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Chapter 221

Chapter 221: To Conquer Zhao, One Must First Defeat Wei, the Struggle Between Han Fei and Li Si! The Empress Dowager Returns Power to the Emperor!

The next day’s court assembly.

Today’s atmosphere was particularly oppressive.

Qin’s development in recent years has been extremely rapid, with its national strength ranking first among the seven states.

Now, the people of Nanyang would rather depend on Zhao than be part of Qin, which truly infuriates people~.

Ying Zheng scanned the whispering ministers.

His stern gaze swept over everyone, finally landing on the Prime Minister Lord Changping.

“Lord Changping, what suggestions does the Cabinet have on this matter?”

The Cabinet now is essentially a group of secretaries.

They draft plans and discuss strategies.

Then they submit them to the ruler for decision.

However, the one holding power in Qin now is the Empress Dowager, not the king.

When Ying Zheng called his name, Lord Changping did not dare to hesitate.

Raising his hand, he responded loudly, “Empress Dowager, Your Majesty,

We believe that we should go to war!”

Ying Zheng’s eyes flickered imperceptibly.

He liked hearing that.

Empress Dowager Zhao Ji, who was governing behind the curtain, seemed indifferent to whether to go to war or not.

With her phoenix eyes slightly closed, she rested with her eyes closed, and it was unclear whether she was asleep.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Lord Changping continued, “However, before waging war against Zhao, there is one matter we must consider.”


Ying Zheng became interested, “Tell me.”

Lord Changping glanced sideways at Li Si, who was seated further back, signaling him with his eyes.

This issue was raised by Li Si.

Lord Changping also found it quite reasonable.

As the Prime Minister, he should have been the one to speak.

But Li Si was someone groomed by the National Advisor, so he didn’t want to steal his thunder.

Receiving the signal, Li Si raised his jade tablet and said, “Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, I believe that before we attack Zhao,

We should first conquer Han.”

No sooner had his resolute words fallen than the court resounded with the noise of discussions.

Ying Zheng watched Li Si, who made the suggestion, with an expressionless face.

He let the sounds of discussion continue.

Han Fei’s face changed dramatically at Li Si’s words.

Han was his homeland.

Though the Han Emperor treated him badly, he did not want his fellow citizens to suffer the ravages of war.

Zhao Ji behind the beaded curtain finally opened her eyes.

Her gaze penetrated the curtain, wanting to see who said that.

The State of Zhao’s military is not weak; waging war against Zhao would not be an easy task.

If a war were to break out, they would likely need to exert their full strength. How could they still have the energy to fight Han?

If Han cannot be conquered in a short time, it would weaken Qin’s military and financial strength.

At that point, winning a war against Zhao would be even harder.

However, Ying Zheng had a different perspective.

Looking at Li Si, a trace of appreciation appeared in his eyes.

He slowly asked, “Are you Li Si?”

Li Mo had mentioned this person to him, which is why he entrusted the mission to Han to him last time.

And Li Si’s performance had greatly satisfied him.

Now, what Li Si was saying also coincided with the issue he had discussed with Li Mo yesterday.

Upon hearing his name called by Ying Zheng, Li Si suddenly felt excited.

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

Ying Zheng nodded, “Explain, why must we attack Han before Zhao?”

Li Si spoke methodically, “First, Han lies to the east of Qin, as a necessary route for Qin to expand eastward. They control Hangu Pass like a large stone blocking Qin’s doorway.”

Ying Zheng showed a look of approval.

Li Si’s metaphor was very apt.

“Second, Han is adjacent to Zhao. If we attack Zhao, Han would understand the principle of ‘the lips die and the teeth get cold’ and is likely to ally with Zhao.”

“Both could then make Qin face enemies on two fronts.”

“Therefore, I propose that we must conquer Han before Zhao.”

The civil and military officials began discussing Li Si’s proposal among themselves.

From a long-term strategic standpoint, this proposal was very realistic and concise.

“Your Excellency, Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate.”

At this moment, a different voice was heard.

Everyone turned towards the direction of the voice.

The one speaking was the guest official, Han Fei.

The expressions of the crowd became interesting:

Han Fei was a Hann, so naturally, he didn’t want Qin to destroy his homeland.

Ying Zheng looked at Han Fei with a piercing gaze.

He was also very satisfied with Han Fei.

Especially with the methods he proposed, which were very well-suited to Qin’s current situation.

“Why is it inappropriate?”

The meaning of these words was very clear: I think Li Si’s proposal is quite good.

Han Fei walked out of his seat under everyone’s scrutinizing gaze.

He walked to the middle of the hall and said, “Your Majesty, Your Excellency, Han is not only adjacent to Zhao but also to Qin.”

“For over thirty years, Han and Qin have not been at war and have long regarded Qin as part of their own.”

“Han can act as a shield for Qin externally and serve Qin internally.”

“If Qin attacks Zhao, it can pass through Han, and Han can even provide provisions for Qin.”

“This would save Qin the trouble and time of transporting provisions.”

“In any way, keeping Han is more beneficial than destroying it.”

After these words, the hall was rife with discussion once again.

The wind had shifted quickly.

Those who had just found merit in Li Si’s words now thought Han Fei also made sense.

Ying Zheng pondered silently.

His deep gaze made Han Fei nervous.

Ying Zheng did not respond, but Li Si argued back, “This is incorrect.”

He, too, rose from his seat and walked to the center of the hall.

He glanced at Han Fei, his gaze somewhat complicated.

“If Han were indeed as close to Qin as you say, why would the people of Nanyang pledge allegiance to Zhao?”

Han Fei calmly replied, “This is an anomaly and does not represent Han’s heart.”

Li Si shook his head, “Even if it’s an anomaly, Qin cannot take such a gamble.”

“If it happens as you say, and the Qin army borrows the way through Han, what if the Emperor of Han allies with Zhao to attack our army? We would face enemies front and back.”

The crowd nodded in agreement.

They found Li Si’s words reasonable.

The wind had once again shifted to his side.

Li Si continued, “Moreover, can you, junior brother, represent the Emperor of Han’s intentions?”

Han Fei was stunned!

After all, what he said was just his speculation.

He did not want Qin to attack Han or stand by as Han was destroyed.

But Li Si’s words had hit the main artery directly.

He cannot represent the Emperor of Han!

Before coming to the State of Qin, he was already in a state of self-preservation.

Han Fei fell silent and didn’t speak for a long time.

He returned to his seat with a look of disappointment.

It wasn’t until the court meeting was over that he walked out alone in desolation.

Officials on the road pointed at him and whispered.

Han Fei listened to a few words, all of which were about him being tied to the State of Han.

Saying things like his body was in Qin but his heart was in Han.

Han Fei gently shook his head and sighed inwardly.

Just as he was about to quicken his pace to leave, he heard a call from behind.

“Junior brother, junior brother.”

It turned out to be Li Si, who had chased him out from the main hall.

Han Fei stopped and turned around.

Li Si quickly came up beside him.

“Junior brother, let’s walk together.”

Han Fei forced a smile and did not refuse.

He extended his hand politely and said, “Senior brother, please go first.”

The two of them walked slowly along the smooth palace avenue.

Han Fei didn’t say a word until they nearly reached the palace gate.

Once there were fewer colleagues around, Li Si finally asked, “Junior brother, are you blaming me?”

Just now in court, it was he who had suggested that they destroy Han before attacking Zhao.

Han Fei was lost in thought and was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Then he shook his head and smiled faintly, “Senior brother has great foresight, and what you proposed must be considered.”

“This is for the sake of the great cause of Qin, and it isn’t aimed at me, Han Fei, so there’s no reason to blame you.”

“Moreover, even without your proposal, the Emperor of Qin would probably have thought of it as well.”

“Senior brother just voiced it directly.”

Indeed, those with real talent and knowledge in the court weren’t just Han Fei and Li Si.

Even if some didn’t propose it, they were well aware in their hearts.

To fully attack Zhao, Han was indeed an obstacle.

Even Han Fei himself could think of this.

If he weren’t a prince of Han but a prince of Qin.

He might have made the same proposal as Li Si.

Hearing this, Li Si let out a light sigh.

He lamented, “Yes, although our king is young, he has deep thoughts and far-reaching concerns.”

As they walked, he looked at Han Fei.

“Junior brother, I know about your concerns, but I must remind you.”

Han Fei’s expression became serious, and he stopped, humbly saying, “Please advise, senior brother.”

Li Si also stopped and pondered, “The matter of attacking Zhao is inevitable, the king has made up his mind, and the ministers and people of Qin are united in this.”

“If you want to keep Han safe, ordinary methods won’t work.”

“If Han doesn’t want to suffer from wars, there’s only one way.”

Han Fei hurriedly asked, “What way?”



Li Si nodded and said earnestly, “I know you are kind-hearted and don’t want to see the people of Han suffering from the fires of war, right?”

Han Fei silently nodded.

Li Si continued, “You want to reform only to save Han and save the people.”

“But you know the current state of Han, it’s rotten to the core and incurable.”

“If it continues like this, even if Qin doesn’t act, it will eventually be swallowed by other countries.”

“If Han surrenders to Qin, it can still keep its land.”

“And your reforms can still benefit the people.”

The decline of Han wasn’t just in the court, the root cause was the incapable Emperor of Han.

As long as Han didn’t have a new ruler, it wouldn’t improve.

The people would continue to live in misery.

Han Fei wanted to change not just one person or one city.

He wanted to change the world and all people.

Just as Li Si said, Han really had no hope left.

Continuing like this, being annexed was just a matter of time.

The only difference was in what manner it would be annexed.

In the royal study, there were only two people.

One was Zhao Ji, sitting at the desk.

The other was Ying Zheng, watching her work.

Zhao Ji took the document handed over by Ying Zheng and glanced at it.

She skimmed the contents and then turned to the back.

The back already had the cabinet’s approval written on it.

Zhao Ji looked at it for a moment.

Then she picked up the vermilion brush with her jade-like hand.

With her left hand, she gathered her wide robe sleeve.

Revealing a snow-white wrist as slender as a young lotus root.

Her wrist moved nimbly a few times, approving the document with a stroke of her brush.

Then she picked up the large seal next to her.

……. ……………

With a thud, she stamped it.

This indicated that the cabinet’s directive was approved.

Only with these two marks on the document would it take effect after being sent to other departments.

After Zhao Ji finished her approval, she closed the document and tossed it aside.

Ying Zheng immediately handed her another one.

Zhao Ji repeated the process.

In no time, she had approved a whole stack of documents.

Just as she set down her brush, Ying Zheng offered her a cup of tea.

Truly dutiful and considerate.

Satisfaction gleamed in Zhao Ji’s eyes as she took the teacup.

Her rosy, alluring lips touched the white porcelain brim for a gentle sip.

As she drank, a small lipstick mark was left on the rim.

After finishing her tea, Zhao Ji stretched her body.

She lazily extended, the curves of her voluptuous figure captivating.

The heavy fruits of her chest lifted slightly under her phoenix robe.

The scale of it was indeed astonishing.

One would want to measure it by hand.

But no one was fortunate enough to witness this tempting scene.

Ying Zheng was busy organizing the mess of documents Zhao Ji had scattered.

This was his mother; how could he look improperly!

The nearby eunuchs, even more so, stood properly without daring to lift their heads.

Once he was done tidying, Zhao Ji had finished stretching.

He then expressed concern, “Mother, you’ve worked hard.”

Zhao Ji waved her hand dismissively, saying nonchalantly, “It’s no hardship, just writing a few words and stamping a few seals.”

Indeed, previously, it would take a long time to ponder over a document.

But things were different now.

She only needed to check the contents of the document and the opinions written on the back by the cabinet.

If it was agreeable, she would stamp it; if not, she would send it back.

“Yes, the cabinet system suggested by the National Advisor is truly effective.”


Zhao Ji then acknowledged, “It is indeed good; the National Advisor is genuinely resourceful.”

But as soon as she said it, she regretted it.

Why was she praising him?

Her face fell, and she snorted, “All these are just trivial tricks, showing off some cleverness.”

Ying Zheng: “Hmm! Mother is right!”

Talking back to her would be asking for trouble!

After all, she wasn’t scolding him.

The National Advisor wasn’t here.

If she wanted to scold, let her.

A palace maid seeing Zhao Ji had finished her official duties, went forward to collect her empress dowager’s seal and put it back in the box.

But Zhao Ji, after glancing at it, stopped her.

“Leave it for now.”

“Yes, my lady.”

The palace maid, not daring to disobey, retreated to her original position.

Zhao Ji looked at the neatly stacked documents that Ying Zheng had organized.

Suddenly, she asked, “What do you think about Li Si’s proposal today?”

She referred to the matter of attacking Zhao after defeating Han.

Ying Zheng responded without hesitation, “It’s imperative.”

Zhao Ji lightly nodded.

From Ying Zheng’s performance at court today, it was clear Li Si’s proposal did not surprise him.

It even seemed they had the same idea.

He also advocated for first defeating Han.

Zhao Ji initially thought it unwise.

But after Li Si explained the reasons, she carefully considered and found it reasonable.

If they could not take down Han first, it would be difficult to achieve effective results in the campaign against Zhao.

This time, it was not just about a small piece of land but the entire Zhao Empire.

With Han sandwiched in between, it indeed would be hard to guarantee the army’s success.

If Han harbored ill intentions, they could cut off support and launch a converging attack.

Zhao Ji’s lips curled into a smile that Ying Zheng couldn’t decode.

She didn’t say much more.

Nevertheless, she reflected internally.

In comparison, her vision and strategy indeed seemed lacking.

Although Ying Zheng was not her biological son, she had always treated him as her own over the years.

Admitting she was less capable than her son didn’t seem like such a big deal.

After a long silence, Zhao Ji sighed softly and said, “From now on, this seal will be kept with you.”

Ying Zheng suddenly lifted his head.

He stared at her intently.

His eyes were filled with surprised glimmers.

All the power of the Qin Empire now resides in this Empress Dowager’s seal.

Keeping it with him means that he can make any decision in the future without consulting the Empress Dowager.

This is her returning power to him!

Even Ying Zheng was taken aback by Zhao Ji’s sudden move.


Zhao Ji gestured with her hand.

She said wistfully, “I have thought it over; you have indeed grown up. You have foresight and insight.”

“If I keep holding you back, it will only make you more and more dissatisfied with your mother.”

Ying Zheng’s face turned red, and he quickly said, “Your child does not dare.”

Zhao Ji smiled faintly.

Her beautiful smile, however, carried a hint of sadness.

“What is there not to dare? You’re following your state preceptor’s example. A good book of the Analects has been turned by you into a theory of debunking.”

“Do you think your mother doesn’t know?”

“If Master Xun from the Little Sage Manor knew, he would be infuriated by you two.”

Ying Zheng coughed awkwardly.

He pinched his hand and said, “Master Xun…also approves.”

Zhao Ji was taken aback.

Ying Zheng explained, “Back in Han, the state preceptor used the Analects to debate and win against Master Xun.”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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