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Chapter 146

Chapter: 146

Tap, tap.

Seeing the crazy wizard organizing countless challenges, Yuna interjected with a question.

“Hey, is this challenge… for Envers?”

“Not really. It’s just that a reward should follow a commitment, so I’m organizing it in advance. Just to make it easier.”


“Yes. I plan to give him something each time he accomplishes something… for example.”

[Quest for Power: Reach the Peak Mastery (Breakthrough, Fulfillment, Regulation)]

“If he achieves this, he’ll receive +99 Legendary Grade Shining Wings.”


The crazy wizard was bopped around by Yuna’s Tai Chi wand.


The man standing in blue martial attire, called ‘Hyung’ by Namgoong Myeong, was Namgoong So, the eldest son of the Namgoong Family and a direct descendant, known for his unmatched martial prowess (無心輝劍).

His appearance was impeccable, and his martial skills were exceptional. Having just turned twenty, he had already reached peak mastery, a true blessing in the Martial Arts World.

Moreover, considering the age difference with the just-over-seven-year-old Namgoong Myeong, he was a strong candidate for the next leader of the Namgoong Family.

Possessing beauty, skill, and lineage, he was likened to a needle in a pocket, regarded as one of the finest talents in the current martial arts world.

“I believe he’s someone Myeong brought back. They say he’s a Taoist who has attained a high level in sorcery.”

“Just a modest skill, really.”

“Is that so?”

Additionally, what elevated his reputation was his respectful attitude towards others. Despite having so much, he displayed humility, lowering himself before others, which was truly remarkable.

Was the discomfort felt during their first meeting merely an illusion?

Namgoong So volunteered to show Envers around the estate. After all, he was Myeong’s guest, and if Myeong made a mistake, it would fall on him as the older brother to handle it.

Myeong happily replied, “If you’re taking care of him, I can relax!”

Thus, Envers began walking alongside Namgoong So down the corridor.

An awkward silence filled the air. Envers felt a peculiar discomfort, but Namgoong So wore a gentle smile as he strolled leisurely.

It felt strange to ask where they were headed first, and staying silent was equally uncomfortable. While Envers walked, not knowing what to do, the floor beneath him let out a squeak as it cried out.



“You made a sound.”

Namgoong So glanced down briefly and then took two steps forward. Unlike Envers, no creaking sound emerged from his steps. He continued speaking.

“I thought it would be a chance for self-reflection on your footwork, so I intentionally left this corridor unfixed.”

“Oh, I see.”

“As we pass through here, you’ll come to the Guest Hall where the family’s retainers gather. You’ll likely stay there as well, Taoist.”


Creak Creak.

On one side, the sound of reluctance echoed while the other floated silently, leaving no trace like footprints in the snow. The creaking noise felt like it was teasing him, leading him to reflect on the times he saw Luna move silently while hunting orcs.

It seemed that making noise attracted attention.

Indeed, the essence was about distributing one’s center of gravity smoothly.

Creak. Creak──.

As Envers adjusted his footfall slowly to reduce the squeaking noise, Namgoong So suddenly spoke.



His moment of focus was broken. He thought he could replicate it.

“My father’s birthday is coming up soon. We’re going to have a banquet, and we’ve invited a Taoist for this occasion. He’ll be in the Guest Hall as well.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. When masters of similar levels meet, they often spend the night discussing martial arts, so I arranged for him to be in the room next to yours.”

“Mm. Thank you for your kindness.”

A wizard from another world… how intriguing! Envers thought about how, even though he wasn’t a genuine wizard, he might still engage in conversation by showcasing artifacts.

Reaching the end of the corridor led them to a small garden. In the center of the garden stood a two-story house, clearly the Guest Hall.

Namgoong So halted, turned, and looked at Envers.

“By the way… I heard that there was an attack by the Demon Cult while you were coming here. They say thanks to your sorcery, you were able to escape a great crisis.”

“Just so happened I had a scroll… a talisman to evade them.”

“A talisman that can avert crises? It must be a remarkably potent talisman. Do you have any more of those talismans?”



Not too long, yet not too short silence.

