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Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Bringing All the Women Over, Li Si and Lord Changping’s Visit!

The next day.

Li Mo dressed with Jing Ni’s help.

Yesterday, after coaxing Empress Dowager to sleep, he returned to Jing Ni’s side.

As they say, a brief separation rekindles the fire of love, and this certainly proved true.

Moreover, now that Jing Ni is single-mindedly desiring a child, Li Mo naturally had no reason not to fulfill her wish.

The two of them played around until midnight before finally sleeping.

After helping Li Mo get dressed, Jing Ni carried the blanket they had used last night out into the courtyard.

Then she came back carrying a large pile of blankets.

“Husband, there’s no well in the courtyard.”

Previously, they had been washing blankets in the courtyard, but she just remembered now that they were on a mountain.

If they could dig a well here, it would be a miracle.

This large manor, Jing Ni hadn’t had time to explore it all yesterday.

Just after tidying up the main courtyard, Li Mo had returned.

After taking a bath together, they hadn’t left the bed since.

“Give it to me, there’s a laundry room at the back.”

This was originally Zhao Ji’s palace and is said to be a smaller version of a royal palace.

The layout and design are quite different from ordinary houses.

Jing Ni didn’t hesitate and handed the blanket, which was covered with her scent, to Li Mo.

She was too embarrassed to let anyone else touch it, but her husband was an exception.

After all, he was the one who changed it last night.

“I’ll go make breakfast, and after we eat, we’ll go pick up Sister Zi and the others.”

Jing Ni had come early because she had something to do.

Sister Zi and the others were still staying outside Xianyang City.

Now that things have settled down, it’s time to bring them over.

The manor will soon be bustling with activity.

Breakfast was extremely harmonious.

The three women all had rosy complexions.

One look and you could tell they had slept very well last night.

Li Mo rubbed his waist.

After picking up Sister Zi and Mingzhu today, he would have to make sure they sleep well tonight.

It was a long road ahead!

Fei Yan still needed to sort through some information, and Yan Lingji was too lazy to move.

Li Mo and Jing Ni were preparing to go out when Li Si suddenly came to visit.

It was still early, so they postponed their plans to leave.

“Lord Li, please have some tea.”

Jing Ni brought two cups of tea, and Li Si, flattered, quickly stood up to receive them with both hands.

“Thank you, Lady Li.”

To Li Si, Li Mo’s status was far above his own.

The fact that the National Advisor’s wife personally served him tea made him feel greatly honored.

From the moment he entered the manor, he knew he had come to the right place.

This manor belonged to the Empress Dowager and was gifted to the National Advisor before even being lived in.

The status of the National Advisor in the Empress Dowager’s eyes was evident.

Whether he could avoid disaster now lay in Li Mo’s hands.

“Is Lord Li here about Lu Buwei?”

Li Mo fiddled with the teacup lid, took a sip of tea, and asked.

Li Si’s purpose was not hard to guess.

He was originally a guest under Lu Buwei and only had the chance to serve in the court because of his favor.

Now that Lu Buwei was dead, everyone connected to him would be purged.

And Li Si was on that list.

Officials of his rank were not enough to attract the attention of Ying Zheng and the Empress Dowager.

The most likely result was being dismissed on some pretext.

Li Si gave a wry smile and put down his teacup.

“Nothing escapes the National Advisor’s eyes.”

He dared to come because he relied on his connection to Xun Fuzi.

Right now, Li Si hadn’t yet been expelled from Xun Fuzi’s tutelage due to Han Fei’s matter.

Li Mo allowed him in mainly out of respect for Xun Fuzi.

And Li Mo was confident.

With him around, some tragedies simply wouldn’t happen.

Li Si was a smart man.

He knew that in all of Qin, only Li Mo could help him now.

Those with high status and position looked down on him.

Those of his rank couldn’t help either.

Some people even struggled to protect themselves, let alone assist him.

Being a smart man, he wouldn’t come empty-handed.

Yet, he touched the two boxes in his bosom but didn’t take them out.

A big mistake!

Who knew the National Advisor had three wives?

He had only prepared two gifts.

Originally intended for Fei Yan and Yan Lingji, now that there was a third one, giving these would make things awkward.

Thinking it over again and again.

Li Si decided not to take it this time.

He would bring three gifts next time and take it then!

“This time I’ve come to ask the National Advisor to put in a few good words for me with the Emperor and the Empress Dowager.”

“Li Si will surely not forget the kindness of the National Advisor.”

“I am willing to serve you faithfully in the future.”

After saying this, Li Si stopped talking and waited for Li Mo’s response.

Actually, he wasn’t confident that Li Mo would agree.

After all, they had no previous relationship.

This time, he could only try to rely on him with a trial mentality.


Unexpectedly, Li Mo straightforwardly agreed.

Li Si was stunned for a moment.

He found it hard to believe.

“But before that, I have a question for you, Lord Li,”

Li Si was overjoyed to hear Li Mo agree.

