Switch Mode

Chapter 160

Chapter: 160

“Now, you’re not just Daoist Cheong-Hwi but rather Brother Cheong-Hwi, huh!”

“……… Well, that seems to be the case.”

“I’m so happy we can live together under the same roof! Guests may leave whenever their paths diverge, but family? Even if they are far away in body, their hearts never stray! How wonderful is that! I look forward to your guidance, Brother Cheong-Hwi!”


Today, Envers Redburn, having become Namgoong Cheong-Hwi, squirmed every time he heard the word “brother.” Namgoong Myung, concerned he might be ill, asked.

“Why do you keep squirming like that, Brother Cheong-Hwi?”

Namgoong Seung-Ah, sitting nearby, smirked. She thought it was a perfect chance to repay old grudges.

“Can you not tell just by looking? Seems like he’s not used to being called brother. Well then, we must call him that often until he gets used to it… right, Brother Cheong-Hwi?”

“Brother is fine by me.”

“Do you really want to die?!”

Thud, thud!

After a brief tussle, Namgoong Cheong-Hwi pondered a deeply philosophical question.

What exactly does it mean to be family…?

It was undoubtedly something he longed for. Yet, having lost the essence of family life for quite some time, he was wandering aimlessly trying to understand what it really was.

Let’s rewind the memory… What would be family-like behavior…?

He recalled sharing a bean with Brother Roderus. So, is giving something of mine the true act of family?

“……… Why do you keep moving beans onto my plate, Brother?”

“I’m sharing…”

“I don’t like those beans! Give them to Myung! I mean it, give them to Myung!”

“Both sister and brother, pickiness is bad! You need to eat everything without skipping, to ensure the balance of energies! Only then will your body become strong and your internal power flourish! Moreover, beans grow in the earth, absorbing the essence of nature––”

As Namgoong Myung’s lecture played like background music, a war broke out between Namgoong Cheong-Hwi and Namgoong Seung-Ah over who could transfer more beans onto the other’s plate.

Using the Heavenly Demon’s martial arts to flick the beans away, Cheong-Hwi thought this wasn’t quite right. When he shared with Brother Roderus, there was a special affection, but now, given their abundance, it felt rather mundane.

He rummaged through his memory for another recollection.

His mother took care of young Envers with utmost devotion. Whenever he cried from hunger, she fed him. When he fell and wept, she comforted him.

Was caring for a child like that—like a child left by the water—true family behavior?

“……… What are you doing?”

“I was worried you might cut yourself with the sword.”

“Am I not going to train now? Am I supposed to worry about getting cut while practicing the sword techniques I’ve honed for over a decade?”



Namgoong Seung-Ah launched a straightforward strike. Cheong-Hwi, avoiding it, reconsidered his thoughts. Perhaps excessive kindness might result in the target feeling insulted.

What other… family-like actions exist?

Duke Redburn taught assassination techniques, demonstrated the creation of brothers right in front of him, and treated them as sons only if they were adequate.


As much as he agreed, he knew that this wasn’t “family-like” behavior.

Cheong-Hwi humbly acknowledged that he didn’t know much about family. Since not knowing meant learning from others, he requested honest guidance.

Namgoong Seung-Ah looked taken aback.

“……… Was that why you seemed off for a while?”

“I tried my best.”

“If you’re too tense while learning martial arts, it makes your movements stiff and awkward. Right now, Brother Cheong-Hwi is just like that.”

In response to the query of what family is and how to be one, adopted Namgoong Seung-Ah replied.

“What’s so special about family? We aren’t even blood-related.”


“Don’t get caught up in the concept of family. There are countless ways to embrace family, including cases where one concentrates on honor or power, like Namgoong So. Though that may not be right… you need to find your own way.”

So, stop with the weird stuff. Namgoong Seung-Ah shot back before leaving. Fair enough.

Left alone in the Garden of the Namgoong Family, Namgoong Cheong-Hwi sat cross-legged, deep in thought.

