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Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Does the Empress Dowager Want to Try? You Have to Beg Me First!

Li Mo’s calm voice quickly quieted down within the sleeping quarters.

However, it echoed in Zhao Ji’s mind for a long time!

Ordinary people would have been terrified and begged for mercy upon hearing these two sentences.

But, not only was this person unmoved,

He even dared to threaten her, the Empress Dowager!

Zhao Ji stood up, her face furious.

Li Mo’s words were not only treacherous but also reminded her of some bad memories.

Back when she and Ying Zheng were held hostage in Handan, their lives were threatened every day.

It was from then on that she understood a principle.

Now, many years have passed.

She has become the Empress Dowager.

With a noble status and high position.

Moreover, she firmly grasps power in her hands.

Because only this way, she could feel the greatest sense of security, and could comfortably enjoy the respect of others.

So she had almost forgotten the days of trembling with fear back then.

But today, Li Mo’s words evoked that emotion again.


This emotion, which shouldn’t appear on her anymore, emerged from her heart once again.


“You… you are being treasonous, are you plotting a rebellion?”

Zhao Ji shouted angrily.

Pointing at Li Mo, her hand with crimson nail polish trembled slightly.

She tried her best to control her emotions, but still couldn’t help breathing rapidly.

This National Advisor, did he not regard her, the Empress Dowager, at all!

For Zhao Ji, who had been in a high position for many years, this was unacceptable!

In the entire Qin State, who didn’t treat her with utmost respect?

Who didn’t flatter and fawn over her with sweet words?

If it were anyone else, they would have chosen flattering words to answer her question just now.

But this person, in a few short words, was full of mockery.

Not begging for mercy after being reprimanded was one thing, but daring to threaten her in return!

She had never encountered such a person before!

The door of the sleeping quarters silently opened.

Several figures filed in.

Naturally, the Empress Dowager would not lack guards by her side.

Those palace maids seemed ordinary at usual times, but at critical moments, they all turned into killer guards.

The humble look in their eyes disappeared.

As soon as Zhao Ji gave the order, they would rush forward… to die?

Who are they trying to scare?

A few rank eight warriors aren’t even enough to fill the gaps between my teeth!

“Does the Empress Dowager want to try?”

Given the current situation, killing this Empress Dowager isn’t difficult.

The hard part is dealing with the consequences afterward.

Some people always think that personal strength can push through everything and even resist an army.

Where does this confidence come from?

Is it inflated self-esteem or a failure to recognize reality?

If one could truly fight a nation alone, the world wouldn’t have been in chaos for hundreds of years.

If Master Xun wanted to promote Confucianism, he could directly unify the world and make the entire nation learn Confucian thought, wouldn’t that be easier?

Why bother staying in the Small Sage Village?

If Donghuang Taiyi wanted to reveal the Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon, he could just destroy the seven states and seize all the bronze boxes, wouldn’t that be more convenient?

Why bother sending Dongjun into the mortal world?

Today, even if Zhao Ji is killed, getting out of Xianyang Palace won’t be easy, not to mention the tens of thousands of forbidden troops in Xianyang.

It’s like dealing with Lu Buwei.

He may just be an old man who can’t fight.

But the hidden guards around him are not.

Nor is his position as Prime Minister.

If you want to kill Lu Buwei, you could do it right now in the court.

You could even kill Ying Zheng, and also Zhao Ji who is ruling from behind the curtain.

After killing them, can you really just declare yourself the emperor?

Who would acknowledge you?

What awaits you is not support, but tens of thousands of Qin soldiers!

Each person throwing a stone could pile up a mountain!

But facing Zhao Ji’s threat at this moment, Li Mo remained unafraid.

Because he knew.

This beautiful, arrogant old witch wouldn’t dare!

If she didn’t dare to kill him today, there would be no settling scores later.

The more capable he showed himself to be, the more reluctant she would be to kill him.

She might even extend an olive branch!

Because Ying Zheng is about to take full control.

And now, Li Mo is undoubtedly the person Ying Zheng trusts and relies on the most.

Given Zhao Ji’s insatiable lust for power, she would certainly try every means to bring him to her side.

She would want to make him her ally to control Ying Zheng after he takes over.

Zhao Ji, looking at Li Mo’s calm and fearless expression, felt a twinge of fear.

This confident and arrogant attitude gave her an unusual feeling.

“Everyone, get out.”

Zhao Ji flicked her sleeves and angrily dismissed the palace maids.

Li Mo knew then that he had guessed correctly.

“Does the National Advisor think that I am afraid of you?”

Zhao Ji sat back on the phoenix bed.

She folded her hands on her abdomen, using a cold and haughty demeanor to conceal her mixed emotions.

Li Mo shook his head slightly, his face calm.

“Of course not.”

“It’s because… the Empress Dowager is smart.”

“The Empress Dowager doesn’t think it’s worth exchanging her life for mine.”

“So instead of going to the underworld with me, it’s better to join hands with me.”

Zhao Ji stared at him intently.

This person seemed to see right through her.

