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Chapter 155

Chapter 155: This Demoness Is Actually Shyer Than Anyone Else! Slicing Open the Prime Minister’s Door with a Sword!

Fei Yan had to slightly raise her head to meet Li Mo’s cheek.

Her eyes were filled with softness and determination.

As if to tell him she wasn’t joking.

But just being able to say “I’m not afraid” was already her limit.

To say more to express her feelings would make her blush.

Who could have imagined, the Dongjun of the Yin-Yang School.

A demoness who killed without batting an eye, now blushing over a few words.

If the minister were here, they would think they had seen a ghost!

“Sir, you don’t believe me?”

Seeing Li Mo not react for a long time, Fei Yan nervously bit her red lip.

Li Mo finally snapped back to reality.

He was really quite shocked earlier.

“I believe, I believe.”

He hurriedly nodded, emphasizing his words.

Afraid if he didn’t make it clear, she would misunderstand and rush to prove herself.

“Then does sir think I can’t kill him?”

“If I can’t kill him in his mansion, I can ambush him on the road, he has to go out sometime.”

Li Mo pursed his lips heavily and said solemnly, “But if you do that, everyone will know it was you who killed Lu Buwei.”

“Openly, Xianyang has hundreds of thousands of guards, and countless assassins in secret.”

“They will all come after you.”

“After killing him, you won’t even be able to leave.”

Lu Buwei was not just the Prime Minister of Qin, but also the foster father of the Emperor of Qin.

Ying Zheng knew well that it was him who sent assassins to kill him.

But without concrete evidence, he could do nothing.

If Lu Buwei died mysteriously.

For the sake of Qin’s honor, regardless of who the culprit was, the king would mobilize the nation to avenge Lu Buwei.

It was a dilemma!

If Lu Buwei died, Ying Zheng would probably be secretly celebrating.

But due to his position, he would have to avenge him.

No matter how malevolent Lu Buwei was, it was still an internal affair of Qin.

Being assassinated by an outsider in Xianyang, what would that mean?

Where would the pride of Qin go?

What determines your thinking is not your brain, but your position.

When you’re in a position, many things become beyond your control.

After listening to what Li Mo had to say, Fei Yan gently nodded.

Li Mo thought she had understood.

But then she shook her head again, insisting, “I don’t care.”

Fei Yan gazed at Li Mo, her eyes as gentle as a spring.

“Sir, if you need anything, Fei Yan will not hesitate to die a thousand times.”

Why are you so stubborn?

Li Mo rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

If she wasn’t saying this just to gain his trust, then she must be infatuated!

But the problem now is.

It’s impossible to tell which it is!

Such a gentle approach, so terrifying.

What man could withstand such a test!

Li Mo only knew Fei Yan’s original intention because he knew the original story.

Otherwise, in this situation, he might have fallen too!

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to collect some interest first.”

Li Mo let go of his chin and habitually rubbed his hands.

Although he didn’t feel cold, the snowflakes were icy and uncomfortable when they fell on his hands.

Seeing him rub his hands, Fei Yan felt an impulse to warm them for him.

But she bit her lips, clasped her hands, and swallowed her words.

It seemed she didn’t have the courage to say it.

Are you cold sir ? Would Fei Yan warm your hands?

Ugh, how could she say that!

At this moment, she suddenly envied Yan Lingji’s personality.

Daring to love and to hate.

Not like her, unable to even express concern.

So frustrating!


At Prime Minister Manor.

“Why haven’t they returned yet?”

After waiting for a long time, Lu Buwei frowned in displeasure.

The efficiency of these people is getting worse and worse!

How could it take so long to capture a woman!

Yan Ri beside him replied indifferently, “Back and forth, they should be back soon by now.”

“Master, there’s no need to worry, rest assured.”

She had full confidence in her subordinates.

If they couldn’t even capture an ordinary woman, they should not bother going back.

(TN: Just found out that Yan Ri’s gender is still mysterious as they always wear a mask. https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Yan_Ri))

Lu Buwei nodded slightly.

Indeed, in Xianyang, there was nothing he couldn’t accomplish!

But suddenly, his heart skipped a beat.

It felt like being caught doing something wrong.

But logically, it shouldn’t be so.

Even if he did something wrong and someone found out, so what?

Would the other party dare to come knocking on his door?

Ha, what a joke!

Just see where this is.

The Prime Minister’s mansion!

Where officials dismount, scholars disembark!

Everyone has to bow a few times at his doorstep.

Thinking this, Lu Buwei calmed down again.

He was about to take a sip of tea.

When suddenly a loud boom rang out from outside.

The noise was so loud that it even spilled his tea.

“What happened?”

Lu Buwei shouted angrily, slamming his teacup onto the table.

