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Chapter 225

Chapter 225. Childhood Friends – Nenato

“Captain, we’ve arrived.”

Lev nodded. Pointing to the domain of the Guidan family on the hill, he commanded,

“Be mindful of your behavior when we go. We are the ones asking for a favor, so don’t cause any trouble. Report to me first if any issues arise.”

“Yes, sir!”

Twenty young men answered crisply. Each of them had a long sword hanging from their waist and wore neat uniforms of a swordsman.

Their hair was neatly trimmed so that no one would mistake them for barbarians.

They were the Sword Squad.

Last year, Lev had arrived at the Bizan tribe. The Bizan tribe, his father’s homeland, was also Lev’s main family, making them favorable towards him.

They welcomed him, who had come to undergo his coming-of-age ceremony, and while waiting for the ceremony at the end of the year, Lev incited the chief and the tribesmen.

“We are not livestock.”

“If we continue like this, we will be captured by slave traders, and men will end their lives in the mines, while women will end theirs under some man’s feet!”

Lev’s fervent speech led the Bizan tribe to revolt. Naturally, at the center of it was the great Swordmaster, Lev.

The Bizan tribe, who lived by hunting, had many warriors. The tribe, with its long-standing tradition that gave birth to the hunting god “Barbatos” (though he no longer exists), quickly transformed into an army when the chief declared wartime.

Messengers were sent to fifteen satellite villages, and everyone who had strength, regardless of age or gender, took up arms.

Of course, it was impossible to confront the kingdom with just them. It was unthinkable.

So Lev calmed the excited warriors. He emphasized the need for thorough preparation and asked for a year, just one year.

Lev, who declared himself the representative of the rebels against the kingdom’s tyranny, first proposed training.

He demanded that the warriors become elite soldiers capable of excelling on the battlefield and took the time to teach them.

Under General Lev’s leadership, the warriors learned the basic rules and military discipline that soldiers must follow. With the advice of the Swordmaster, their axe handling became more precise.

However, honestly, the axes the warriors mainly used were cumbersome on the battlefield. Their heavy weight continuously drained the soldiers’ stamina.

But there was no other way.

There were no swords for hundreds of warriors.

Even if they scraped together all the Bizan tribe’s assets, it was impossible. Not only was there no way to obtain swords in large quantities, strictly controlled by the kingdom, but just training the warriors without them hunting was a burden on the tribe. The year Lev asked for was the limit.

Ultimately, the rebellion was impossible without the help of a noble who had accumulated wealth over many years. Lev entrusted the training of the warriors to the great warriors and moved on to the next stage of the rebellion.

He needed to win over Marquis Guidan.

Having done it once before, Lev was confident. He left the Bizan tribe with the warriors he had specially selected.

They were young men who showed talent in swordsmanship. Lev distributed the swords the chief had managed to obtain to them and taught them with great effort.

It was only three months of teaching, but his achievements as a “Swordsmanship Teacher” helped. Although they were not yet remarkable, Lev thought they would all become quite decent swordsmen by next year, so he formed the Sword Squad.

The only ones who could call Lev “Captain” were them, and they had sworn an oath of loyalty.

It was reassuring.

Lev led his twenty mixed-gender disciples up the hill with the sound of clattering hooves. In front of the lord’s castle of Marquis Guidan, he shouted, “Come out!”

“Are you a mercenary group? What brings you here?”

“We’ve come to see the Marquis. He’s likely here. Lead us to him.”

Twenty men and women on horseback. The guards were flustered. The young man’s aura was extraordinary, and they said, “P-please wait a moment.” They brought the steward.

It was the elderly steward he had met once before. Without hurrying, he came out and asked,

“What is the matter?”

“We’ve come to see Marquis Harvey Guidan. I know he is here, and I know something has happened to the lady. We’ve come to help, so dispel your doubts and lead me to the Marquis.”

“…Wouldn’t it be proper to first identify yourselves?”

“I will reveal everything if you send away the prying eyes.”

The winter wind flapped Lev’s cloak. The steward, who had been silently watching the young man arrogantly holding his head high on his horse, said, “Come in.” He granted them entry.

Soon they reached the reception room.

The steward, worried that these people might cause trouble, summoned five knights. It was an intimidation tactic, suggesting that if these scoundrels misbehaved, they would be disciplined. Lev drew his sword.

Swish, a brilliantly shining white sword testified to his identity.

[Achievement: Beast Hunting – ‘1’, faint mana imbues your body.]

“A S-swordmaster…”

“Do not worry. I have not come to oppose Marquis Guidan. I am here to ask for his help. Now, will you guide me?”


The steward calmly replied,

“I will bring the Marquis to you.”

Soon after, a very gaunt Marquis Harvey Guidan entered the reception room. With sunken eyes, he looked at the orderly swordsmen and the young man sitting proudly.

“I am Harvey Guidan. I heard you have business with me…”

“Nice to meet you, Marquis. My name is Lev.”

“…Are you a commoner?”

“Yes. Moreover, I am one of your subjects. I was born in Demos Village, near Bospo (a castle owned by the Guidan Margrave in the eastern border region). But I have not come to see you as a subject.”

“Indeed, Swordmaster.”

Is this young man here to declare that he has become a heaven-sent Swordmaster and to demand treatment befitting that title from his lord?

Of course, he would be welcomed.

However, the young man laughed heartily.

“Hahaha. I have not come as a Swordmaster either. I have come as the leader of a group. Could you please send away those around us?”


The Marquis was silent.

A knight, understanding the reason, answered on behalf of the Marquis,

“The guest should send away his people first.”

“…Ah, my apologies. I forgot, having traveled alone for so long. Vanne, take the others outside.”

“Yes! We will wait outside.”

A smartly dressed female swordsman responded.

As Lev’s sword squad exited in a clamor, the Marquis also dismissed all but two knights before sitting down. Lev glanced at the knights standing behind the Marquis and began to speak.

“This winter is long.”


“I don’t know when spring will come. With no snow and this prolonged severe cold, the soldiers will become lazy.”

“If military discipline slackens just because of the cold, it’s not worth having in the first place.”

“Of course. But no matter how well-trained a soldier is, there’s no avoiding the dulling of their fingers. They might neglect to maintain their equipment. If their ‘shields’ rust, it would be quite embarrassing. Am I worrying too much?”

Lev looked sharply at the ‘Border Marquis’ Guidan. The Marquis adjusted his posture.

“Would you like some tea?”

“You must have Punita. Yes, I would like some Punita.”

The two waited briefly for the tea to be served. During this time, the Marquis stroked his chin, humming.

The young man before him did not look like a commoner at all.

How did he know I had Punita leaves? And why did he let me know that he knew?

‘Punita’ is a tea that only grows in the Holy Kingdom of Jerome. Marquis Ebeny Drageen, the Margrave of the northern border of the Orun Kingdom, imported a lot of it and controlled its market supply (to sell it at a high price). However, he generously shared it with his friend, Marquis Guidan.

It’s widely known that I am close with Ebeny. He might have guessed based on that, but this young man’s ‘noble conversation’ has been bothering me from the beginning.

Worried about the shields rusting?

Ha, as if he knows my inner thoughts.

The maids served the tea. Punita, which gives off a refreshing aroma, also tasted refreshing. However, Lev and the Marquis continued a conversation so cryptic that the knights felt frustrated trying to understand it.

The Marquis decided to reassess this suspicious Swordmaster.

“A commander should indeed be concerned. You mentioned earlier that it would be a big problem if soldiers became lazy.”

“If you were the commander, what would you do?”

“That’s a difficult question. Well, how can you prevent soldiers from slacking? You’d have to enforce military discipline more strictly to ensure they do their part, wouldn’t you?”

“You are absolutely right. But that’s not the answer I’m looking for.”

“Do you have any clever ideas?”

“Not so much a clever idea as…”


“What can be done about the biting cold? Humans can only accept natural phenomena. Slackening spirits are inevitable, no matter how much you try to control them; the next day’s cold will still await.”

“…Yet you must have a reason for asking.”

“Yes. I’m suggesting replacing the tools to prevent rust. The issue lies with the metal in the shields. Changing them to wood would give less reason to blame people’s attitudes, wouldn’t it?”


The Border Marquis Guidan put his teacup down forcefully. The knights were bewildered, while the young Swordmaster maintained a nonchalant expression as if asking what was wrong.

Marquis Harvey Guidan felt the need to dismiss the knights. If this young man harbored such intentions…

“Everyone, leave us.”

“But Marquis, this man…”

“I said leave.”

At the Marquis’s stern command, the knights hesitantly left the reception room. They were worried about not guarding the Marquis, but Guidan was more afraid of this conversation being overheard.

Sip. The young man leisurely drinking his tea was addressed by the Marquis.

“You belong to the rebellion.”

What if the metal were replaced with wood?

Metal is the symbol of the Lognum royal family.

Since the days of the Archean Empire, the Orun Kingdom, with its many mountains and mines, was known as the Empire’s forge. Naturally, the Lognum royal family, which rules Orun, became the symbol of all minerals.

Suggesting to replace metal with wood was a declaration of rebellion, implying that a commoner like himself would rise to the throne. This ambition should never be exposed before the Border Marquis, the kingdom’s shield. Even a general who made such a statement would have been immediately beheaded, an impossible feat otherwise.

However, this person was a Swordmaster. Although technically just a knight wielding a mere four-foot rod, the symbolism they carried was immense.

There were only three Swordmasters on the continent. No, now there are four.

One of the only four Swordmasters on the continent was declaring his intention to become king. The Marquis, as the Border Marquis tasked with protecting the kingdom, hesitated on whether to kill this man immediately.

“So, what will you do? Will you kill me?” Lev’s words were correct. The shield was rusted.

The man harboring rebellious intentions continued.

“The esteemed House of Guidan, once full of glory, is in a dire state. The heir died after being trampled by a pony, and your wife is ill. The lascivious princes are demanding your daughter’s hand, and trying to avoid this led to the death of the Duke of Tartan’s son. I also know that your daughter is unwell. She must be suffering from a mental illness like her mother.”

Nothing surprised him anymore.

It was as if this man could see into his soul, knowing the family secrets and circumstances in detail.

“I ask again. So, what will you do now? Will you marry your mentally unfit daughter to the lascivious princes? The name Guidan is wasted. It belonged to an ancient crusader and a great patron saint of the Holy Cross Church.”

“…Are you suggesting I rebel? Are you telling me to end the royal bloodline?”

He expected hesitation.

This was different from when Prince Leanne de Yeriel persuaded him. Back then, the Marquis easily yielded to Leanne because he was of royal blood.

The Kingdoms of Orun and Conrad were originally one. Though they split into Lognum and Yeriel, the roots of both lineages were the same.

They were the last princes of the Archean Empire.

The Tatallia royal family of the Kingdom of Belita followed the line of the first prince, while the Kingdoms of Orun and Conrad followed the line of the second prince.

Hence, it was permissible.

Leanne’s {bloodline} almost justified everything.

In contrast, I am a lowly commoner.

Without cunning words and without deeply probing into Marquis Guidan’s unfortunate situation, I would never gain the support of the nobles.

A lowly commoner whispered to one of the great nobles of the Kingdom of Orun.

“I apologize for my rudeness. I didn’t mean for you to decide immediately. Please think it over slowly. You can answer after seeing how the twin princes act. I… can wait.”

Lev left the troubled Marquis and exited the reception room. Smiling, he faced his relatives and disciples, all bearing the surname ‘Bizan,’ who were waiting outside.

Lev Bizan.

The Bizan dynasty will rise. By the year after next, my name will be ‘Lev de Bizan.’

To achieve that…

“Ban. Give me the Nenato.”

“Here it is.”

Ban Bizan handed over the small drum-like Nenato (a cylindrical percussion instrument similar to a djembe). Lev took it and briskly walked toward the Marquis’s wife’s quarters, while the worried Marquis Guidan received shocking news.

[ Achievement: The Man Who Melted Siera Guidan’s Heart – Earned mild affection from Siera Guidan. ]

In the room of his son, Havney Guidan, who had been trampled by a pony, there was a Nenato.

The enchanted Marquis had given me his son’s room, and I had learned to play the Nenato from the beggar siblings, former royal guards of the Belita royal family. Specifically, from the Grand Princess Danizela Tatallia.

I seemed to resemble Havney Guidan. At least in age.

Lev let the Marquis’s wife, who awoke crying tears of joy, believing her son had returned, go.

While Marquis Guidan was in a daze, holding his wife, Lev headed to Harie Guidan’s quarters.

[ Achievement: The Man Who Melted Harriet Guidan’s Heart – Earned mild affection from Harie Guidan. ]

To drive the nail in further.

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