Roderus… he had shown him a flawed way to manipulate mana, breaking Envers’s mana mechanism. Until now, he thought it a betrayal that left a deep scar in his heart.

Looking back, Roderus could have chosen an easier and quicker option.

If he were truly jealous of Envers’s talent and wanted to exclude him, he could’ve just killed him. Stabbing him in his sleep would result in him silently closing his eyes without a shout.

So… could it be that he performed such actions just to keep him from leaving the Redburn family?

Was that something he wanted to protect at all costs?

Now, it began to make sense. If he and Namgoong Myung found themselves in the same situation and nothing else came to mind, perhaps Cheong-Hwi would have made a similar choice.

“Then, back then, Brother Roderus thought very little of me… that’s a bit disappointing, Brother.”

It seemed he had some maturity even back then. Or did he not?

Cheong-Hwi began recalling memories with Roderus one by one. Occasionally, during their duels, Roderus would hit him far harder than usual. Envers would be injured to the extent that he couldn’t join the competition properly.

Until now, he thought those were just a result of Roderus having a bad day, but perhaps it was a hard-to-read consideration.

Reflecting again, on days with gloomy atmospheres, Roderus would invariably inflict injuries. And on those days, casualties often arose among the half-bloods competing against each other.

He had been kept away from danger.

“……… There were signs all along. I just didn’t notice.”

Namgoong Cheong-Hwi brushed the dust off his rear and stood up, walking a little.

In the end, just like martial arts, deciding what meaning to attach to the word family is up to oneself, he realized.

Therefore, to Namgoong Cheong-Hwi, family embodies those who understand each other’s hearts deeply.

Having been hurt by misunderstandings for so long, he sincerely hoped he could confront them properly.

When he met Brother Roderus again, he would open up and share his feelings. They would return to being good brothers again.

Not only that, but he also wished to approach Selvia and Luna—the grateful people in his life. He felt there were too many things he hadn’t captured along the way due to living chased by life.

If he didn’t express gratitude…

After organizing his thoughts, Cheong-Hwi pulled out a letter from his pocket.

It was a letter from Namgoong So, inviting him to the nearby forest at night. The warning noted that if he didn’t come, he could not guarantee the safety of his “family.”


Namgoong Cheong-Hwi tightened the sword he had temporarily propped against a rock at his waist. It was a sturdy long sword gifted by the family head to welcome him into the Namgoong Family.

He would tie up loose ends.


As he walked along the path, he retraced his steps.

He passed through the main gate of the Namgoong Family. Now with the same surname, he exchanged nods with the guards. He had briefly mentioned that he had errands outside.

He walked through the bustling streets. Once unfamiliar scenery was now comfortably familiar. Couriers leaping across rooftops were now part of daily life.

In the marketplace, he saw two warriors clumsily fighting, perhaps fueled by alcohol, their faces flushed like a boiled octopus.

As he walked by, he casually stepped into the fray, effortlessly overpowering them with a light touch.


“G-Great Master!”

His intervention brought the fight to a halt. Namgoong Cheong-Hwi advised them to fight after sobering up and continued on his way.

As he walked on, crossing the gate, the lush greenery began to fill his sight.

As the sunset approached, the sky turned crimson and gradually faded into a ghostly pale. They said the night would set in quickly in the woods, and lo and behold…


Or maybe it wasn’t just because of the forest.

His skin prickled. There was a tingling sensation in his soul.

A sinister energy surged from the distance. It stretched thinly into the sky, a weighty presence pressing down like a veil over the world.

It made him reluctant to get closer. A deep-seated fear began to rise. Staring closely at that fear, he recognized its form.

The Heavenly Demon. This was the aura of the Heavenly Demon.

The feeling he had when facing the Heavenly Demon was like staring in awe at a towering wall.

Was it that the mad sorcerer spoke of their fate, recognizing such a future?

Now, he could choose to turn back. The defeat he felt against the Heavenly Demon still resonated intensely. Even with everything he had learned now, confronting it would end poorly for Envers.


