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Chapter 182

Chapter: 182

A normal rural mouse beastgirl has suddenly become a god of mice after her various travels.

It feels like more than just a life turnaround; it’s a life transformation—though, you never really know what life has in store for you.

Just like a street orphan who can’t even remember their parents and ends up leaving a mark in history as a hero.

Anyway, Maybel, having become the god of mice, found herself with not much to do at the moment.

The responsibility resting on Maybel, now a god, was only for her own kin… the mouse beastfolk. Considering that scale, there really wasn’t a lot of work to be done.

So, perhaps it would be okay to widen the scope of her responsibilities a bit and include other rodent-like beastfolk, like squirrels. After all, they’re somewhat like distant relatives.

Well, just because she has responsibilities doesn’t mean she has to take care of each and every mouse beastfolk’s daily life. It should be enough to act as a shield, protecting the rat beastmen from other species and external dangers so they aren’t oppressed.

In doing so, she would also serve as the focal point for the rat beastmen, preventing various underhanded schemes and such.

Hmm… actually, looking at this, it seems like a lot of work after all.

So, for now.

“Our rat beastmen faced an uncertain future! Our small stature and weak bodies have caused us to be scorned by other species and even once-kinsfolk!”

Ella shouted loudly to the prostrating rat beastmen.

Although Maybel had acquired divinity, she was still essentially a rural girl who hadn’t reached adulthood. So, the reality was that she would inevitably need external help.

In that situation, Ella, who had gained experience as an adventurer, was a great asset to cover Maybel’s shortcomings.

Moreover, she was an unwavering ally who would stand by Maybel no matter the circumstances.

Initially, Ella felt a bit hesitant about Maybel becoming a god, but after seeing Maybel’s strong determination, she eventually raised her hands in surrender and began to work hard for her.

Thus, the duo of mouse beastfolk mother and daughter scammers… ahem! Now that they are gods, it’s not scamming! It’s not!!

The process by which the mother and daughter mouse beastfolk subdued Mouse Hole Village went like this:

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First, they needed to deal with the leadership. The first priority was to strike down the heads and eliminate any further movements.

If they didn’t take them down all at once, someone could unleash poison into Armen. They had to capture everybody in a single swoop.

Of course, barriers had been set around Armen’s constant water supply, making it somewhat safe, but you never know.

It’s quite possible that someone might harm the people of Armen in an unexpected way.

Anyway, with the help of my abilities, the two mouse beastfolk ambushed and cleanly subdued the rat beastmen leadership.

Even though those old mouse beastfolk brought their own bodyguards, Ella and Maybel, who had a bit of enhancement magic on them, knocked them all out.

After suppressing the leadership, Ella and Maybel used my magic to gather all the rat beastmen in the Central Square of the village.

The bewildered rat beastmen who had gathered in the square gasped at the sight of the disheveled leadership and were shocked once again upon seeing Ella.

Ella, who had rarely appeared as a successful adventurer among the rat beastmen, had once vanished without a trace about a year ago. So, her appearance in such a messy state was bound to be a shock.

Though her disheveled look was just because she hadn’t had time to change clothes, she was perfectly fine, thanks to treatment!

Anyway, facing the gathered rat beastmen, Ella raised her voice and spread the truth about the secret ceremony that wasn’t well-known to most of them. The revelation sent the rat beastmen into utter disbelief.

The fact that their leadership had attempted to massacre an entire town for their own future was shocking enough to shake their normal sensibilities.

However, not many rat beastmen actually believed her words outright. After all, who would accept the claims of someone who had suddenly surfaced after a long disappearance and claimed to have shattered the entire leadership?

Some of the rat beastmen shouted that if what she said was true, it was necessary for their survival, but such remarks quickly fell silent under Ella’s cries.

The ceremony the leadership had planned wasn’t for creating a god for the rat beastmen.

Rather, it was a sacrificial ritual for that which had spoken from underground—a sacrificial offering for the one curled up in deep darkness, seeking to become a god.

That voice would consume all the offerings and swallow the rat beastmen right here.

Certainly, the rat beastmen didn’t fully believe those words—they dismissed it as nonsense and even hinted at a rescue attempt for the shattered leadership.

However, that aura was dismantled by my intervention.

I surrounded Maybel with dazzling light and whispered a faint voice into the ears of the other rat beastmen.

“Bow down. The young mouse beastgirl before you shall become the god for you all.

Offer your prayers not as offerings for a false god but for the rightful god.

No offerings, no sacrifices are required. What is needed for the new god is only your prayers.

Bow down. Bow down and pray. Thus, receive your god.”

Such whispers shook the minds of all the rat beastmen in the square, causing them to unknowingly kneel.

After this, Ella made a few preparations and told the people to gather in the square once again later for the proper ceremony, then dismissed them.

Finally, she sent the trembling leadership to the prison where they’d been held, and with a proper ritual, united the faith of the rat beastmen to grant divinity to Maybel.

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“But… is it really okay for someone like that to become a god?”

Maybel muttered with a slightly anxious look. But frankly, who cares?

“It seems you think of gods as something extraordinary.”

“Well, isn’t it?! It’s a god!”

I smiled gently at Maybel and replied.

“The existence of a god is not as grand as you think. They just… can do more than other beings.”

Their powers may increase with the faith collected, and they can achieve more, but that’s a minor detail.

“I-is that so?”

“Yes, that’s the case.”

Of course, given my position, I have to consider that I view these gods as being below me. Still, this is just my observation.

They might puff themselves up as great beings, but to me, their powers seem lower than dragons.

Of course, things might be different if the number of followers increases.

“If you’re anxious about becoming a god… I’ll offer you a little assistance.”


“Yeah. Let’s say… I’ll assign Sirius as your superior.”

Since Sirius was originally the patron god of the beastfolk, having him supervise Maybel, who has become a god, should work out nicely.

“What?! Sirius?!”

“Yeah. When you become a god… you’ll become the god of the rat beastmen. While your divine rank might not be that high, it would be better to have a god overseeing you, so he would be a perfect fit.”

At my words, Maybel went blank.

“What in the world… what is the Dragon Priestess doing… No, is she a dragon? Suddenly making a new god and passing me off to Sirius?”

Hearing that, I couldn’t help but smile softly.

“Well, after all, Sirius adventured alongside the hero. He was the first beast to do so. They can be considered close friends.”

“That’s fine and all, but… he’s still a god.”

“He only became a proper god after the adventure ended.”

To be honest, if he hadn’t settled in Arcadia, he would likely still be a beast.

He should be thanking me for that.

“Let’s see… it would be convenient to think of him as a vassal under Sirius… Hmmm. Sirius might need to help out a bit, but that should be okay?”

“Me? Helping out?”

“Yeah. I’ll handle the required strength. You’ll get stronger, so it won’t be a bad thing for you.”

Basically, my plan is to help her by boosting her strength a bit and having her assist Sirius with his work. Maybe occasionally help with the security of the Pantheon as well.

If we proceed like this… wait a minute. The god of mice. Mouse god. Hmm…

Right. How about assembling the zodiac? Twelve gods symbolizing each animal.

Instead of Sirius, who can’t care for beastfolk, we’ll gather distinguished individuals from each species as gods under him, and make them protect the Pantheon or the beastfolk.

That might be quite nice, right?

While we’re at it, we could divide a day into 24 hours and specify details, or assign each month of the year one god… perhaps organizing defenses centering on the Pantheon, taking care of various matters related to twelve.

First, once Maybel adjusts to being a proper mouse god, we should travel around and gather worthy individuals as gods.

Yeah. That would be best. It’d be good to have such a purpose while traveling.

“But now it’s different! My daughter Maybel has taken on new divinity and emerged as a living god for us! Our future will no longer be uncertain!”

With Ella’s voice ringing throughout the square, the cheers of the rat beastmen filled the space.

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