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Chapter 154

Chapter: 154

The group was walking side by side along the streets of Jebu City.

One of the most common ways to tell if someone is an outsider is to see if their eyes are wide open as they look around.

In this regard, Cheong-Hwi was undeniably an outsider. He was too busy admiring everything around him. However, that curiosity had a different meaning.

Having briefly lived as a guest of the Namgoong Family, Cheong-Hwi was already accustomed to the architectural styles of the Central Plains. So, there was nothing particularly surprising to him.

It was simply a gaze filled with excitement and a hint of exploration.

Cheon-Gyeong Lake.

He needed to find an underwater cave at the bottom of a lake he only knew by name. Would the elixir still be safe? Was anyone trying to dig it up at this very moment? Thus filled with light anxiety.

And then there was the thrill of embarking on an adventure for the first time since forming his resolution.

Since being betrayed by his brother and wandering aimlessly all day, he had finally begun to move forward with a clear purpose. It felt as though the fog that had obscured his vision had lifted, leaving him unable to contain his excitement.

Namgoong Myung was equally thrilled by this unexpected journey.

On the contrary, Hee Yeong-Hyun, the guardian of the Open Faction, remained calm. Her demeanor projected a tranquility that seemed to arise from long experience rather than any feigned composure.

Perhaps she had lived here for quite some time.

There was another reason for this. With her assistance, the group had safely entered Jebu City, and casual conversation revealed that she might have a connection to the guards, given how easily they had been let through.

Hee Yeong-Hyun walked ahead, guiding them, dressed like a village woman but possessing an alluring grace in her stride.

Her movements swayed her hips back and forth, reminiscent of a Gisaeng.

Namgoong Seung-Ah quietly covered her brother’s eyes.

“… Sister, I can’t see!”

“What’s got your eyes all bothered? Just stay still.”

Cheong-Hwi initiated a conversation with Hee Yeong-Hyun.

“Thanks to you, we survived. I almost thought we wouldn’t make it into the city… a single word from you opened the gates.”

The area under Hee Yeong-Hyun’s eyes twitched.

“It was simply because I had connections. And please don’t call me ‘so-juh’.”

“What brings you to Jebu City?”

“I have my own matters to attend to. Let’s just say I’m here for an investigation. If you’re going to cling under the shadow of the Hao Sect, you might as well do some odd jobs.”

Currently, the Open Faction was in a situation where they were under the Hao Sect for survival. It was a sort of employer-employee relationship, as it seemed the Hao Sect had entrusted her with a task.

Namgoong Seung-Ah looked like she could guess something and thoughtfully asked,
“I overheard the guards saying there have been disappearances in the city. Is this related?”

“They mentioned they won’t let suspicious individuals pass through. Is that connected to this?”

“… Yes. But you have your own business to attend to, and I have mine, so let’s not get too involved with each other. Isn’t it enough that they’ve let you inside?”

Hee Yeong-Hyun replied coolly and waved her hand, as if to signal goodbye. Cheong-Hwi nodded. He indeed had other priorities.

Once he restored Namgoong Myung’s Dantian, he might have time to deal with such matters, but there wasn’t any leeway to spare at this moment. Still, he had to leave some room for consideration.

After all, he needed to return the Ta-Gu Bong method to her, did he not?

“If you find yourself short on hands, feel free to reach out to me. Once the work is done, I’ll have time to help.”

“Thanks, even if it’s just empty words. Conversely, I’d advise you to avoid getting entangled in troublesome matters for a while. Such as provoking the black-clad martial artists or meddling unnecessarily. Well then.”

After Hee Yeong-Hyun’s figure disappeared into an alley, Namgoong Seung-Ah finally uncovered Namgoong Myung’s eyes. He looked curious about the physical restraint.

“Did the Open Faction leader use some kind of hypnotic method…?”

“It was similar. For now, let’s find a place to stay, wash up, and then head to Cheon-Gyeong Lake. I will heal Namgoong Myung’s injuries there.”

“Is it a ritual using the power of water? I’ve heard that invisible forces flow in water and earth… Or perhaps you plan to ask a deity living by Cheon-Gyeong Lake for help!”

“Maybe it’s a simple offering to the heavens. After all, Zhuge Liang offered prayers to prolong his life, right?”

