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Chapter 146

Chapter 137: Congratulations to the National Advisor! The Empress Dowager Invites You!

Ying Zheng was shaken and suddenly stood up from his seat!

A mandate from heaven, with eternal prosperity!

Slightly excited, he said, “Sir, is this truly what the heavenly book says?”

At this point, he didn’t know whether Li Mo was intimidating these people or had indeed come with a heavenly mandate!

The scene of words appearing out of thin air on the scroll stunned everyone present.

And these sixteen characters predicted the prosperity of the Qin Empire!

If this was indeed the commentary from the heavenly book, wouldn’t it mean that the Qin Empire was destined to thrive in the future?

Zhao Ji took a light breath, her heart trembling at the sight.

She guessed that Li Mo must have used some technique.

But she couldn’t figure out how he did it!

The civil and military officials were dumbfounded and greatly shocked!

Just the appearance of words on the heavenly book was enough to astonish the world!

Li Mo sensed the shock of the crowd.

Was this little trick enough to scare you?

There is more to come!

“As the Emperor and everyone can see, this is the heavenly commentary, the will of heaven!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a spark of fire appeared on the scroll floating in the air.

The sixteen characters suddenly began to burn and slowly ascended.

The blank scroll fluttered down, turning to ashes in the process.

Only the flaming characters grew larger in the air.

The fire illuminated the entire hall.

The scorching heat waves hit everyone’s faces, reflecting their astonished expressions.

Suddenly, the sixteen flaming characters moved in the air.

They gathered into a blazing fireball.


Suddenly, a clear bird’s cry echoed in the silent hall.

“What sound is that?”

“It seems like a bird’s call?”

“A bird? Where would a bird come from in the hall?”

Everyone’s eyes searched for the source of the sound in the hall.

“Gasp, it sounds like the sound is coming from this fireball?”

As soon as this astonished voice fell, the fireball changed again.

It cracked open like an egg.

Then it shook a few times and slowly opened up.

A large bird, bathed in flames, emerged, spreading its enormous wings, lifting its long neck, and letting out a loud cry.


Everyone was stunned, their expressions blank!

Someone exclaimed excitedly, “The fire phoenix spreads its wings, heaven descends!”

“The prophecy on the heavenly book… has come true!”

A majestic phoenix circled above the hall, the heat waves it created hitting everyone’s faces.

The phoenix flew past the gauze curtain, its wings causing the curtain to flutter continuously!

Zhao Ji behind the curtain was dumbfounded.

She could clearly feel the scorching heat and the sound of the wind.

Everything seemed incredibly real.

It was as if there truly was a fire phoenix in front of her!

This was something illusion techniques couldn’t achieve!

At this moment, Zhao Ji couldn’t help but waver in her previous thoughts.

Could this man really have come with a divine mandate?

The civil and military officials were so frightened by the fire phoenix flying overhead that they fell over each other.

If the wings touched them, the flames could set their clothes on fire.

The fire phoenix seemed to have targeted them specifically.

It flew nowhere else but above them.

Some even smelled the scorching scent of their beards!

They were trembling in fear.

“Sir, sir, please retract your divine power!”

“Please retract your divine power, we’re about to get roasted!”

“It can’t keep flying, if it continues, it will burn down the entire hall!”

Li Mo responded unhurriedly, “This is an auspicious sign. Flying over your heads for a while can ward off evil!”

Everyone almost spat out blood!

They weren’t sure about warding off evil, but they knew that if it continued to fly, they would be reduced to ashes!

“Enough, enough, National Advisor!”

Someone shouted in panic.

This immediately triggered a chain reaction.

A chorus of “National Advisor” echoed, fearing that if they were late, they would perish in the flames!

Li Mo’s mouth curved into a slight smile.

He turned and waved his sleeve towards the palace door.

The door burst open, and the fire phoenix, which had been circling above everyone, found its way out.

Flapping its wings, it flew out.

It soared into the sky and soon disappeared.

“The fire phoenix has returned to the heavens. I remain here. Is there any objection?”

If there is, I will call the fire phoenix back to fly over your heads until there are no objections.

“No objections, no objections.”

“With the National Advisor overseeing Qin, it will surely prosper eternally!”

The disheveled officials tidied their messy hair and responded weakly.

Li Mo remained calm and corrected, “The prosperity of Qin depends on the Emperor’s diligent governance.”

Everyone repeatedly agreed.

Yes, yes, whatever you say.

Ying Zheng couldn’t help but smile.

The solitary Emperor has a divine mandate, and the National Advisor follows heavenly will.

This situation is absolutely secure!

At this moment, Zhao Ji’s voice suddenly came from behind the curtain.

“Since the National Advisor comes with heavenly will, if we refuse him, wouldn’t Qin be rejecting the will of heaven?”

“In that case, I believe the position of National Advisor is well deserved by him.”

All the officials were taken aback!

The Empress Dowager agreed!

