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Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Prepare Hot Water for the Empress Dowager’s Bath! Reward? What reward?

Li Mo could bet that if the Empress Dowager came over, a single pat would make her bounce like a Jinguan jelly.

Zhao Ji was almost angered to the point of fainting.

Blushing with shame and anger, her delicate face turned as red as sunset.

She had called him over to settle the score for scaring her with Lu Buwei’s head.

But not only did she fail to settle the score, her butt got touched!

“I’ll remember this!”

Zhao Ji gritted her teeth and threatened.

Li Mo nonchalantly nodded, “Remember all you want, want me to massage your legs?”

Zhao Ji shot him a cold glance.

“Don’t think this empress wouldn’t dare to do anything to you. But be gentle!”

Li Mo sat by the edge of the bed. Zhao Ji pursed her lips.

With her hands on the bed, she shifted a bit to make room.

Li Mo obligingly moved closer to her.

He started to massage gently.

Zhao Ji tightly pursed her lips, exhaling a seductive breath from her nose.

“Alright, you can press a bit harder.”

Li Mo didn’t speak, but his hands applied more pressure.

Zhao Ji’s eyebrows furrowed, her hands clenched tightly onto the bed sheet.

She looked extremely uncomfortable.

Her legs felt good, but her heart felt like millions of ants were crawling.

She sneakily glanced at Li Mo.

Only then did she remember he couldn’t see her.

After hesitating for a long time, she squinted her eyes and slowly opened her small mouth.

Silently, she released the suppressed feeling of pleasure in her heart.

The corners of Li Mo’s mouth twitched imperceptibly.

I can sense it, you know!

Zhao Ji’s demeanor almost ignited the fire in his abdomen.

Is it really that comfortable?

Lost in her self-indulgence, Zhao Ji was startled as Li Mo suddenly spoke, “Tomorrow I’ll send a list to you of Lu Buwei’s cronies. Do as you see fit.”

For Lu Buwei to escape Xianyang, it wasn’t just because of his secret network.

Those who turned a blind eye and passed messages for him were his loyal supporters.

Such people had to be dealt with.

Zhao Ji’s phoenix eyes had unknowingly acquired a layer of mist.

Her gaze, soft as spring water, fixed gently on him.

“Why not bring it today?”

Clearing out those people earlier would bring a day’s more peace to Qin.

With a playful smile, Li Mo slowly said, “Because then, I would have an excuse to see the Empress Dowager again tomorrow.”

Zhao Ji’s heart trembled.

It felt like someone had poked her heart with a finger.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out.

Eyes dared not linger on him, and the quilt in hand was clutched tighter.

In a begrudging tone, she whispered, “You traitorous scoundrel, what nonsense are you spouting?”

“Your legs belong to yourself.”

“If you want to enter the palace, who would dare stop you?”

How could he dare to say such things?

Is this empress someone you can come and go as you wish?

Li Mo casually teased, not expecting Zhao Ji to react so nervously.

He mentioned coming tomorrow because Fei Yan used soul-swapping techniques to gather a lot of information from Lu Buwei.

She needed time to organize it.

That was also why Li Mo chose to intercept Lu Buwei after he left Xianyang.

Lu Buwei not only possessed great wealth but also controlled a large network.

He wanted both!

Many in the network had never seen Lu Buwei.

Just like Zhao Ji’s command over the troops wasn’t due to her enchanting face, but because of the military seal and the Empress Dowager’s insignia.

Similarly, Lu Buwei had his own ways to control his network.

Extracting this method from his mind wasn’t difficult to take over the network.

Li Mo nodded energetically.

“There actually is. Didn’t Neishi Teng stop me when I came in today?”

He usually didn’t need to report when entering the palace.

But last night and today were special situations.

To prevent Lu Buwei from doing something desperate after fleeing, the entire Xianyang Palace was on alert.

During such special times, anyone entering the palace needed approval.

Otherwise, they’d be treated as assassins!

Of course, Li Mo didn’t blame Neishi Teng.

It was his duty after all.

Zhao Ji glanced sideways at him.

Furrowing her brows, she snapped, “It’s better if you can’t come in, save me from being annoyed.”

“Don’t come to my palace unless necessary. Every time you visit, I lose a year of my life.

“Seeing you makes me irritated.”

“Get out, get out!”

She not only cursed under her breath but also pushed away Li Mo’s hand that was massaging her thigh.

She turned her body on the bed.

Facing away from Li Mo, she began searching near the bedhead.

Li Mo clenched his now empty hands.

The lingering feeling of the Empress Dowager’s touch remained.

Soft and bouncy, though unclear whether smooth or not.

With such thick robes, he couldn’t feel it clearly.

Before he could savor the moment, Zhao Ji turned toward him again.

Casually, she threw something into Li Mo’s hands without even looking at him.

She said apathetically, “Take it, it’s your reward.”

Li Mo squeezed the small token in his palm.

It felt heavy, likely made of pure gold.

“So small? It won’t fetch much money!”