“… ….”

Seeing the Namgoong siblings’ expectations for his performance as a Taoist, Cheong-Hwi felt slightly flustered. They were merely going to retrieve an elixir from an underwater cave…

Yet, it wouldn’t do to dispel their romantic notions entirely; their eyes sparkled with excitement. Cheong-Hwi quickly brainstormed ways to present an appropriate performance by the time they reached the lake.


The three of them washed up neatly and stepped back into the streets.

Had it just been Cheong-Hwi alone, he would have gotten lost in his surroundings, but thanks to the Namgoong siblings, he felt relieved about losing his way. Passing various buildings and pathways, they moved toward the source of the unmistakable smell of water.

The scenery opened up to reveal a wide lake.

Several gazebos had been built along the lakeshore, and many people could be seen riding boats and enjoying leisurely excursions. Additionally, the patrolling guards caught their attention.

Namgoong Myung, awe-struck by the beauty of nature, enthusiastically introduced, “This is Cheon-Gyeong Lake, Taoist Cheong-Hwi! The water of the lake is so clear and serene that it reflects the sky like a mirror, which is why they call it ‘Cheon-Gyeong’. Look, there are lovers enjoying music and fishermen too!”

“… A lake shouldn’t be this large, though, right?”

“What? Hahaha! This is what qualifies as a lake! If it’s any smaller, it would just be a puddle, wouldn’t it?”

“… ….”

On the other hand, Cheong-Hwi, overwhelmed by the size of the lake, broke out in a cold sweat. This wasn’t the time to be laughing and having fun.

It was wider than he had imagined. Much wider.

In this vast lake, he needed to find an underwater cave whose location was uncertain with only vague clues. Just thinking about it made his head spin.

Surely, the beggar-master had mentioned that…

While fishing in the middle of Cheon-Gyeong Lake, he found it frustrating when the bites weren’t coming, so he stripped off his clothes and dove in. While thrashing about to catch fish, he noticed a hole in the lake’s bottom.

There was a swallow-shaped rock nearby, which made it easier to remember.

Initially, he thought it would be easy to locate since he only had to feel around the middle of the lake but upon seeing the actual lake, he realized it was no simple task.

Looking on the bright side, the chances of someone finding the elixir first were exceedingly low. He could only take solace in that.

“Hmm… I’ll use my Taoist skills to search for treasures here.”

“Treasure! Are you saying there’s treasure hidden in the lake, Taoist Cheong-Hwi?!”

“That’s right. I, um… how do I put it… I gazed at the moon and read the currents of mana… Considering the positions of the stars and the shapes of the clouds, I deduced through astrology that there’s treasure at Cheon-Gyeong Lake.”


Namgoong Myung appeared quite excited, but to anyone with keen eyes, that didn’t sound convincing, making Namgoong Seung-Ah’s expression subtly shift.

Cheong-Hwi took out a light scroll from his pocket. This was a scroll often used for dungeon exploration; when torn, it generated a floating light above their heads.

“Light, shine… illuminate the place where treasures lie!”



The luminous sphere floated up gently. Cheong-Hwi closed his eyes pretending to chant, and when the scroll’s duration ended, he remarked,

“… At the bottom of Cheon-Gyeong Lake, near the swallow-shaped rock, there’s a cave. Inside, there’s an elixir around 30 years old, and if Namgoong Myung takes it, his Dantian might be restored too.”

“That was truly impressive magic! You’ve glanced into the depths of that great lake from where you sit?! Was that something akin to ‘Celestial Insight’? Or…”

“… Ta… Taoist Cheong-Hwi, you really performed magic, didn’t you?”

“Y-Yeah, of course. Anyway, that’s not the important part. We need to search under the lake.”

Now there was only the matter of getting into the water.

Swimming to the center of the lake from the shore wouldn’t be efficient, so it would be best to rent a boat. Cheong-Hwi looked around to find a way to procure a boat.

Namgoong Seung-Ah pointed toward a dock with her finger.

“It seems like boats are rented out at that building, Cheong-Hwi.”

“Is that so? Then, let’s head there first… but why are you whispering?”

