Switch Mode

Chapter 157

Chapter: 157

As the sunlight streamed in through the window, it brushed against Namgoong Myung’s eyes, causing him to mumble sleepily and flutter his eyelids.


At that moment, two figures hurriedly approached him, having been sharing steamed buns beside him. The long wait had finally come to an end.

When Cheong-Hwi and Namgoong Seung-Ah gathered by his side, Namgoong Myung sat up with a drowsy expression. While the drowsiness still lingered, his body felt remarkably refreshed.

“Ah, you’re awake, Myung!”

“How do you feel? Is your energy restored?!”


Namgoong Myung focused his mind. He took a deep breath, filtering the ambient energy with his breathing technique until it flowed down to his dantian.

Until now, it had felt like pouring water into a bottomless pit; no matter how hard he tried to build his internal power, it just scattered. But now, he could definitely feel it stored away. His previously damaged dantian had healed!

Not only that, but the repaired dantian felt sturdier than anyone else’s.

“…I’m back! Thank you, Master Cheong-Hwi! Sister!”

“You’re back! That’s wonderful, Myung!”

“Arf arf!”

Namgoong Seung-Ah, filled with joy and excitement, tightly hugged Namgoong Myung. Struggling to breathe due to the pressure against his chest, Namgoong Myung was watched with pride by Cheong-Hwi.

Having achieved everything he needed to, he could now prepare for the upcoming duel with Luna with ease.

“Well then… it’s time to return to the Namgoong Family.”

“Right, I already packed everything… and I think I’ve visited all the restaurants worth seeing in Jeobuseong, so I have no regrets.”

“…Are you saying the two of you enjoyed tasty treats while I was sleeping?”

“Couldn’t very well wake you up, could we!”

Namgoong Myung feigned a pout before soon bowing deeply to Cheong-Hwi. He was his life-saver, having revived him as a martial artist, so he had to express his gratitude appropriately.

“Master Cheong-Hwi, truly thank you!”

“Don’t mention it.”

“How can you say that? I must express my gratitude! I’ll definitely grow stronger and repay you…!!”

“All I wish is for family to live happily together. That’s all I need.”

Seeing Cheong-Hwi speak sincerely with a calm face, Namgoong Seung-Ah couldn’t help but comment with newfound respect.

“…You really seemed like a master just now, Cheong-Hwi.”

“Last time you said you’d no longer address me as master; now you’re saying it again?”

“If you’ve put my broken dantian back together, you are a master, after all. But… are we really going to take the forest route back to the Namgoong Family, just as we did coming here?”

“I plan to. It seems safer that way.”

Namgoong Seung-Ah made a face that clearly expressed her distaste as she repacked her belongings. If they were going to meander through the woods again, she would need to pack a bit more.

This time, she wouldn’t forget to bring the bug-repelling incense.

“I’ll go inform the innkeeper that we’re checking out today.”

“Yes, please do.”

“Oh, and make sure to stuff that tail away. I trust you’re not planning to flaunt it outside.”

“…I was going to take it off, you know!”

Namgoong Seung-Ah unfastened the tail whip tied to her waist and shoved it into her packing.


Cheong-Hwi descended the inn’s stairs. As he did, the innkeeper greeted him with a grin again.

“You’ll need to pay for any damages to the bed if it’s broken.”

“…I’m telling you, it wasn’t me!”

“By the way, someone has been asking for you.”


The innkeeper pointed toward a table in the corner. There sat Hee Yeong-Hyun, dressed as an alluring courtesan, crossing her legs as she waited.

Cheong-Hwi took a seat across from her. Hee Yeong-Hyun wore a top with a deep neckline, forcing him to strain not to send unwelcome glances her way.

“What brings you here?”

“Let’s cut to the chase. Someone is targeting you.”

“…Could you elaborate?”

Cheong-Hwi’s expression grew serious. This was not the time to be distracted by her attire. Had those who were after Namgoong Myung finally discovered them?

“Do you recall the missing persons case? I’ve been investigating the traces of the sinister hand behind it and managed to uncover a crucial piece of evidence. There’s always a discreet mark left at the crime scenes.”

“And how does that pertain to us?”

“I found a marking in the room you’re staying in.”


Hee Yeong-Hyun pulled out a book and set it on the table. It contained the names and characteristics of the blessed demonic warriors noted in the martial world’s history, passed down from the days when the Open Faction was whole.