Namgoong Cheong-Hwi stood here for the sake of family.

“……… There’s no running away. I’d rather bang my head against the wall.”

If Selvia doesn’t fear challenges, and Luna delights in them, then he would shoulder the challenge himself.

And he walked on.

Following the energy’s direction, he spotted Namgoong So among the trees, his grasp tight on an ominous book.

To Cheong-Hwi… it looked upside down. Namgoong So was not holding the book; it felt as though the book was holding Namgoong So, its presence enormous.

It was a vague impression, yet Cheong-Hwi had an instinct that this book was the root of all this chaos.

Namgoong So spoke in a hollow tone. His clothing was disheveled, and his hair was unkempt, completely lacking his usual noble demeanor.

“You’ve come, Cheong-Hwi.”

“Namgoong So. Are you completely done with the formalities now?”

“No reason to show courtesy to someone who’s about to die.”

“You seem to lack even the leisure to grieve.”

Swish! Namgoong So drew his longsword.

The well-polished blade emitted a chilling aura. The murderous intent was palpable.

“You’ve ruined my plans. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve already claimed Myung’s blood… and obtained the power of the Heavenly Demon!”

“Speak clearly. I didn’t ruin your plans; I saved you. So you wouldn’t have regrets later.”

“Regrets? The only regret I have is not killing you sooner. I should’ve severed your neck right then and there instead of relying on that fake Daoist!”

“Then, why not give it a shot? You think it’s too late now?”

Namgoong Cheong-Hwi drew his sword to counter.


Namgoong So assumed the perfect stance of the Heavenly Demon Swordplay. It resembled a marble statue, flawlessness encapsulated. But his mind was anxious and closed off, limiting his freedom.

In contrast, Namgoong Cheong-Hwi had only recently learned the Heavenly Demon Swordplay, leaving many gaps and stumbling blocks in his technique. However, understanding the essence of martial arts allowed him relaxation.

In the stillness.

With the rustle of birds taking flight, the clash of swords began.


Namgoong So dashed in, focusing all his might for a thrust, his momentum like that of an arrow. The flawless stance infused with pure internal energy directed powerful force behind each strike.

Namgoong Cheong-Hwi recognized the urgency and met his blade.


Cheong-Hwi’s sword was sent flying.

Namgoong So’s skill, backed by freely utilized internal energy, overpowered Cheong-Hwi, whose mastery was unstable. In a direct clash of strength, he found no way to win.

Namgoong So’s blade spread like a hawk’s wings. Transitioning a thrust smoothly into a slash aimed directly at Cheong-Hwi’s chest.

Rolling away! Without hesitation, Cheong-Hwi tumbled to evade the blade.

“You’re a disgrace!”

“Don’t get caught up in appearances. You were talking about the power of the Heavenly Demon; had you been one, you would have used that maneuver countless times.”

If that were the most likely option to win, the Heavenly Demon would have employed any ridiculous move without hesitation.

Namgoong So’s sword struck hard into the ground like a swooping hawk. Cheong-Hwi unleashed a ground technique to roll away from a critical strike, swiftly slashing at So’s ankles from a low position.

Namgoong So leaped to evade. As they were both focused on avoidance, Cheong-Hwi opened his mouth.

“There’s something I don’t understand.”

“……… Do you have the energy to chat, punk?”

Clang! Clang!

Again, blades clashed.

The bloodlust within Namgoong So’s gaze flickered as the intensity in his swordplay escalated, blue blades gradually mixed with crimson hues.

Namgoong So’s Heavenly Demon Swordplay swung wildly, pressing Cheong-Hwi. Still, he overcame it, moving like a bird in the skies. Even within an intricate web of strikes, he felt freedom.

Shrinking his shoulders, twisting his body, or stepping on different angles, he mixed techniques, making it impossible for Namgoong So to determine the issue quickly.

“Why do you want to kill Myung?”

“Because the secret of the Magic Conjuration demands the blood of family!”

