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Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Jing Ni Gives Birth, the Child is Born!

Like a giant sack, Dian Qing was instantly flung away when the fist hit Li Mo.

With a loud crash, he smashed into the wall behind, collapsing an entire section of it!

The people on scene stared dumbfounded at the gaping hole in the wall.

It was the first time they had ever seen someone hit themselves away!

“Senior Brother!”

Mei Sanniao was the first to react, rushing towards the rubble that buried Dian Qing.

Her hands acted like a pair of steel claws, digging him out from under the stones.

Once Mei Sanniao cleared away the debris, everyone finally saw Dian Qing’s condition.

He looked as if he had been smeared with a layer of pot ash, his face and body covered in black.

His body was twitching in spasms.

His hair stood on end, wisps of white smoke rising from the top of his head.

His mouth was agape, puffing out smoke like a chimney.


Upon seeing the pitiful state of Dianqing, Mei Sanniang cried out and threw herself onto him, wailing loudly.

Yan Lingji couldn’t hold back her laughter and chuckled softly, bumping her shoulder against Li Mo and looking at him with her exquisite face.

In a low voice, she asked, “Was it intentional?”

Li Mo smiled slightly and noncommittally replied, “Isn’t it important to convince him?”

He had warned him long ago, but he didn’t believe it.

Even Bai Xianwu couldn’t withstand his lightning technique, let alone Dianqing.

Though Dianqing had tough skin and thick flesh, he was still made of blood and flesh.

There were no weak points on his body, it was true.

But the lightning technique didn’t target weak points.

It affected him from the inside out.

As long as you were a carbon-based organism, your body could conduct electricity.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, is it burnt to a crisp?”

Li Xin’s gaze was fixed on Dianqing’s groin, smirking as he clicked his tongue.

He didn’t know if it could still be used.

Li Mo took a few steps forward, standing in front of Dianqing: “Master Dianqing, there’s one more punch.”

The unconscious Dianqing seemed to hear his words.

His body jerked, and his jaw moved slightly, but all that came out was a puff of white smoke from his mouth.

Now, it was a question not just of giving Li Mo another punch, but whether he could even get up!

“Just remember this for now. When Master Dianqing has recovered, he can come find me anytime.”

After Li Mo finished speaking, he turned to Mei Sanniang and said, “When he wakes up, you tell him that if he wants to leave, I won’t keep him here. But if he wishes to stay and serve me, he can directly seek General Wang Ben.”

Mei Sanniang looked at him gratefully.

“Thank you, National Advisor, for your kindness. I will persuade him when he wakes up.”

She understood that Li Mo had called her over from the farming family for this purpose.

He wanted her to persuade Dianqing.

“That’s great.”

Li Mo nodded.

Though Dianqing wasn’t in life-threatening danger, in his current state, it would take some time for him to wake up.

According to Duanmu Rong’s calculations, Jing Ni is about to give birth soon.

Such a significant event, he definitely needs to rush back.

As for the matter with Dian Qing, it will be handled by Mei Sanniao.

She knows very well why she spared Dian Qing’s life.

Since I spared your life, you must have some value that warrants my mercy.

Li Mo did not delay any longer.

After instructing Wang Ben and Li Xin, he set off that day with Yan Lingji back to the Qin State.

Ten days later, the two arrived at the mountain villa.

Before the horse carriage had come to a complete stop, Li Mo dashed out, disappearing like a streak of shadow from the carriage.

Yan Lingji felt a gust of wind rush past her and turned her head to see that Li Mo had already vanished.

“Hey, wait for me!”

She hurriedly chased after him.

Returning early is not as good as returning at the right moment.

What could make Li Mo so impatient, if not Jing Ni?

At this moment in the main courtyard, it was already filled with people.

Lady Hu clasped her hands together, silently praying for Jing Ni in the room.

Hong Liang peered through the crack of the door but was pulled away by Sister Zi.

Nong Yu anxiously bit her finger, circling around Lady Hu with a worried expression.

Lady Mingzhu and Lady Hu looked enviously at the tightly closed door.

Fei Yan sat beside Jing Ni’s bed inside the room.

Her “Dragon Soaring Aura” could regulate Jing Ni’s physical condition.

Before Li Mo even appeared in the courtyard, he “saw” a scene that moved him deeply.

He was not the only one concerned about the child in Jing Ni’s belly.

Others were also particularly worried about this imminent little life.

