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Chapter 210

Chapter 210: The Empress Dowager Takes Initiative, a Little Lower! Ying Zheng’s Dominance!

Zhao Ji’s face involuntarily turned red.

She gave Li Mo a faint look.

This guy, what trick is he up to now?

If she really lay down, wouldn’t he take advantage of her body?

But the moment Li Mo said it, she realized her waist indeed felt sore.

So, let him…massage it then~

“Don’t touch randomly, hmm~”

She turned over but didn’t forget to warn.

Before finishing her words, she moaned softly.

Li Mo’s hand trembled.

Wow, her voice almost stole half my soul.

Zhao Ji quickly shut her mouth, blushing.

“Relax a bit, I can’t massage you if you’re so tense.”

Li Mo pressed her tense jade-like back and said with disdain.

Zhao Ji turned her head to give him a sharp look.

Hugging the pillow, her body and mind began to gradually relax.

This time, Li Mo was very well-behaved.

He did not overstep any boundaries.

Gradually, Zhao Ji also let go of her worries.

Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the delightful sensation brought by those hands.

Suddenly, Li Mo gently said, “Your waist is really slender, Empress Dowager.”

A proud smile flickered at the corners of Zhao Ji’s mouth.

She was extremely confident about her figure.

“Since when did Lord National Advisor become so glib?”

Li Mo smiled and said, “When did sincere words become glib?”

He gently placed his hands on her willow-like waist.

Praising, “Soft and slender, just enough for a full grip, such a fine waist.”

He paused, seemingly to keep her in suspense.

Zhao Ji opened her eyes and tilted her head to look at him.

She asked, “What’s wrong with such a waist?”

With a look of anticipation, she was curious about what compliments he might say.

Li Mo said with a faint smile, “Such a slender waist, it’s hard to believe you’ve had children.”

Zhao Ji’s body suddenly tensed, and her expression turned unnatural.

Li Mo’s hands on her waist clearly sensed it.

“Is… that so? That just means I have recovered well.”

Li Mo nodded as if in agreement.

He said, “Not only have you recovered well, but you’ve also maintained yourself well.”

“By the way, Empress Dowager, you still owe me a dance. When do you plan to fulfill that promise?”

Hearing his teasing tone, Zhao Ji relaxed again.

The words just now seemed to be a casual remark about her slender waist.

“Why are you in such a hurry? I never said I wouldn’t dance.”

Zhao Ji pouted and turned her head back.

“You’re right.”

Li Mo was also in no hurry and casually said a few words.

The sleeping quarters seemed a bit absent-minded. After a response, there were no further words.

It suddenly became quiet in the sleeping quarters.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

One lying quietly on the bed, and one sitting by the bed.

The scene exuded a harmonious and warm atmosphere.

Suddenly, Zhao Ji let out a light laugh.

Li Mo’s hands paused in their movements.


He thought he had tickled her.

Zhao Ji rested her chin on the pillow and shook her head.

The phoenix hairpin on her head swayed gently.

“I suddenly thought, if someone saw us like this, would you be able to keep your life?”

Li Mo nonchalantly replied, “It was you, Empress Dowager, who asked me to massage you. Wouldn’t you have to protect me then?”

“If I were beheaded, no one would massage you in the future.”

Zhao Ji hummed softly through her nose.

“Being beheaded would be better.”

After a moment, she asked again, “Are you really not afraid?”

“What’s there to be afraid of? If there’s one thing that sets me apart, it’s that I’m a bit braver than others.”

Zhao Ji curiously turned her head, “Brave enough not to respect me, the Empress Dowager?”

This man truly had audacity.

Even daring to be frivolous with her.

Ironically, she didn’t know what had gotten into her, being repeatedly captivated by him.

Could it be because of the long solitude?

Zhao Ji turned her head back, resting her fair and rosy cheek on her jade arm.

Her gaze at Li Mo became unprecedentedly gentle.

Although he had his head down, Li Mo perceived her demeanor clearly.

What was going on with the Empress Dowager today?

Since coming here, she seemed a bit off.

He didn’t know that Zhao Ji had been feeling guilty due to a casual remark he made earlier.

Zhao Ji looked at him and couldn’t help but feel a bit wistful.

Besides him, there was probably no one else in the world who dared to treat her this way.

He was just a bit annoying when he talked back to her.

But if it weren’t for that, how would she have seen him in a different light?

Humans are contradictory creatures.

Zhao Ji was simultaneously angry that he did not respect her as the Empress Dowager and wanted him never to appear before her again.

Yet, after not seeing him for such a long time, she felt empty inside.

She recalled what the female attendant had said.

Looking at Li Mo’s serious demeanor, something in her heart seemed to be melting.
Although she was the Empress Dowager, there were some things she had never experienced before.

Being in a high position for a long time, inevitably she felt a bit lonely.

This kind of emotion cannot be replaced; it can only be filled with something else.

“Lower a bit.”


Zhao Ji turned her face to the other side and bit her lip, uttering a sentence impulsively.

The voice was very light, but Li Mo still heard it clearly.

His perception swept over the high hill, his eyebrows slightly raised.

The doors of the palace were opened.

After Li Mo came out, he closed the doors behind him.

A group of palace maids stood in the distance, and Li Mo quickly walked towards them.

“National Advisor.”

She looked up at Li Mo and asked softly, “Do you want to prepare hot water for the Empress Dowager to bathe?”

Li Mo was stunned for a moment.

“Not for now.”

Suspicion showed in her eyes.

That shouldn’t be the case after so long, right?

Li Mo cleared his throat.

“The Empress Dowager has fallen asleep. Let’s talk about it when she wakes up.”

Li suddenly understood.


After holding it in for a month, how could she bear it!

Even when he returned to the villa, Li Mo still had a faint floral scent on his hand.

He clenched his fingers, still able to feel that faint elasticity.

It was absolutely amazing!

In her thirties, yet she didn’t lose out to girls in their teens or twenties at all.

As soon as he entered the villa’s gate, the maid quickly walked towards him.

“Sir, a guest arrived not long ago and is waiting for you in the main hall.”

Li Mo nodded, not feeling surprised.

The visitor was none other than Lord Changping, who was eager for his recommendation to become Prime Minister.

Upon arriving at the main hall.

Seeing Li Mo return, Lord Changping immediately stood up to greet him.

“Greetings, National Advisor.”

Li Mo returned the greeting: “I was delayed at the Empress Dowager’s place for a while, please sit down.”

As soon as they were seated, the maid brought tea.

Li Mo took a sip and asked directly, “Has Lord Changping come for the position of Prime Minister?”

Lord Changping was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled awkwardly.

“Indeed, nothing can be hidden from the National Advisor.”

Since Lu Buwei’s fall, he hadn’t stopped yearning for the Prime Minister’s position for even a day.

Looking at the entire court today, only he was qualified to succeed.

Li Mo didn’t intend to hide it from him either.

The matter of the cabinet had already been discussed with Ying Zheng and the Empress Dowager.

It would be brought up in tomorrow’s court meeting.

Telling Lord Changping now could also prepare him mentally.

“You needn’t think about the Prime Minister’s position anymore.”

As soon as the words fell, Lord Changping was stunned.

His face then showed deep disappointment.

Given Li Mo’s current position and his status with the Empress Dowager, his words were practically as good as hers.

Lord Changping urgently asked, “Why is that? National Advisor, although I am from the state of Chu, I am wholeheartedly loyal to Qin.”

Li Mo didn’t want to disappoint him.

Lord Changping was indeed wholeheartedly loyal to Qin.

But only at the moment.

He simply smiled and said, “It’s not that Lord Changping didn’t do well, but today, I discussed with the Emperor and the Empress Dowager.”

“From now on, the position of Prime Minister will be abolished and replaced by a cabinet.”

Lord Changping stood up excitedly.

He exclaimed, “Abolish the position of Prime Minister?”


Li Mo nodded and gestured for him to stay calm.

But how could Lord Changping not be excited?

Once the position of Prime Minister was abolished, who would manage the officials and assist in government affairs?

Holding onto the last bit of hope, he asked, “Did the Emperor and Empress Dowager agree?”

“They agreed.”

Consolidating royal power, why wouldn’t they agree?

Lord Changping plopped back down in his seat.

His expression was extremely complex.

All his efforts to win over officials in the court had been in vain.

Busy running around, only for the position of Prime Minister to be abolished.

One can only imagine his disappointment at this moment.

Li Mo took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly, “Although there will be no Prime Minister position, a cabinet will be established in the future.”

“If Lord Changping is interested, I can recommend you as the Grand Chancellor of the Cabinet.”

The officials of the Qin State are now scattered, and the court is not united.

We must quickly win their hearts back.

Looking at the entire court, Lord Changping is the most suitable candidate.

Wang Jian is old and a military general.

Not very suitable.

The others either lack status or are not high enough in rank.

Lord Changping, however, meets all these conditions.

Making him the Grand Chancellor is currently the best option.

Han Fei has not yet entered the court.

Li Si is far from qualified.

Lord Changping is indeed loyal to Qin now.

His rebellion would be a matter for the future.

By the time he rebels against Qin, a replacement would almost be ready.

Moreover, knowing what he will do in the future, how could I let him easily rebel against Qin?

Lord Changping is in the light, and I am in the dark.

Every move he makes cannot escape my eyes.

From the very first time he came, Li Mo had already arranged for people to be by his side.

If he doesn’t rebel, that’s fine.

But if he has that thought, it would be easy to take his life.

“Cabinet? Grand Chancellor?”

Lord Changping was somewhat puzzled by these unfamiliar terms.

Li Mo patiently explained them to him.

After listening, he understood.

“Though the Grand Chancellor is not as prestigious as the Prime Minister position, it is still the head of all officials in the court.”

“If Lord Changping is interested, I can recommend you to the Empress Dowager and the Emperor.”

Although the abolition of the Prime Minister position has not been formally announced, both the Emperor of Qin and the Empress Dowager have agreed to it, making it almost certain.

At this point, Lord Changping could only accept the next best option.

Having something is better than having nothing.

Lord Changping also knew that Li Mo would recommend him because of his current position in the court.

In other words, it was to make him stand up at tomorrow’s court meeting to agree with the abolition of the Prime Minister position.

Before dawn the next day, the court meeting began as scheduled.

Zhao Ji was still the last to arrive.

Lazily sitting behind a curtain, she half-heartedly listened to the various reports from the officials.

As she listened, she began to zone out.

She felt less and less like an Empress Dowager each day.

Yesterday, she even allowed him to touch her in that place.

If this continues, she feared she might completely fall for him one day.

No, that can’t happen!

She was the Empress Dowager!

Zhao Ji made a secret resolution that next time she wouldn’t let him touch her again!

Otherwise, it would eventually cause chaos.

By then, everything would be exposed, which would be a real disaster.

“I object!

Just as she was lost in thought, a loud voice suddenly echoed in the hall.

Zhao Ji was startled.

What happened?

What part of the meeting was this?

She hadn’t heard a single word!

“Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, I object to the abolition of the Prime Minister position. Please reconsider!”

A fifty-something official, holding a jade tablet, marched to the center of the hall and spoke loudly.

Zhao Ji then understood what it was about.

Although she had agreed to the abolition of the Prime Minister position, it was bound to face significant opposition.

She glanced at Ying Zheng on the throne through the curtain.

Zhao Ji chose not to speak.

Li Mo had said that Ying Zheng had a way to handle this, so she decided to leave it to him.

Ying Zheng’s expression remained as solemn as ever.

He stared at the official and said expressionlessly, “Does anyone else object?”

His stern gaze swept across the hall.

It instantly created an immense sense of pressure.

“I object!”

“I object too!”

“I also object!”

One after another, several officials stepped forward.

The first official, who had objected, firmly said, “Your Majesty, the Prime Minister is of utmost importance, the head of all officials. How can it be abolished so easily?”

“Without a Prime Minister, who would handle the state affairs? Who would lead the officials?”

His words were quickly echoed by several others.

Civil and military officials below whispered among themselves, discussing the issue fervently.

Ying Zheng’s sharp eyes suddenly turned cold.

He solemnly said, “Absurd! Naturally, all officials must be led by the monarch!”

“Without a prime minister, would the country fall apart?”

“The matter with Lu Buwei has caused endless contemplation for both the Empress Dowager and me.”

“Evil ministers in the court disrupt the nation’s governance.”

“After thorough consideration, the Empress Dowager and I have decided to abolish the position of Prime Minister.”

“From now on, in the state of Qin, only the monarch will govern, and there shall be no prime minister to cause chaos ever again!”

The opposing officials were resolute, but Ying Zheng was even more determined.

The situation with Lu Buwei had taught him a crucial lesson.

Two tigers cannot live on one mountain.

The interference of the prime minister’s power in governance posed a great threat to the royal authority.

Therefore, between royal power and prime ministerial power, only one could remain!

Feeling Ying Zheng’s gaze on him, Lord Changping let out a long sigh of relief.

He knew it was time to express his stance.

“The Emperor is wise, the Empress Dowager is wise.”

Did these people still not understand?

The Emperor and the Empress Dowager agreed, meaning it was not a discussion but an announcement!

Speaking from his own desire to become the prime minister aside, Lord Changping also agreed with the abolition of the prime minister position.

He had personally experienced the harm brought by Lu Buwei.

When Lu Buwei was around, even he was suppressed to the point where he couldn’t raise his head.

Not to mention the other officials.

It was either side with him or be ostracized.

The prime minister’s actual power was indeed a sharp sword hanging over the monarch’s head.

Other officials were watching each other.

Now, the abolition of the prime minister’s position was good news for them too.

At least they wouldn’t have to be troubled over choosing sides.

Wu Dafu, who was leading the opposition in the main hall, still maintained his stance.

He strongly persuaded, “Emperor, Lu Buwei is guilty, but the prime minister system is not!”

“Since the Spring and Autumn period, every dynasty has had the Emperor in court and the Prime Minister governing the state.”

“Our state of Qin has always followed this practice.”

“This system conforms to the principles of heaven and the conditions of the country, ensuring the long-lasting stability of the state and the nation!”

“Abolishing the prime minister system is unprecedented and absolutely cannot be done!”

The persuading official relied on eloquence for a living and spoke plausibly.

But Ying Zheng had already made up his mind, and his determination couldn’t be swayed by a few words.

Ying Zheng stood tall!

Overlooking the court, with an air of dominance!

“Unprecedented? Then I will set this precedent!”

Just because it hasn’t been done before by others, does it mean I can’t do it?

Just because others haven’t succeeded, does it mean I can’t succeed?

For him, nothing was impossible!

He wasn’t looking to follow in the footsteps of others.

He wanted to become a towering peak admired by those that came after!

To achieve what others couldn’t, he would do it.

As long as it benefited royal authority, what did it matter to abolish the position of prime minister?

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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