“The Sleep-Killing Vice Father is from the last generation of blessed demonic warriors. He was an excellent assassin and always left behind marks close to his chosen prey. The one found in your room is exactly the same.”

“…Are you saying he’s after us?”

“I don’t think it’s him himself. His whereabouts went unknown fifty years ago, and if he were still alive, he’d be over one hundred fifty. A frail human like him wouldn’t live that long.”

“Then… a copycat?”

Tap tap. Hee Yeong-Hyun nodded, tapping her finger on the table in agreement. She organized her thoughts and stated again.

“I believe someone who mastered the Sleep-Killing Vice Father’s martial arts has been indiscriminately killing people to hone their assassination techniques… leading to the missing person cases occurring in Jeobuseong. That’s just my speculation.”


An assassin targeting their group. The timing felt too coincidental to just be a fluke. Even if they fled from the marking, there was an unsettling feeling that the assassin would chase them down relentlessly.

“So my mission is to catch this perpetrator?”

“No. Just figuring out who they are would suffice. Hence, my role here is done. However, if you were to take them down, the Open Faction could walk with their heads held high again.”

“We wish to eliminate the danger without seeking recognition. But you need the credit, don’t you? How about we work together to catch this assassin?”

“…You really sound confident about taking down an assassin whose skill level and techniques you’re not even aware of?”

Cheong-Hwi nodded confidently. If fear derived from ignorance, he had no reason to be afraid of an assassin.

“I’m well-versed in assassination techniques. Just as a wizard’s nemesis is another wizard, the assassin’s nemesis is likewise another assassin.”

“Alright. Let’s collaborate.”

“After this is done, please stay a moment. I have to return the Taegu Bongbeop.”

“I thought we settled this last time? I’m not accepting it.”

Hee Yeong-Hyun pouted her chin on her palm, looking thoroughly bored. In front of her, Cheong-Hwi replied straightforwardly, now knowing just what to say.

“I found the intent.”


“Let’s talk about it later.”


In the dark of the night, shadows crept in.

The Sleep-Killing Vice Father carefully climbed the wall, holding a long needle in each hand. His target, Namgoong Myung, was touted to be a prodigy, though young, while Namgoong Seung-Ah was still far from seasoned.

Of course, even though he was currently hanging by a thread, clinging to life through the Blood Cult’s sinister techniques, he had still weakened considerably compared to his prime… however, the Sleep-Killing Vice Father was still a master.

The Namgoong siblings hadn’t even reached the peak martial realm as fledglings, so he could easily kill them, even in a head-on showdown.

But what he didn’t realize was Cheong-Hwi.

The Sleep-Killing Vice Father’s master had told him that his martial prowess was so weak that it would be noticeable just by walking over the wooden floor.

Still, he possessed miraculous talismans which could bring down dark clouds or execute long-distance spells; he had to be cautious.

“Haha… those who wield sorcery must be silenced before they can cast their spells.”

Stomp stomp.

The target was on the second floor, but the Sleep-Killing Vice Father climbed up to the third floor. He carefully aimed at the window’s lock and pierced it with a needle. The tip, filled with energy, gently penetrated the wooden frame. It opened.

He cautiously slid the window open, climbing over the frame.

A hairy man, snoring loudly, could be seen. The Sleep-Killing Vice Father walked lightly towards him and, as he was still asleep, jabbed a needle into his forehead. The hairy man couldn’t even scream before he died.

The Sleep-Killing Vice Father lay flat on the floor, pressing his ear to it. Using his unique energy, he heightened his hearing to capture the sounds filtering from below.


Steady breathing and rustling sounds.

“How perfectly sound he is sleeping…”

The Sleep-Killing Vice Father eagerly listened and shifted his position. The breaths were steady yet shallow; that had to be Namgoong Myung. He prepared to break the floor to drop down vertically, ready to crush him with the ceiling.

Surely, Namgoong Myung wouldn’t have expected an assassin to drop right in on him. The Sleep-Killing Vice Father chuckled quietly.

There was no need for the Blood Spider Old Woman to step in. He would kill Namgoong Myung with a single blow and leave this place. The Sleep-Killing Vice Father began to raise his intent, careful not to let anyone notice.

Just as he was about to break through the floor with his cotton-picking technique…

Crash! Whoooosh!

The ceiling collapsed, and Cheong-Hwi, armed with a rapier, dropped down. The Sleep-Killing Vice Father, startled, attempted a stealthy escape, but was caught off-guard by Cheong-Hwi’s weaving trajectory and ended up stabbed in the belly.


“Gah…!! You little pest!”

As the furious Sleep-Killing Vice Father blindly swung his needles, Cheong-Hwi quickly backed off, distancing himself while taking a breath. He then calmly stated,

“I estimated a 70% success rate, and it seems it turned out just right.”

“…What the hell!? You said you were a master! What assassin are you from?!”

“Should I present my name? I’m from the Red Burning Assassin Squad. You probably wouldn’t recognize it.”

The Red Burning family does not exist in this world.


The Sleep-Killing Vice Father groaned in pain, curling up as he sought an opportunity. However, Cheong-Hwi purposely refrained from closing in. After landing a solid blow to his vital spot, he thought it was to his advantage to take his time.

And indeed, that assumption proved correct. The Sleep-Killing Vice Father could feel the blood oozing from his abdomen, soaking his pants.

The precious blood, taken from innocent lives, was now trickling out.

Thinking he could act wounded and lure the young man in for a finishing blow, he was wrong.

The Sleep-Killing Vice Father realized he had to make a decisive move. He had to kill Cheong-Hwi if he hoped to get any chance of survival.

“Haha… I’m not alone! I came with another! The Blood Spider Old Woman is downstairs, and she’s probably turning everyone into bloody corpses! So feel free to relax!”

“Sorry, but I’m not alone either. Hee Yeong-Hyun from the Open Faction will be keeping watch over me.”

“…You old hag!!”

In that case, he would have to use a trump card.

An assassin kills by exploiting the target’s weaknesses. Therefore, unexpected movements are the most precious asset to an assassin.

With the magical conjuration technique, the Sleep-Killing Vice Father had mastered the movements of a heavenly demon.

An entity capable of executing movements beyond human cognition, executing the unimaginable at will. The Sleep-Killing Vice Father succeeded in harnessing one of those sumptious skills.

A divine move unexpected by anyone in the martial world.

“To not know means you will be caught off guard; the ultimate assassination art!”

“Here comes the heavenly demon’s technique—prepare yourself, wannabe!!”


The skinny body of the Sleep-Killing Vice Father became airborne. With unnatural movements that twisted and changed in mid-air, he aimed his needles straight for Cheong-Hwi’s throat.

Swish, swish, swish!

“Shadow Kill!!”

“Ah, the heavenly demon’s movements!”


With a swift motion, he made contact, pushing with the right timing and strength. That alone was enough. The unimaginable crisscrossed with the unimaginable.

Cheong-Hwi dodged the pinnacle technique of the Sleep-Killing Vice Father with ease.

“…?! How, how?!”

“I know a thing or two about heavenly demon movements, old man. Plus, I received personal instruction from a minor heavenly demon.”

When in ignorance, it’s terrifying; when knowledgeable, it’s simply absurd. Taking advantage of the astonished Sleep-Killing Vice Father’s opening, Cheong-Hwi thrust his rapier into him.



“Next time you’re reborn, think things through a little more.”

Thud. The Sleep-Killing Vice Father, clutching his neck, fell down. He flopped around for a bit before his movements ceased. To Cheong-Hwi’s astonishment, the corpse wasn’t turning to dust but actually…

He recalled the zombie from the Namgoong Family raid. That zombie had also died just like this.


Boom! Bang!

The sounds of chaos from downstairs filled the air—an all-out brawl. The statement the Sleep-Killing Vice Father made about being “not alone” wasn’t empty after all.

Cheong-Hwi hurriedly joined his companions.


Meanwhile, while Cheong-Hwi was hunting the Sleep-Killing Vice Father, downstairs…

“Steel Tail Club!”

“How dare a woman shake her behind in front of the enemy?!”

“Like a soaring immugi!”

“I, a descendant of the Namgoong, would never leave my sword behind!”

The Blood Spider Old Woman was a pinnacle expert. Namgoong Myung and Namgoong Seung-Ah should have been overwhelmed by now, but the fight continued due to the decent caliber of the ridiculous martial arts thrown about.

How could the heir of a prestigious clan fight like a beast!?

The occasional sharp daggers from the beautiful culprit were not ordinary either.

They had to break the mounting tension. The Blood Spider Old Woman made a significant decision. She was going to sacrifice the blood coursing through her veins to invoke a wicked sorcery.

“No matter the lifespan I may lose, even if I must bow my head to that brat, I will punish you all!!”

A red light burst forth from the old woman’s eyes.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode