and I pushed the all-powerful magic theory against Alexon), and then we discussed who the prettiest professor in the Academy is (I nominated myself).

Eventually, we got to talking about our students. Alexon began to crack his nuts while lamenting.

“I’m getting older, and it’s about time I should take on a junior.”

“Isn’t that a bit early? Sounds like a topic to think about after hitting 60.”

“Magicians pass knowledge through eye and mouth, but we warriors need to etch technique into muscle. I’m told Benet would take over after me…”

Right, Bennett was Alexon’s student.

He approached me because Alexon recommended him, saying there was a magician skilled in using a deadly sword. He then went through TRPG and, as a result, ultimately became a Holy Knight.

“Should I apologize?”

“Nah, not really. Thanks to it, I think Bennett has found his own path… so really, I owe gratitude. He’s ditched that attitude of living by the sword. Just, it’s a pity.”

“Can’t you just bring in some muscle-bound idiot? I’m sure you can find some enthusiastic students among the peasants.”

“What would be the point of passing on skills like that? Oh, right. Bennett sometimes sends me letters. He mentioned something strange came up.”

Something strange?

“Do you know about heroes?”

“Aren’t they brave and righteous figures?”

“That’s one way to put it, but it also refers to those chosen by gods. They mainly appear when the world is in disarray. Chances are the most recent hero showed up a few hundred years ago…”

It seems heroes are born when a god specifically picks someone during a crisis. They don’t show up during peaceful times like now.

Thus, it seems when the gods don’t choose heroes during a season like this, the Goddess Church selects them themselves.

“Bennett and Saint Tara are together. But apparently there’s a rule in the Goddess Church that requires the saint to join the hero’s party. And it seems like there’s a risk of losing the saint.”

“What nonsense is that?”

“Exactly! Luckily, there are currently no heroes in the Goddess Church. They’re planning to hold a hero selection tournament around mid-year. If Bennett wants to keep Tara from being taken away, he needs to win that tournament and become a hero himself.”


Bennett’s life is really quite tumultuous.

But wait, does he indeed send such reports to Alexon via letter? Of course not… I haven’t developed a close bond with him, and it’s just me who has a one-sided sense of intimacy.

Still, it’s a bit disappointing. I mean, how much time have we spent together?

Or, will he come swinging at my head claiming it was the illusion magic that had him misbehaving? No, the head of the Magic Tower said so, so Bennett’s head would disappear.

Should I try to drop a message asking if he’s doing well? I heard last time that he’s been deployed to the Eastern Front, so he might have met Elaine.

It feels like a lot is happening behind the scenes that I’m unaware of, and it makes me curious.

And about the Goddess Church…
I have quite a few doubts about it. I’ve been neglecting it since there was something more important, but digging into it might yield some session material.


As I pondered these feelings, Silvetarry, whose face was now beet red, started hiccuping. If only his gender were reversed, he’d be a fantastic character for a heroine.

At that moment, Alexon abruptly wrapped up what he was doing and stood up.

“Umm! I must take my leave now.”

“Eh? There’s still beer left in your glass.”

“A sudden matter has come up. I’m leaving!”

What’s going on?

I gazed hazily at Alexon’s rapidly retreating figure while feeling somewhat intoxicated. What could it be?

“Back in my youth, there was a lady I truly liked… her name was, ah, Isabella! Yes! I met her first at the Magic Tower.”


“In my youth, I had a lady I truly liked…”



Hearing Alejandro’s love story, which seemed to skip around like a broken record, made me realize why Alexon had fled.

I also tried to quickly wind up and stand. But then, this Silvetarry, the drunken mage, began to sob uncontrollably. I couldn’t possibly bear the sound of a middle-aged mage’s heart-wrenching cries, so I sat right back down.

After hearing the same story three times, my head started swirling and my stomach tightened. I thought about using illusion magic to put him to sleep and just slip away, but the truly sinister part was.

As the episodes repeated, things that never happened started appearing in the narrative. Multi-episode content of drunken ramblings. Unable to resist the urge to piece everything together and confirm the truth, I bore through the monotonous cycle.

Just as I was about to reach the suspicion that Isabella was the true culprit behind a series of serial murders, and that the disguised succubus was actually her, I lost control and fell over.

The error was in measuring my drinking capacity based on past life standards. This new body couldn’t handle alcohol well.

In my stupor, I felt as if someone had hoisted me and moved me.


The smell of alcohol.

Yuri Lanster walked along the moonlit road, feeling the overwhelming stench of alcohol from behind her. A crazy, unconscious wizard was slung over her shoulder.

She had rummaged through every pub in the Academy, worried that the return was getting late. There she found a mad wizard sprawled out and Professor Alejandro, narrating his 35th love story.

She knocked Alejandro out with a love tap and dragged out the drunken mad wizard.

Yuri let out a deep sigh as she admonished him.
“Can’t you control your drinking?”

“…I tried! I really, really tried.”

“What fascinating conversations caused you to drink so much? If it was interesting, do share with me.”

“L-Love… stories…”

Love stories, huh.

“Did you confess your feelings to someone or something? Talking about wanting to date or something?”

“…Kinda right.”

She felt a mischief brewing. Since he was completely drunk and obedient, this was a perfect opportunity to produce some fun black history. Yuri prodded subtly.

“What about me? Am I a love interest?”

“Love… I don’t want it…”


Yuri paused momentarily before continuing her walk. That was a very expected answer.

She simply wasn’t surprised; they had been colleagues from work, been friends throughout, and she only asked as a joke.

“No worries. I understand. It makes sense. You’re a dream demon, after all. There’d be flaws to date you.”

“Love… skipping straight to marriage would be great…”

“…Excuse me?”


Yuri’s steps halted once again. Her pitch rose slightly, intertwining with a squeaky note that rang out into the night.
“What do you mean by that?!”

There was no answer.


“…My head hurts like crazy.”

“Oh, you silly! Just wait! I’ll make some warm honey water for you!”


I laid quietly down, listening to Yuna’s soothing voice.

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not work with dark mode