In the midst of his tangled thoughts, as Envers was about to respond that it was inappropriate to ask such questions, Namgoong So tilted his head slightly, looking as if he realized something.

“I apologize. I’m generally very interested in sorcery… I must’ve let my curiosity lead to an impolite question. I genuinely want to express my gratitude for saving my brother, though.”

“…You care a lot for your brother.”

“Of course. He’s my only younger brother.”


With a smiling face, he told Envers to use the room bearing the blue flag of the Guest Hall, then turned and walked silently down the corridor.

Envers looked up at the sky with a confused expression. He felt uncomfortable standing before that man. It felt as though a spider had crawled up his arm — an unsettling sensation.

“…Ah, it must be just my imagination.”

It’s natural for a man to feel annoyed when looking at remarkably handsome men. This must be another case of that.

Scratching the back of his head, Envers stepped into the Guest Hall.


The inside of the Guest Hall was a large living space with many small private rooms attached. Each private room had a different colored small flag hanging on its door, making it easy to distinguish without any signboards.

A red flag was visible, and a middle-aged man with a goatee was seated at the living room table, sipping tea.

Judging by the circumstances, he appeared to be the Taoist whom Namgoong So had invited.

Indeed, his appearance matched that of a Taoist. Wearing a peculiar hat, flowing robes, and adorned with various charms at his waist, he looked like he was advertising himself as a Taoist.

Envers found his outfit intriguing and was about to approach him for friendly conversation when…

“Good to meet you. I am…”

“Are you the scammer?!”


Suddenly called a scammer, Envers recoiled slightly. It was a response from both surprise and self-consciousness — after all, he wasn’t a wizard!

But how could this Taoist call him a scammer without having ever seen him before?

“What do you mean by that at our first meeting?”

“Just because your young face still has peach fuzz, you think you’re a Taoist? You must think the Namgoong Family is a real joke! There’s no way! I can see right through you, you scammer!”


“How could a brat like you bring dark clouds from the heavens to the earth?!”

Watching him squirm like a mouse whose tail caught fire was quite annoying. Envers now understood why the Taoist was raising his voice. He was filled with suspicion and jealousy, as if he couldn’t accept that a young person could be a famous Taoist.

Looking down on him like this would scratch his pride, and therefore, he immediately thought he was being deceived.

Having expected engaging conversations with a wizard from another world, Envers frowned and turned away. There was no value in continuing this.

“You! Are you trying to run away?!”

“Enough. I don’t feel any energy from those scrolls hanging at your waist, so you’re either a worthless Taoist or a scammer.”

“Who are you calling a scammer?! You wait! Just you wait! At the banquet, I will expose you for the fraud you are!”

Envers stepped into the room adorned with the blue flag, slamming the sliding door shut. Ignoring the ridiculous sounds coming from outside, he organized his belongings and lay down on the bed. Minor troubles aside, things had been going very well until now.

He was invited as a guest and had received respect. If he were to help the Namgoong Clan when needed, he could repay their kindness and then decide whether to leave or stay.

What kind of martial arts would he encounter? Just thinking about it made his heart race.


After resting for a while in the Guest Hall, Envers felt a tingling in his body and soon got out of bed.

He had been informed that the meals would be served at the proper time, and he’d be notified if anyone called for him. However, simply staying put felt like wasting time.

Having been accustomed to honing martial arts during his free time, Envers was excited, not one to let the thrill fade. But practicing in the front yard would possibly ruin the garden, so he needed to find the training ground.

He asked a servant but received an answer that it would be later in the evening, and he would likely need to come back then. Seeking it out himself posed a challenge since he was unfamiliar with the mansion’s structure.

Thus, Envers raised his voice before the door of the peculiar Taoist with the red flag.

“May I ask you something?”

“Do you think I will answer the scammer?!”

“I don’t plan to have a lengthy conversation with you! I just need directions to the training ground; if you tell me where it is, I won’t bother you again.”

“…A training ground, you say?”

The Taoist paused for a moment, apparently in thought, before giving directions.

“Follow the squeaky corridor straight, and at the first corner to the right, you’ll come across a wide open space. That is the Namgoong Family’s training ground.”