Zhao Ji’s eyes widened in anger.

He seemed to have provoked her greatly.

She looked ready to tear him apart.

“This is the token for free access to the palace and my chambers, and you want to sell it?”

With this token, he could enter her harem without reporting.

Even Ying Zheng didn’t have such privilege!

Li Mo smirked and pocketed the token.

“I was just joking with you.”

This Empress Dowager, such a double-dealer!

Telling him not to come, yet giving him a pass.

Zhao Ji glared at him fiercely. “It’s not funny at all!

“Keep massaging, why are you standing still?”

Li Mo pocketed the gold token and resumed massaging Zhao Ji with his magical touch.

Zhao Ji, eyes half-closed, leaned against the bed, enjoying the moment.

Through her squinted eyes, she secretly observed Li Mo.

She couldn’t help but wonder.

Why does he massage so well, much better than the palace maids?

She almost wished to castrate him and keep him in the palace for daily massages.

Zhao Ji had hardly slept last night, and as the pain subsided, sleep soon overtook her.

Li Mo, unaware of her thoughts, softly asked upon hearing her yawn, “Want to take a nap?”

Zhao Ji was startled awake by his words.

Shaking her head, she forced herself to stay awake and said, “No need, I do not feel sleepy.”

Even when she was awake, he dared to touch her. If she fell asleep, wouldn’t he stick his hand inside?

“By the way, with so many people around Lu Buwei, did you get hurt when you killed him?”

Zhao Ji suddenly thought of this, raised her head, and looked intently at Li Mo, asking.

Not only did Lu Buwei take away the guards from the northern part of the city, but there must also be some experts protecting him.

Did this man kill them all?

Li Mo suddenly felt a twinge in his heart.

Smiling slightly, he softly said, “No.”

He didn’t expect that this empress dowager, who hated him so much, would still care about him.

Zhao Ji retracted her gaze and muttered in disappointment, “How useless are Lu Buwei’s men? So many of them and none could hurt you.”

Li Mo: “???”

So my feelings were all for nothing?

Indeed, the most venomous is a woman’s heart!

I never thought this old witch could be so malicious.

You wouldn’t be happy unless I got hurt, would you?

Just you wait, you old witch!

Li Mo’s hand, which had been pressing down, suddenly stopped.

Zhao Ji looked at him questioningly.

She saw that his hand moved a bit higher, ready to fall.

Zhao Ji’s face instantly turned pale with shock.

She raised her hand and slapped the back of his hand.

“Where do you think you’re touching?”

Not satisfied with touching the back, now wanting to touch the front?

This time, Li Mo didn’t dodge, intentionally letting her slap him.

Otherwise, her heavy slap might swell Ying Zheng’s old home.

“I was checking if your pelvis was injured. If there’s a hidden injury, you’ll be bedridden for the rest of your life.”

Zhao Ji was completely stunned.


The location was obvious.

Touching her burning earlobe, she hesitantly said, “It s-should be fine, right?”

Even she wasn’t confident in her own words.

Li Mo said seriously, “It’s best to check.”

“Otherwise, if you become paralyzed, you’ll have to eat, drink, and relieve yourself in bed for life.”

“Look at your beautiful phoenix robe and quilt. It would be a pity if they got soaked.”

Zhao Ji tilted her neck, trying to say something but hesitated.

Is this a matter of pity or not?

Li Mo, looking stern, said, “Either I’ll check it, or I’ll ask a palace maid to fetch a physician.”

Zhao Ji frowned in agony, “No, that won’t do.”

“You… you check for me.”

Letting those old men from the medical office touch her would be worse than letting this guy take advantage.

Li Mo’s smile flashed briefly.

Then he straightened his face and said, “Sit properly. Come, spread your legs first.”

Zhao Ji’s cheeks turned hot immediately, and she scooted upwards.

After a long hesitation, she reluctantly said, “Don’t touch me improperly.”

Li Mo smiled sincerely, “Rest assured, Empress Dowager.”

About a cup of tea’s time later, Li Mo came out of the bedroom.

The sudden opening of the door frightened Li, who was eavesdropping sneakily, nearly out of her wits.

Li Mo lightly tapped her head.

“If you keep eavesdropping, see how I punish you.”

Li turned pale and quickly lowered her head.

“This servant dares not.”

Li Mo didn’t bother much, pointing inside, “Prepare hot water for the empress dowager’s bath.”

Li hastily replied, “Yes.”

When she entered the bedroom, Zhao Ji was lying against the bedhead with her legs spread, as if she was giving birth.

Her luxurious phoenix robe was in disarray.

Her charming and beautiful face was flushed all over.

Her eyes stared blankly at the canopy above, her small mouth slightly agape, looking exhausted.

Her legs twitched occasionally as if cramping.

It seemed like she was broken.

“What did you say, Empress Dowager?”

Seeing her mouth moving as if speaking, Li approached and asked.

Zhao Ji, panting weakly, her muttering becoming clearer.

“I’ll chop off his damn head.”

Just stepping out of the harem, Li Mo sneezed twice.

“One sneeze means thought, two sneezes mean a curse.”

According to Yan Lingji’s theory of “think once, curse twice,” sneezing twice means someone is cursing him.

“It must be that old witch cursing me.”

Li Mo muttered, then put his finger under his nose and sniffed.

Suddenly, he chuckled lightly: “The smell of roses, quite fragrant.”

Then he lowered his hand, shook his head, and said, “Cursing people after feeling good, the old witch really is heartless.”

The Empress Dowager’s sensitivity was somewhat beyond his imagination.

And that was with clothes on.

Otherwise, what would it be like?

Li Mo did not rush to leave the palace.

Three days had already passed, and he still needed to collect Li’s soul and nurture it in the tower for a while.

This time he waited in the pavilion for a long time before Li arrived.

Li Mo knew she must have been attending to the Empress Dowager’s bath.

After nurturing in the tower for a quarter of an hour, Li returned to her body with hesitation written all over her face as she looked at Li Mo.

“Say what you want to say.”

Li Mo knew Li was still afraid of him, having doubts in her heart but daring not speak them.

After hesitating for a moment, Li shook her head.

“No, nothing.”

Although feeling strange, it was best not to ask questions that shouldn’t be asked.

Li Mo seemed to see right through her thoughts.

“Are you wondering what’s going on between me and the Empress Dowager?”

Although Li didn’t speak, her astonished gaze told him the answer.

Li Mo smiled and said, “It’s a normal relationship between an Empress Dowager and her minister, not what you’re thinking.”

This puzzled Li even more.

Li Mo had no reason to lie to her.

Besides, when she went in, although the Empress Dowager’s robe was a bit messy, she was indeed wearing it properly.

But an even bigger problem arose.

The robe was worn properly, so why was there such a large wet patch on the pants?

It even soaked into the mattress!

After dealing with Li’s matter, Li Mo didn’t stay long in the palace.

Jing Ni and Fei Yan didn’t come with him but went back to the villa first.

By the time Li Mo returned to the villa, it was almost afternoon.

As soon as he arrived at the villa gate, he sensed a figure sitting there waiting for him.

It seemed like he was waiting for him to return.

“Lord Zhao?”

Li Mo wanted to call out “Eunuch Zhao,” but such terms didn’t exist in this era.

Seeing Li Mo return, Zhao Gao, who had waited all night and half a day, instantly looked like he had seen his savior.

He stood up and jogged over.

“Oh, National Adviser, I’ve been waiting eagerly for your return.”

Li Mo pointed to the villa gate and said, “You’ve been waiting for me here? Why not wait inside?”

The villa gate was open.

Which meant Jing Ni and Fei Yan had definitely returned first.

Although Jing Ni was a bit cold to others, she had become well-mannered after following Li Mo.

If someone came looking for him, she would not have turned them away.

But Zhao Gao, like this, was evidently waiting for a long time, standing until he couldn’t anymore, and finally sitting down.

Zhao Gao could be described with two words.

A sycophant.

If you used four words, it would be a full-blown sycophant.

A master at flattering and fawning.

But he was someone who could get things done.

In simple terms, he was a lackey.

Zhao Gao chuckled obsequiously: “Haha, Madam National Adviser let me in earlier, but I thought waiting here for you would be more appropriate.”

Jing Ni and Fei Yan wouldn’t disclose Li Mo’s whereabouts.

At most, they would tell Zhao Gao that he had gone out for something.

So Zhao Gao still didn’t know that Li Mo had already been to the palace and returned.

“Lord Zhao, you can go back now. I’ve already been to see the King, and just returned.”

Zhao Gao was stunned for a moment.

“The National Adviser has been there?”

“So you’re aware of that old dog Lu Buwei’s prison break?”

Li Mo nodded and said, “He’s already dead, you can go back and report.”

Zhao Gao was instantly taken aback.

After a moment of processing, he looked at Li Mo in shock.

Stammering, he said: “Was it…was it you?”

Seeing Li Mo nod, Zhao Gao took a deep breath.

No wonder Li Mo didn’t return all night!

“The National Adviser is truly a divine person!”

After a long moment of shock, he finally gave a thumbs up and complimented him.

Emperor Qin and the Empress Dowager had been greatly troubled by this matter, yet Li Mo resolved it silently and without fuss.

Stretching, Li Mo said calmly, “Let’s go back. I need to get some sleep after working all night.”

Zhao Gao nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes, at your command.”

“When the reward money comes, I’ll personally bring it to you.”

Li Mo’s stretch froze in place.

“What reward money?”

Zhao Gao blinked, “The Empress Dowager’s bounty: 1 million for capturing Lu Buwei alive, 500,000 for killing him.”

“Didn’t the Empress Dowager tell you?”

Li Mo: “….”

That wretched old hag! No wonder she was so eager to retract the wanted notice for Lu Buwei this morning!

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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