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Chapter 56

The pale lightning slashed across the long sky, resembling a wandering dragon. The downpour fell like a torrential curtain from the sky, pouring down head-on onto the streets of Black Mountain City, making them almost as if they were small rivers at the moment.

It is said that a long time ago, Black Mountain City was not here. It was only later that, due to flash floods washing away many houses and causing numerous casualties, lessons were learned, and the city was rebuilt on higher ground.

Rushing forward, from west to east, the rushing water flowed towards the large lake dug out to the east of the city. Qin Wushang stood quietly in the rain, and the rainwater suddenly parted about a foot away from him, flowing to both sides with a gush, not touching him at all.

After a while, he suddenly took a step and walked towards the bookstore with closed windows in the pouring rain.

“Knock, knock, knock.” Qin Wushang reached out and knocked three times, with a special rhythm and cadence. “Who is it?”

An old voice rang out from the bookstore. It was strange that the torrential rain was enough to cover everything, and his knocking was very soft, yet the old owner heard it clearly.

“A person reading.” Qin Wushang spoke in a low voice.

“What? Still coming to read in such heavy rain?”

“Yes, with a cluttered mind, reading can bring calmness. Is the shop open for a brief moment of quiet?”

The footsteps behind the door were unsteady, and then with a creak, the door opened a crack.

“Hoo!! The raging storm instantly blew the door wide open, and rainwater poured in. The bookstore owner exclaimed, hurriedly reaching out to close the door.

It would be bad if the books got wet. Bang!

Qin Wushang stepped in, closing the shop door with his hand. The bookstore immediately became calm again.

Looking at the rainwater on the floor, he was silent for a moment: “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’ll clean up.”

The bookstore owner, with white hair and a scholarly demeanor, smiled gently. “It’s rare to have someone who loves reading so much.”

“Anyone else?” Qin Wushang scanned the neatly arranged books on the shelves without a single wrinkle, and casually said, “Does the old man mean there are others coming to read in such a heavy rain?”

“Yes, a very interesting young man who used to come to read… almost every day, but has come less often recently.” The bookstore owner smiled.

Qin Wushang: “Maybe he has more pressing matters to attend to.”


The bookstore owner’s slightly muddy eyes carried a hint of reminiscence. “He used to tell me when he was a child that he would pass the imperial examination someday, which was his father’s expectation of him. But unfortunately…”

“What’s unfortunate?”

“Unfortunately, his father passed away early, and the burden of life fell on him all at once.”

The bookstore owner sighed. “Even so, he still insisted on coming to read every day. After all, passing the imperial examination does not prevent him from doing other things. Until a few days ago, maybe he encountered something that completely changed his mind. With his intelligence, he should have been able to excel.”

“It is indeed a pity.” Qin Wushang nodded at the words.

For children from ordinary families, if they lack martial arts talent, passing the imperial examination is the simplest way to change their destiny.

“So… did the old man not try to advise him anymore?”

“Everyone has their own aspirations, why bother advising?”

The bookstore owner sat at the desk, repairing tattered books by the dim oil lamp with great care.

“In this world, there are countless paths, and everyone can find their own. I am just a conservative scholar who has lived most of his life in the small city of Black Mountain, with shallow knowledge, how can I mislead others?”

“Old gentleman, you’re kidding.” Qin Wushang picked up a book, flipped through it, and calmly said, “In books lies the affairs of the world. Without stepping out, one can penetrate all things.”

“I see that the old gentleman has a lot of books in the store, and even some old books, which are rare to see elsewhere. It seems that the old gentleman is truly a book lover.”

“Yes, these books… I have collected them for most of my life, and I will quickly repair any damages.”

The bookstore owner was clearly proud of his book collection.

“Time will erase many things, but books can record these events.”

He turned back and smiled at Qin Wushang, “You may think some of the books are new, but they are actually very old, just difficult to preserve, and a flip can cause damage, so I meticulously repaired them.”

“Old gentleman, you are truly meticulous.” Qin Wushang sincerely praised.

He then changed the subject: “By the way, has the old gentleman’s bookstore been open for a long time? I seem to… many, many years ago, have seen this bookstore.”


A dazzling lightning tore through the dark sky, illuminating Qin Wushang’s gloomy face, as he stared at the bookstore owner’s back.

“It seems the gentleman has been to Black Mountain City before.” The bookstore owner didn’t stop his actions, still carefully repairing the books.

Qin Wushang narrowed his eyes, staring at his back for a while, then fell silent, quietly walking back and forth in the bookstore, occasionally picking up a book and flipping through it.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, his gaze falling on a book, reaching out to pick it up.

“Travel Records of Xu Jianke?” A strange look appeared in Qin Wushang’s eyes.

“The one from over a thousand years ago, who clearly had excellent martial talent, but more interested in wandering and playing around…”

“Xu Jianke?”

“Yes.” The bookstore owner turned back and looked at the book in his hand, his wrinkles seeming to relax a bit.

“This book has been here for a long time, but no one has shown interest. It’s quite a coincidence recently, that young man who visited before looked at it once, and now it caught the gentleman’s attention.”

“Oh?” Qin Wushang’s eyes showed interest at the remark, flipping open the book, his gaze subtly fixated, then he flipped to a certain page according to the index.

“Black Mountain Old Demon…” he softly muttered the title.

His gaze flickered for a moment, Qin Wushang read through the text word by word, until he reached the torn page at the end, furrowing his brows.

“Old gentleman, this book…” he smiled and spoke, “seems to be damaged.”

“Ah, I know, but I don’t know which lacking individual damaged the book. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what the ‘honor’ written above was. If the gentleman knows, could you please inform me?” The bookstore owner sighed.

“I don’t know. I’m reading this book for the first time.” Qin Wushang shrugged, looking helpless.

“What a pity,” the bookstore owner shook his head.

“Yeah,” Qin Wushang put back the “Travel Records of Xu Jianke” and walked around the bookstore, then headed towards the outside.

“Aren’t you going to continue reading, sir?”

“I have official business to attend to.”

Qin Wushang reached the door of the shop, opened it, and the storm outside was still raging, but an invisible force prevented him from pouring into the bookstore even a bit.

His steps halted, he glanced at the shopkeeper repairing books at the counter, then suddenly asked, “Old sir, may I know your esteemed name?”

The shopkeeper paused slightly in his movements. He looked up, his gaze meeting the deep eyes of Qin Wushang, and smiled, “I may be old, but my name is a bit hard to remember. Just call me Yue.”

“Master Yue!”

Qin Wushang nodded and walked out of the bookstore, the shop door closing with a bang. Figures swiftly appeared from various directions, dressed in raincoats, landing one by one in front of Qin Wushang.

“Sir!” a tall man came forward and knelt down.

“Well, I’m leaving.” The man looked slightly puzzled and asked, “Aren’t you going to Black Mountain?”

“No need to go!” Qin Wushang said lightly, without elaborating further, took a step out, and his figure disappeared without a trace, leaving everyone looking at each other in surprise.

Lin family’s residence.

Looking at the graceful young man in front of him, Ji Ming’s emotions were complex, various thoughts passing through his mind, finally turning into a sigh: “Congratulations, Brother Lin!”

The Demon Hunter, usually only exists in rumors. Unexpectedly, he was seen today. What’s more, it’s someone nearly half his age.

“Thank you.” Lin Yuan nodded, “Earlier, General was here, so I neglected Brother Ji.”

Speaking, he looked at Ji Ling beside him and smiled, “Shall we make a formal introduction?”


Ji Ling smiled and stood up lively, “He’s my Second Brother, Ji Ming, a disciple of the Confucian Sect, now added as a Centurion in the Demon Suppression Bureau! Second Brother, Lin Yuan, we don’t need further introductions, right? From now on, you are co-workers?” (Ji Ling)

“Not really,” Ji Ming shook his head lightly, his gaze complicated, “The Demon Hunter operates outside the Demon Suppression Bureau, not under anyone’s command, even if it’s an order from the General… And any Demon Suppression Bureau subordinate agency or contact point needs to provide the Demon Hunter with information unconditionally.”

“However, in order to obtain martial arts, elixirs, or divine weapons in the Demon Suppression Bureau, you still need merit.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly. Naturally, he also knew the differences of the Demon Hunter.

But despite the differences, the Demon Suppression Bureau couldn’t give away martial arts or elixirs for free. One still had to do tasks in order to exchange for merit.

The difference is. No matter the position in the Demon Suppression Bureau, whether it’s a Centurion, a Junior General, or even the Eight Department’s General, they must act in accordance with orders, with strict commands and prohibitions.

As the saying goes, military orders are like mountains, tasks must be completed even if one doesn’t want to! Of course.

The Demon Suppression Bureau will not send people to their deaths for nothing, usually tasks are carefully researched and judged by intelligence agencies before issuing, suitable for teams with different strengths.

Although occasionally the intelligence is inaccurate, it is usually within a controllable range. However, the Demon Hunter is completely free!

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would not have agreed to the Jizhou General.

“Brother Lin.”

At this moment, Ji Ming spoke again, solemnly saying: “Since ancient times, all Demon Hunters have disappeared without a trace. Most people do not know their identities, so… if Brother Lin wants to do some tasks in the future, it’s best to do some disguises, like masks, or easy disguise.”

“As for today’s matter, I will definitely keep it a secret and never tell anyone. Please rest assured, Brother Lin!”

Lin Yuan chuckled softly, “Thank you for the reminder, Brother Ji. Since the General brought you with him, it is obvious he trusts you very much, and I have no reason not to trust you.”

At these words, Ji Ming smiled bitterly, saying, “Brother Lin, you don’t know. My father had a relationship with this General in the past. He considered my father’s face; otherwise, I would never have heard such a secret matter.”

In fact, the reason was simple. There were only a few people in the room.

