Switch Mode

Chapter 145

Chapter: 145

Tap, tap.

Sparks fly from the campfire. The flickering flames illuminate the dark night with a crimson hue. As warmth spreads around, the firewood slowly turns to ash.

The light flickers over their faces.

Humans have a way of reflecting upon themselves through the natural laws of all things. This campfire is no different. It burns itself to illuminate the world, much like the man’s spirit.

Isn’t it common for a martial artist to dream of leaving a name in history through great deeds? In that light, sorcery is particularly miserable in this context.

Even if one makes a name for themselves with sorcery, the fame won’t match their efforts.

There’s a strong current of negative sentiment about sorcery in this era. The infamous antics of the Blood Cult members have played a significant role in spreading this negative perception.

Until recently, if a famous master wrote a talisman for you, you’d treasure it, believing it would ward off evil spirits. Now, the slightest mishap leads to cries of “You’re using sorcery, aren’t you?” It has turned into a common insult.

Thus, truly virtuous and noble Taoist priests tend to retreat into the mountains to cultivate their skills, while wicked sorcerers sneak into peasants’ henhouses and get beaten up.

Even if one holds a prestigious position as a member of the Namgoong Family in the Central Plains, seeing a true master who can summon dark clouds with a mere gesture, without even needing to rattle a branch, is quite rare.

Especially if that master is a foreigner from the far-off Western Region.

The members of the Namgoong lineage each held their own thoughts as they gazed at Envers, seated by the fire. The guard captain, Namgoong Pae, felt a sense of wariness towards the young Taoist.

Despite traveling along a safe route, they had been ambushed by remnants of the Demon Cult. His suspicions were heightened.

Moreover, the key figure of their journey was the third son of the Namgoong Clan Head, Namgoong Myeong. Being a direct descendant of the Namgoong family and especially favored by the Clan Head, he was a child that must be protected at all costs.

Although saving the Namgoong clan’s line from the attack of the Demon Cult was a great blessing, it was hard for him to look at Envers without skepticism until he figured out the man’s real intention.

Would it not be possible for him to deceive them with a staged act, giving false gratitude to the Namgoong family and embedding himself among them?

“…What are you staring at? Is there something on my face?”

“Ahem… No.”

From Envers’s perspective, he couldn’t help but wonder why this man was glaring at him like that.

Meanwhile, little Namgoong Myeong was holding back his curiosity typical of his age with a level of maturity beyond his years.

“Wow! How did you do that? I heard that the ability to create fire with one’s hands is called ‘Three Transformation of the Mind’… Have you reached such a level, Master? If you can summon dark clouds, can you ride a magic cloud and fly through the sky?”

He suppressed the barrage of questions because he knew it could create awkwardness among them and diminish the Namgoong family’s dignity. Instead, he simply gazed at Envers with wide, sparkling eyes, hoping to glean something from him.

Unable to withstand the delicate silence, Envers broke the ice first.

“…Um, may I introduce myself?”

“Wow! Ah, no… Of course, go ahead, great master! We should have introduced ourselves sooner.”

“Excuse me. We are of the Namgoong family, and my name is Namgoong Pae. And this young master here is…”

“I am Namgoong Myeong, great master.”

Myeong performed a formal bow. Envers returned the gesture with a similar bow.

Their movements didn’t feel awkward; after all, he had learned martial etiquette from the beggar and practiced it countless times in front of a mirror.

“My name is Envers Redburn.”


The strange pronunciation of his English caught the members of the Namgoong family off guard, and they started murmuring to one another.

“Oh, Onbosu?”

“It sounded like Anbosun to me.”

“Wasn’t it still close to Weonbanseo?”

“Western language is really difficult…”

The Namgoong warriors whispered among themselves. As they pondered, they felt it might be better to just refer to him as ‘Master’ and not worry about his name, questioning why they’d need to remember an ‘outsider’s’ name. They jokingly thought, even if lightning struck their heads, they wouldn’t be responsible.

In the meantime, young Myeong looked to the Western master and asked, “Since names are given by heaven, I think mispronouncing them would be quite rude. So, if you don’t mind… may I give you a nickname?”

“If it’s hard to pronounce, please do.”

“Then, since your eyes shine like the autumn sky, I’ll call you Cheong-hwi (靑輝). How does that sound?”

“I like it. You may call me Cheong-hwi.”

“Yes! Cheong-hwi Master.”

Myeong beamed with joy at his idea being accepted. How could he not be happy knowing that such a remarkable master would use the name he created?

Thanks to this, Envers had acquired a name to use in the martial world.


Distinguishing people is simple.

Given the fantasy world’s characteristic of colorful hair, if you memorize just the hair and eye colors, you won’t mix anyone up. Envers utilized this method as well.

Purple hair for Luna, red hair for Selvier, gray hair for Bennett…

However, this place is the harsh Central Plains. Unless one has cultivated some mystical martial arts, default hair color is black here. He’s black, he’s also black. To be honest, Envers felt a bit dizzy.

Thus, a different way to distinguish them was necessary.

The tiniest boy is Namgoong Myeong. He is the third and youngest son of the Namgoong clan head. Full of energy and brightness, but he suppresses it with a maturity beyond his years. A clever boy.

The one who seems the most proficient in martial arts is Namgoong Pae. He is a branch member; it means he comes from a concubine’s offspring. Overall, he had a burly appearance.

The other two warriors were named Namgoong Ho and Namgoong Seob, but he only remembered the taller one as Ho.

He decided not to correct their misconception that he was a wizard. The beggar had told him in the martial world to hide about thirty percent of your skills, so maybe it would be better to disguise himself as a support role.

Moreover, judging by their reactions, wizards seem rare here. At least, Myeong had a great curiosity about wizards. Because of that, Envers thought about acting the part of a Taoist.

How well he could do it was uncertain…

Fortunately, Myeong was clever enough to know that asking a Taoist about their secrets is akin to asking a martial artist about their foundational techniques, which would be quite rude.

Thus, he refrained from asking any uncomfortable questions like reading heavenly signs or how to summon dark clouds.

Instead, he subtly inquired about things little by little.

“Cheong-hwi Master, why did you come to the Central Plains?”

“Um… I came to fulfill a friend’s request. Additionally, I have a personal interest in martial arts, so… it turned out this way.”

“Do you also practice martial arts? I’ve heard scholars who hold a brush dislike physical activity, so I thought you would too. I must have been mistaken!”


He remembered suggesting to Selvier that they practice martial arts together. She’d asked back if he’d like to tackle trigonometry instead, and he had quietly withdrawn from that proposition.

Thinking back on the faces of the wizards he attended the same classes with, they all seemed distanced from physical activity. They preferred sitting and researching over using their bodies.

“Your words are correct. Most of the Taoists where I come from also prefer to study sitting down.”

“Cheong-hwi Master, you are different! That’s a good thing. A healthy body nurtures a healthy mind, so I’m sure it will aid you in your magical training!”

“Wizards can be a bit eccentric…”

Is that so!

From his conversation with Myeong, Envers seemed to find an answer to the peculiar temperament of wizards. Even Selvier, who is warm-hearted enough to pack a scroll for a traveling friend, can occasionally show a bit of a weird side.

From the wild mage professor to the elemental magic theory professor Alessandro, it was always apparent there were some quirks to them.

Perhaps it was due to lacking a healthy body…!

Envers thought internally. Even if Selvier disliked it, wouldn’t it be a friend’s duty to help her out with exercise? After all, he had received the scroll and magical tools.

One learns to repay kindness.

[Member, why didn’t you come out today? : To go and help Selvier shape her muscles and repay her kindness as a nemesis]

As he continued the idle chatter, Myeong tossed some new branches into the campfire and brought up the main topic. He thought this might be a fortunate chance, believing that bringing the Master with them could lead to better outcomes.

“I promised to return a favor in the name of the Namgoong family, and in eight days, my father’s birthday banquet will be held. If possible, I’d like to invite Master Cheong-hwi to our family…”

“Myeong, didn’t the Master mention he has his own purpose? It’s better to pay him with the valuables we brought and promise for future assistance.”

However, the perspectives of children and adults differ. Namgoong Pae delicately proposed not to involve outsiders in their clan and instead settle the matter with money. No matter how he looked at it, that Cheong-hwi fellow seemed quite suspicious.

It was indeed strange that he showed up at a crucial time to save their party, but when they examined his demeanor closely, his suspicion only grew.

He was a body trained in martial arts.

Underneath that foreign attire, one could clearly deduce the shape of his muscles. The way he stepped and gestured was far from that of a Taoist or a scholar.

He certainly could unleash sorcery… which had been directly witnessed, so it was an undeniable fact.

Would a high-ranking sorcerer take up martial arts as a hobby? Uncertainty hung in the air, and in matters of safety, it’s wise to harbor doubt.

Thus, Namgoong Pae intended to dismiss Cheong-hwi. However…

While Myeong was a bright boy, he lacked the understanding to promptly grasp the aristocratic decorum. That was something only built over deep time and experience.

“Uncle, are you aware of the terrifying rumors circulating around the Anhui Fortress area? There are tales of ghosts snatching children, and the cries of the common people never cease. Isn’t it true that brother invited a Taoist to handle this?”


“However, it is said there are many charlatans masquerading as Taoists. I don’t doubt your judgment, brother, but the more prepared one is, the better. We have personally witnessed Master Cheong-hwi’s abilities. In the larger picture, bringing along a verified high-ranking Taoist would be beneficial. Moreover, to repay the kindness shown, I think—”

“Enough, enough! I understand. This uncle has heard you loud and clear, so let’s tone it down a bit.”

The atmosphere became somewhat awkward due to the boy’s rather excessive talking.

“…Ahem, Cheong-hwi Master, it might be awkward for you to follow those you’ve just met for the first time, right?”

“Oh, I’m perfectly fine. If invited, I would gladly follow.”

“…If that’s the case, the Namgoong family will host you as Myeong’s guest.”

Ultimately, Envers was to be received as a guest.


Clop, clop. The sound of hooves rhythmically stamping against the ground while the cart moved forward. Inside the cart, Myeong and Envers chattered endlessly, with Myeong doing most of the talking.

His words displayed the liveliness typical for his age, while also being clear and logical, making it quite pleasant to listen to. Through him, Envers learned various things about the Namgoong family.

The Namgoong family is a clan bound by the surname Namgoong, primarily training in swordsmanship. Among the vast martial world, they were notably distinguished.

There was an interesting story regarding the ancestors of the Namgoong family.

“They say that the ancestor of the Namgoong family split the heavens with a single sword!”

“Split the heavens…?”

“Yes! And there’s a tale that the scar of the ancestor’s sword remains hidden deep in our family’s quarters… Ah! Look, there are buildings ahead. That is the Namgoong family estate!”

Pitter-patter, tap.

Amidst the refreshing breeze, smiles graced the faces of those bearing the Namgoong surname. Returning home always stirs excitement. Particularly after the ambush during the last journey.

Myeong’s mouth nearly stretched from ear to ear.

“Cheong-hwi Master, I have an older brother! He’s very cool and admirable!”

“…You did say you were the youngest, right?”

“Yes! I have an older brother and an older sister. My brother is known as the Sword Dragon at the Long Dragon Gathering, and in the world, he is called the Heartless Brilliant Sword!”

“What a marvelous title.”

Envers smiled at Myeong. The boy seemed to cherish his brother highly. Looking into his sparkling eyes, memories of a younger Envers came rushing back.

The young Envers who idolized Roderus.

A twinge of bittersweetness welled up inside him. Every time he reminisced about the past, only questions remained. Brother, why did it come to that…?

The grand estate drew closer. At the entrance of the Namgoong family estate stood a group of warriors dressed in blue, alongside a strikingly handsome young man, his heroic garment fluttering in the breeze as he stood tall.

With skin as fair as jade, chiseled jawline, strong physique, and strikingly handsome features, he was the kind of noble young man who could steal the hearts of many women.

He gazed at his younger brother, Myeong, with wide eyes, a mix of surprise and joy blooming on his face.

“Myeong, you’ve returned.”


The first meeting with the Heartless Brilliant Sword, Namgoong So.


Envers Redburn trembled with an unexplainable sense of dread.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode