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Chapter 168

Chapter 168: Even the Empress Dowager cried! How long will you hold on?

Zhao Ji turned her stiff neck.

Looking at the red canopy gently swaying over her phoenix bed.

The canopy was usually folded up, only lowered when she slept.

There were two rods at the head and the foot of the bed.

An image suddenly formed in her mind.

With her limbs spread wide, tied by this crude individual’s hands at her wrists and ankles, hanging in the middle of the bed.

“You dare!”

Zhao Ji’s face turned bright red!

This hanging method seemed improper no matter how she thought about it.

“If the Empress Dowager is willing to listen, I naturally won’t dare.”

“But if you refuse, don’t blame me.”

Li Mo walked towards her step by step, his words laced with threats.

Hanging the Empress Dowager up.

The thought alone was thrilling!

If it were any other Empress Dowager, Li Mo might not dare to do such a thing.

But this one cared too much about face.

She was the type who would secretly plot revenge while maintaining her dignity, never making a fuss.

And Li Mo was not afraid of her retaliation.

Small skirmishes, she couldn’t best him.

In a serious confrontation, she would be the first to fall.

If she is lifted today, she probably won’t even call for a maid.

Last time she tore her crotch, it was like this.

She sat there with her legs spread, completely ungracefully, and ended up asking me to help reset her legs.

She just didn’t want the maids to see her in such an unseemly state.

Seeing him walking towards her, Zhao Ji was so scared that she backed away repeatedly.

Her calf got caught on the bed edge, causing her to fall down directly.

She landed heavily on the soft big bed.

A muffled hmm sound escaped from her throat.

The sound was so beguiling, it was hard for one not to imagine things.

Taking advantage of the situation, Li Mo swiftly approached and was already by her side.

He reached out to grasp her white wrist, then grabbed the nearby curtain with his other hand.

In a panic, Zhao Ji’s small feet rubbed against the bed as she kicked frantically.

No matter how much she pulled, her wrist remained completely still.

She raised her other hand to pound and push against Li Mo.

In a flustered voice, she said, “Stop, stop!”

“Let go of me!”

Li Mo paused his actions, “So, the Empress Dowager agrees?”

Zhao Ji glared at him viciously, “I agree, is that enough?”

“Take your filthy paw off me!”

The warmth on her wrist made her heartbeat quicken.

If she dared to say no, he would definitely hang her up without hesitation.

Li Mo frowned with concern, “The Empress Dowager seems reluctant, will you go back on your word?”

“Forget it, let’s just hang you up.”

Zhao Ji really wanted to bite him to death.

I’ve already agreed, and you’re still not satisfied?

“I’m not reluctant, not at all.”

She ground her silver teeth, squeezing out the words through them.

Li Mo pressed on, “Your attitude isn’t right, say it again.”

Zhao Ji took a deep breath, nearly bursting her phoenix robe.

She forcibly calmed herself down.

In a peaceful tone, she said, “Not reluctant, just let Zheng’er handle this matter.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t go back on my word.”

“Don’t you think my dancing for you proves I’m trustworthy?”

Right now, fighting him head-on would only bring misfortune to herself.

Zhao Ji didn’t believe that as an Empress Dowager, she couldn’t find an opportunity to deal with a mere National Advisor.

When Li Mo falls into her hands, she will make him pay back tenfold or a hundredfold for the humiliation she suffered.

Li Mo nodded earnestly.


No need to look at the reasons, only the results.

Although she tried to back out of dancing but didn’t succeed, she did agree in the end.

“Can you let go of me now?”

Zhao Ji frowned, “You hurt me.”

She had been pampered for so many years, how could she endure such violent treatment.

Li Mo loosened his grip and stood up.

“It was unavoidable; I hope the Empress Dowager can understand.”

Zhao Ji gently massaged her wrist.

Looking down at the bruises on her wrist, she said calmly, “You’re the first to treat me like this.”


Li Mo froze for a moment, not understanding.

Zhao Ji lifted her eyes, looking at him calmly.

She slowly extended her wrist.

“Do you know the crime for injuring the Empress Dowager?”

“I’ve overlooked it time and again, haven’t I?”

“But you, have you ever considered me, the Empress Dowager, in your actions?”

This time, the injury filled her with unprecedented grievance.

Her voice even trembled slightly.

“I am the Empress Dowager, mother of the Emperor of Qin, the most noble woman of this Qin State.”

“Do you feel a sense of accomplishment by treating me like this?”

“My indulgence doesn’t mean you can bully me.”

Zhao Ji kept her arm raised.

She seemed to forget Li Mo couldn’t see it, wanting him to take a good look at the injury on her wrist.

“If Zheng’er sees this, how do you expect me to explain?”

Her rosy lips were trembling slightly, as if something blocked her heart.

The grievance in her heart gradually poured out.

Clearly, she was the Empress Dowager.

So why was she always the one being bullied?

Li Mo opened his mouth, but ultimately fell silent.

Zhao Ji’s eyes were slightly red, as if something might fall out at any moment.

The empress dowager’s last bit of stubbornness made her hold back this impulse.