Not to mention one question, even ten or a hundred questions, he would answer them all.

“Please ask, National Advisor,”

Li Mo pondered for a moment before slowly asking, “What do you think caused the current situation of the Seven Countries’ dispute?”

Li Si did not expect Li Mo to ask him that.

After deep thought, he answered, “The Zhou Emperor enfeoffed the feudal lords, leading to the division and separation of the land.”

“The various lords developed independently and were hostile to each other.”

“Over the years, the situation became more and more intense, with frequent wars between large and small feudal lords, which have continued to this day.”

“So, the problem lies in the enfeoffment system.”

Li Si shared his understanding.

Every time he spoke, he glanced at Li Mo’s expression.

Because the enfeoffment system was a tradition for hundreds or nearly a thousand years.

And his point of view was undoubtedly criticizing this tradition.

“Hmm, well said.”

Seeing Li Mo nod, Li Si finally felt relieved.

He was really worried that the National Advisor would slam the table and accuse him of talking nonsense.

“Lord Li, you may go back. I will explain your matter to the Emperor and the Empress Dowager,”

Even though Li Si was a guest of Lu Buwei, it wasn’t difficult for Li Mo to protect him.

The reason for protecting him was simple.

Li Si was a person worthy of heavy use.

He was talented and capable.

He was just frustrated at the moment.

Moreover, he came from a low background, and his thoughts were markedly different from the aristocratic class.

Historically, Li Si made many contributions to the Qin state during his early and mid-years.

Abolishing the enfeoffment system was his proposal.

This was undoubtedly an act of violating the nobles and challenging traditions spanning hundreds of years.

But he dared to do it!

The standardized script of “Small Seal Script” was also created by him.

Leaving aside the foolish act of supporting Hu Hai later in life, Li Si’s contributions to the Qin state cannot be ignored.

Therefore, throughout history, Li Si has always been a highly controversial figure.

Li Si was dumbfounded and stared at Li Mo in disbelief.

“Did the National Advisor agree?”

He couldn’t believe that Li Mo agreed so readily.

Li Mo laughed, “It’s just a few words, not a big deal.”

“Lord Li is a person with real talent and learning; such a person should not be buried.”

Li Si suddenly felt immense joy in his heart.

Judging by Li Mo’s words, he not only wanted to protect him but also to cultivate him!

What seemed like an insurmountable task to him was just a matter of speaking for the National Advisor.

The National Advisor’s status was here; the Empress Dowager and the Emperor’s trust was here.

With his future support, Li Si’s rise to power would be a matter of course.

“From now on, Li Si will look to the National Advisor as my leader.”

Li Si excitedly stood up and bowed deeply to Li Mo.

Until he walked out of the manor, he still felt like he was in a dream.

The outcome of this visit was unexpectedly smooth.

With one word from Li Mo, his future life would experience a great change.

Standing at the gate, Li Si touched his heart, which was pounding with excitement.

Before he could calm down, he saw a luxurious carriage swaying and stopping at the gate of the manor.

Seeing the approaching carriage, Li Si was momentarily stunned.

When the carriage stopped, a middle-aged man stepped out.

“This official Li Si greets Lord Changping,”

Seeing the visitor, Li Si didn’t dare to delay and went forward to salute.

Lord Changping was the most promising candidate to become Prime Minister after Lu Buwei’s death.

For Li Si, this was another big mountain.

Li Si was only slightly puzzled before he guessed the purpose of Lord Changping’s visit.

The position of Prime Minister was vacant. Although he had hopes of succeeding, it did not mean he would definitely succeed.

But it was obvious to any discerning person.

If he secured the support of the National Advisor, then this matter would be almost certain.

Li Si couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Choosing sides was indeed a wise move this time.

Even the future Prime Minister needed the support of the National Advisor. It was a great fortune that he, a minor official, could gain recognition.

“Li Si?”

Lord Changping paused and looked Li Si up and down.

“No impression.”

He then shook his head and said lightly.

Indeed, he had no impression.

Lu Buwei used to boast of having three thousand guests, and countless officials who followed his orders.

Although Lord Changping was overshadowed by Lu Buwei, he was still far above a minor official like Li Si.

Li Si did not take his indifferent attitude to heart.

Over the years, he had encountered countless slights.

Lord Changping’s attitude was already considered polite.

He looked back at the gate of the villa.

Attending due to the National Advisor’s sake.

As someone from the National Advisor’s residence, Lord Changping could not gauge his relationship with the National Advisor.

That they even spoke was recognition enough.

“Is the National Advisor in the residence?”

Lord Changping indeed only spoke to Li Si because he saw him coming out of the National Advisor’s residence.

Otherwise, someone as insignificant as him wouldn’t have caught his eye.

Li Si smiled at his words, “Does Lord Changping wish to see the National Advisor? Allow me to inform him for you.”

His words were quite skillful.

It ingratiated him with Lord Changping, while subtly suggesting his close relationship with Li Mo.

The National Advisor had the privilege to stand equal to the Empress Dowager and the Emperor.

Just based on this, Li Si’s offer of informing was not out of place.

“No need to inform, come in.”

Just as Lord Changping was about to nod, Li Mo’s clear voice suddenly came from within the villa.

Both were greatly astonished.

The villa occupied an entire mountain, and Li Mo was not even in sight. Yet he knew what they were discussing, and his voice was clear as if right at their ears.

They finally understood why the Empress Dowager and Emperor Qin trusted the National Advisor so much.

This ability was far beyond ordinary.

Lord Changping’s appearance was much as Li Mo had imagined.

He looked to be in his early thirties.

He had a mustache on his upper lip and carried a faint air of nobility.

He was of the Chu royal family, originally named Mi Qi.

The last monarch of Chu in the future.

“Mi Qi meets the National Advisor.”

Compared to the anxious Li Si earlier, Lord Changping was much more composed.

Though the National Advisor’s status was prestigious, he was not inferior either.

Not only was he of the Chu royal family, but also the brother-in-law of Ying Zheng.

His sister had just given birth to a son for Ying Zheng earlier this year, named Fusu.

A half-hour later, Lord Changping walked out of the villa with an odd expression.

Li Si was still waiting by the door and hadn’t left.

Seeing him come out, he approached, “Why does Lord Changping look troubled? Did the National Advisor not agree?”

Lord Changping, deep in thought, snapped back upon hearing him.

He looked Li Si up and down.

“Do you know why I sought the National Advisor?”

Li Si chuckled, “The state cannot be without a Prime Minister for a day. Now that the court is unstable, it is more urgent to appoint a Prime Minister to stabilize the situation.”

“If the National Advisor supports it, the Prime Minister position would be assured.”

He did not explicitly say that Lord Changping was seeking Li Mo’s help.

This was his cleverness.

It gave Lord Changping face while acknowledging the National Advisor’s influence.

Lord Changping’s gaze toward Li Si changed, carrying a hint of admiration.

An unknown minor official gaining entry into the National Advisor’s residence indeed showed his skill.

As Li Si had made things clear, Lord Changping no longer hid it.

Nodding, he said, “Indeed, I spoke to the National Advisor in this way, but the National Advisor…”

“Did the National Advisor refuse?”

Li Si took over the conversation.

Lord Changping shook his head with a strange expression, “He didn’t refuse, but he didn’t agree either.”

Li Si became more deeply aware of how precious it was that Li Mo agreed to help him.

At the same time, he was also somewhat puzzled.

Why did Li Mo agree to help him but not Lord Changping?

One must know that if Lord Changping were supported to become the Prime Minister, it would only be beneficial to him as the state’s teacher.

If the state’s teacher and the Prime Minister stood in the same camp, it would be hard for anyone to shake their position in the future of Qin.

Li Mo shouldn’t have missed this point.

Li Si was puzzled but did not have the courage to ask Li Mo.

He didn’t dare, but someone else did.

“Why didn’t husband agree to this Lord Changping? This person is willing to pledge allegiance. If he were to become the Prime Minister, wouldn’t it be easier for the husband to handle affairs in the court?”

Jing Ni also did not understand why Li Mo was willing to help an unknown Li Si but gave up the chance to support a Prime Minister.

Li Mo chuckled and said, “It’s not that I don’t agree with Lord Changping becoming the Prime Minister, but I don’t want the Emperor of Qin to re-establish the position of Prime Minister.”

Jing Ni was even more puzzled after hearing this.

“Not re-establish the position of Prime Minister?”

Li Mo nodded and said, “That’s right. The reason why Lu Buwei could wield so much power was because his authority was too great.”

The responsibilities of the Prime Minister can be summarized in one sentence.

To assist the ruler in managing all military and state affairs – all of them!

This includes, but is not limited to, managing military strategies and other important matters and overseeing the appointments and removals of civil and military officials.

General administrative matters can be implemented at the discretion of the Prime Minister.

The ruler often consults the Prime Minister on state affairs.

There are times when the Prime Minister can even reject imperial edicts, indicating a reserved stance on the ruler’s orders.

It can be said that it greatly threatens the ruler’s authority.

In later generations, it was not uncommon for Prime Minister authority to surpass royal authority.

Lu Buwei came close to achieving this step.

His words in court carried more weight than those of Ying Zheng and the Empress Dowager combined.

Abolishing the Prime Minister system would strengthen royal authority and prevent the rise of powerful ministers.

However, there are corresponding disadvantages as well.

The disadvantage is that the ruler would have to handle more matters, making it easy to become overburdened and resulting in lackadaisical governance.

At that time, there would need to be another position to help the ruler share the burden.

That position is the later Cabinet.

The tasks performed by the Cabinet are very similar to those of the Prime Minister.

But the biggest difference is that the Prime Minister has decision-making power over state affairs, while the Cabinet only has advisory power.

They can make suggestions, but only if they receive the ruler’s approval do they take effect.

As for whether the ruler will adopt their suggestions, that’s another matter.

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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