With Zhao Ji speaking, the military officials naturally began to express their support.

The remaining civil officials looked at Lu Buwei.

They had loosened their stance earlier due to the disturbance caused by the fire phoenix.

Now, calm, they naturally looked to see Lu Buwei’s attitude.

Lu Buwei’s face remained calm, revealing no emotion.

His beard twitched, and finally, under everyone’s gaze, he slowly said, “I… concur.”

The officials were momentarily stunned!

If the Prime Minister had strongly opposed, the position would still be uncertain!

But now, why did he suddenly agree?

Does he also believe this man is the embodiment of divine will?

Lu Buwei glanced at Li Mo nonchalantly.

There was a trace of a meaningful smile in his eyes!

“Congratulations to the Emperor, congratulations to the National Advisor.”

With his lead, everyone else also began to offer congratulations.

Ying Zheng did not expect Lu Buwei to agree so readily.

Looking at the settled scene, a blazing fire burned in his heart!

Li Mo stood immovable, accepting the officials’ congratulations in the grand hall.

Li Si, among the crowd, was deeply shocked by this scene where everyone revered Li Mo.

When would he ever experience such a moment!

The congratulatory voices gradually subsided.

Li Mo slightly raised his head, his expression calm, and said, “Since I have taken on the role of National Advisor, I will offer a gift to Qin today.”

Ying Zheng asked curiously, “What gift?”

Since Li Mo was going to present something in front of the entire hall, it surely wouldn’t be an ordinary item.

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Mo reached into his robe and took out a box.

The box was slightly larger than his palm and less than two inches thick.

Everyone looked up curiously.

They were just as curious as Ying Zheng about what was inside.

Li Mo held the box with one hand and slowly opened it.

He took out a few oddly shaped objects and said calmly, “This is it.”

Everyone looked at the crescent-shaped iron pieces in his hand, bewildered.

Ying Zheng was also puzzled.

He asked, “What is this?”

He had thought Li Mo would take out some rare treasure to awe the crowd.

But instead, he brought out a few pieces of iron.

Li Mo explained unhurriedly, “This item is called a horseshoe.”

“As the name implies, it is an iron piece attached to a horse’s hoof.”

“I have learned that on the battlefield, the wear and tear on warhorses is a major factor limiting the number of cavalry.”

“And most of this wear comes from damage to their hooves.”

“The battlefield is full of sharp rocks and scattered weapons.”

“A horse’s hooves can crack after just a few steps, losing mobility and combat ability.”

“If too many warhorses are lost, it not only increases military expenses but can also affect the outcome of battles.”

In ancient times, the cost of raising warhorses was extremely high.

However, the power and combat effectiveness of cavalry were far superior to ordinary soldiers.

In terms of combat strength, one cavalryman was equivalent to ten to twenty ordinary soldiers.

Thus, every dynasty regarded warhorses as extremely important resources.

A warhorse’s service life was about ten to fifteen years from birth to retirement.

Besides battlefield injuries, warhorses also faced an unavoidable yet completely unnecessary type of wear: hoof damage.

Cavalry often traveled long distances, encountering various terrains.

Mountainous paths with sharp rocks severely wore down their hooves.

Sometimes, by the time a thousand-strong cavalry reached the battlefield, less than half of the horses were fit for combat.

The rest lost their combat ability due to hoof damage during the journey.

On the battlefield, the situation was even worse.

Weapons scattered by both sides acted like sharp blades, damaging the hooves they stepped on.

It wasn’t uncommon for a warhorse to emerge from battle uninjured except for bloodied hooves.

Li Mo continued, “However, if we nail these horseshoes to the hooves, it can prevent most of this damage.”

“Horseshoes made of iron not only prevent hoof damage but also increase the trampling power of the horses.”

“Under iron hooves, nothing remains intact.”

Upon hearing this explanation, Wang Jian, who was still confused, suddenly widened his eyes.

Having served in the military all his life, he understood the wear and tear on warhorses that Li Mo described.

The civil officials who never saw battle might not grasp the significance, but he knew it well.

These unnecessary damages not only greatly increased military expenses but also affected the progress of battles!

If there was a way to reduce or even avoid such damages, the saved money could be used to raise more warhorses!

And to form more cavalry!

Cavalry was a crucial strategic force on the battlefield.

They were highly mobile, fast in pursuit, quick in support, and strong in combat!

The number of cavalry could determine the military strength of a nation.

Their importance was self-evident!

“National Advisor, could I take a look at this horseshoe?”

Wang Jian was the first to stand up, his breathing slightly hurried.

All the generals were visibly shaken. They, like Wang Jian, understood the significance of the horseshoe.

If this item was as miraculous as Li Mo claimed, Qin’s military strength would immediately elevate to a higher level.

“Of course, if General Wang wants to see it,” Li Mo said, smiling kindly, as he handed over the horseshoe with both hands.

It was hard not to respect a loyal and devoted veteran like Wang Jian.

Wang Jian strode over to him with a dragon’s gait and tiger’s steps, carefully accepting the four horseshoes.

He weighed them in his hands and found them lighter than expected.

Mounted on hooves, they wouldn’t hinder the speed of warhorses at all.

After tapping them a few times, producing a series of crisp clinks, Wang Jian was shaken to the core.

Hearing the sound, he could already envision Qin’s cavalry crushing stones, expanding territories, and being invincible.

“This… this… is a divine item!”

Wang Jian’s eyes trembled with excitement as he looked at Li Mo.

The crowd immediately erupted in an uproar!

Receiving such high praise from Wang Jian underscored the significance of these items!

Li Mo calmly asked, “General Wang, do you believe this will benefit our Qin cavalry?”

Wang Jian firmly pursed his lips.

“More than beneficial!” he replied loudly.

He suddenly turned around and exclaimed, “Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, if all our cavalry are equipped with these, the wear and tear on our warhorses will be halved!”

Ying Zheng’s eyebrows couldn’t help but twitch.

Clearly, he was deeply shocked!

Goodness, that much?

If the wear on warhorses was reduced by half, it meant the other half of the military budget could raise more cavalry!

The same military expenditure could support a jump from ten thousand to twenty thousand cavalry!

Doubling the military strength!

A series of astonished exclamations erupted in the hall!

Wang Jian was known for his steadiness.

If he said so, it certainly wasn’t mere exaggeration!

This was likely his conservative estimate!

Numerous astonished gazes fell on Li Mo.

Wasn’t this gift from the National Advisor a bit too significant?

And this was only his first day in the position. Who could imagine what further changes he might bring to Qin?

Amidst the many gazes, Li Mo remained calm.

He smiled and said, “In that case, it’s good.”

The court session that day was exceptionally long.

It started at dawn and continued until late afternoon.

It began with the matter of Wang Li, followed by Meng Tian’s promotion to Left Shuzang.

Finally, the newly appointed National Advisor descended with a sixteen-character heavenly book prophecy and horseshoes that stunned the entire court!

After the session, Meng Tian was the first to approach Li Mo.

“Greetings, National Advisor.”

His address was heartfelt and genuine.

Without Li Mo, he might still be a centurion accumulating merits in the Wu Sui military camp!

“General Meng, you’re too kind,” Li Mo nodded in acknowledgment.

There was no helping it; the status of the National Advisor was exceedingly high.

Raising his hand to return Meng Tian’s greeting, even Meng Tian could not accept it.

Standing there, he had just started talking to Meng Tian when another official came over to offer congratulations.

Then another came.

And then another.

One after another, Li Mo couldn’t tell who was who, so he just nodded and smiled.

These people weren’t foolish.

Since Lu Buwei’s attitude towards Li Mo was still ambiguous, without a clear stance, and given the esteemed position of the National Advisor, they naturally wanted to come forward and make a connection.

“National Advisor, this old official greets you.”

A loud voice came, as Wang Jian, leading Wang Ben and a few generals, raised his hand from a distance.

This time, Li Mo raised his hand to return the greeting.

It wasn’t because Wang Jian’s status was higher than his, but purely out of respect.

“Old General Wang, what guidance do you have for me?”

Wang Jian laughed heartily, his voice booming, “Not at all, not at all, how dare this old official give guidance to the National Advisor.”

“It should be the National Advisor giving us guidance.”

Saying this, he moved closer to Li Mo, rubbing his fingers together, “Well… the method for making those horseshoes…”

Li Mo immediately laughed.

“Old General Wang, don’t worry. I will draw up the blueprints once I return and send them to you.”

Wang Jian waved his hands repeatedly, “No, no, we wouldn’t dare trouble the National Advisor.”

“Ben’er, you will personally go to the National Advisor to collect them. Remember, you must go personally!”

Having Wang Ben go in person was not only a sign of Wang Jian’s regard for the horseshoes but also for Li Mo.

“Congratulations, National Advisor. Many congratulations.”

After the crowd around Li Mo dispersed, a coquettish and alluring voice suddenly came from the side.

Dressed in a fiery red long dress, with a voluptuous and exquisite figure, her face could captivate anyone.

Her blue eyes gazed directly at Li Mo, enchanting and bewitching.

Who else could it be but Yan Lingji?

Beside her stood another noble and elegant beautiful figure.

“Many thanks to Lady Dongjun for your assistance.”

Li Mo raised his hand slightly, expressing his gratitude to Fei Yan.

The fire phoenix in the palace was naturally the work of Fei Yan.

The phoenix was transformed by the Yin-Yang School’s “Soul Dragon.”

The fire on it was created by Yan Lingji!

Fei Yan smiled gently, her voice soft and graceful, “It was nothing.”

“However, I am curious, how did the National Advisor know my identity?”

Li Mo smiled and was about to explain when a palace maid approached quickly.

She bowed to him and said, “National Advisor, the Empress Dowager requests your presence.”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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