Switch Mode

Chapter 169

Chapter: 169

The city was intricately constructed like a labyrinth.

Open a window, and you’d find the sky; open the mall’s door, and you’d land in a sewer. This was the result of the fluid nature of the mind – visually perceived spaces held little significance.

Succubus Isabella sprinted instinctively, turning corners and bracing against walls, but such aimless wandering would not lead her out of the maze.

She was just a pawn in the grip of mental modules.

Suddenly, a wrinkled old man’s face popped out from the wall, luring Isabella in.

“Oh dear Dream Demon, I can sell you the map of this city. Just give me your data. You don’t need to give me much—just your left pinky finger’s data, and…”

“Get lost!”

Crackle. This time, a billboard lit up, showcasing a besuited gentleman on the monitor. He fixed his gaze directly upon Isabella and began spewing nonsensical words.

“We have insurance products tailored just for you. If you subscribe now, I guarantee a full refund of the principal data 100 years later. However, terms may vary depending on the subscriber’s species…”

“Stop spouting weird nonsense—!!”

While Isabella bolted away, shaking off the creepy vibes, hands sprouted from the ground to grab her ankles. She flinched and shook them off, but her delicate skin was scratched by sharp nails.

These were the ‘devouring’ modules. They tore apart the malicious data invading the internal structure, sending the remains to control facilities.

The hands began to savor the flesh caught under their nails, analyzing it. They seemed pretty high-class for succubi, and if we focused solely on their ability to enter dreams, they were superior to Pigvalez.

Of course, comparing them to Pigvalez, who had honed physical strength while neglecting their succubi traits, might be a bit of a low blow…

But still, the mere fact that Isabella was enduring in this space where most mental magic users would have already lost their limbs proved her strength.

Well, she was still just a rat caught in a trap, though.

From all sides, temptations and threats came pouring in. If she didn’t relinquish her data, she’d die. If she did give it up, she could live. If she handed it over…

Isabella screamed and shook her head.

They were all traps. She understood that. No matter how sweetly they tried to lure her, she knew that their end was destruction. She often employed such tactics herself.

This was hell. She had to escape quickly.

Right, right!

There was no need to get lost. She just had to escape this mad wizard’s mind──

“No, no, no! You can’t get out of here! Think about it; you’ve been blocked from leaving for sure! Look! The door is closed! You need to find the key and discover the exit!”

──Yes, she couldn’t escape. First, she needed to find the key. The key.

Isabella, captivated by the module that continually whispered malicious information into her ear, was drawn deeper into the city.

The city was laughing.


While Succubus Isabella reveled in cosmic horror, the modules delighted in a hunting game. How long had it been since they conducted this kind of work?

Usually, they dealt with rising lust alongside the Lust Suppression Department, but it had genuinely been a long while since they processed such malicious data.

Faced with extreme stress and the threat of death, Succubus Isabella began to unleash her hidden potential. She instinctively headed towards the most crucial part—the black dome.

Nonetheless, the modules remained leisurely unaffected. Even if the Dream Demon struggled, the city stood firm.

The modules exchanged information amicably.

Though it was a momentary communication made up of 0s and 1s, if one were to assign a human quality to it, this would be how it appeared.

“Alright, at this rate, we’ll catch her soon.”

“Hey, orders came down from above. They said to keep her alive for some entertainment and not to kill her. Just keep making her run in circles and slow her cognition.”

“There’s a module right in front! If it just alters her path a bit, it’ll work!”

“Wait a sec… Isn’t that a ‘Drool’ module?!”

The ‘Drool’ module, formally known as the ‘Psychopath Module,’ activates when the user experiences a tremendous mental shock and immediate action is required, even at the cost of some side effects.

It’s triggered when someone precious dies or when overwhelming negative emotions surge to an uncontrollable level due to high-level illusion magic. This module ingrains a strong self-suggestion: ‘Everything but me is worthless.’

Since it’s an emergency module, it usually doesn’t activate and is mutually exclusive with other modules.

Meaning, it doesn’t do anything.

“Hey, lazy bum! Change the fleeing Dream Demon’s direction!”

“That’s not my job.”

“Hey, hey! They’re heading for the Black Box! Stop them!”

“Not my concern.”


In the face of the Drool module’s negligence, Succubus Isabella ended up moving towards the city’s core: the black dome. The modules sighed.

“Don’t break it.”

“If she gets caught by us, at least we could preserve the core data…”

The vicinity of the black dome was an ‘unknown’ area for both the modules and the mad wizard. No one knew what happened inside; they only knew that something in the mind was tied there.

But, through experience, they could guess.
All data heading there ended up broken.


The atmosphere was different.


Beyond the city lay a Silent Wasteland. At its center rested a massive black egg. The whispers of all sorts of demonic modules ceased abruptly.

It was quiet… and… serene.

Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.

Succubus Isabella cautiously approached the center.

With every step, the looming black dome grew closer, radiating an overwhelming presence capable of distorting one’s sense of depth. What could that be?

A repository of the mad wizard’s most precious memories?

Or perhaps, the very core of the mad wizard’s heart?

Both would suit her. If it was cherished so gravely, it must be significant. Isabella held a faint hope; if she could grasp the core of the mind, escaping would be a simple task.

Would she merely escape? No, it would also be possible to turn the mad wizard into her perfect obedient puppet. If she could pull that off, she would repay all the humiliation…

Pat-pat. Pat-pat. Thump.

How long had she been walking?

The black dome now appeared as a black wall filling her vision. Her heart raced. Thump. Thump. It wasn’t excitement or exhilaration, yet for some reason, it was pounding.