The rear courtyard catching fire did not happen on his watch.

That was the most fortunate outcome.

“Ah, you’re back?”

Nong Yu, anxious and turning in circles, looked up and was startled by Li Mo’s sudden appearance.

This exclamation immediately drew the attention of the others away from Jing Ni.

“Just got back.”

Li Mo nodded, relieved he didn’t waste much time.

“Well, your timing is perfect; my elder sister just went in.”

Sister Zi crossed her arms, lightly tapping her fingers on her arm.

Hong Liang pouted and mercilessly exposed her: “What do you mean just went in? It’s already been four hours.”

Sister Zishot her a glare, annoyed.

She was left speechless by her stupidity.

Why did she say that? Wasn’t it out of concern that Li Mo would worry needlessly?

Hong Liang seemed to not have realized where she went wrong and innocently blinked, asking, “Did I say something wrong?”

Yan Lingji, who had followed Li Mo, rolled her eyes.

You aren’t wrong; it’s my fault.

My fault for not teaching you better!

Intelligence is innate, and Hong Liang likely inherited it from the previous Han Emperor.

Han Fei was much smarter than her.

They’re clearly siblings, so why is there such a large gap?

Sure enough, Li Mo frowned anxiously upon hearing Hong Liang’s words.

Without saying a word, he lifted his leg to head towards the room.

“Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?”

Sister Zihurriedly blocked him.

Li Mo looked anxious and said, “Step aside, let me in.”

Four hours means eight hours.

Even in modern times, a smooth delivery would take two to three hours at most.

How could a master like Jing Ni take this long to give birth?

In ancient times, women often faced many complications during childbirth.

On one hand, there were limited medical conditions.

The most crucial factor was that women gave birth at a young age.

In ancient times, women married around fifteen or sixteen, with some even giving birth at fourteen or fifteen.

At that age, their pelvis was not fully developed, leading to difficulties in childbirth.

However, Jing Ni was already in her twenties and had remarkable strength.

In the original story, she managed to take down the pursuing Luo Network assassins even with her large belly before giving birth.

Under such conditions, childbirth should be going smoothly.

Although he could sense Jing Ni’s condition from outside the door, he felt uneasy not going in with Li Mo.

Being a first-time dad, he had no experience.

A bit of nervousness was only natural.

“What are you going in for? Are you a physician? If you go in, you’ll just distract Jing Ni. Can’t you wait patiently outside?”

Sister Zistood at the door, persuading him earnestly.

Li Mo hadn’t had the chance to respond when a sudden, clear cry of a baby rang out in the room!

Chapter 302: The Child is Born, Is it a Boy or a Girl?

“She’s given birth!”

The few people in the courtyard immediately lit up, their faces showing delight as they rushed toward the door.

“Wait a moment before coming in.”

Just as everyone was about to push the door open, Fei Yan’s voice suddenly echoed from inside.

The noise outside naturally couldn’t escape her keen hearing.

Now that the child had been born, but Jing Ni still had some matters that needed to be settled.

Li Mo sensed this clearly and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Both the mother and child were safe.

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

Sister Zi looked at the yet unopened door, feeling indescribably envious.

She couldn’t tell if Li Mo was being intentional.

Among so many people, only Jing Ni had given birth so far.

“It’s a girl.”

Li Mo got his wish, a radiant joy flooding his face.

This was not only his first child but also a testament to his arrival in this world.

After a stick of incense, the door finally opened amidst everyone’s anticipation.

First, a few maids emerged, carrying basin after basin of water.

Then came Duanmu Rong, beads of sweat glistening on her forehead.

“She’s out, she’s out! How is my sister? Where’s the baby? Let us see!”

Seeing Duanmu Rong come out, the group of women surrounded her, clamoring one after another.

Several people were even eager to rush inside.

Duanmu Rong quickly reached out to stop them.

“Don’t go in all at once; the Madam needs a quiet recovery now.”

Although everyone felt a bit disappointed, they understood.

Only Hong Liang pouted in displeasure, “I still want to see the baby.”

“It’s fine, let them in.”

Just then, Jing Ni’s voice came from inside.

Though she sounded considerably weaker than usual, it wasn’t to the point of being powerless.

Duanmu Rong hesitated for a moment before stepping aside.

Jing Ni’s resilience and strength truly surprised her.

She had delivered for others before.

She knows all too well how painful childbirth can be.

