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Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Lady Dongjun was bullied and dared not resist, I’ll give you a back rub, no towel needed!

A carriage was steadily traveling through the snow.

Lu Buwei was a man of grandeur. So even if it was not his own carriage, it was still quite luxurious. Inside, the carriage was carpeted with soft rugs. There was also an incense burner set on a low table, although the incense had not been lit. Li Mo didn’t care for the incense anyway. No matter how fragrant, it was still trash compared to Fei Yan’s bodily scent.

Since the two entered the carriage, they hadn’t spoken a word. There was only one seat inside the carriage, so they had to sit side by side. The space was not large, and Fei Yan’s delicate and charming scent filled the air, tickling his nose and making him itch inside. Although there was a small distance between them, Fei Yan’s heart still couldn’t help but race.

Li Mo sat upright with a black cloth covering his face. It was unclear whether he was dozing off or thinking. The carriage curtain was tightly drawn, making it extremely dim inside. Fei Yan could only vaguely see Li Mo’s shadow. She sat properly, her delicate waist and back straightened. Her hands naturally rested on her stomach, but her fair fingers were tightly intertwined. Since entering the carriage, Li Mo had released her hand, but her heart had not yet calmed down, as if what he had held was not her hand but her entire heart.

Fei Yan’s gentle and bright eyes looked at the darkness ahead, and the corners of her eyes would occasionally glance at Li Mo beside her. She wanted to turn her head to look, but worried about being caught. After hesitating for a long time, she suddenly had a brainwave. She lowered her head slightly, raised a hand to scratch her forehead, and sneakily glanced through the gap between her fingers at the figure beside her.


Just when she managed to peek, Fei Yan let out a soft cry, as if something had frightened her. She shrunk into a corner until her jade shoulder touched the wooden board of the carriage and stopped. Even if she had seen a ghost, it wouldn’t have scared her like this. She could have just slapped it dead. The only possibility was that she felt guilty—guilty of trying to do something sneaky and being caught.

Earlier, the carriage curtain fluttered, letting in a beam of light. Although faint, it was enough for a master of her caliber to see the inside of the carriage clearly. As soon as Fei Yan lifted her gaze, she met Li Mo’s handsome face with a subtle smile, seemingly looking at her. If Li Mo could see, his action would be akin to turning his head to look at her. Fei Yan was startled by this, like being caught secretly using a phone in class, only to look up and see the teacher’s disapproving face at the window. Can you imagine how terrifying and shocking that is? Although Li Mo wasn’t the teacher, at that moment, he felt heavier in Fei Yan’s heart than anyone else.


Fei Yan leaned against the side of the carriage and softly called out.

“What’s wrong?” Li Mo asked with a smile.

“Were you looking at me?” Fei Yan asked, somewhat nervously.

Li Mo pointed to his eyes, “I can’t see.” He didn’t need to see. In this tiny carriage, within inches, he could sense her every expression and movement. He knew when she glanced at him and could guess her next move when she lowered her head to scratch. But he didn’t expect it to startle her so much.

Dignified Lady Dongjun, it can’t be, right?

Hearing this, Fei Yan finally felt a bit relieved.

It’s good that she wasn’t caught peeking, otherwise it would really be embarrassing.

“But I can sense it.”

Li Mo added another sentence immediately.

Fei Yan stood there, stunned.

Li Mo had once told her that he could see the world with his heart.

Perhaps others wouldn’t believe this if they heard it.

But she, Fei Yan, believed it.

No particular reason.

If she had to give a reason, it was that she believed anything Li Mo said.

Moreover, the Transcendent Realm had already surpassed ordinary human capabilities.

The closer one got to this realm, the more one could sense the differences of this realm.

Fei Yan suddenly felt a bit panicked and at a loss.

So, he still found out?

“Were you just trying to peek at me~?”

Li Mo scooted closer to her.

Fei Yan’s heart began to race and she moved aside.

Hurriedly shaking her head: “No, no.”

She could never admit such a thing!

“Really not?”

Li Mo’s tone became pressing, inching closer and closer.

Fei Yan suddenly felt as if she couldn’t breathe.

Like a sika deer cornered by a hunter, unable to escape and too scared to resist.

Her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and her apricot eyes showed a helpless frailty.

She looked pitiably at Li Mo.

Her expression seemed to be pleading: please don’t bully me.

A woman who was ruthless and unflinching outside, now looked as if she were about to cry!

Li Mo’s heart softened as he “saw” this.

There it is!

Not talking back, not fighting back!

