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Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Late-night talk with Fei Yan, plotting the Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon!

Fei Yan’s current display of weakness was heart-wrenching.

Yet her words were utterly confusing.

Li Mo heard the uneasiness and insecurity in her words.

Who would want to give up such a powerful, loyal wife who loves them deeply?

“Why would you say that?”

Li Mo tried to pull her tightly gripping hand off his clothing.

Such strength!

His clothes were nearly torn but still not released.

That tender little hand stubbornly clung as if sewn on.

Finding no success, he let Fei Yan continue holding on.

“Because you’ve been angry with me, so you don’t want me anymore.”

A misty layer of tears welled up in Fei Yan’s affectionate eyes.

They shimmered with pitiful light in the night.

Li Mo: “When did I ever get mad at you?”

Fei Yan furrowed her delicate brows.

Tightly clutching his clothes.

An indescribable sorrow showed in her expression.

“After mentioning the Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon today, you acted that way. You must know… you must know I deceived you.”

Unable to shake off her grip on his clothes, Li Mo sat down beside her, holding back a smile, “Then tell me, what did you deceive me about?”

It must be that when he only half-spoke in the carriage today, it made Fei Yan overthink.

What’s the term for this?

Feeling guilty?

Although it doesn’t sound good, it’s indeed what it means.

Fei Yan had initially approached him with an agenda and was now concerned he’d distance himself after knowing.

She had mostly forgotten it herself.

But today’s unintentional mention brought back her worries.

And coincidentally, after getting off the carriage, he was busy socializing with Zhangkaidi and others, without a word to her.

Thus, she started overthinking.

Fei Yan, the type to value those she cares about more than her own life.

Li Mo was fortunate; he was now the only one in the world who she would treat this way.

When Li Mo went to see Zhang Liang and Han Fei, Fei Yan sat alone in the pavilion, her thoughts spinning.

She felt the need to clarify things with Li Mo.

If, after explaining everything, he still didn’t believe her… then she’d beg him to believe.

With nothing to lose in front of her beloved.

Fei Yan hung her head, her pristine teeth gently biting her plump red lips.

She slowly said, “I left the Yin-Yang School under the orders of Donghuang Taiyi, who sent me to investigate the clues of the Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon.”

“Later, I used astrology to deduce that the clue was in the Qin State, so I came to Xianyang.”

“The stars indicated that the key to unlocking the Seven Mansions of Azure Dragon lies with a blind person.”

As Fei Yan’s voice grew softer, she didn’t dare to look at Li Mo at all.

“I searched for a long time in Xianyang, until later…”

“Until later when I met you and Jing Ni in the tavern, which is also the reason you agreed to let us stay in your house, right?”

Li Mo could barely hear her voice.

So he took over the conversation to help her out.

Fei Yan slowly raised her head, staring intently at him.

She cautiously asked, “You knew all along? Then why were you still willing…”

Li Mo interrupted her, “Out of curiosity.”


Fei Yan repeated his words, her gaze filled with genuine curiosity.

Li Mo nodded and said, “Although I did have some clues, I wasn’t interested in the Seven Mansions of Azure Dragon before.”

“Nor did I think about unlocking its secrets.”

“I’m curious how you managed to deduce that this clue had something to do with me.”

Fei Yan didn’t directly calculate that the key to unlocking the Seven Mansions was related to him.

Instead, she deduced it based on the alignment of stars and the Five Elements, combined with the information she got at the inn about Li Mo’s origins.

But the problem was, Li Mo wasn’t initially interested in delving into the secrets of the Seven Mansions of Azure Dragon.

Perplexed, Fei Yan said, “Never thought about it? But my divination shouldn’t be wrong.”

This was her confidence in her abilities.

In terms of pure astrological deduction, even Donghuang Taiyi wouldn’t dare to claim victory over her.

Li Mo chuckled softly and said, “In your astrological laws, there’s a concept called ‘variable,’ right?”

Fei Yan nodded gently.

“Yes, it’s true. The appearance of a variable can lead to different outcomes, changing a predetermined result from possible to impossible.”

Li Mo continued, “But the appearance of a variable can also lead to new developments, turning an impossible result into a reality.”

“Initially, I indeed had no interest in this matter before today.”

“But after today, I want to unlock its secret.”

Earlier in the carriage, Yan Lingji’s casual complaints made him realize something.

That his lifespan far exceeded theirs.

After hearing the news about the old village head’s death, his desire for immortality was sparked.

He didn’t want to live forever alone; he wanted to take them along.

So, he asked Fei Yan.

Whether there is a method for immortality in this world.

Fei Yan told him that the secret to immortality lies within the Seven Mansions of Azure Dragon.

This was the sudden variable.

It made him develop a new idea from his original non-interest.

“The Seven Mansions of Azure Dragon are divided into seven copper boxes, each held by the royal families of the seven states. Here, we have already obtained two.”

“One from the Wei State, and one from the Qin State.”

Li Mo’s words shocked even Fei Yan, who couldn’t help but raise her voice.

“Two? How did you get them?”

For centuries, the entire world had been openly and covertly fighting over these seven copper boxes, yet somehow he, an outsider, got hold of two.

Li Mo pursed his lips and said, “Luck.”

Fei Yan gave him a speechless glance.

She muttered under her breath, “How could anyone have such good luck.”

Li Mo chuckled and recounted the process of acquiring the copper boxes to her.

After listening, Fei Yan was even more speechless.

Because it really was luck!

Suddenly, Fei Yan thought of something.

With a jolt in her heart, she asked, “Why would you tell me about such an important matter?”

If the fact that he possessed two copper boxes were leaked, the crisis Li Mo would face would be unimaginable.

He would become the target of the entire world.

Countless eyes would be fixed on him.

Moreover, her own Yin-Yang School would stop at nothing to uncover the secret of the Seven Mansions of Azure Dragon.

She herself approached him to pursue this clue.

So why wasn’t he worried now, telling her about this matter?

Li Mo instead asked, “Why shouldn’t I tell you?”

Fei Yan opened her mouth but said nothing.

After hesitating for a while, she said, “But I am the Dongjun of the Yin-Yang School, and I have duties.”

Li Mo casually replied, “But you are also my wife.”

This statement struck Fei Yan’s heart like a thunderclap!

It felt as though her long-suspended heart had suddenly landed heavily.

Her eyes suddenly brightened, overshadowing the brilliant starlight in the sky.

“So, you believe me?”

Li Mo moved closer to her.

Pressing tightly against this hot and delicate body.

One hand went through her soft abdomen, and the other arm wrapped around her sculpted jade-like shoulder.

Because of surprise, Fei Yan’s body suddenly stiffened.

After just a moment, she softly leaned into his embrace.

Li Mo bowed his head, smelling the fragrance in her hair.


Word for word: “I have never been angry with you, nor have I guarded against you.”

To be precise, since he knew Fei Yan’s affection for him, and after they had a substantial relationship.

Fei Yan is a typical love-struck person.

She would do anything for love, regardless of anything else.

In daily life, small details can make people feel her affection.

She values her lover’s life more than her own.

With someone so beautiful, strong, and protective, why would you need to guard against her?

Fei Yan tightly hugged him back, leaning against his solid chest with slightly trembling eyes.

The smile on her lips was as bright as peach blossoms in March.

All the worry up until now had just been her own unfounded fears.

He had never guarded against her, nor had he ever been angry with her.

So he wouldn’t abandon her.

“Then why did you stop speaking halfway in the carriage earlier today?”

Suddenly, Fei Yan raised her head and asked seriously.

She was still a bit unsettled.

Li Mo was amused by her anxious expression.

Holding back his laughter, he said, “That was because Bai Xianwu came over. What if I spoke and she overheard?”

Fei Yan asked again, “Then why didn’t you come back with us? Was it because you didn’t want to sit in the same carriage with me?”

Li Mo couldn’t hold back anymore.

This lady’s imagination is too wild!

“It’s because Zhang Liang wanted to discuss Han Fei’s matters. I just came back from Han Fei.”

“Is that so?”

Fei Yan nodded her head, her dark eyes shifting.

It seemed like she was trying to think of anything else that needed clarification.

Li Mo smiled, “Does my lady have any other questions? I will answer everything honestly today.”

Fei Yan blushed from his teasing and buried her face into his chest.

She shook her head, “Nothing more.”

Knowing that Li Mo wasn’t angry with her and wouldn’t abandon her was enough.

Nothing else mattered.

“You may have nothing more, but I still have questions for my lady.”

Li Mo caressed her smooth long hair.

His hand moved like it was gliding over silk, reaching the long hairpin at the back of her head.

He played with the hairpin as he spoke.


Fei Yan raised her head from his embrace.

Li Mo’s expression became serious.

“You are investigating the Seven Dragons under the orders of the Yin-Yang School. If Donghuang Taiyi finds out that you didn’t report any of the clues you found, what will happen?”

Fei Yan was stunned for a moment.

Then she shook her head and said indifferently, “It’s fine. I have a high status in the Yin-Yang School. Even Donghuang Taiyi wouldn’t force me to do something.”

“No one can control me. You don’t have to worry.”

Li Mo pursed his lips, “Really?”

Fei Yan bit her lip and said calmly, “Yes.”

“Look at me and say that again.”

Li Mo held her shoulders and pulled her out from his embrace.

Fei Yan’s eyes darted around unconsciously, her small mouth opening a few times but not uttering a word.

Li Mo laughed.

Fortunately, I have a cheat code, otherwise, I would have been fooled by you.

Hearing his laughter, Fei Yan’s heart skipped a beat.

She asked nervously, “You-you’re angry?”

This statement was like telling Li Mo she had lied.

“I-I didn’t want to worry you.”

Li Mo took a breath.

Why are women always like this?

Back then, Jing Ni thought the same way.

But in the end, hiding things only made people more worried.

“So what will happen?”

Fei Yan dared not hide anymore and lowered her head like a child who had done wrong.

Pursed her lips and said softly, “Dong Huang Taiyi will personally take action to capture me back.”

If Fei Yan hid the information and even helped Li Mo unravel the secrets of the Azure Dragon Seven Mansions, it would be tantamount to betraying the Yin Yang School.

Dong Huang Taiyi wouldn’t sit idly by.

And the rest of the Yin Yang School wouldn’t be her match, so Dong Huang Taiyi would definitely come to capture her personally.

Li Mo rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful.

Fei Yan didn’t dare to breathe loudly and sat quietly watching him.

After a long time, Li Mo suddenly put down his hand and said, “Tell him.”


Fei Yan wasn’t sure if she didn’t hear clearly or understand.

Li Mo repeated, “Tell him, tell him everything you know. I have two copper boxes here, I am the key to unlocking the Azure Dragon Seven Mansions.”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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