Namgoong Seung-Ah quietly turned Namgoong Myung’s attention elsewhere and said, “It seems like you’re performing the magic as if you’re reading a manual. The light is impressive and all, but it’s quite clumsy coming from you. Be honest with me. Are you a fake Taoist?”

“… I didn’t deliberately pretend to be one. People around me started calling me that, so I didn’t bother correcting them. Please keep it a secret from Myung.”

“… ….”

Even though there was no reason to deceive, should we not protect a child’s dreams? They were so delighted by his supposed magic.

With the money brought by the Namgoong siblings, they had more than enough to rent a boat.

The group huddled together on the small boat and began to row. While it was their first time, as martial artists, they had no problems with rowing.

“Damn it…! Ugh!”

“Sister, I think if we row in an arc, it’ll slide more smoothly…”

Even if they were clumsy, simply exerting force allowed the boat to move forward regardless.

Splash splash splash.

Creating ripples on the calm surface, they reached the center of the lake. Cheong-Hwi glanced around cautiously. If someone suspicious started diving repeatedly, wouldn’t that raise suspicion?

Fortunately, it appeared there were no onlookers, so Cheong-Hwi took off his outer garment and prepared to explore the depths of the lake.

“I’ll find out the exact location of the cave. After that, the three of us will enter the cave together.”

“If there’s something inside that can heal Myung’s injuries, shouldn’t you just retrieve it yourself? There’s no need for us to go down with you.”

“They say good elixirs must be consumed immediately in the spot they were collected.”

“The treasure was an elixir, huh… Wait a second, Taoist Cheong-Hwi. Shouldn’t you be the one to take it instead of me?!”

Just as he was about to dive, Namgoong Myung grabbed Cheong-Hwi.

“Taoist Cheong-Hwi, you have aspirations for martial arts, and I’ve heard even a Taoist’s inner power is important. So, using an elixir on me, whose Dantian is already broken…”

“Quit the whining.”

“But, it feels strange! Taoist Cheong-Hwi, you’ve saved my life twice now, and now you expect to feed me a precious elixir. I’m confused. It’s such a heavy demonstration of goodwill…”

Cheong-Hwi smiled gently.

In a situation where his Dantian was shattered, this was a rare opportunity that had come his way. In this moment, he was prioritizing the principle of benevolence over his own safety, which was quite commendable.

Namgoong Myung was a good kid. Moreover, with his remarkable talent, surely if he grew up right, he could become a legendary warrior.

With such a disposition, Cheong-Hwi believed he would remember the kindness he had received and become a virtuous person who would also be good to others.

Cheong-Hwi suddenly thought of a farmer planting seeds.

When you sow seeds and carefully nurture them to bear fruit, countless people in the future will enjoy the sweet fruits of those labors, and the seeds will spread even wider.

And so, it would remain in the distant future.

“I think I’ve found the answer. Hee Yeong-Hyun must receive the Ta-Gu Bong method.”

“… ….?”

“Namgoong Myung, don’t worry. This isn’t solely out of pure goodwill. All of this is to ease my own conscience…”

Even if it wasn’t for a greater cause, Cheong-Hwi genuinely wished for Namgoong Myung’s recovery.

He didn’t want to leave another Envers Redburn in this world. He hoped no one else would feel the sorrow he had felt.

By changing Namgoong Myung’s fate, he wanted to find comfort and assurance that his own fate could change too.

Moreover… doesn’t it feel really good to do so? The beggar tied up in the Tower of Trials, accepted Envers as a disciple to pass on his martial arts. Wasn’t this a similar sensation, he thought?

With a soft but determined tone, Cheong-Hwi said,

“For now, just take what you’re given and recover quickly so that you can help the family prosper with your brother, okay?”

“… Then, I’ll shamelessly accept it… Thank you, Taoist Cheong-Hwi. But, I swear I will repay this kindness someday!”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”


Cheong-Hwi gently released Namgoong Myung’s hand, patted him on the head, and then leaped into the lake. He plunged downward, disrupting the blue currents.

Bubbles bubbles. As he watched the bubbles rise to the surface, Namgoong Myung clenched his fist, making a silent promise.

Taoist Cheong-Hwi might not truly realize what he saw reflected in him. He might not even understand what the fleeting regret in his gaze signified. Why, even after meeting him just a few times, was he caring for him so much?