As if he had read her mind.

It felt as if she were laid bare before him!

“You’re very clever, but where does your confidence come from that makes you think I would think this way?”

Zhao Ji raised her eyebrows and asked haughtily.

Of course, she wouldn’t admit that Li Mo had guessed her thoughts.

Her proud retort was the last bit of stubbornness as the Empress Dowager!

Li Mo also retorted, “What kind of person does the Empress Dowager think I am?”

Zhao Ji’s proud gaze wandered over his face and body for a moment.

Then she said, “Arrogant, conceited, disrespectful of authority.”

“You think everything is under your control, even daring to disregard me.”

“I hate people like you.”

“But I must admit.”

“You do have some abilities, remaining calm in the face of danger, confident and exceptional.”

“Not only did you fool all the civil and military officials, but you also gained the trust of the emperor of Qin.”

“So I do admire people like you.”

“As for your looks, they’re passable, quite decent actually.”

Zhao Ji spoke a long string of words, mixed with praise and criticism.

The criticisms were mostly because he didn’t show her respect or fawn over her.

She was dissatisfied, which was why she spoke that way.

Li Mo pursed his lips, “There’s no need to talk about appearances.”

Praising in a way that makes one uncomfortable, you’d be better off not praising at all.

“The Empress Dowager missed a crucial point.”

“And that is that I can bring change to Qin!”

Zhao Ji, intrigued, asked, “What kind of change?”

Li Mo said seriously, “To make Qin a new nation, to take Qin to new heights!”

Zhao Ji was suddenly stunned.

She was shaken by his bold words!

If Li Mo had just been spouting empty rhetoric, she would have mocked him without hesitation.

However, the small invention he presented in the court was enough to change the military power of Qin.

The advent of paper and movable type printing would revolutionize the way culture was transmitted.

So Zhao Ji had no rebuttal!

She couldn’t refute it!

She was very curious about what else was in this man’s mind.

What gave him the confidence to change the world!

For a moment, Zhao Ji looked at him and was dazed.

After staring blankly for a moment, she regained her composure.

Her tone calmed down, and she nodded lightly, “Well said, I seem to have something to look forward to.”

Li Mo sensed the approval in her words.

“However, it seems there is one point that the National Advisor hasn’t realized.”

Suddenly, Zhao Ji changed her tone.

Li Mo’s heart stirred; the main point was coming.

Feigning ignorance, he said, “Oh? Please enlighten me, Empress Dowager.”

Zhao Ji seemed very pleased with his attitude.

The corners of her mouth lifted, and her expression finally softened a bit.

“If the National Advisor wants to achieve your ambitions, do you think passion alone is enough?”

“You’ve seen the current situation in the court.”

“Zheng’er has no power in his hands, unable to decide major matters.”

“Do you think everything will go smoothly just because he trusts you?”

Li Mo understood clearly and said, “It seems so. What does the Empress Dowager suggest?”

Create anxiety, sell the anxiety.

Then offer a solution.

Let the other party find a glimmer of hope in the darkness, a straw to grasp while drowning.

Then they will be grateful, full of gratitude.

Ha, cliché!

An unbearably tacky trick!

As a young person of the new era, someone who drinks the toxic chicken soup of the internet as water,

How could I be fooled by such minor tactics?

Sure enough, Zhao Ji then offered a solution.

“The current court is divided into two factions.”

“You also felt the attitude of those civil officials when you were appointed as the National Advisor today.”

“They are full of malice towards you as the National Advisor.”

“On the other hand, Wang Jian and Meng Tian on my side seem to be quite friendly towards you.”

“Since the National Advisor wants to accomplish something, you naturally need to choose a good tree to perch on.”

Li Mo nodded seriously.

“I think the emperor is pretty good. We got along very well, feeling like old friends at first sight.”

Zhao Ji frowned.

She didn’t know if Li Mo truly didn’t understand her meaning or was pretending to be ignorant.

Why are you so dense?

I already said that the emperor of Qin has no power to decide major matters.

Do you two really think you can overturn the Qin State’s sky?

“The emperor is indeed quite good, but on one hand, he is still young.”

“On the other hand, even he has to listen to someone.”

Zhao Ji proudly puffed out her chest.

The broad phoenix robe immediately stretched into a breathtaking curve.

Li Mo nodded.

Hmm, it doesn’t seem to be sagging yet.

Not bad!

“Is the Empress Dowager referring to… the Prime Minister?”

Zhao Ji was so angry that her chest hurt, and she couldn’t help but clench her silver teeth.

“National Advisor, isn’t this a bit much?”

She could see that Li Mo was deliberately provoking her!

But she was really provoked by him!

Is it too much?


Li Mo thought it was very necessary!

“Isn’t it true?”

“Today it was just a bunch of civil officials getting riled up, which doesn’t represent the Prime Minister’s stance.”

“I think the Prime Minister has no ill will towards me.”

“Moreover, the Prime Minister is highly respected and holds immense power now.”

“The authority he wields is unmatched in Qin!”

