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Chapter 158

Chapter: 158

Blood Spider Old Woman (혈주노파)

Her name derived from her appearance resembling a spider soaked in blood. Just as a spider delicately manipulates its legs, the fingers of the Blood Spider Old Woman moved with similar precision.

Her elongated, blood-soaked nails glistened menacingly. As her fingers clicked and clacked like an insect, deadly red trails formed all around her.

Shasha Shashak!

“I’ll give you a proper thrashing!!”


“Careful, Myung!”

With the Blood Spider Old Woman’s heightened pressure swelling threefold, Namgoong Myung and Namgoong Seung-Ah, barely holding their ground with erratic movements, were sent flying backward.

A mere brush against her nails would splinter bones. Only then did the Namgoong siblings draw their swords, determined to endure just a little longer.

The Evil God Hee Yeong-Hyun yawned inwardly while watching the spectacle unfold.

The puppets were turning mechanically, meshed together like cogs to fulfill their roles. These beings, whether Namgoong or Blood Spider Old Woman, were created for such battles.

It was all too obvious. They were meant to stagger through the fight until Cheong-Hwi arrived, creating an opening for his entrance.

Thus, whether Hee Yeong-Hyun assisted or not, the outcome would be the same.

Tap tap.

A few casual knife throws would suffice. With that much done, there would be no blame to be cast later, and the development would remain unobstructed.

“Come on, try to mess with me again!”

“Above you!!”

The figures intertwined chaotically. The clash of blades and nails echoed, with sparks flying as a sword was severed—putting the Namgoong siblings in a tight spot.

Every tool has its proper use.

Blades are meant to kill, and books are meant to be read.

They existed for this puppet show, and she was… a being designed to plunge humans into pain and despair. That much was undeniable.

The reason was unclear. They were just made that way.

And thus, the situation grew tiresome and mundane. How could one not find it dull when asked to read books with a sword?

Why did that mad wizard confine her to such a role? Having been made to submit long ago, he had even personally fitted her with a bomb necklace for emergencies.

There was no need to travel far.

If she were to dive into Roderus’ mind, she could drive him mad in three days. If unleashed among the academy students, she could successfully brainwash them into fervently worshipping that mad wizard.

If she loathed the sword so much, why not just break it?

Reiterating to herself would not solve the questions. Hee Yeong-Hyun decided to address Cheong-Hwi, who was preparing to ambush.

“What’s on your mind, Daoist?”

“…What are you asking?”

“About the tools. It’s rather absurd to use a knife that cuts humans well for trimming plants, don’t you think?”

“You ask such out-of-place questions at a time like this…?”

Hee Yeong-Hyun’s inquiry felt disconnected from the situation. Cheong-Hwi seemed momentarily taken aback but soon gathered his thoughts to respond.

“I mean the Dog-Beat Stick Technique. Why do you think the name refers to a technique for catching dogs?”

“Because it was created while catching dogs, I suppose.”

“But the name is quite shabby. If it represents a martial art of a faction, wouldn’t something like the Infinite Killing Dog Stick Technique or Taeshan Style Pillar Technique sound better?”

But what reason was there for naming it the Dog-Beat Stick Technique? Cheong-Hwi presented his conclusion.

“Meaning isn’t important.”

“Meaning, you say.”

“Why did the beggars need to catch dogs? Surely it was to welcome new family members. As their feeding mouths increased, they would catch dogs. Therefore, it’s not about killing dogs.”


If one were to ask why the Dog-Beat Stick Technique was the foundation of the Open Faction, wouldn’t it be because it was centered around a heart that welcomed family? Cheong-Hwi thought so.

In a chaotic world, the only comfort for beggars was each other, forming a tight-knit family out of their wretched fates.

Welcoming new beggars. A skinny, starving beggar on the verge of death. The Open Faction would sacrifice a dog’s life to keep someone else alive. They cared for and shared with one another.

“So… even if it’s a knife effective against people, if the wielder’s intent is in that direction, it wouldn’t be strange at all.”

“You’re making a joke. In the end, the essence doesn’t change.”