“…Really? You’re sharing directions surprisingly readily?”

Envers asked with suspicion, but the Taoist did not respond. He wondered if it was a deliberate misdirection, but even if he went the wrong way, he could always turn back.

Creak, creak.

He passed through the squeaky corridor again (trying not to make noise, but failing) and followed the path the Taoist had instructed.

At the end of the dead-end corridor was a door. Grabbing the handle and turning it, he found it was not locked. Pushing it open, he came to the wide open space, just as the Taoist had said.

And there was a guest in the training ground.

Long hair flowing, she extended her sword. The blade sliced through the air with sharp force, integrating the rigidness of swordsmanship with the soft movements typical of a woman.

Martial arts, indeed!

Envers couldn’t help but become entranced by the sight of the lady practicing her sword dance. The move felt entirely different from the martial art he had learned from the beggar.

What kind of aspiration had led to this style of swordsmanship? If Luna had been there, she would’ve given a clear explanation just like she did with the Taekwon methods. What would it look like if that sword technique fully blossomed?

His body tingled with excitement. When he was about to trace the trajectory of the sword with his fingers, the woman who had been dancing with the sword turned sharply.

“…Who are you?!”


Dual daggers. The blades sliced through the air, aimed at him.

Envers stood still. He already knew the daggers were not targeting him; they would embed into the door instead.

Thwack! Shudder.

The longsword quivered as it was embedded partly into the door.

Envers clapped in admiration, stepping forward.

“I was just wandering to find a training place and happened to see this. What marvelous swordsmanship!”

“…You’re the foreigner? Then you must be the Taoist that Myeong mentioned.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Namgoong Seung-Ah, the second daughter of the Namgoong clan… but I’m afraid that doesn’t sound like a name that should be spoken so casually in front of a would-be thief!”


It crosses my mind that in the Martial World, peeking at someone’s training is a major disrespect. Yet, enchanted by Namgoong’s sword, I completely lost those thoughts. Envers hurriedly waved his arms.

“That wasn’t my intention!”

“Thieves always say that. Next, are you planning to say, ‘I wasn’t aware of the culture of the Central Plains’?”


Namgoong Seung-Ah skillfully cut off his next line of defense, leaving Envers baffled and desperate. How on earth could he get out of this situation?

Amid his confused thoughts, he blurted out his unintentional honesty.

“It wasn’t a sword worth stealing.”


“Oh, wait, I mean the technique itself was beautiful. But since the person wielding it doesn’t swing it definitively, then the significant meaning behind that swordsmanship isn’t reflected. So then, if the treasure chest is empty, there’s nothing to steal…”

“…You’re so sure of yourself, why don’t you experience it directly first—!!”

Namgoong Seung-Ah exploded when faced with the insinuation that her skills weren’t up to par.


Envers had to be grateful for the excellent upbringing of the Namgoong clan. Instead of rushing to tell her father, “Please hang this barbarian’s head on the walls,” Namgoong Seung-Ah chose to extend a formal invitation for a duel.

Grabbing the sword that was stuck in the door, she aimed it at him in a middle stance.

“If you can withstand my strikes, then I’ll let this rudeness slide.”

“Alright. Just to clarify, I’m not intending to insult you…”

“Let’s see if this Taoist can do more than just flap his mouth!”


The duel must be fair, after all.

Rolling up his sleeves, Envers revealed his well-developed muscles built from prolonged training. A glint crossed Namgoong Seung-Ah’s eyes.


“As you can see, I’m someone who has, albeit roughly, learned martial arts. In this duel, I won’t use any scrolls… or talismans. I won’t even use any magical devices, so just so you know.”

“Prepare yourself! Hup──!”


The sword catapulted forward. It seemed as if she was painting the air canvas with her blade. Namgoong Seung-Ah’s training and dedication were formidable.

“Is this an academy’s bottom tier…?”

“What are you mumbling about?!”

An academy renowned for gathering only top talents from the Empire — it was clear there was a significant gap to catch up to Envers, who rolled through that training.

Swish, swish──!

