Switch Mode

Chapter 10

Hoo-whoosh! Hoo-whoosh!

The air sliced menacingly as the weighted barbell cut through the space.

After securing about 50 kilograms of iron weight at the end of the bar, I swung it like a sword, producing a heavy and terrifying sound.

I couldn’t help but think that if a wild boar got hit by that, it would probably die in one hit.

However, this seemingly impressive training regimen had one gigantic flaw.

Crack, crack!

My wrists, elbows, shoulders, and back felt like they were going to fall apart after each session.

The average sword usually weighs about 1 to 1.5 kilograms, and while some heavier swords can exceed 5 kilograms, one typically doesn’t use a sword that’s too heavy.

The reason is simple.

Because one wrong move could leave you permanently damaged.

You could end up as a cripple just from swinging the thing. No matter how slowly you swing it, you have a 90% chance of injuring yourself with this kind of training.

This was one of the extreme training methods that I, Lee Han, had dubbed “Diamond Body Training.”


The first time I practiced this, I almost turned into a half-bodied wreck.

I was shocked by the weight and realized just how insane it was to swing it around.

Yet, I didn’t give up. I started with just 5 kilograms and gradually increased the weight, slowly adapting my body to it.

And now, I had reached a level where I could handle a combined weight of 60 kilograms from the barbell and weights.

It was truly a triumph of the human spirit.



“Ah, it’s breaking again.”

Sometimes my elbow or wrist would go out like this.

This was a full-body destruction workout.

That was the other name I’d given this reckless training.

Immediately after a massive intake of nutrients, I went through a rest period, and finally, my body started to recover somewhat.

Bones and muscles healed quickly, but if tendons or joints got injured, it took over two hours—even with the recovery abilities of a troll.

The only person who had witnessed this training was Jake, my one and only friend from the Knight Order. Jake looked at me horrified and said,

“Are you trying to commit suicide? What kind of crazy training is this…?”

He looked like he was about to be genuinely hurt.

Was it really that bad?

“…Yeah, maybe it is.”

I had to admit there were times I thought this training method was a bit much, even for me.

Relying solely on my troll-like healing powers could lead to serious injuries from this workout.

However, there was a reason to take the risk: I could visibly see how much stronger my muscles and bones became through this training.

Take Yorde, for example.

To fight him, who wielded flashy and swift sword attacks, I needed to either evade or parry. But I wasn’t that skilled.

I could only clumsily observe and block.

Even so, when I faced him head-on, I didn’t take any damage at all, and my hands didn’t even tremble.

Why was that?

“Because this training is helping.”

No matter how heavy the blows were, my muscles and bones had become resilient and sturdy enough to absorb all the shock.

It felt as if my entire body was wearing a bulletproof vest.

In fact, when I sparred with Baltar recently, I could now endure twenty blows, whereas before I could hardly withstand even ten.

It was a remarkable achievement…

“Achievement, my foot… I’m still getting hit.”

As I flexed my recovered body, I scowled.

Thinking of the overwhelming gap between me and Baltar only made me mad.

What had he said?

“Oho, it seems you’ve become a more delightful punching bag. How commendable! Are you doing this just to let me feel your progress? Hehe.”

Wasn’t that just mockery? That old geezer…!

“Should I start increasing the weight now?”

Should I add more weight to the barbell or extend the time for other training methods?

I was deep in thought about it.

I still couldn’t picture myself beating that guy.

However, if there’s one thing I might have over that guy, it’s endurance.

If my already strong endurance becomes even stronger, and I can rush in without my whole body losing power even after getting hit, maybe I could land a solid blow…!




“Oh dear, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to disturb you; I just fell over.”

“…Maid, are your knees—no, your face—alright?”

“Hehe, I’m fine, Knight. Thankfully, my body is tough. I’ve even taken a mace hit before, and I was just fine. Hehe.”

“…Oh, is that so?”

What should I even critique first? Should I worry about the part where she got hit with the mace, or should I ask about the secret to surviving it?

Lee Han grimaced while observing the unintended guest.




The day before, Crown Princess Isis had said she had a request, though honestly, it felt more like a command.

But Lee Han replied,

“I refuse. Do you think I’ve worked so hard to avoid people like you nobles just to get tangled up with your sister?”

“…How callous. If a noble says ‘request,’ there are plenty who would give their life.”

“Then let those fools do it. I’m not giving my life!”

His tone was not just callous, but rather audacious.

Yet, Lee Han was resolute, remarkably firm, and cold.

“Once is enough to use a person. I don’t view anyone as a real hunting dog.”

That was a warning.

Even if the other party was the heir of a kingdom and even though powerful people buzzed around outside, he warned them not to underestimate him.

Why did Lee Han want to grow stronger?

To avoid bending and not to live like he did in his past life.

“Your Highness, or rather, Crown Princess. If you think of me as a mere dog to use rather than a foster brother, then you’ve come to the wrong person. I’d like to quit being a knight or anything else right now. The only reason I follow you is because I respect your power and there’s a connection. But if you cross that line, I’ll throw it all away without hesitation. Understand?”