With terrifying strength, yet submissive and allowing herself to be bullied.

She had no intention of resisting at all.

Not because she lacked the ability.

But because she was afraid of making Li Mo unhappy.

Fei Yan’s heart pounded loudly, her white neck twitched as she nervously swallowed.

The aura from the other side made her feel powerless to resist.

“Still nothing?”

Li Mo slammed his hand on the carriage wall, trapping Fei Yan in the corner.

His face almost touched hers as he asked.

Fei Yan’s heart felt like it would leap out of her throat.

She tightly closed her eyes, lacking the courage to look at him.

The back of her head pressed hard against the wooden panel, avoiding his oppression, and her fair and delicate face blushed furiously.


After saying this, her face turned even redder, as if it could bleed.

Like a fully ripe lychee!

Making one want to peel off the bothersome skin and savor the tender, juicy flesh inside.

A slight curve appeared on the corner of Li Mo’s mouth.

“Why were you peeking at me?”

Fei Yan kept her eyes tightly closed, her breathing visibly rapid.

She wanted to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out.

At this moment, she had none of her usual dignity and grace; she looked more like a shy girl unable to confess her first love.

She murmured in a soft, aggrieved voice, “Sir, why must you make things hard for Fei Yan.”

“It’s very impolite to peek at others. If you don’t give me a reason, I might get angry.”

Hearing that he might get angry, Fei Yan’s heart skipped a beat.

She hurriedly opened her eyes.

Turning her head anxiously, she said, “P-please don’t get angry, I’ll tell you.”

Her hands twisted together tightly, not knowing where to place them.

It was obvious she was really worried that Li Mo would be angry with her.

“Explain clearly and I won’t get angry.”

Li Mo pursed his lips heavily.

Fei Yan’s plump and tempting red lips were right there.

It made one want to kiss them, to bite and suck on them.

“I… because I…”

Fei Yan shyly lowered her gaze, her lips moving slightly like rose petals fresh with dew.

“Because… because I… I like…”

“Whoosh~ You two, the inn is here.”

At the crucial moment, the coachman’s loud reminder came from outside the carriage.

The carriage also slowly came to a stop.

Fei Yan’s eyes snapped open, and she swallowed back the words she was about to say.

Her eyes were filled with the light of hope against all odds.

“Sir, get some rest early!”

Lowering her head like a boneless cat, she slipped out from under Li Mo’s arm.

Fled the carriage in panic.

The coachman at the front only felt a gust of wind blow past behind him.

Turning back, he saw that only one person was left in the carriage!

“Strange, wasn’t there another young lady? Where did she go?”

Li Mo gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

Damn it! What’s strange is you! Do you know you scared away my bird?

Returning to the courtyard.

The bodies that were there before had already been dealt with.

He “looked” to the left.

Fei Yan’s door was shut, and the nest was in total darkness.

Perceiving through the door, he could clearly “see” her sitting dumbly by the bed.

Her eyes were lifeless and vacant.

She looked like a soul had left her body.

Li Mo pinched his chin and pondered for a moment.

Could it be too much pressure?

It’s possible!

She had never experienced anything like this before.

Now doing everything at once, of course, she couldn’t handle it!

Such things should be done gradually.

It needs to be more gentle, slower, allow her to relax and get used to it first.

That way, she wouldn’t be so tense!

Instead, she would become less tense and more comfortable.

Li Mo nodded to himself.

He then “looked” at the room to the right.

Yan Lingji sat by the table, her cheek propped up on one hand.

Not moving an inch with her eyes closed.

Her long hair was simply tied up with a hairpin, with the tips still slightly damp.

She seemed to have cleaned herself, waiting for him to return, only to fall asleep while waiting.

Li Mo raised an eyebrow.

Almost forgot about the bet.

Is she waiting for him to keep his promise?

I’m the one confused, but for sure she would be the one crying!

There was only a single candle burning on the table.

The orange flame burned steadily, casting a glow on Yan Lingji’s flawless face.

Her face was delicate, her brows and eyes like a painting.

Every feature was like a meticulously crafted piece of art.

Incredibly beautiful, almost unreal.

Purely by looks, this Yan Lingji was undoubtedly the best looking among everyone.

Like she was a private creation of Goddess Nuwa.

One couldn’t imagine how much effort was put into shaping her!

With Li Mo’s skills, it was easy to enter the room without her noticing.

She was still propping up her cheek sleeping soundly when he got close.

Li Mo bent down and gently scooped her legs up, cradling her.

Her soft body light as a feather.