Isabella felt a confusion from the inexplicable fluttering. It felt as though her heart had malfunctioned. Yet her mind remained serene.

It felt as if her spirit and body had separated. The mind was so calm while her body trembled and felt sensations.

Beyond the black wall lay utter darkness—pitch black—hardly visible. But if one looked closely, something was shining.


As she reached out towards the black object in a daze…

“Maybe you shouldn’t…”


“It’s, truly… a sincere piece of advice to keep you safe. Could you think it over just one more time?”


A gentle boyish voice echoed out.

As Isabella turned to face what had been nothing in the air a moment ago, there stood a boy with flowing black hair.

He wore a smile like the warm sun. His features bore a striking resemblance to the mad wizard.

Succubus Isabella tried to muster suspicion, but it soon softened.

“…Who, who are you?”

“My name… is something I cannot share due to my circumstances. If you must call me, just refer to me as a promise.”


The boy continued speaking gently as Isabella stood silently watching him.

“I can understand your feelings of being pursued… but I’m sorry. This place isn’t for that. It’s not a place to escape; it’s more likely to endanger you.”

“But I need a breakthrough! I have to get out of here!”

“I want to help you escape but… I lack the ability. I must use all my strength to safeguard this.”

The boy truly seemed remorseful. He looked at Isabella like a poor animal, moved his hand, and made a gentle motion from left to right.

Isabella felt something—like a decayed tooth falling out. It seemed like something had vanished, yet she couldn’t grasp what it was.

“…What did you do?”

“I believe everyone deserves a second chance. You’ve harmed many while entranced by pleasure, but if you had good encounters and experiences, perhaps… you could have led a better life.”

“What kind of nonsense is that…?”

“The stake in your mind is removed. Now you won’t need to sacrifice every part of your life for another round of pleasure. The next part… is up to you. I sincerely hope you can repent.”

What in the world did you do to my mind──


When she closed her eyes and opened them again, Isabella found herself standing in the city center.

She felt as if she had just met someone, but it also felt like she hadn’t. It was as if she had just dozed off momentarily.

Even if she tried to recall the hazy memories, it seemed like trying to capture smoke—a fog clouding her grasp before it evaporated.

Isabella realized she could never recall the memory of a moment ago.

Then, the noise reverberating from all around startled her back to reality.

“The Dream Demon’s over there!!”

“Dream Demon! Dream Demon!”


Right, I was being pursued.

Succubus Isabella began to sprint frantically. However, she didn’t dare glance in the direction of the ominous dome. Every module began tracking her down.

“Catch the Dream Demon!!”

“If caught, it’ll be instant──”

Isabella was overwhelmed with grief. She had sinned, so this was her punishment! To hell with the Academy and the Queen’s orders; she didn’t want to be here any longer. She didn’t even know why she embarked on this madness in the first place.

That paltry pleasure, whether it existed or not, mattered little. She was going through all this hardship for nothing. With tears welling up in her eyes, she shouted towards the sky.
“Get me out of here…! I’ve made a mistake…!!”


Pigvalez, peering through the magic screen at the mental barriers, gasped and asked,
“Is this noise always going on inside your head?”

“Of course not. That’d be a waste of resources. The trick is like the reply succession; someone’s belief escalates the situation bit by bit.”

Communication between modules was actually a very condensed form of 0s and 1s. It was more akin to cells saying, ‘You eat this, and you eat that,’ than a conversation.

Being a succubus that exists somewhere between illusion and reality made them accept it in a more realistic manner. And I had intentionally added a bit more spice to it.

Pigvalez, finally caught and twisting the captured succubus, looked at it with satisfaction and said,
“Can I take her with me? I have something to investigate.”

“Go ahead, I’ll even wrap her up for you.”


The glint in Pigvalez’s eyes, which nodded appreciatively, seemed fiercer than usual. I wondered if they planned to keep the Dream Demon as a dakimakura instead of issuing a formal interrogation.

I shook the succubus in my head and pulled her out into the open. Thud, she plopped into the air, landing safely unconscious.

Pigvalez and I wound the succubus up, having a cozy little chat.

“Shall I pay you for your services with my body?”

“Who would want that? Though, it sounds tempting…”

“I’ll sneak in tomorrow night dressed in pajamas. Please warm up the blanket.”

I mentally checked my schedule and shook my head.
“Oh, I’ll be busy then. Got an appointment.”

“…An appointment, you say?”

A question mark appeared above Pigvalez. Their expression clearly asked if they too made appointments. It was true that I had spent most of my time cooped up in the lab since arriving at the Academy.

Even I would occasionally have engagements in my schedule.

“Oh, there’s a gathering scheduled.”

“A gathering with a lady?”

“Not a lady, but…”


A bearded, one-eyed Viking raised a mug filled with beer high above his head.

“Thanks for participating in the 21st Faculty Dinner at the Academy! Let’s all raise our beers and get started!”

“Hmph, no matter how genius a wizard you are, your drinking capacity is still different. It’s not bragging but as one who has sharpened elemental magic to its limits, I assure you of my liver’s strength! Through my beer-drinking method I invented, I’ve reduced the chances of getting drunk by 30%…”

I blankly lifted my beer mug in bewilderment and asked,
“There are only three of us despite it being a faculty dinner?”

“The lady instructors found it too dull. Well, a gathering among the males is nice! We can converse a bit more openly, right? Hahahaha!”

The instructors included were Alexon, responsible for ‘All About Close Combat,’ the slick silver-haired wizard responsible for ‘Basic Elemental Theory,’ and the mad wizard himself, me.

Altogether, that made it a rather dreary dinner party with only six individuals.

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not work with dark mode