He was serious, and it was a declaration of his commitment to fight for his life.

Feeling this resolve, Isis’s beautiful brows twitched irritably.

“You impertinent boy. You have no words harsh enough for your sister.”

“A sister should act like one.”

“…Is it right to try to win against a woman with words?”

“I despise gender discrimination. Equality for men and women is great, yes.”

“…What a coarse guy.”

Surprisingly, it was Isis who lost her composure first.

Having been born with extraordinary talents and having spent over 40 years ruling with experience, it was rare to encounter someone behaving so recklessly before her.


“Yes, a man should have that much spirit.”


For some reason, she seemed to be impressed by Lee Han.

“Traditionally, it’s said that a knight should never bend before power. They walk the righteous path even against rulers. Truly a commendable attitude for a foster brother, hoho.”

“……Was this some kind of test?”



“Don’t look at me like that. A person in my position must always test others, even if they are a foster brother, blood relative, or even a close friend.”

“…You live hard, really.”

“It’s the destiny of a ruler.”

Right now, Isis had tested Lee Han.

Had he accepted her request—or rather, command—without hesitation, she would have been disappointed in him.

He would have been seen as a lowly person who flatters those in power.

Of course, even if he was branded as lowly, she wouldn’t have abandoned him.

Just as he’d said, she would have used him like a hunting dog, savoring his efforts.

Later on, he’d be the hunting dog discarded when he was no longer useful.

“What a vicious maiden she is.”

“Stop looking at me like that. My ears are itching.”

“I called you a maiden. It’s a compliment to say you’re a beautiful woman.”

“Well, if you ask me, I think the word ‘filthy’ might fit somewhere in between.”

“You’re mistaken, that’s just a misunderstanding.”

“How brazen of you.”

Despite openly insulting a member of royalty, Isis didn’t chastise him. A ruler must shrug off the criticisms and disdain of the common people as if it were just a breath of air.



“Anyone aiming to become a knight should never insult a lady, you know that, right?”

“Nice wrist snap you got there.”

This was just fine for a little love tap on his foster brother’s head. Though Isis’s expression was serious, there was something about her demeanor that made it the softest face he had seen all day.

“-Let me rephrase that. This is not a command; it’s merely a [suggestion], and I really want you to consider it.”

“Well, I guess I’ll at least listen.”

With yet another request, this time knowing it wasn’t a command, Lee Han decided to oblige.

For him to bend his pride was akin to convincing an Italian that pineapple belongs on pizza.

It’s all about the balance, after all.

“You said there are two requests, but they’re all similar in nature.”


“…Why is tomorrow’s newspaper here?”

“The power of authority.”

“Ah, those in power really are something.”

With a swift motion, Lee Han opened the newspaper she handed him.

His actions of unfolding and reading without a hint of hesitation pleased Isis immensely.

Nothing annoyed a person more than someone who couldn’t read the room.

In this regard, he was definitely attentive and far from dull.

Before long, Lee Han hesitated at a particular page in the newspaper.

It was undoubtedly a headline that deserved front-page treatment, yet it was lodged on the tenth page.

He pointed to the section that clearly bore the mark of royal influence.

“…Was that little request of yours related to this young lady or that audacious young master?”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because they’re the only people you’d find difficult to deal with.”

“Correct. However, just to clarify, if I set my mind to it, I could easily put an end to their lives. It would just be a tad inconvenient.”

“Yes, yes, quite impressive.”


Even though the fan struck his head like a stray fireball, Lee Han remained unfazed.

Having endured blows from aura users, did a mere fan hurt him?

Instead, he continued reading the newspaper, mumbling their names.

“Irene Windler, Loen Dmitri de Lionel.”

Irene Windler was a beautiful 19-year-old mage from the lower class who had recently enrolled at the academy with top honors. Additionally, it was reported that Duke Galahad had expressed intentions to adopt her.

Loen, or whatever his name was, was the youngest son from the Lionel family, known as the Northern King. However, as a bastard, his chances of succeeding the title were exceedingly low. Recently, he had also enrolled at the academy’s swordsmanship department with top results.

Despite being from Pandragon, Duke Galahad maintained an extremely hostile relationship with the royal family, and now their adoptive daughter and illegitimate son had entered the capital, which was the heart of Pandragon.

This was big news that could shake the very foundations of the capital.

The fact that it didn’t dominate the front page indicated the royal family’s discontent with them.

Sure enough,

“I’d love nothing more than to kill them.”

“…As far as I know, both Galahad and Lionel have royal blood running in their veins, don’t they?”

“They’d be my cousin or perhaps distant cousin.”

“Do you really want to kill those people?”

“Would you comply if I asked?”


“Hmph, what a shame.”

…What a fierce maiden.


He threw more jabs, and the fan once again smacked the top of his head.

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not work with dark mode