After easily passing through her third attack, he could see the anxiety sneak onto Namgoong Seung-Ah’s face. After a moment of contemplation, Envers suddenly closed his eyes.

“…What are you doing?”

“I can evade even like this.”


Clang, clang, clang──!!

Four, five, six…

The barrage of attacks rang out.

In response to the slashing sounds that seemed to tear through silk, Envers activated his perception. Closing his eyes allowed him to feel even more clearly. She was straightforward.

She was sincere and clear.

While swinging her sword, her strikes never aimed for vital spots. Any cuts received would not harm him deeply, or they could be healed quickly. Perhaps she aimed to give him a stern warning instead.

She wanted to be strict but not fatal.

Now understanding this, Envers sensed her true intention. A bit slow to realize, but as they exchanged blows, he felt his sociability rapidly escalating.

A smile broke across Envers’s face.

“Are you mocking me?!”

“No, not at all. I was just smiling because your heart is lovely.”

“Are you… flirting with me?!”

“Not quite… but I’m thoroughly enjoying this! You can swing that sword more keenly. I can parry them, so don’t hesitate and let it fly!”

The expression on Namgoong Seung-Ah’s face subtly shifted. This Cheong-hwi, the Taoist, was relishing the moment. Suspicion blinked in her eyes: Could this be someone who enjoyed watching her skills?

A foreigner who enjoys kimchi stew, only to ironically find that pleasing. Seung-Ah, encouraged by his words, swung her sword with more resolve.

Swish. Slash!

She advanced, aiming for the key points. Yet before she could fully initiate her movements, Envers evaded smoothly, as if he knew her target.

His incredible perception and reflexes allowed him to dodge as if he had eyes all over his body.

Even if he tried to settle his core, the waves of energy from below made it tough for him to succeed.



As if he possessed eyes everywhere, he dodged lightly.

While recognizing an attack requires skill, ultimately evading depends on the movement of the physical body. Even if Cheong-hwi’s motions appeared rough, his physical prowess was significant. His moves were straightforward and incredibly swift, no tricks involved.

“This isn’t just flattery! This is the tenth strike! Let’s see how you endure it now!”

Namgoong Seung-Ah viewed Cheong-hwi as a highly skilled expert. Interfering with the moves of a master would be quite disrespectful; instead, she thought this was a chance to learn.

Setting aside any previous arrogance or anger, Namgoong Seung-Ah poured her all into her final stance.

“‘Vermilion Kirin (靑麒麟)!’”

At that moment, Envers opened his eyes.

As the green kirin flew across the sky, the azure mist shimmered as it formed the trajectory of the sword. The technique expanded like it was eating up the space around them.

Unlike a direct attack, this was an area assault. Simply dodging the blade would make it easy to fall prey to the rippling mist.

He had only two choices: either to distance himself significantly or to block the blow before the mist could reach him.

Then it would be wise to aim for countering!

“‘Explosive Binding (爆灑結)!’”


With his hand on the sword’s hilt, Envers pressed down hard. The Vermilion Kirin was halted before it could rise to the sky.



The two warriors momentarily locked eyes before focusing their energy. Namgoong Seung-Ah’s bright eyes, though playful, flickered with realization.

“…Since I made a promise, I will let this grudging rudeness slide.”

“Thank you. But is there only this training ground here?”

“Of course not. This is merely the training ground for the direct members of the Namgoong Family. There is another training ground specially prepared for visitors!”


Quietly grinding his teeth, Envers realized he had been tricked by that wretched Taoist.

Had events not unfolded in this way, he might have faced considerable trouble. He wouldn’t just be kicked out of the Namgoong Clan; it felt like there might even have been a real swordfight. Silently, he vowed to take his revenge.


“Cheong-hwi Taoist! If you have time, could you share the next story? I’m truly curious about how you tackled that notorious swordmaster! I think to deal with a fine swordsman like that, it would clearly require great speed. Of course, I’m requesting this only when you have the time—”

“Cheong-hwi Taoist, this time, it’ll be different! You won’t be able to dodge with your eyes closed, so let’s do this one more time!”


Having mostly absorbed others’ energy until now, Envers came to know the sensation of having his own energy drained for the first time.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


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