But seeing someone like Jing Ni enduring for so long without a sound, it was the first time for Duanmu Rong.

She even doubted that if given a sword now, she could jump up and kill!

After all, she was once the number one killer!

Li Mo thanked Duanmu Rong, “Thank you for your hard work, Miss Duanmu.”

Duanmu Rong shook her head, her expression as calm as ever.

“Go in and take a look, but don’t stay too long, keep the noise down.”

Li Mo didn’t say much more and stepped into the bedroom.

“Little treasure, your father has come to see you.”

Fei Yan was holding a swaddled baby. Hearing the commotion, she looked at Li Mo walking in front and smiled, teasing the baby in her arms.

“Let me see, let me see!”

Li Mo didn’t rush forward, but Hong Liang squeezed out from the crowd eagerly.

She darted like the wind to Fei Yan’s side, leaning over to curiously observe the swaddled baby.

Then, her brows furrowed, “Huh? Why does it look wrinkled?”

In her impression, babies should be chubby and plump.

Why does this one in Fei Yan’s arms look like a little old man?

Although Lady Hu had no experience, she was of age.

Hearing this, she laughed and said, “Newborns look like this; they’ll grow out of it in a few months.”

Nongyu tiptoed to peek, pouting and turning her head to ask, “Mother, was I like this when I was born?”

Lady Hu was rendered speechless by her question.

Lady Hu, with her captivating charm, came over and replied, “When you were born, your mother wasn’t even there. By the time I adopted you, you were already several months old.”

“That’s true!”

Nongyu awkwardly scratched her forehead.

A few people gathered around the baby in Fei Yan’s arms and discussed it.

Li Mo, however, walked straight to Jing Ni’s bedside.

After gently sitting down, he stroked her pale cheek and sincerely said, “Madam, you’ve worked hard.”

In later generations, pain is divided into ten levels.

The first level is the pain from a mosquito bite.

The tenth level is the pain of childbirth.

Jing Ni endured for a full four hours, which means she was in pain for four whole hours.

“It’s something I should do.”

Li Mo had told her before leaving that he would definitely return before she gave birth.

According to Duanmu Rong’s estimation, there were still two days until she would give birth.

However, for some unknown reason, her waters suddenly broke before dawn today.

Jing Ni propped herself up, wanting to sit up, but Li Mo quickly pressed her back down.


“I’m fine.”

“Even if you’re fine, you can’t get up. Lie down.”

Li Mo left no room for negotiation.

Jing Ni had no choice but to lie down helplessly, holding Li Mo’s hand and expressing her slight regret, “It’s just a daughter.”

Although she didn’t have a preference for sons, deep down she still hoped her first child would be a son, to carry on the Li family’s lineage.

But things don’t always go as one wishes, and this first child turned out to be a girl.

Li Mo smiled and comforted her, “What are you saying? Having a daughter is great; she’ll be just as beautiful as you in the future.”

Jing Ni shot him a reluctant glare.

She really couldn’t understand why her husband favored daughters so much but didn’t seem to like sons.

Though she felt a bit regretful, it didn’t stop her from loving this child.

How could she not?

This was a piece of her own flesh!

If she really wanted a son, she could always bear him another one in the future!

Besides, there were so many people besides her; she didn’t believe they couldn’t produce a son!

“Hey, why are you so different from others? Don’t you want to see your daughter? You’re just circling around your elder sister.”

Sister Zi had somehow taken the baby and brought her to Li Mo, looking at him speechlessly as she spoke.

“Hurry up and take a look at our child; we still need you to name her.”

Jing Ni’s heart was filled with sweetness.

If he looked at her first, it meant he cared about her.

Li Mo reached out and carefully took the baby from Sister Zi’s arms.

The little girl tightly closed her eyes, moving her neck restlessly and sniffing in front of her.

Then her two faint eyebrows slowly knitted together.

It seemed she was puzzled about why she had been held by so many different people.

In just this short amount of time, she had been held by six or seven people.

How many people are there in our home, anyway?

“Ha, it seems like you’re still not very happy. Is it that your father is holding you uncomfortably? How about your aunt holds you?”

When Sister Zi saw her little appearance, she couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Although the child was born from a Jing Ni, it was evident that they all cherished this child as if she were their own.

“Let’s first give the child a name.”

Fei Yan smiled gently, looking at this harmonious scene, feeling a little moved inside.

Such a warm moment, she had never seen in the Yin-Yang School for over twenty years.

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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