Switch Mode

Chapter 55

As I headed toward the northern gate of the Grand Ducal Castle to reach Ariel’s residence, I encountered Lumia, who was reaching toward the sky with outstretched hands.

She was standing there, gazing into the empty void above her, her left hand curling and uncurling as if trying to grasp something.

That hand was wrapped in several layers of thin bandages.


It was quite an odd sight to see a person standing frozen in time, waving at the air as if it were taunting her.


It looked rather precarious.

With her cheek bruised, a bandaged hand, and eyes filled with emptiness directed at the void, paired with a twisted smile.

What on earth had happened in just one day?

What could have transpired to leave her in such a state?

I couldn’t quite grasp it.

It felt like something had broken within her,

Like a cord had snapped,

As if she had surrendered everything to something unbearable.

After a moment, Lumia lowered her hands and head.

With unfocused eyes that had once gazed skyward, they now turned down to meet mine.

No longer filled with resentment and malice, her gaze now held an unfathomable emptiness and resignation.

“…What are you doing…?”

I asked, curious about what she was doing alone in the middle of the street at this hour.

Why was she waving her hands at nothing?

What on earth had happened?

For some reason, I couldn’t just turn a blind eye like I usually did.

The voice that should have resonated clearly just a day ago felt muffled, as if dragged out from a deep cave.

“I was… looking at the clouds.”

She spoke with a vacant tone, her expression weary as if she hadn’t slept in days.

Her transformation in just a day was almost unbelievable, leaving her looking gaunt.

“What happened to your hand?”

I asked, glancing at her bandaged left hand.

And then,

“D- did you self-harm?”

I could hardly believe the words that fell from my lips.

The same hand that had clawed at my cheek now bore the marks of her own struggle.

“…The wound… has healed?”

Lumia’s expression turned slightly surprised as she looked over my cheek.

Her eyes clearly reflected her shock at the sight of my blemish-free skin, thanks to Rachel’s ointment.


Yet, my response painted a faint smile on her chapped lips.

It was a smile I couldn’t decipher.

“I’m glad…”

What was this relief?

Was it a comfort to know that the trace of impulsive violence had been wiped away?

Was she relieved that her cracked beliefs could perhaps be mended?

What started as a question upon our unexpected reunion left only questions, shrouded in confusion.

“I… will be going now…”

Whereas before, during our days in the academy, Elden used to pass by her, this time it was Lumia who walked past me, leaving Elden behind.

“Your Grace.”

And then, for the first time, I called out to her, mingling original Elden’s memories with my own.

I had no regrets about the actions I had taken to escape this unjust life.

Not now, nor in the future, did I wish to blame anything for the resulting calamity.

Still, I didn’t feel an urge to pity or sympathize with the emptiness that plagued the protagonist.

I held no desire to be burdened with guilt over it either.

“Please take this. It will help keep the scars from forming.”

I offered what little I could without withholding anything.

I had no desire to turn into some petty miser who wouldn’t even share a small thing.

Unlike the days when I had nothing to give, I now had something, however humble it may be.

This was a form of aid I could offer, unlike my previous attempts at escape that necessitated avoidance and denial.

With that thought, I handed her the small jar of ointment, witnessing her bland gaze fixed on it just before heading toward the northern gate.

A little while later, a light drizzle began to wet the northern regions from the dry night sky.

“Ugh. What’s with the sudden rain? Let’s hurry, Rachel.”


I needed to rush toward Ariel’s residence.

“Everyone, assemble!”


On a night where the drizzle had begun to fall, the attendants at Ariel’s residence activated an emergency alert system to welcome the guests about to arrive.

Moreover, it was also an emergency system to ensure that the cherished lady would present the best party to her invited friend for the first time.

The issue, however, was that the guest was none other than the notorious ruffian Lord.

“Y-you really don’t have to go that far! Elden is not a scary person anymore.”

Ariel was desperately trying to alleviate the tension among the attendants.

She felt somewhat guilty for inviting Elden and ruining the peaceful night for the servants.

“Hey, everyone? You really don’t need to be frightened. Elden has truly changed! Please believe me…!”

“Align the positions! Make sure the tableware is perfectly straight!”


“Um? Why are you all going this far? He isn’t the Elden you used to know!”

“Guardians, you are all to maintain emergency alert status until the party ends, even if you’re off duty!”


Ariel felt like she was inadvertently subjecting the attendants and guards to trials as she rushed around. Yet, the fear-stricken attendants were too preoccupied to listen to her.

In her heart, she wanted to cancel the party.


This wasn’t the old Elden.

He had transformed into an incredibly charming man.

There was no need for them to be scared at all.

But Ariel couldn’t help but feel a mix of frustration and sorrow at the attendants who still viewed Elden as just an ‘object of fear.’

She understood, of course.

Since they hadn’t witnessed the Lord’s transformation, how could they be expected to believe it?

Still, it was disappointing to see the efforts of her precious reading companion being underestimated.

In the end, giving up, Ariel entered the dressing room with her personal maid.

She couldn’t even remember the last time she held a party.

As a child, she had a few, but she had been so disinterested that she couldn’t recall what they did or what they ate.

Being a girl who preferred reading to mingling with people, such gatherings were nothing but a waste of time.


“Is there really a need for a dress and makeup…? This is just a casual dinner with a friend I see all the time.”

Ariel lacked the qualities of a woman in this regard, and a dress and makeup felt more like an inconvenience.

But her maid was resolute.

“Lady Elrond is hosting a party; how can you not wear a dress or do your makeup? It would ruin Count Elrond’s reputation!”

“That’s true, but…”

I didn’t plan to go this far.

Why is everyone so extra?

Eventually, Ariel was pulled along by her maid and, after a long time, found herself in a dress.

It was a beautiful red dress that complemented her blonde hair quite well.

With a neckline that dipped to her chest adorned with wave-like lace, she fidgeted in front of the full-length mirror, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Especially since the back was cut quite low, revealing her shoulder blades, it felt just a tad scandalous.

“Isn’t this a bit too much…?”

“Too much? Everyone dresses like this! A party is such an important event for nobles. I bet Lord Elden will come wearing a splendid uniform!”

“A splendid uniform?”

“Of course. But if you receive him dressed shabby, just imagine what kind of ruckus the upset Lord Elden would raise!”

She shuddered.

Her maid trembled a little with a look of dread on her face.

Ariel looked puzzled.

Elden would be wearing a uniform?

He always dressed comfortably, so she couldn’t imagine him in formal attire.

The only times they had met when he had to wear a uniform had been on days with no final evaluations or after they were over.

What would Elden look like decked out for a party?

Ariel found herself suddenly curious, and as she waited for Elden’s arrival, her eyes widened in astonishment when she heard the news that he had arrived.

“Elden! Come on in! …Huh?”

It was due to the beautiful silhouette standing next to him.

A woman in a red dress, just like Ariel’s.

Rachel, who usually wore stiff knight’s armor, now captivated everyone’s attention in her gown.

Moreover, she had let her hair down instead of tying it up.

The feminine look was quite different from her usual demeanor.

Seeing this, Ariel felt relieved that she had indeed worn the dress today.

“It’s an honor to be invited, my lady.”

Standing closely beside Elden, Rachel greeted Ariel with a peculiar feeling rising within her.

The two of them, side by side, seemed so perfectly matched without any sense of discord.

Was it because they were both wearing the same shade of red?

Ariel thought it was truly a bad and wicked feeling to be gripped by jealousy, but she greeted them with a bright smile.

“Welcome, Lady Rachel.”

And thus, the party began to unfold.

Ariel, Elden, and Rachel sat at the round table, divided into three equal parts at a precise 120-degree angle.

“Thank you for inviting me, Ariel.”

“Hehe, of course!”

“You look stunning in that dress. It suits you beautifully.”

Suddenly, Elden’s casual compliment caused Ariel’s face to redden, even more than the makeup she wore could hide.

She fiddled with the lace at the top of her dress, unsure how to respond to such flattery meant for a woman.

“You—you look great in your uniform too!”

“Really? That’s a relief. I tried to put in a little effort.”

Compliments bounced back and forth between them, and shortly after, a feast of food and drinks was presented on the table.

As Elden scanned the spread, he looked surprised and asked Ariel, “Is that monster cuisine?”

“Ah, yes! I made sure to prepare it since you like it.”

If only the servants hadn’t been around to hear it, Ariel would have loved to add, “I tasted it, and it was delicious!”

But as she swallowed those words, she lifted her wine glass, filled with a deep purple liquid.

This was her way of following her maid’s guiding principle that the host should lift a toast first.

“Shall we toast?”

“Sounds good.”

Due to the wide table, they couldn’t clink their glasses together, so they raised their cups to about face level for the toast.

Gulp, gulp.

Elden and Rachel drank the wine without hesitation.

Ariel hesitated, staring down at her drink.

The truth was, she had never really taken alcohol before, and her stubborn complaint about knowing how to drink was just a small rebellion born from her impatience.


As their glasses were set down on the table, Ariel saw Rachel’s glass was empty, and it seemed she had decided to gather her resolve and follow suit.

With her heart fluttering again due to an inexplicable impatience, Ariel squeezed her eyes shut and drank the wine.




Suddenly, her eyes opened wide.

The sensation going down wasn’t bad at all.

Just like the monster dish she tasted for the first time, the wine didn’t taste bad either.

She wasn’t sure if it was actually good, but she didn’t dislike the sweet bitterness of the unfamiliar flavor.

And thus,


“Whoa… What was that? It’s… not bad?”

Ariel exhaled, releasing the strong aroma of alcohol that filled her mouth as she set down her empty glass.

She looked at the glass with a proud gaze, thinking,

‘Oh-ho. Maybe I can handle my liquor pretty well…?’

It seemed her boastful claim about being able to drink wasn’t just a mere bravado born from impulse.

A little while later…

“Ugh, I’m getting tipsy.”

Her tongue began to twist and stumble as the effects of the wine started to settle in.

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not work with dark mode