As long as Lu Buwei doesn’t blatantly rebel,

The military power Zhao Ji holds poses no threat to him!

Furthermore, he can use his authority to gradually weaken Zhao Ji’s power.

The Prime Minister is the head of all officials.

He controls the appointment and removal of all officials.

He can even appoint or remove officials without the emperor’s consent!

It’s easy for him to dominate the court!

If any of the military officers, even an old general like Wang Jian, made a mistake,

As long as Lu Buwei caught it, demotion and removal of power would be a breeze!

Disagree with your demotion?

Then you’re rebelling!

The situation gets worse!

To err is human, especially for those hot-tempered military officers.

Find a pretext to lower their positions and replace them with his own people,

Then the military seal Zhao Ji holds becomes a useless piece of junk!

Not even worth using to crack walnuts!

Only Wang Jian understood how to be low-key and discreet, making strategic advances over the years.

Otherwise, he would have been removed from his position as General by Lu Buwei long ago!

Li Mo’s words immediately triggered Zhao Ji’s displeasure and hatred.

Her eyes flashed coldly, and she snorted, “Hmph, Lu Buwei? He seems to have forgotten the surname of this Qin State!”

“He was just a lowly merchant back then, lucky to reach where he is today.”

“Once Zheng’er takes full control, how long do you think he can last?”

“At that time, I’ll be the first to deal with that old thing!”

Li Mo’s expression was quite interesting.

If he remembered correctly, weren’t you originally a concubine in Lu Buwei’s household?

Wouldn’t that make your status even lower?

Li Mo feigned surprise, furrowing his brows in confusion, “Oh, does it seem like the Empress Dowager has a lot of grievances against Prime Minister Lu?”

“Wasn’t it Prime Minister Lu who introduced you to the late emperor back then?”

If it weren’t for Lu Buwei’s arrangement back then, Zhao Ji wouldn’t even know where she would be now.

How could she enjoy her high status as the Empress Dowager?

“Because of that, he caused the death of…”

Zhao Ji suddenly stood up, becoming a bit agitated.

Midway through her sentence, she swallowed back her words due to her emotional outburst. After calming down, she glanced at Li Mo with heightened vigilance. Her gaze flickered as she continued, “Many people know that I was a concubine in Lu Buwei’s household back then, and there’s nothing wrong with saying it.”

“But the outside world spread rumors that I was given to the late emperor by Lu Buwei after he was done with me.”

“Hmph, what a joke.”

“If that were true, would the late king have made me the queen?”

Li Mo nodded slightly.

That made some sense.

King Zhuangxiang wasn’t a fool.

Moreover, in terms of support and background, Cheng Jiao’s mother was much more formidable than Zhao Ji.

If Zhao Ji had been second-hand goods, king Zhuangxiang would have had even less reason to make her queen.

“So, the Empress Dowager thinks that Lu Buwei not only didn’t clarify the rumors but also let them spread to diminish your prestige in the court and among the people.”

“That’s why you’re dissatisfied with him?”

Zhao Ji, her face cold, said with her chin up, “Isn’t that enough? Because he tarnished my and the royal family’s reputation, he deserves to die!”

Li Mo chuckled lightly.

I’d be a fool to believe you!

Both are power-hungry.

As the saying goes, two tigers cannot live on one mountain.

Only by eliminating the other can one completely control the country.

This is certainly one reason!

And Zhao Ji’s half-spoken sentence seemed to hide another reason.

But that’s not important.

What’s important is understanding her attitude towards Lu Buwei.

Li Mo’s face showed a look of intense shock.

In disbelief, he said, “Are you suggesting that you want to eliminate Lu Buwei?”

“He’s the current Prime Minister with immense power!”

Zhao Ji sneered, “So what?”

“Anyone who blocks my path must die!”

Exposing your true colors?

It’s still all about power struggles!

Li Mo frowned and shook his head slowly, “Empress Dowager, it’s better if you don’t say any more.”

“I just want to assist the emperor properly, not get caught up in your struggle with Prime Minister Lu.”

“Knowing too much will only harm me.”

“I don’t want to be involved in these conflicts, nor do I want to provoke the Prime Minister.”

He said this without batting an eye, as if he truly wanted to stay out of it.

In reality, he wanted Lu Buwei dead even more than Zhao Ji did.

But if Zhao Ji knew this, it would mean he needed her, giving her leverage over him.

Whoever needs help from others is at a disadvantage!

So he had to act convincingly.

I just want to quietly be a handsome man, don’t disturb me!

Zhao Ji took elegant steps, slowly walking towards Li Mo.

“Do you think you can stay out of it now?”

She stood directly in front of Li Mo, her fragrant scent wafting over him.

“Lu Buwei definitely knows you came to see me.”

“Do you think he will remain indifferent?”

“Instead of being watched by him like a hawk, why not…”

Zhao Ji slowly extended a hand towards Li Mo.

Although her expression remained proud, her attitude now showed more respect and friendliness.

“Why not join hands with me, what do you think?”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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