Yan Ri’s eyes flashed, and her stance became sharp.

Such a loud noise couldn’t be made casually.

She was responsible for Lu Buwei’s safety.

So she was highly sensitive to such disturbances.

Lu Buwei stormed out of the room, only to see the steward running toward him.

“Master, master, something terrible has happened,” the steward shouted from a distance before Lu Buwei could speak.

Lu Buwei asked with a stern face, “What happened? What was that noise just now?”

The steward ran up, out of breath.

His face full of panic, “Master, something terrible has happened.”

“The main gate…the main gate…”

He pointed to the main gate, stammering.

“What about the main gate? Speak up!”

Lu Buwei yelled, feeling a sense of foreboding.

The steward swallowed hard, as if he’d seen something terrifying.

“The main gate…the main gate was…it was cut in half by a sword!”

Lu Buwei and the hidden Yan Ri were both stunned for a moment.

Lu Buwei suddenly calmed down, thinking he had misheard.

“Are you joking with me?”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Breaking down the gate of my mansion?”

“Even the Emperor and Empress Dowager of Qin wouldn’t dare to do such a thing!”

“The gate of the Prime Minister’s mansion represents my face!”

“Breaking it down is like slapping my face!”

“What did you say? Say it again.”

Lu Buwei took a few steps forward and asked again.

The steward wiped the sweat off his forehead, pointing in the direction of the gate, and said, “Master, our gate has been broken down!”

“The person hasn’t left yet, you’d better go take a look.”

This time, Lu Buwei heard clearly.

He slapped the steward heavily on the left cheek.

Roared angrily, “This is outrageous! The sky has turned upside down!”

The steward, inexplicably hit, was full of grievances.

“It wasn’t me who broke it, why hit me!”

The once luxurious and magnificent six-part gate now lay scattered in pieces on the ground.

Lu Buwei strode to the entrance and looked at the debris on the ground, his eyelid twitching fiercely.

This gate would take days to dismantle even with a team of people.

Now, it had been reduced to ruins in the blink of an eye.

By the time he arrived, the mansion’s guests and guards had already crowded around the gate.

“Who are you? Do you know where you are?”

“Daring to destroy the gate of the Prime Minister’s mansion, you must have a death wish!”

“Doesn’t matter who he is, capture him first and let the Prime Minister deal with him!”

Lu Buwei could hear the shouts of the guests from afar.

Someone called out, “That’s right, everyone, let’s rush together. I don’t believe they can kill us all before their inner strength is exhausted.”

“Exactly, we have nothing to fear!”

“Even if we can’t win, as long as we disperse, what can these two people do to us!”

The crowd was full of righteous indignation, shouting and hollering.

They sounded determined, but none dared to step forward.

The blind man had waved his hand and shattered the gate effortlessly.

Who would dare to be the first to confront him?

If anyone should go first, it should be the front-line guards.

The reason for their fierce shouting was to demonstrate their loyalty to the Prime Minister!

Lu Buwei’s expression finally eased a bit upon hearing the scene.

These people had not been raised in vain.

The steward, with a swollen cheek, ran up and pushed through the crowd.

Seeing Lu Buwei arrive, the crowd’s angry outcries gradually died down.

They all bowed to him.

Lu Buwei walked grimly through the crowd.

He wanted to see who had the audacity to break his gate.

And dared to stay here arrogantly afterward.

Do you expect me to arrange a carriage to send you away?

When he finally saw the two individuals in the middle, Lu Buwei’s eyelid twitched fiercely.

“Prime Minister, long time no see.”

Li Mo greeted with a smile, showing no signs of the fear expected after breaking someone’s gate.

Beside him stood a poised and noble, beautiful woman with a remarkable aura.

Fei Yan glanced at Lu Buwei without expression.

A chilling glint flashed in her eyes.

She seemed to be contemplating whether to take action.

Lu Buwei, having climbed his way up over years of struggles in the Empire of Qin, had seen all sorts of people and situations.

Yet, Fei Yan’s gaze still sent a shiver down his spine!

This woman’s gaze was more dangerous than Yan Ri and more ruthless than Jing Ni!

Who was she?

Why was she looking at this old man like this?

Feeling her noble aura, Lu Buwei suddenly had an answer.

His brows furrowed tightly.

From her demeanor and appearance, this woman was likely the one he had ordered people to capture.

Seeing her here now meant the mission had failed!

Lu Buwei looked at Li Mo again.

Their reasons for coming here became self-explanatory!

The shock only lasted a moment.

He quickly regained his composure.

A gleam flickered in his fish-like eyes.

So what if you came here, do you have any proof?

Without evidence, even if you go to the emperor or the empress dowager, you won’t get away with breaking my door so easily!

“National Advisor, what is this about?”

Lu Buwei squinted, pretending to be ignorant despite understanding.

Seeing the change from shock to calm on his face, Li Mo knew what this old man was scheming.

He knew very well why I came to break down his door.

But making an accusation requires evidence.

Without evidence, even the empress dowager can’t break down his door!

Either I apologize and ask for forgiveness.

Or make it known to everyone, and he as the National Advisor would be charged with slandering the prime minister.

Li Mo appeared even calmer than Lu Buwei.

Throwing away the long sword he had gotten from who knows where, he said leisurely, “Can’t you see? Of course, it’s revenge.”

Lu Buwei’s eye twitched.

You really dare to say that!

But this is good.

You’ve blocked your own retreat.

Lu Buwei gave a dry laugh: “Hehe, revenge?”

“I wonder what offense I committed to make the National Advisor storm my mansion like this.”

“If you don’t give a clear explanation today, you, even as the National Advisor, won’t leave easily.”

Li Mo’s face remained calm as he said unhurriedly: “Someone took advantage of my absence tonight to sneak into my house with ill intentions.”

“They tried to kidnap this young lady to blackmail me.”

“But fortunately, she is no ordinary person and thwarted their plan.”

“In such a provoking matter, Prime Minister, don’t you think I should seek revenge?”

“If I don’t avenge this, how can I face this young lady?”

Fei Yan looked at Li Mo in astonishment.

She thought Li Mo was angry with Lu Buwei for provoking him, which was why he sought revenge.

But his words seemed to suggest he was standing up for her.

Seeking justice for her?

Fei Yan’s eyes grew brighter.

She looked at him with a gaze full of glittering stars.

Not only did he guide her to new realms and insights.

But he also protected and valued her, standing up for her.

Fei Yan’s heart softened with waves of affection.

If one could have such a husband, what more could one ask for?

If Sir treats me so, from now on, Fei Yan will treat him the same.

Before Lu Buwei could say anything, others around them started to panic.

They angrily accused Li Mo of slandering.

“Are you saying those people were sent by the Prime Minister?”

“Ridiculous, would the Prime Minister engage in such petty behavior?”

“Exactly, where’s your evidence? Do you have any?”

Lu Buwei forced a smile and asked knowingly, “Since the National Advisor is seeking revenge, why break down my door?”

“Do you really believe, as others say, that I sent those people?”

“National Advisor, do you know the penalty for slandering a prime minister without evidence?”

He was certain that Li Mo could not produce any evidence.

Those people only followed orders from above.

Their immediate superior was Yan Ri.

And their superior was Lu Buwei.

But they didn’t know of his existence, only knowing they received tasks from Yan Ri.

Fei Yan surmised it was Lu Buwei because such matters could be easily guessed.

Someone unfamiliar with her wouldn’t act like this.

Anyone knowing her identity wouldn’t dare.

So it had to be aimed at Li Mo, using her against him.

In Xianyang, only Lu Buwei dared to provoke the National Advisor.

Lu Buwei wanted to see how Li Mo would handle this without evidence.

Li Mo frowned, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Lu Buwei felt assured.

Without evidence, he had the upper hand.

“If the National Advisor has no evidence, I’ll have to report this to the emperor and the empress dowager for justice.”

“I didn’t say you sent those people.”

Suddenly, Li Mo’s calm voice sounded.

Lu Buwei was stunned: “What did you say?”

Li Mo’s lips curled slightly.

He repeated: “When did I say it was the Prime Minister who sent them?”

These people were all looking at each other.

It seemed that he indeed hadn’t said that.

Lu Buwei frowned and said, “Since that’s not the case, why did the National Advisor break through my front door?”

Li Mo calmly said, “There were six thieves who broke into my house.”

“We, along with this person, killed five, but one escaped in panic.”

“He fled all the way to here, and we came in pursuit.”

Lu Buwei’s old face was filled with frost.

Fled to my place, aren’t you still implying that the person was sent by me?

“Heh, what a joke, are you suggesting that the person came from my Prime Minister’s mansion?”

Li Mo shook his head: “I didn’t say that, I just said he fled to here.”

Lu Buwei choked: “Then why did you break through my front door?”

Li Mo pointed to the Prime Minister’s mansion: “He ran into the Prime Minister’s mansion, I was worried he might be harmful to the Prime Minister.”

“In an emergency, I had to act.”

“I was thinking about the safety of the Prime Minister!”

These words were spoken with righteous indignation.

I was protecting you; are you really going to bicker over me breaking your door?

Lu Buwei was so angry that he felt a tightness in his chest.

You really know how to twist the truth!

“So where is that person?”

Li Mo shrugged helplessly and said, “Didn’t catch him, he ran away.”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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