Lin Yuan definitely would not speak out randomly, Lin Xianyu was his younger sister, and the others were Ji Ming and Ji Ling.

Both were members of the Ji family. If the news of Lin Yuan being a Demon Hunter really spread, the first suspects would be the two of them.

Qin Wushang would probably go straight to the Ji’s house… This General of Jizhou is known for his decisive actions. As he said earlier, only the present matters, as for the future, it can wait.

“That’s because the General trusts Brother Ji’s conduct.” Lin Yuan’s expression was calm, smiling.

“Brother Lin is too modest.” Ji Ming couldn’t help feeling a thousand emotions.

Lin Yuan was clearly only sixteen years old, but his words and actions were quite mature, not at all like a young person, especially a prodigy like him who held the position of an executioner!

Reflecting on himself, back then he could be considered somewhat of a playboy in the capital, lacking the indifferent temperament like Lin Yuan.

No wonder the General of Jizhou valued him so much! “Brother Lin, do you have any intention of going to the capital?” Ji Ming suddenly asked.

Next to him, Ji Ling rolled her eyes, “Second Brother, I already asked this before. Young Master Lin said he won’t go to the imperial city for the time being, but is planning to go to Wangjiang City. Just let go of that idea!”

“Why?” Ji Ming was perplexed and asked subconsciously.

“Just some personal reasons on my part.” Lin Yuan smiled. He was worried that if he went to the capital, he would see the despicable woman who caused his decapitation in his first simulated life and couldn’t help but take action.

But the capital was not a simple place. Since the other party could interfere with the Demon Suppression Bureau, their identity was definitely not low, and how could there not be real strong individuals around them!

If he were to kill someone and fail, ending up dead instead, it would be somewhat ridiculous.

“Okay.” Ji Ming showed a hint of regret.

If nothing unexpected happened, this person’s future would be unlimited. Being able to establish a good relationship with him would undoubtedly be a good thing for the Ji family.

Unfortunately, the other party was unwilling to go to the capital. As time went by, could he still establish a relationship with him? Thinking in his heart.

Ji Ming glanced imperceptibly at the side where Lin Xianyu was quietly chatting with Lin Xianyu, revealing a smile on her charming face, while Ji Ling’s thoughts moved slightly.

“Oh, this is the accommodation fee for Little Sister Ling.”

With his thoughts spinning, Ji Ming took out a stack of silver notes from his pocket and gently placed them on the table.

Glancing at it, Lin Yuan roughly estimated there were about twenty notes. He shook his head, “Miss Ji has only stayed in my house for five days. According to the pre-arrangement, only five thousand taels are required, and the surplus, please let Brother Ji take it back.”

“Listen to me first, Brother Lin.”

Ji Ming gazed at Lin Yuan and chuckled softly, “Brother Lin should also understand that I did not come from the capital.”

After a long time, Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

The capital was quite far from here. It would take a while for spiritual messages to be transmitted, but Ji Ming arrived in just five days, mostly because he was in a different place, possibly in a certain location in Jizhou or even the nearby city of Lishou, receiving the letter written by Ji Ling.

This was normal. Upon entering the Demon Suppression Bureau, one’s family might be able to manage a bit, without being dispatched to remote areas.

But that was it. If one wanted to stay in the imperial city, it would depend on personal abilities!

The capital was under the emperor’s rule, and the Demon Suppression Bureau stationed at the imperial city was naturally special, all selected by the emperor himself, beyond anyone’s influence.

Truly under the direct command of the Great Li Emperor!

If anyone dared to intervene there, they would purely be courting death!

“The grace of saving a life is priceless and hard to repay. I heard Ji Ling say that Brother Lin’s sword was damaged when he rescued her. Coincidentally, I have obtained a precious sword, but unfortunately, it is at home, and sending it will take some time.”

“Of course, this is just to show goodwill and cannot repay the debt of saving lives.” Ji Ming smiled again.

“As a Centurion in the Demon Suppression Bureau, I am busy with official duties, and my little sister has always been wayward. If I don’t keep an eye on her, she may sneak away secretly again…”

“Second Brother, what are you talking about!”

Ji Ling suddenly stood up, a hint of embarrassment appearing on her face, “Who’s wayward! And besides, I did discuss it with our family. How could I sneak away!”

Ji Ming ignored her. “As for these silver notes, I actually have an unpleasant request.”

“Brother Ji, please speak.” Lin Yuan’s expression remained unchanged as he spoke calmly.

“It’s like this.” Ji Ming looked at Lin Yuan seriously and said slowly, “I heard from my little sister that Brother Lin may go to Wangjiang City? It so happens that my Ji family has a private residence there, usually only managed by servants. If Brother Lin does not mind, he can live there temporarily, and also…”

He smiled and, in the moment when Ji Ling looked shocked, confused, and at a loss, slowly continued.

“Please take care of my little sister for me!”

“As for the extra silver notes, consider them as accommodation fees, still a thousand taels per day, until the silver runs out… That house should also be worth quite a bit of money.”

“I wonder if Brother Lin can agree to my request?”

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