“After gaining power through such a method, what do you intend to do?”

“To elevate the Namgoong Family even more. So that no one dares to look down on us!”

Clang, clang!

Namgoong Cheong-Hwi fluidly spun his wrist, using the elasticity of his joints to slash like a whip. It resembled the movements of a chain sickle.

As he expertly landed a blow, Namgoong So’s advancing sword momentarily halted. Cheong-Hwi seized the opportunity to strike.


With a quick thrust, Cheong-Hwi’s fist struck Namgoong So’s chest, sending him back.


“You’re the one underestimating the Namgoong Family! How could someone trying to kill family claim to protect it?”

“I am the only one who can make the Namgoong Family great! I alone must lead the family! I have to uphold that belief!”

“Who told you to be a great family head?”

“That is…!!”

Myung said it often.

Myung would definitely become a great family head.

Namgoong So froze, caught up in confusion. He gazed at the sinister book still held in his left hand.

When he tried to remove his fingers, it felt as if they had been glued together, the book wouldn’t budge.

The bloodlust flickering in his eyes dimmed. The suffocating breaths he’d been taking quieted down, as emotions other than rage settled in.

Amidst the chaos, Namgoong So murmured.

“……… Myung is a prodigy. His talent was something I could never hope to match. One day, surely, he would reach a level I could not grasp.”

Envy crept in, alongside the fear that the family head position might shift to Myung. Further, there was a yearning to remain a ‘worthy brother’ for as long as possible.

“……… So, I tried to perfect the sword meant to cleave the heavens to elevate my skills; yet, my father never showed me the secrets of our ancestors. Thus, I had no choice but to resort to other means.”

And so he had picked up the book.

It contained evil secrets that raised power through human sacrifice. Namgoong So harmed innocents to claim their blood. Initially, he might have felt some guilt, but as time passed, he felt nothing.

One by one, the sacrifices piled up. He became intoxicated with it.

“……… I know. I know. The moment I killed the innocent, I became less than a scum. But…”

He had been a wolf, willing to harm others for his benefit, even if he had a purpose. As the bloodlust engrossed him, he lost sight of that purpose.

Desperate to preserve the dignity of the eldest son, he eventually became consumed by the power which was nothing but a means.

Namgoong So looked at Cheong-Hwi with gloomy eyes.

“……… I won’t apologize. Even if I could turn back time, I would still choose to kill for power… that’s just who I am.”


“I don’t regret what I’ve done, but to be charmed by this damned book… forgetting even family, that hurts.”

Namgoong So pressed the blade to his throat. With all his plans shattered, it would be better to die than be toyed with by this book.

Just as he tightened his grip on the hilt.

“……… Ugh, argh.”

Crack! Thud!

A wicked crimson energy from the Magic Conjuration poured out in all directions, coursing through Namgoong So and spreading through his body. His veins bulged, and horrid sounds erupted from his bones.

Something was happening. This situation could not be allowed to continue.

Namgoong So exclaimed, eyes rolled back.

“……… Kill me! Kill me!”


Namgoong Cheong-Hwi rushed in with all his might, wielding his sword to finish what was needed before being consumed by the demonic tome.


His accelerated blade approached Namgoong So’s neck, almost burying itself before the world erupted in chaos.

Namgoong So vanished from his vision in an incomprehensible maneuver. Cheong-Hwi blinked, startled, but soon realized he needed to strengthen himself for protection.

An unfathomable technique. Just now, that had been the movement of the Heavenly Demon.


A fist connected with Cheong-Hwi’s chest.

And then, boom──!!


Cheong-Hwi was flung backward across three spans from the shockwave.

Using the weight of the earth beneath him, he planted his foot firmly as he grasped the sword, turning his gaze forward. There before him, swaying like a mirage, stood Namgoong So.

Through the inverted pupils of So, Cheong-Hwi glimpsed the Heavenly Demon—a being that transcended time and space, now dwelling within Namgoong So’s body.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode