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Chapter 208

Chapter: 208

“Sorry, Zeus! I can’t believe you came all the way to the Aesir’s domain only to have a wasted trip without meeting your father!”

When Zeus arrived at the Aesir’s realm, what he encountered was not the usual raucous feast of the Aesir gods, but rather a single god drinking alone.

The large blonde god laughed heartily before downing the drink in his hand.

The golden, honey-wine filled cup was emptied in one gulp by the god. Glancing at Thor, Zeus furrowed his brow slightly.

“I was sure I communicated through Hermes…”

“Well, that chatty little rascal! I heard the news, but unfortunately, I’m the only one here to welcome you. The other gods are all away on… uh, your father’s orders. So, I’ve just been getting sloshed here. Can you believe it? How did it end up like this?”

“Is this something Odin set up?”

“Well, the details are a secret. I don’t really know! The old man who gave the orders hasn’t been seen for days. Thanks to that, you can’t meet him. How dreadful.”

“Why can’t I meet him? Was the rumor about him being in shock true?”

“Well, kind of! Any god who’s in the loop knows the score, so I won’t bother with excuses!”

Saying that, Thor refilled his cup and downed another drink.

“Even so, it feels a bit serious that I, Zeus, showed up and not a single hair of your father is in sight…”

At Zeus’s words, Thor chewed on a piece of jerky and replied with a grin.

“What can I do? That old man thinks way too much. I do feel sorry for you, coming all this way only to be turned back empty-handed.”


“Cheer up! It’s not like your father wants this to happen either.”

Thor filled his empty cup with honey wine once more and continued.

“As for what the sage read or what future your father foresaw… he hasn’t shared that with me. But seeing him so shocked, there must be some serious future trouble on the horizon.”

“If that’s the case, why is he just sitting here drinking? Shouldn’t he be preparing for something?”

“Preparation, huh…”

Thor downed his drink in one go once more and commented.

“All a warrior can do to prepare is get ready to fight with their life on the line. Nothing else is required. They either fight for their lives and win, or lose everything in defeat. A warrior only has those two paths.”

Thor then grabbed his hammer hanging at his waist and smashed the table, shouting.

“If we have to fight, then we fight! No other distractions are necessary for a warrior! That’s the mindset of a warrior god!”

“Such simplicity.”

“Because that’s a warrior’s job.”

As the shattered table slowly returned to its original form with time, Thor placed his empty cup on the table and added.

“So, if we must fight, there’s no hesitation. What we’ll be fighting against remains unknown.”

Zeus looked at Thor and said briefly.

“Sometimes I envy that kind of simplicity.”

“It’s a warrior’s privilege! Why don’t you drop those heavy responsibilities for once and be a warrior yourself?”

“Regrettably, I have too much weighing me down already.”

Zeus sighed softly as he spoke.

“Still, I see. At least I’ve gained indirect confirmation of Odin’s current situation, so it’s not a complete loss coming here.”

Zeus turned to leave. Having at least confirmed the Aesir’s situation… it wasn’t all a loss.

First and foremost, the Aesir was up to something.

Odin was hiding while plotting something and had assigned different tasks to the other gods.

Thor, on the other hand, was just mindlessly fighting. So it wouldn’t matter if he was left to his own devices.

Actually, it could make sense that the god who should lead the charge to battle was allowed to behave like that.

“Odin… is he preparing for war?”

Zeus speculated about Odin’s thoughts as he flew back toward Olympus.

He wasn’t sure who the war would be against, but he hoped that Odin’s spear wouldn’t be aimed at Olympus.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Athena, is it true that you went on a wild goose chase?”

“Yes, Father.”

Upon returning to Olympus, Zeus was informed that Athena had returned without meeting the sage.

“What happened? I never imagined the wisest among the gods could return empty-handed.”

“I apologize for returning with no results… but I couldn’t meet the sage. It was as if the forest itself was hindering my progress.”


“Yes. A thick fog rose up, making it impossible to see ahead. I got lost and tried to fly up to find my way, but for some reason, I ended up in completely unexpected places… It was like a maze.”

“A maze…”

“My guess is that the sage is selecting those he wishes to meet.”

“Selecting those he wishes to meet…”

Zeus nodded slightly. If such an enigmatic being exists, then they probably have some ability to filter who can approach them.

Or perhaps, it was possible that he had already finished speaking with Hermes and didn’t want to hold any further conversations with Olympus… But that might be jumping to conclusions.

In that case…

“Should I send Hermes again?”

“Even if I send Hermes again, I’m not sure we’ll gain much information… But if we can meet him again, it would be wise to leave it to Hermes. I’ll prepare some questions to relay to Hermes for the sage.”

“Very well. We’ll have to do that if he’s indeed picky about who he meets.”

At that moment, a god entered the room after opening the door.

“What’s all this fuss about! I don’t know who this sage is, but can’t we just overpower him and make him spill everything he knows?”

The young god, wearing a golden helmet, shouted loudly.


“We’re supposed to be the pinnacle among all gods! Olympus! How can we be tossed around by this mysterious figure when we’re not even gods ourselves? What will the humans who worship us think?”

“Get a grip, Ares. This isn’t your place to meddle.”

“Meddle? How can you say that? My sister thinks too much! Just overpower him! It’s the simplest solution!”


Athena shouted at Ares, but he completely ignored her and turned to Zeus.

“I’ll destroy that forest if I have to and capture that sage! That way, all our problems will be solved!”

“Ares. Don’t be foolish. If the Goddess of Life is really behind that sage, it could backfire…”

“Then I’ll be off!”


Before Zeus or Athena could stop him, Ares rushed out of Olympus, conjuring a chariot led by two horses, and took to the sky.

“Ugh! That oaf can’t tell front from back!!”

“Athena, send Hermes! If it’s not for Hermes’s quick feet, we won’t be able to catch Ares!”

“But Hermes is currently unavailable…”

“Find him quickly! Ares’s foolish actions might ruin everything!”

In that moment.

“Big trouble, Father!”

“Hermes! Perfect timing! Ares just rushed out to forcefully bring back the sage, so hurry and catch him!”

“Wha?! What do you mean by that… Oh, more importantly! Indra is in the Square of the Divine Hall! Indra has appeared!”


Zeus was momentarily at a loss for words. Indra. Why is Indra here? They never easily leave their domain, the Lokapala. Why now?

And in the Square of the Divine Hall, no less.

“Ugh… I’ll head to the Square of the Divine Hall. Hermes, you hurry and catch Ares!”

“What? But, I want to see what Indra is planning…”

“No time for chatter! Go catch Ares!!”

With that, Zeus kicked Hermes right in the rear.

“Yes, yes!!!”

After getting kicked, Hermes hurriedly took off, and as Zeus watched him go, he turned to Athena.

“We don’t know what Indra is scheming, but let’s hurry, Athena.”

“Yes, Father.”

And with that, Zeus headed with Athena toward the Square of the Divine Hall.

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