“However, what piles upon the essence will.”

Having answered in that manner, Cheong-Hwi leaped between the Blood Spider Old Woman and the Namgoong siblings. With the sound of metal clashing, the dance of blades unfurled again.

Humans really have way too many unnecessary thoughts.

The Evil God pondered briefly before returning to Hee Yeong-Hyun, drawing a dagger. The play was far from over, and she had her role to fulfill.

Her thoughts could wait till later.

Clang! Kkakagangang!

Her red nails ground against the blade, slicing downward. Slowly, the sword split in half. At the end of that trajectory was Namgoong Myung’s body.

Namgoong Myung could not dodge the difference in power, trembling while grasping the hilt. Just before his body would be cleaved along with the sword—


Cheong-Hwi swung up from below, deflecting the Blood Spider Old Woman’s hand.

“Daoist Cheong-Hwi!”

“I’ve arrived!”

“My sister was struck by her technique and lost consciousness!”

“I saw. I’ll move her near Hee Yeong-Hyun, so she’ll take her to safety. You two should retreat!”

At Cheong-Hwi’s words, Namgoong Myung bit his lip and shook his head furiously. Up till now, they had been saved and received aid—how could he run away again?

“I-I want to help, too! I was able to hold my ground until just now, and my dantian is healed, so surely—!”

Cheong-Hwi could see the stubbornness in Namgoong Myung’s eyes. Had the mounting pressure grown too heavy? Words like, “You’re still young; it’s fine. You’ll repay me later,” wouldn’t suffice anymore.

Fighting alongside Namgoong Myung would indeed yield help, but if he were to get hurt again, who knows what might happen.

A brother should protect his sister, after all. Cheong-Hwi dug deep into his memory to borrow the meanest things he could recall and hurled Namgoong Myung toward Hee Yeong-Hyun from a distance.

“I’m saying you’re a hindrance, you commoner!”


Trying to follow Roderus felt strange.

After witnessing Hee Yeong-Hyun care for the Namgoong siblings, Cheong-Hwi dodged the flying nails with insight, sweeping the ground with his legs.

The Blood Spider Old Woman leaped back to evade and then widened the distance. Seeing Cheong-Hwi arrive unharmed, her wrinkled face twisted in displeasure.

“…Did the Sleep-Killing Vice Father fail?”

“He was an expert, but I was able to surprise him and strike his vitals before he could leverage his skills. Hence, it was easy to win.”

“You, despicable old man!”

“Who’s talking about whom here…?”


Blood energy sprayed forth like a mist from the Blood Spider Old Woman’s nails. Witnessing her ability to manifest energy into a tangible form, it was evident she had reached the pinnacle of mastery.

While Cheong-Hwi evaded the blood energy, the Blood Spider Old Woman swiftly closed the gap, wildly swinging her nails. Cheong-Hwi targeted not the nails, but the hand itself.

Fist clenching tight, he struck.

Pah! Papapak!

Grasping the edge of a blade barehanded, he could take damage, so he instead targeted the hands and arms from which those nails originated to disrupt their trajectory.

As Cheong-Hwi’s precise, short strikes rendered her assaults ineffective, the Blood Spider Old Woman, her face now flushed red with rage, pulled out a curved blade.

“AAAH! Ring Tail Flying Claws!


A horrifying crimson energy spread out like a round net. Not allowing any chance to evade, it was an area attack—yet Cheong-Hwi remained composed, stepping back and pulling out his rapier to swing.

A flash of light shone. Piercing the weak spots of the net repeatedly, Cheong-Hwi hurled himself through the gaps.

At the same time, he threw his rapier like a spear, targeting the Blood Spider Old Woman’s head.



Faced with that fierce momentum, the Blood Spider Old Woman desperately contorted her body but could not completely evade, getting struck in the shoulder.

It was bearable. He could fight back.

He didn’t feel like he would lose. Just then, a sudden realization struck.

[Seek Power: Ascend to Peak Mastery (Releasing Potential, Fill and Harmonize)]

Releasing potential through the perceptive insight and reading of movements.

With his injuries compensated by mastery techniques, he—


Cheong-Hwi came to realize he had crossed a threshold. The series of fortunate encounters and experiences had propelled him to the midpoint of a high mountain.

And it seemed the Blood Spider Old Woman felt it too.

“Brat, how have you advanced to the level of a master so soon…!!”


Cheong-Hwi leaped forward, shortening the distance.

He had mastered several martial arts. This allowed varied techniques to unfold seamlessly with each extension of his hand.

Like techniques to kill wizards, he pierced sharply; using dragon-capturing techniques, he parried and evaded; reading movements, he slipped away and dodged, striking explosively.

The Blood Spider Old Woman tried to fend off the downpour of attacks, yet like rain seeping through a roof, she could no longer block every single assault.

Puck! Bak!


The Blood Spider Old Woman countered as well. Each brush from her nails splattered blood and cleaved flesh. However, Cheong-Hwi knew from the moment he was struck that they wouldn’t be fatal.

Analysing the patterns and rules of movement, he operated with conviction. He calculated angles accurately, extending his hand swiftly. He danced like moonlight flickering in his mind.

As several streams interwove and merged into the sea, all experiences lined up to carve a single stroke. Cheong-Hwi felt that flow.

Though reminiscent of celestial movements, they carried a distinct significance.

“I will encapsulate the meaning of this motion in the directness of approach. My martial art shall be a vessel for my heart.”



The sound was not loud.

Cheong-Hwi’s fist embedded deep into the Blood Spider Old Woman’s solar plexus. She spat blood from her mouth as she flew back, crashing to the ground.

The battle was concluded.


A look of sorrow filled Namgoong Myung’s eyes. Attacked personally, it was only natural.

“That’s just too much…!”

“No, I was, in haste… couldn’t decide what to say. It’s not like I intended to insult you; my brother has a dreadful way of speaking, and that wasn’t what I meant by saying you’re a commoner.”

Embers tried to play the elder brother role, but since the only brother he had was Roderus, he just ended up rambling on instead.

Namgoong Myung finally calmed down after twenty minutes of chatter, and Cheong-Hwi sighed in relief, leaning against the wall of the carriage.

Da-ge-dak, da-ge-dak.

The party boarded the carriage returning to the Namgoong Family.

Hee Yeong-Hyun, who shared a similar destination, also climbed aboard. She stared outside with a somewhat sullen expression.

While entrusting Namgoong Seung-Ah to Namgoong Myung, Cheong-Hwi turned to Hee Yeong-Hyun.

“Please accept the Dog-Beat Stick Technique. Times have changed significantly, and while what I pursue might differ from the meaning of its original intention… I believe it could still serve as a reference?”

“…I could keep it stored somewhere, I suppose. Perhaps among the beggars, someone else could be a wide-minded individual like me in the next generation. Hand it here for now.”


[Returning the Dog-Beat Stick Technique to the Open Faction with History—]


With bandages still wrapped around him, Cheong-Hwi smiled.

However, one task remained. He needed to settle matters with the shadow intent on killing Namgoong Myung.

Cheong-Hwi reached into his pocket and fiddled with the coarse edge of a piece of paper. This was a letter found on the corpse of the Sleep-Killing Vice Father, a clear piece of evidence.

The carriage wheels turned earnestly, like the flow of time itself.


The returning group, with Namgoong Myung’s dantian fully healed, was showered with congratulations. It was a joyous moment since the pride of the Namgoong Family had returned!

Cheong-Hwi had become a great benefactor to the Namgoong Family.

Namgoong Chaegong summoned Cheong-Hwi and the Namgoong siblings, listening to their story. Having concluded their tales, he subtly inquired.

“How about marrying Seung-Ah?”

Cheong-Hwi replied sternly.

“Eh? No… I decline.”

“…I don’t want that either?! Don’t speak like it’s been agreed upon, Daoist Cheong-Hwi!!”

Paying for the sin of failing to read women’s hearts, Cheong-Hwi was grabbed by Namgoong Seung-Ah, shaking him back and forth.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode