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Chapter 63

Elden’s Chronicles: Excerpts from Lumia Winterfell’s Diary

It’s already been 90 days since the Betrothal Contest ended. I happened to hear stories about Elden during my visit to the city today. It was said that he saved a child and a woman who were being mercilessly beaten by a husband.

When questioned by the Imperial Guard, Elden had replied that the most vile of all was a man who beats women and children. In retrospect, he had conveyed the same sentiment to me during our time at the Academy.

In response to my inquiry about why he never tormented me, he had expressed that he found no interest in the weak. Little did I know that he would soon stain his hands with the blood for the weak. Elden was once an observer of their downfall.

The way the women gushed over Elden as he removed his hood and revealed his identity was simply stunning.

I wonder what Elden is like now, still upholding his vow to change and no longer be a bystander after the end of the Betrothal Contest. How does he compare to the endlessly miserable and weak person I have become? On the other hand, how great and strong has Elden become?

Suddenly curious, I tried to imagine what he is like, but I couldn’t quite visualize it—like trying to draw with a pitch-black pen on pitch-black paper.

I’ve heard that during the festival, he was searching for a monster chef. Perhaps my cooking sparked a new appetite within Elden; such pointless and futile fantasies haunt me now. It’s all just a vain hope at this point.

Nevertheless, I pen these thoughts into my diary, having heard news of Elden after a long time. I wish to see him helping the weak and rescuing those in peril.



I’m simply curious about that side of him.

Elden, the one who aids those struggling against adversity…

Elden, who helps those pushed to the edge of the world…

I just—I’m just curious.

“…Why did you help them?”



Rendler bawled, his handkerchief flapping about as he stood closely behind me.

I had to give a blunt answer lest he embark on a tearful philosophical rant.

“They were in the way, so I helped. I also wanted to put my learned skills to use.”

But the old man, already diving headfirst into an ocean of sentiment, covered his mouth and interpreted my words entirely wrong.

“To practice the virtue of humility while applying what you’ve learned…!! I’m so overjoyed…!”


Well, sure.

If in his old age, he finds happiness after a lifetime of serving a reckless character like Elden, I guess it’s a good thing.

Given the chaos Elden has caused nationwide, it’s a wonder he’s had even one peaceful day.

And at his side, Rachel chimed in.

“That was a seamless execution. The balance of strength and speed was also perfect. When balance is disrupted, only stamina is quickly depleted.”

“All thanks to my mentor’s excellent teachings.”

“I merely provided a simple explanation.”

It seems that the intensive training period during the Betrothal Contest bore fruit for Elden. It was likely the product of his innate talents combined with my stubborn determination and unyielding will.

Reading and training.

With those two alone, I had efficiently filled my daily schedule, ensuring both my mind and body were well nourished.

The problem is…

I’ve been traipsing all day, searching for a monster chef, and yet I felt no sense of accomplishment.

“You all did well. Come on now.”

With that, we returned to Ariel’s accommodation, just like any other day after a fruitless venture.

Only two days remain.

With the dwindling time, hope has exponentially decreased, but even if I fail to find one, it won’t delay our departure.

If I can’t find one here, I’ll just look elsewhere.

With that optimistic thought, I soothed my weary mind and body as dinner approached.

Today, everyone was famished, eagerly anticipating the dish that Ariel had promised to serve with great care.


Ariel reappeared, wearing a proud smile as she presented a monster dish.

“It was a mistake last time! I forgot one ingredient. This time, it’s really going to be delicious. You can look forward to it!”

Ariel, who now clutched a cookbook instead of a novel, spoke with such confidence.

“Tonight’s main dish is the grilled hindquarters of the White Twin-Tail Fox, which is in season!”

In January, we have cockles.

In March, we have shepherd’s purse.

In July, we have hairtail fish.

In November, we have large shrimp.

Just like how there are seasonal foods in every month, monsters also have times when their flesh is plentiful and rich in nutrients, making them taste particularly good. The monster Ariel introduced falls into the category of being in season—from May to July—when warmth returns to the Northern Regions.

Outside of this period, the meat can be quite tough and dry, which is precisely why it appeared so often during this festival.

“I’m looking forward to it!”

“Hehe. I tasted a bit, and it was tasty!”

True to Ariel’s words, it looked appetizing. The problem was that it had been the same during the first dish. Yet, since she claimed to have followed the recipe meticulously this time, I took a bite with some anticipation.


I quickly realized that what Ariel meant by “in season” was not referring to the time of year but rather to metallurgy!

“How is it? Isn’t it better than last time?”


This tough piece of meat was unlike anything I’d ever tasted! If only it were slightly more tender, it could become a pretty decent club.

Well, it’s fine. Anyone grows through trial and error.

Still, I thought to myself, it was uplifting that she had worked so hard to prepare the meal for us. I gave her a thumbs up, and soon enough, joy bloomed on Ariel’s face instead of worry.

“Yay! Success!”

Courage is the fertilizer for all progress.

And thus, we had to settle for a dinner of frozen jerky disguised as grilled hindquarters.

“Hmm. It’s over.”

The monster cooking festival, which lasted for seven days, had finally come to a grand close.

It was a bustling festival full of events and excitement, yet it yielded no gains.

We couldn’t invite a monster cooking expert, after all.

I had tried negotiating by offering higher hiring fees to potential candidates, yet every single one declined for various reasons.

Now, as the city began to quiet and chefs departed one by one, any hope that had lingered here was extinguished.

The recruitment for a monster chef in the Northern Regions had thus come to a halt.

“Well, it can’t be helped. We might find one in the Duchy of Lundgren, so let’s not get disheartened.”

In response to my encouragement, the old man Rendler, strapped with a bundle, placed a pitiful gaze on my shoulder.

“Please don’t be too discouraged, My Lord. Once we reach the Duchy of Lundgren, I will work even harder.”

Following that, Ariel strengthened her resolve, clenching her fists tightly with determination.

“Right! Keep it up! I’ll do my best too!”

Finally, Rachel smiled softly, as if she understood something.

“Everything will turn out well. Please don’t worry.”

Why is it that everyone is cheering me on and comforting me when I’m not the only one who’s struggled?

I’m fine, really! If I were going to be this disheartened, I wouldn’t have even started!



To be honest, I hadn’t anticipated that it would be this hard to find someone.

I must have asked at least two hundred chefs; how could they all say no at the same time?


Is the Northern Region this desolate?

Is the Northern Region this barren?

Have they all forgotten the romance of the wild and the dream of adventure?

Is it really possible that no one holds the lofty dream of creating amazing dishes using top-quality, fresh ingredients as a chef?

Wasting a week on a recruitment struggle without enjoying the festival made me want to weep loudly, but as the esteemed leader of the gourmet travel group, I had to pretend to be nonchalant and shrug it off.

“Don’t worry. I can only catch low-level monsters anyway.”

Of course, many of the low-level monsters are used as ingredients, and since they are categorized as such, they are typically hunted near cities and towns, ensuring their freshness.

Especially in the chilly, bitterly cold land of the Northern Regions, low-level monsters are almost equivalent to farm-fresh produce.

Such common dishes hardly require hunting just to enjoy a meal. My ultimate goal is to serve [Slime Pudding] at the tables of the high nobility; thus, cooking with at least medium-level monsters is my primary target.

To use medium-level monsters, one must venture deep into forests or remote areas far from human habitation where the freshness of ingredients can be discussed. Mastering the skill to hunt medium-level monsters is when the true essence of ingredient travel begins to shine.

Even though medium-level monsters are quite a far-off goal with my current hunting abilities, there was no need to be discouraged or disappointed.

Sure, it would be great to have a chef who could whip up outstanding monster dishes at a low level, but we didn’t need to delay our departure just because that wasn’t available.

Before I step up to become a medium-level hunter, I can focus on honing my skills with the belief that a monster chef will eventually be found.

“Well then, let’s get moving.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

That afternoon, after the festival had wrapped up, we arrived at the western gate of the city in the Northern Regions, packed and ready to go.

I suddenly glanced north.

The towering Grand Ducal Palace stood majestically in the sky.

The flag of the Grand Ducal Family fluttered from the very top of the palace’s highest point.

I couldn’t quite explain why my gaze drifted in that direction.

Like a baby bird opening its eyes for the first time, perhaps I associated the first thing I saw after my reincarnation—the guest room bedroom—with thoughts of home.

For some reason, it felt as though I were leaving home.

The last smile left by Lumia weighed on my mind, but there was no turning back from this point.

The conclusion of two people struggling to avoid their mutual injustices is simply this.

“Please verify your identity.”

“Ellden Raphelion.”

“Where is your destination?”

“Duchy of Lundgren.”

“What is the purpose of your exit?”

I answered the guard’s final question without hesitation.


“Proceed. Wishing you a safe journey.”

“Thank you.”

And so, we took our first steps out of the western gate towards the Duchy of Lundgren.

Our first stride into a new experience, into a new world.

And then,

Our time flowed rapidly.

Eventually, we faced the harsh winter of November.

The snow that had melted had fallen gently, blanketing the land in white, and the biting wind created a frozen terrain, making November a season suited for its reputation. Clad in thick winter clothing, we walked together as we had when we left the Northern Castle back in May.

“Ugh, it’s freezing! Ariel Elrond, I’m going to fall asleep here!”

“…Stop whining.”

“Rachel! You’ve experienced this cold before, haven’t you? This is my first time!”

“Cold is cold, even if you’ve had experienced it. I’m cold too, but look! I’m still walking just fine!”

“Hey now, everyone. This old man is trudging along, so stop complaining. Besides, don’t you see our great leader striding with such command?”


It’s really freaking cold here.

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