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Chapter 214

Chapter: 214

The War of the Gods left a profound impact on numerous deities.

Many gods, unable to maintain their divine status, frequently lost their divinity to others as if they were spoils of war.

Ultimately, it was proving that despite pretending to be superior beings compared to humans, the gods were really no different in their actions.

Actually, thinking about how much greater their power was than that of humans, it seemed even more malicious.

“If we could reduce the number of gods like this, couldn’t we have avoided making a divine registry? It feels like we poured unnecessary time and effort into something useless.”

“Well, it’s not exactly a good method to decrease the number of gods through war.”

Predicting who would win or lose in a war, or who would lose their divinity and who would absorb others, wasn’t something easy to foresee.

Of course, it wasn’t impossible, but…

“And besides, such wars won’t happen again.”

Many gods perished on that battlefield. The fact would be engraved deeply in the bones of the gods who survived.

So they wouldn’t want to ignite such a war again.

Even if someone else stirs the pot… they wouldn’t wish to engage in a war that was guaranteed to lead to their own destruction.

If they truly felt in their bones that such a war could lead to their annihilation, they wouldn’t even dare think about the word ‘war.’

Like in an era of cold war where mutually assured destruction was decided.

“Is that so? But… there are still those who didn’t participate in this war, right? Couldn’t they cause another war?”

“You mean the Aesir?”

At my words, Shamash nodded slightly.

The Aesir. The harsh gods of the land who follow Odin.

The possibility of them starting a war… well, I can’t say it’s impossible.

“I don’t think Odin would do something like that.”

Odin had already shaken things up sufficiently using the sage, so rather than waging war with other gods, he’d likely seek another way to protect the gods of Aesir.

To put it simply, it’s like he’s playing the waiting game.

“Are you really that sure?”

“Yeah. I’m confident.”

He might already be moving.

Even if Odin were to restore Baal as the king of the gods, he knew well that they couldn’t return to how things were with merely possessing pieces of Baal.

Without Baal’s wise eye, all Odin would be left with is a foolish, blind old god.

That foolish Zeus still hasn’t grasped that truth.

Ah, but maybe Zeus’s case is different from the others. Unlike the others, who had parts of Baal’s heart, body, and eye, Zeus held authority and power through Baal’s crown… so if he offers up a piece of Baal, it won’t be like losing part of himself. He might survive after all.

Unlike Odin, who would lose wisdom, he would merely lose strength and authority.

“Well then… we’ll have to wait and see for about ten years.”

“Hmm… Meanwhile, Baal, who has been reborn as a human… I believe he’s named Rychlen now? It’s a rather strange name.”

“Well, it’s a name given by humans.”

“Anyway, if nothing extraordinary happens, we should just watch him grow.”

Gods who were slightly shaken by the war likely wouldn’t make much of a fuss, so I could take it easy for a while.

“I’m curious about how Baal’s reincarnation as a human will develop.”

“Do be cautious not to intervene directly. Indirect involvement is fine, though.”

“Of course! I want Baal to fully enjoy his human life.”

If his life ended up being manipulated by other gods, wouldn’t Baal be disappointed?

Well, still, I had a rough life plan set. First, he should walk the path of a hero.

Let’s see… Perhaps I should raise him like Hercules. A life where he can shine as a hero, growing through a blessed body and an excellent mentor.

Ah, but experiencing the twelve labors like Hercules seems a bit much… Hmm… maybe I could soften it and reduce the number?

And while he grows, I should also give him some moral education. It would be a disaster if he developed rage issues like Hercules, and I need to make sure he doesn’t become too arrogant.

Hmm. For that education, I’ll need to match him with a good mentor. After all, everyone would want to teach a child blessed by a god.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Rychlen was growing rapidly day by day.

Even though his body was still young, it was stronger and sturdier than that of most adults, and his brilliant wisdom allowed him to understand not just one but hundreds of lessons from a single teaching.

Many sought to become mentors to the blessed child, but most soon found themselves unable to continue, leaving their position as teacher.

The exceptionally gifted child quickly absorbed his mentors’ wisdom and knowledge, making it his own in no time, leaving those who revealed all their teachings with nothing left to give.

This circumstance arose purely because of Rychlen’s brilliance, yet Rychlen and his parents regarded it as commonplace.

The world is vast, and there are many outstanding individuals. The budding flower of a hero had yet to fully bloom.

Those who wished to witness that flower’s full bloom kept coming to seek Rychlen.

“With that in mind, he’s growing well.”

“I already knew that without you explaining.”

Shamash murmured softly, a bit miffed after having sent a scholar to impart all knowledge to Rychlen, only to have the teacher’s position abandoned shortly afterward.

“Still… It truly feels like that’s the soul of a god. It’s incomparable to ordinary humans.”

“Indeed. I didn’t expect him to be this remarkable.”

Baal… no, Rychlen was extraordinarily outstanding.

Truly like a sponge soaking up teachings, the instructors coming to him lasted only a few days before being exhausted without being able to teach any further.

“Moreover, even physically, he’s incredible. How can he possess such a physique at such a young age? All I can say is, outstanding!”

“Hmm. That physique must be thanks to Zeus’s blessing.”

Even in his mid-teens, his powerful body could outmatch most adults. Truly a blessed physique.

“So, who should we send as the next mentor?”

“Well, it seems I’ve taught him enough bits of knowledge. Hmm. Since his body is already sufficiently strong, we should teach him how to fight now.”

“How to fight?”

In this age, heroes would earn their names by participating in wars or defeating powerful monsters.

Learning how to fight could be considered essential.

“Hmm. But to find an outstanding warrior capable of teaching that kid…”

“I know a few, so don’t worry about it.”

Let’s see. First, there’s Asterios.

He had returned to his hometown after finishing his travels and had become the king of Minoa, making him geographically close to Rychlen.

Ah, of course, since he’s a king, he can’t just leave his position, so Rychlen should be sent to Minoa.

And with Asterios, wielding powers lent by Indra, he can summon lightning, would surely be able to train Rychlen, who is blessed by Zeus.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

“So, what do you think?”

“Oh, Tia. You’ve come.”

In the training ground of the Minoa palace, Asterios welcomed me as I arrived at the training space being used by him and Rychlen.

About twenty years have passed, and the once young Asterios had grown splendidly.

He had governed Minoa based on the experiences and knowledge gained through travel, and now he was referred to as the current ruler of Minoa with excellent governance.

Who would have guessed that the big kid trapped in a maze would grow like this?

“If I had known you were coming, I would have prepared for you. What a shame.”

“Well, I just came for a quick visit. Anyway, Rychlen. How is that kid doing?”

Now training under Asterios, Rychlen was showing remarkable improvement.

“He’s excellent. I wasn’t that capable at his age.”

“Hmm. He’s grown thanks to divine blessings. If he continues to develop, he’ll surely create numerous tales.”

At my words, Asterios chuckled lightly.

“He’s somewhat impatient and has a short temper, but if he can control those aspects well, I’m sure he’ll become a hero. I guarantee it.”

“Well, if you guarantee it, I can trust it.”

I looked at Rychlen, who lay exhausted at the training ground.

Despite his tired expression, a small smile lingered on his lips.

He seemed content with his current life.

“I’m glad.”


“Nothing, it’s nothing.”

I shook my head lightly, then turned to Asterios.

“If you need anything, just let me know. I’ll prepare whatever I can.”

“Something needed… Now that you mention it, I’ve noticed that kid is showing interest in bows. I think he’ll need a teacher for that.”

“A bow?”

“Yes. And he’ll also need a strong bow that can withstand his power.”

A bow, huh… Hmm… Should I ask Yggdrasil for one? If I could get an elf’s bow, it should be sufficient.

Ah, but what about weapons? Wouldn’t weapons be necessary?

“Isn’t a weapon needed?”

“No, that should be fine. Given that his strength is too strong, he’s just been using whatever stick he finds as a weapon.”

“Using wooden sticks?”

Asterios pointed to the scattered wooden pieces on the training ground.

What were once supposed to be weapons were now shattered and littered across the floor.

“His strength is so overwhelming that even ordinary weapons couldn’t withstand it. So he’s just been breaking branches and using them as clubs.”

“Using wooden clubs…?”

Hmm. In that case, if I ask Yggdrasil, I could get that sorted out nicely. While making the bow, I could make sturdy wooden clubs too.

“Then let’s prepare both a bow and a wooden club. Something durable enough that it won’t break anymore.”

If it’s a wooden club made by Yggdrasil, it might just have the strength to crush anything within reach.

“As for a mentor for the bow… I know the perfect person. There’s no one better than him at shooting arrows.”

Since he can hit even the Sun God’s targets. He’d be just the right fit for a bowing instructor.

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