But in the world of martial artists, debts of gratitude and vengeance are often blurry.

One day, he would repay this kindness. He was determined to do so.


Cheong-Hwi managed to find the underwater cave faster than expected. Just three dives were enough.

The entrance to the cave was located beside a rock resembling a frog.

“… ….?”

He had assumed it was a swallow-shaped rock before.

So, while he had intentionally passed over it during the previous dive attempts since it didn’t look like a swallow, he checked just in case and found it beside that rock. The strange sense of betrayal washed over him.

Carefully clearing away stones with his hands, he widened the entrance. He briefly stuck his head in to peek inside, finding enough space for two people to pass side by side.

The issue lay with breathing.

As the beggar claimed to have found the elixir at the cave’s end, there had to be a space where one could breathe at the end of the underwater cave. However, reaching that spot was the challenge. His lung capacity was just barely sufficient.

Additionally, he also had to take Namgoong Myung with him into the underwater cave. After all, he was still a child whose growth hadn’t properly started yet. His lung capacity would be even lower.

Unless he planned to bring air in a barrel, there was no choice but to increase his swimming speed.

Methods to accelerate under water…

Cheong-Hwi figured he would first return to the boat and consult the Namgoong siblings about such matters.

Namgoong Myung suggested bringing a large, sealed iron drum filled with air, but he soon dismissed it for both time and for fear of rumors spreading around.

If he requested an oxygen tank from the hardware store, to anyone nearby it would scream ‘I’m planning an underwater exploration!’

Namgoong Seung-Ah looked down at the lake, thinking carefully, and then suggested, “How about learning the ‘Heavy-Weight Technique’?”

“What’s the Heavy-Weight Technique?”

“It’s a skill that uses inner power to compress your body. You use it when you need to land swiftly while floating in the air or need to stabilize your center of gravity.”

“Heavy-weight… about 600 kg or so?”


Cheong-Hwi suddenly felt an ominous premonition, as if a thunderclap might strike him from a clear sky. He glanced around quickly.

“… ….??”

“What’s wrong all of a sudden?”

“Oh, it’s nothing…”

Some words can spark anger. Cheong-Hwi kept quiet and silently learned the Heavy-Weight Technique.


He felt as if the sky was pressing down on him.

As it created propulsion using inner power, there was a connection to the explosive movement, but the Heavy-Weight Technique used a soft and steady force.

With a broken mana engine, delicate control was challenging, making it feel like he fluctuated between the weights of ten and a hundred kilos, causing the force applied to waver.

However, using the Heavy-Weight Technique, his swimming speed indeed increased significantly.

He was able to reach the lake’s bottom while still having plenty of air, and he swam into the underwater cave. Passing through a twisting path, he came out into a connected underground chamber.

Phew, ha…

Taking a breath, he found no issues with respiration. It was an area where air could flow.

As it was dark and visibility was poor, Cheong-Hwi tore open a glow scroll he had prepared in advance. It was damp but worked perfectly.


A glowing sphere floated up gently.

And then Cheong-Hwi saw a pair of enormous eyelids, as big as his own body.

He also saw a massive scaled body filling the chamber.

“… ….!!”

He hastily tried to swirl the glowing sphere away, but how could he strike an effectless magic when he lacked the ability to materialize mana?

“… ….”

He froze, unable to breathe.

After what felt like an eternity, about ten seconds passed, and after confirming those enormous eyelids remained closed, Cheong-Hwi exhaled a silent sigh of relief.

Perhaps the creature, having lived for a long time in total darkness, had its sense of detecting light diminished, as it even after receiving that amount of illumination remained still.

He checked to see if it was dead, but he could feel the breath coming from those giant nostrils. It was just asleep, definitely a living being.


Cheong-Hwi noticed a small flower, glowing with blue light.

He felt a palpable amount of mana from a distance. It was undoubtedly the elixir.

Swallowing hard, Cheong-Hwi quietly returned through the underwater passage. With the presence of the elixir confirmed, he needed to come up with a plan on how to deal with this mythical dragon.


“… So what you’re saying is, I need to figure out how to catch that mythical dragon? By pretending to be a loach and trying to attack it on all fours?”

“Don’t forget the tail too.”

“Are you out of your mind?”

Thus began the battle against the mythical dragon.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode