Switch Mode

Chapter 51

“Ephisa indeed seemed quite pitiful. She did her best as a porter but ultimately ended up captured as a hostage by the Demon King’s army and sacrificed.”

“Right? I shed a tear when Ephisa died.”

“At least she made a grand exit, so that’s a relief.”

“Exactly! Thanks to Ephisa’s sacrifice, we were able to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings, hehe.”

Since early morning, a lively exchange of thoughts and reflections had been ongoing.

Perhaps it was because we had waited together for the library to open, but Ariel’s smile was particularly radiant today.

And seeing her smile, I couldn’t help but smile back.

If a benefactor is happy, those who are constantly receiving help should naturally feel happy as well.

“So, should we grab some food?”


With that, when lunchtime arrived, we stepped out through the Southern Gate of the Grand Duchy’s castle.

Ariel said it was fine, but I didn’t want to inadvertently provoke Lumia by dining in the Great Hall, so we decided to skip it.

Just in case.

Lumia had already used Ariel before.

To avoid any repetition of such a situation, I asked Ariel if we should refrain from meetings until we were completely out of the Grand Duchy, and to my relief, she agreed with a solid response.

“It’s okay! I’m not bothered at all!”


With my withdrawal officially approved and having also received a pardon from Original sin, who knows what course of action Lumia might take next.

At this point, she should realize that throwing a net to catch an uncatchable fish is a futile endeavor, but it remains necessary to be cautious of potential unforeseen events.

The dramatic declaration of withdrawal was merely a start.

The suspicion that began to swirl was producing a misdirected thirst that remained unresolved, giving rise to a twisted obsession.

Currently, Lumia was showing signs of considerable instability.

Had it not been for Gelwood’s pleading, I would’ve promptly left these Northern Lands.

Yet, all attempts to escape would undoubtedly add to Lumia’s distress and significantly impact the Northern Lands’ greatest festival, the Grand Ducal Betrothal; it was undeniable that I couldn’t ignore that desperate plea, leaving me no choice but to stay.

I completely understood Lumia’s desire for revenge, but as someone lacking any knowledge of the original plot developments, I had only one course of action to take.

Fleeing in ignorance from the fear of the unknown.

Delaying my moves while trying to foresee the developments would be a mistake.

Attempting to exploit the ‘gaps’ or ‘holes’ left in the original storyline could be equally problematic.

By the time I realized it, I might have already become the ingredient for a delicious dish simmering in her pot.

To dodge the bait the main character throws was the only option. Even if that caused a hiccup in her plans, it couldn’t be helped.

I absolutely refused to relive the life of a patsy shackled by debts that weren’t mine in the first place.

I had no idea how things progressed in the original plot, but even if Elden Raphelion ended up getting a happy ending with the main heroine after going through a thorough ‘washing cycle’ of sorts, that outcome would have no bearing on me.

What someone like me—a modern individual suddenly thrust into this world—wants is not to be ensnared by the chains of status and inheritance, but to venture forth in search of freedom and liberation.

Thus, it was best to proceed with caution for now.

Just because my resignation has been approved didn’t mean I could prance around openly, as that would undermine the sincerity of my heartfelt consolation to the heroine and tarnish my hopes for her happiness at the end of the Grand Ducal Betrothal.

The main character and I are fundamentally oil and water, and if we continue to clash, one should be smart enough to step carefully to avoid unnecessary trouble.

And so, we arrived at a restaurant near the Southern Gate of the Grand Duchy’s castle.

An ideal fusion restaurant that satisfied everyone—Ariel, who had never tried monster cuisine before, and myself, a gourmet eager to delve into new flavors.

“I didn’t know you liked monster cuisine. That’s quite unexpected.”

“Well, after trying it, I found it delicious.”


Ariel ordered a regular dish, while Rachel and I opted for monster dishes.

Medieval restaurants don’t have expansive menus like modern fast-food joints, so deciding on a dish didn’t take long.

Today’s special menu was,

[Grilled Green Lizard Tail].

I’m not sure which category it would fall into in the modern world, but in this original universe, it was classified as an amphibian—a monster boasting a green body, a long, thick tail, and only two legs.

Ariel ordered a standard(?) stew, while Rachel went for the [Grilled Green Lizard Tongue].

Although Rachel insisted that the tongue was a delicacy, eating a monster’s tongue requires some mental preparation, so we agreed to share just a bite of each other’s dishes.

Shortly after,

Our orders arrived.

The thick tail had been grilled to a crisp, causing parts of the green skin to thoroughly crack and ensuring the meat inside was fully cooked. Vibrant spices were sprinkled in between the cuts to enhance the taste.

Admittedly, the color and appearance might be off-putting, but the nutty aroma combined with the sharp scent of spices was enticing.

Just as I felt my stomach rumble, I grabbed the tail and took a big bite.


Despite being a little chewy, the spices mingled well, and the flavor was outstanding.

I nodded repeatedly while savoring it, but I couldn’t help frowning a bit before taking another big chomp.

“Um. Hmm.”

The color might be a bit unusual,

But the chewy texture of the skin is certainly delightful.

“…Is it really that good?”

Dumbfounded, Ariel asked as she stared at me.

Witnessing my first encounter with monster cuisine seemed to have rendered her quite fascinated, as her spoon personally hung suspended in the air, untouched.

“It’s absolutely fantastic. Do you want to try a bite?”

I offered a piece of the meat, but Ariel pulled back, waving her hands in refusal.

“N-No, I’m fine.”

“Have you never eaten it before?”

“No…My father always says eating monster dishes will taint our blood…”

Ariel spoke softly, lowering her voice in case someone overheard.

That medieval belief was still quite evident.

Regardless of the origin, once ingested, the nutrients pervaded the same.

To miss out on this delicious and diverse flavor due to misguided beliefs would truly be akin to losing half of life’s joys.


If that’s the case, it can’t be helped.

As I placed another piece of meat in my mouth, Rachel, who was sitting next to Ariel, placed a slice of grilled tongue on my plate.

“The tip is especially delicious. Please, give it a try.”

The tip is a part where only one bite would suffice.

To think she would give me this precious part!

It was a struggle for this apprentice to keep up with my suddenly generous teacher.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Since it was thinly sliced and grilled, one might mistake it for ordinary grilled meat at first glance.

As I picked it up and tossed it into my mouth, I couldn’t help but think.

Munch, munch, chew—

Soft yet firm in texture, the more I chewed, the more juice it released, rich and nutty like sesame oil.

“Is it to your liking?”

“It’s delicious. Quite a unique texture, isn’t it?”

“Exactly! That’s why it’s considered a delicacy. It’s rare since the creature is only found deep within the dungeons, making it popular among the middle-aged for its rumored vigor-boosting properties.”

Indeed, humans are magnificent beings when it comes to taste.

Once a claim is made that something is beneficial for the body, people will consume it until the source runs dry.

After giving a moment of silence for this unfortunate lizard’s species, I ripped another piece of the grilled tail and offered it to Rachel.

“What goes around comes around. You should try some of the tail too.”

“Thank you.”

With the sharing concluded, it was time to dig in.

As I reached for the grilled tail to tear off another large bite,

Something unexpected happened.

“I-I want to try it too!”

Ariel, who hadn’t touched her stew, suddenly exclaimed, pushing her plate towards me.


“T-That…I want to try the tail too. S-so, if you give me a piece, I’ll share some of my stew with you too.”

“Are you sure?”

“It’s not that I’ve never eaten monster dishes because my father said so, but I’ve just never had the reason to try. And since it’s my first time dining in a place like this… I want to experience it.”

“…Is that so?”

I wasn’t sure what had prompted her sudden interest in monster cuisine, but I never turned down the chance to share good food with friends—even if my past life had offered me few.

I tore off a piece of the tail and placed it on Ariel’s plate.


“Thank you!”

Ariel leaned forward, gazing at the emerald lizard’s tail for a moment.

It wouldn’t be easy.

For a noble young lady accustomed to life’s luxuries, that greenish lizard tail might appear more grotesque than appealing.


In an attempt to guide her, I tore off a piece and popped it into my mouth.



With her eyes tightly shut, Ariel cautiously placed the meat into her mouth and began to chew.

She shuddered, as if trembling from an unexpected thrill.

……Was that fearful buildup really necessary?


Ariel’s eyes widened dramatically.

Her astonished pupils dilated as her initial disgust seemed to melt away.

Her previously tense shoulders began to relax.

As she kept chewing on the grilled tail, she covered her mouth, still surprised.

“W-What is this?”

I couldn’t help but smile.

That expression was a revelation; her horizons were widening.

“It’s delicious, right?”

“Wh-What is this?! How is it so good?”


“It’s bound to be delicious.”

“C-Can I have another bite?”

“Of course.”

Once more, I tore off a hearty piece of the grilled tail and placed it onto Ariel’s plate.

She quickly snatched it up and devoured it.

Her eyes widened further with each bite, reflecting her newfound fascination.

“T-This….It’s so good….”

And thus, our lunch continued pleasantly, like a calm midsummer afternoon.

Alongside a budding gourmet who had just discovered an enticing new world of flavor.

“Shall I offer you a taste of the tongue, Lady Ariel?”

“Ah…Hahaha, I’m not ready to eat a monster’s tongue yet…”

Yet it was clear that this young food adventurer still had much to learn.

Ariel patted her belly contentedly as she exited the restaurant.

Her first taste of monster cuisine had been an oddly delightful experience.

And indeed, it was scrumptious.

So delightful that she yearned for more.

Of course, this was a secret that needed to be kept from her father.

As they passed through the Southern gate and stepped into the Grand Palace, the trio stood at the crossroads leading to the Library and the training grounds.

“Elden! Train hard!”

“I will. See you tomorrow, Ariel.”

Elden then made his way toward the training grounds with Knight Rachel, while a peculiar sensation of loneliness squeezed Ariel’s heart as she returned to the library alone.

Knowing that the seat across from her would remain empty until tomorrow made her heart ache, but she couldn’t help but hope Elden would have a good afternoon and come early tomorrow…



Her lips spoke his name on their own.


Why had she called him?

Why did her rebellious lips feel so silent after?

And, why did it feel so right to have called him?

She couldn’t decipher the thoughts swirling in her head.

With her hands hidden behind her back, Ariel’s fingers twitched nervously.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, swaying slightly.

Her skirt fluttered gently as she bounced in place.

“Now that I think about it, you mentioned it’s now possible for you to go out in the evenings, right?”

“Indeed, since I’m no longer a candidate, it’s possible.”

“So… would you like to come to my quarters after your training?”


“Ah… I, I want to throw a celebratory party for you!”

The strong sunlight must’ve been to blame.

Her lips were dry.

The heat felt unbearable.

It must’ve been the strong sunlight.

It felt like her insides were igniting.


Despite her flustered state, Elden simply gazed back at her and nodded.

“I’ll shower and come after training.”

“Ah, okay!”

Then, Elden walked away.

Now, it was her turn to head towards the Library.

But suddenly, Ariel spun around and sprinted toward her quarters.

The excitement of the evening party thrilled her more than the quietude of an afternoon spent alone at the library.

As Ariel had never attended a formal party nor tasted alcohol before, her excitement was not born from fear of the unknown but from an emotion she still couldn’t fully comprehend.


Her escort, assuming she would head to the Library, hurriedly pursued her.

Then, after a few minutes,

“My Lady, whom did you invite?”

“Elden Raphelion!”


Suddenly, Ariel’s words stirred an unprecedented commotion among her attendants, who now realized the famous wastrel, the notorious barbarian, Elden Raphelion, would be a guest tonight.

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not work with dark mode