Yan Lingji’s eyes suddenly flew open, her body tensed, flames seemed to dance in her eyes.

Her tilted nose twitched, and her body relaxed again.

After days of close contact, she had grown familiar with Li Mo’s scent.

Her wariness dissolved instantly.

Like a confused kitten, she nuzzled into his embrace, found a comfortable position and went back to sleep.

Li Mo didn’t wake her up.

He placed her gently on the bed, took out the hairpin holding her hair, and thoughtfully covered her with a blanket.

After a quick wash, he returned to the bedside. Yan Lingji showed no signs of waking.

Her breathing was steady, and even her eyelashes didn’t flutter.

She seemed to be sleeping deeply.

Li Mo quietly lifted the blanket and slipped into the bed.

A moment later, Yan Lingji’s brow furrowed slightly.

Then her head arched back against the headboard, and she took a sharp breath through her nose.

Her eyes opened wide, water-blue pupils trembling!

In the opposite room.

Fei Yan sat in a daze for a long time.

The wind and snow outside had stopped, but the panic in her heart hadn’t subsided.

The scene in the carriage seemed vivid in her mind.

Like she remembered something, she suddenly stood up from the bed.

Her face showed a trace of concern.

She had left in such a hurry, didn’t finish her words.

Would the gentleman really be mad at her?

Fei Yan could no longer remain calm.

Clutching her hands, she paced anxiously around the room, suddenly regretting her actions.

If she had been a bit bolder earlier, things might not be like this now.

She couldn’t figure out what was on Li Mo’s mind.

But if she said it and he rejected her, what then?

Thinking of this possibility, she sank onto the edge of the bed, dejected and somber.

Could it be that Sir had no feelings for her at all?

If he did, why didn’t he show it at all.

If she didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t know what Sir was thinking.

Wanting to speak but unable to, afraid of being rejected if she did.

Fei Yan was overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

How could anything in the world be so difficult, even harder than reaching the divine realm!

After thinking it over, she finally realized where the problem lay.

It was all the coachman’s fault!

If the carriage had gone a little slower, she would have spoken out!

What if Sir had shown some sign after hearing her words?

She wouldn’t be here agonizing over it now!

Now that the great opportunity was gone.

She couldn’t muster the courage to speak again.

Fei Yan seemed to be in a daze.

One moment worried, the next filled with regret.

Finally, she stood up abruptly.

Thinking it over again, she blamed it all on the coachman for ruining her chance!

“Just you wait, I’ll go kill your whole family right now!”

Fei Yan’s eyes flashed with a rare murderous intent.

It showed how deep her resentment was at this moment!

But as she reached for the door, she suddenly stopped.

“No, the coachman was just doing his duty.”

“Sir is kind-hearted; if he knew I killed the innocent, he would be displeased.”

“He would think I am a cruel-hearted person.”

“What if he ended up hating me for it?”

“No, no, I won’t kill them.”

Fei Yan shook her head gently and slowly walked back.

Sitting back on the edge of the bed, she started to daydream again.


A faint sound came from the other room.

It seemed like something had fallen onto the wooden floor.

A pair of watery blue eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

The person seemed dazed from the fall just now.

With her mouth agape, her cheeks flushed, her eyes gradually regained clarity.

Lifting the quilt off herself, she intended to scold someone.

But upon seeing something, a shy look appeared on her face.

Shooting a coy glance, she muttered: “Go wash your face.”

Li Mo licked his lips, yet to say anything.

Once Yan Lingji saw this, she scrunched her nose in disgust and exclaimed.

Li Mo wondered aloud: “What are you exclaiming for? I haven’t said anything, but you’re already disgusted?”

Finishing his words, he crawled towards Yan Lingji, pouting to kiss her.

Yan Lingji scrambled back, her legs raised.

“W-what are you doing? Don’t come any closer!”

Li Mo smirked: “Can’t you see? Of course, I’m going to kiss you.”

Yan Lingji’s brows furrowed tightly, warning him: “No, you can’t come closer, wash your face first if you want to kiss.”

“Kiss first, then wash.”

“Wash, then kiss!”

Neither was willing to back down, with Li Mo inching ever closer.

Halfway there, Yan Lingji, in a panic, lifted her leg and pressed her dainty foot against his chest, stopping him.

“Go fetch some water and take a bath!”

To bathe, of course, not alone.

But Li Mo seemed unsatisfied.

Negotiating, he said: “Just a bath?”

Yan Lingji’s pearly toes playfully nudged his chest.

She seductively replied: “I’ll scrub your back~”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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