With a slightly raised voice, she said, “Say something, why aren’t you talking?”

“Aren’t you pretty good at talking?”

Li Mo had considered many possibilities.

That Zhao Ji would be furiously angry, that she would explode with rage.

That she would curse him and tell him to get lost.

She might even find ways to deal with him.

But he never thought he would make her cry!

Big sister, are you kidding me?

Do you realize you are the empress dowager?

Where is your dignity as an empress dowager, your pride?

You could want to chop my head off and I could accept that.

But how am I supposed to deal with you crying?

Li Mo sat down beside Zhao Ji without saying a word, gently pulling over her hand, which he had gripped until it was bruised.

“What are you doing?”

Zhao Ji’s hand twitched as if to pull back, asking defensively.

“Don’t move, I’ll massage it, it’ll be better soon.”

Li Mo held her arm, stopping her from struggling.

Zhao Ji hesitated for a moment, but ultimately didn’t struggle.

“It was my fault earlier, I didn’t pay attention to the force.”

The bruises on her wrist weren’t serious.

But on Zhao Ji’s fair wrist, they were exceptionally conspicuous.

Previously, he had gotten used to jesting with Yan Lingji, forgetting that this empress dowager was just an old demoness without the strength to truss a chicken.


Zhao Ji sat on the bed with her legs folded, her fair and delicate jade-like feet peeking out from her skirt, her toes curling playfully.

She seemed a bit nervous.

Lowering her gaze silently, she only made a faint sound.

It was her way of accepting Li Mo’s apology.

A few strands of hair fell across her smooth and fair forehead, adding even more charm to her mature and seductive demeanor.

Zhao Ji was over thirty, but she maintained herself extremely well.

She looked at most around thirty.

Her skin was still as delicate and exquisite as a young girl’s.

However, she possessed the voluptuous figure and mature allure that a young girl lacked.

A charming radiance, she could be considered quite a rare beauty.

Li Mo didn’t speak further.

His fingers gently caressed Zhao Ji’s wrist, mobilizing the qi within his body to gently dissoLue the bruising on her wrist.

Zhao Ji’s fair hand rested in his palm.

Both of them could clearly feel the warmth from each other’s hands.

Zhao Ji’s heart was a bit chaotic, her pulse quickening involuntarily.

She suddenly felt her mouth go dry.

She swallowed saliva secretly, trying to alleviate the symptom.

But it made a faint gulping sound.

Zhao Ji’s face flushed, quickly glancing at Li Mo.

She saw that he seemed not to have noticed, still seriously treating her wrist.

Only then did Zhao Ji let out a small sigh of relief.

She stuck out her moist little tongue to lick her dry lips.


Zhao Ji abruptly raised her head, looking blankly at the gulping Li Mo.

“Ahem, see if it’s better now.”

Li Mo coughed to cover the awkwardness earlier.

Zhao Ji came to her senses, retracting her gaze in a flustered manner.

Looking at her wrist, she softly said, “Much better.”

She herself didn’t know how long Li Mo had been massaging it.

It felt like just a short while, but also like several hours had passed.

The bruising on her wrist had almost disappeared, and the pain wasn’t very apparent.

She couldn’t help but feel astonished.

Looking up, she asked, “What was that warm feeling just now? It was quite comfortable.”

Her lips, as alluring as rose petals, opened and closed, a fragrant breeze wafting onto Li Mo’s face.

“Qi, you can consider it inner strength.”

Zhao Ji nodded, somewhat understanding.

After he finished speaking, the room fell silent again.

The two were speechless, but instead of feeling awkward, the atmosphere was particularly warm.

After some time, Zhao Ji’s gaze shifted,

her cheeks reddening once more.

Li Mo was puzzled as to why her face was red again.

Then he felt her hand gently move.

“When are you going to stop holding on? Do you want to die?”

Zhao Ji tugged at her small hand that was still held by him, her voice not very confident.

It was soft and carried a hint of shyness.
It sounded more like a playful reproach.

As Li Mo loosened his grip, Zhao Ji’s tender little hand swiftly retracted.

She glanced at him with faint disapproval and muttered softly, “No respect at all, daring to touch the Empress Dowager’s hand, soon…”

“Soon you’ll have my head, right?”

Li Mo rolled his eyes and interjected.

“Every day you want to have my head, aren’t you tired of it?”

Zhao Ji was amused by his exasperated expression.

With a snort, her proud phoenix eyes squinted slightly.

“Dying of exhaustion is better than dying of anger caused by you. Even Zheng’er has never angered me this much since he was a child.”

Li Mo was taken aback.

If he remembered correctly, this was the first time Zhao Ji had laughed.

The previous cold smiles didn’t count.

“Hey, what are you staring at?”

Zhao Ji asked curiously, then lifted her fair little foot and lightly kicked him.

“Get down quickly, and don’t climb onto my bed again. If someone sees, even I can’t save you.”

The laws in Qin were very strict.

No one was allowed to ascend the Emperor’s steps without the Emperor’s summons.

This meant that without the king’s permission, no one could approach the steps leading to the king.

Otherwise, the punishment was death.

Not to mention the Empress Dowager’s phoenix bed.

One touch could cost you your head.

… ……

Zhao Ji didn’t seem to realize the shift in her mindset.

She didn’t reprimand Li Mo for climbing onto her bed but was worried about being seen.

Actually, her worry was unnecessary.

Even Ying Zheng had to get her approval to enter.

Li Mo didn’t cling on. He rubbed the spot where Zhao Ji had kicked him, his expression a bit odd.

Standing up, he continued their conversation, “The Emperor of Qin doesn’t anger you because he knows how to be filial.”

“Having such a good son, you should be secretly happy.”

Zhao Ji nodded in agreement.

“Zheng’er is very filial, well-behaved since childhood, far more mature than other kids of the same age.”

Li Mo casually said, “Yes, mature, responsible, with courage and ability.”

After speaking, he felt something odd inside.

He wasn’t much older than Ying Zheng, yet here he was discussing Ying Zheng’s character traits with his mother.

He should be of the same generation as Ying Zheng, right?

Why did he feel like he was now of Zhao Ji’s generation, discussing the younger generation?

Zhao Ji didn’t seem to notice this. Her eyes lit up.

Her expression showed the same gratification as a parent seeing their child return home with an award.

“Of course, who else raised him?”

“Let me tell you, when Zheng’er was five, he wet the bed once. I wasn’t there, and he changed the quilt himself and washed it.”

“He was only five years old!”

“I had no idea how he hung the quilt to dry. The clothesline was taller than him.”

Zhao Ji seemed to get excited, sitting with bent legs and chatting with Li Mo about Ying Zheng’s childhood.

Her eyes filled with pride, and her face showed a strong sense of maternal pride.

Gone was the Empress Dowager’s aloofness; she seemed like someone chatting about daily life.

When Ying Zheng was five, the late emperor Yiren had already fled back to Qin with Lu Buwei.

So, during that time, he and Zhao Ji had a difficult life in Zhao.

Li Mo instantly caught something from her words.

But he didn’t show it.

He continued, “Since the Emperor of Qin is so excellent, why not transfer your authority to him sooner? Perhaps he will surprise you.”

Zhao Ji’s expression suddenly changed. She slowly lifted her head to look at Li Mo.

Her face gradually turned serious.

“Is that your true purpose?

Li Mo was perplexed: “What?”

Zhao Ji stared intently at him, raising her wrist, “Apologizing to me, treating my injuries, praising the Emperor of Qin.”

“All just to tell me to transfer power to him?”

She quickly withdrew her hand.

Her expression turned cold, sneering, “Dream on. The law of Qin is thus.”

“Until he assumes the throne, everything is under my control.”

“Don’t even think about helping him usurp power from me.”

No wonder this person unusually apologized to her.

It turned out to be a ploy to achieve this purpose.

Zhao Ji felt an indescribable sense of disappointment.

Li Mo was stunned!

What kind of thinking is this?

“What does this have to do with me helping you with your injury?”

“My apology was because I accidentally hurt you, these are two different matters, okay?”

Zhao Ji obviously had no intention of listening to his explanation.

Pointed to the door, and said coldly, “Get out.”

Li Mo was baffled by her actions, “Why are you so unpredictable?”

“Get out! Don’t make me say it a third time.”

Zhao Ji lifted her head, her eyes trembling as she looked at him.

Pointed to the door, her body didn’t move an inch.

The turmoil in her heart seemed greater than what appeared on the surface.

Li Mo took a breath and turned to leave.

“Are you in menopause or something?”

“If I speak to you for another second of nonsense, I’m a dog!”

The door was forcefully opened, then slammed shut.

Besides Li, who was by Zhao Ji’s side, only he had the strength to slam the heavy palace door so loudly.

Zhao Ji was startled by the loud bang.

After glancing back, she suddenly slumped down as if deflated.

Staring blankly at the canopy above.

One hand gripping her wrist tightly, lost in her thoughts.

She stayed dazed for quite a while.

Zhao Ji suddenly sat up abruptly.

Frowning, muttering to herself, “Wait, wasn’t it me who first mentioned Zheng’er?”

So, throughout all this time, she had been reflecting on earlier events.

“I did say Zheng’er was steady first.”

Looking at her now-recovered wrist, her frown deepened.

“So, I misunderstood him again?”

Zhao Ji breathed out of her nose, feeling inexplicably agitated.

The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like she had misunderstood.

“Then what to do? I can’t possibly apologize to him, can I?”

Thinking it over, she suddenly brightened up, having thought of a good idea.

“Someone come.”

Li, hearing the command, walked in.

Bowed slightly, and said lightly, “Empress Dowager.”

She had just seen Li Mo leave in a fit of rage, displeased with Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji didn’t notice her attitude.

Ordered, “The residence of the National Advisor hasn’t been settled yet. Grant him the newly renovated summer resort at Shimen Mountain.”

“Have the Emperor draft an edict for me to seal it.”

Li was suddenly stunned, looking at her in disbelief.

Directly rewarding a palace? How generous.

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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