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Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Annotation of the Heavenly Book: Commanded by Heaven, Longevity and Eternal Prosperity!

There was complete silence in the Northern Imperial Hall.

Whether they were civil officials or military officers, even Zhao Ji behind the silk curtain was stunned by Ying Zheng’s words.

Last night, Ying Zheng only told her that he wanted to recommend someone.

It seems that the person in question is the one present now.

However, Ying Zheng did not mention that he wanted to recommend him as the National Advisor!

The position of National Advisor is extremely special.

It holds no real power, but its status is exceptionally high.

Entering the hall without saluting, being granted a high seat upon entering, such is the honor bestowed.

The National Advisor is an important advisor and cultural mentor to the emperor.

Responsible for offering strategies for the state.

Guiding the monarch in governing the country, as well as imparting cultural education.

Since the Xia Dynasty, almost every dynasty has had the position of National Advisor.

It carries the responsibility of influencing and guiding the monarch’s decisions.

It also involves educating the ruler and the people, maintaining traditional culture, and promoting excellent traditional virtues.

Those with sufficient ability also need to ensure the safety of the entire royal family or the state!

Even the Emperor of Qin and she, the Empress Dowager, need to respectfully address the National Advisor.

Thus, one can see the prestige and high status of this position!

Zhao Ji leaned forward slightly.

Two slender, fair jade-like fingers gently lifted a corner of the silk curtain.

Her willow brows furrowed, her phoenix eyes solemn.

Her gaze appeared somewhat sharp.

Her eyes were filled with deep confusion and curiosity.

Ying Zheng came to her yesterday just to seek her agreement for his decision today.

Is such a blind person really worthy of such regard and treatment from him?

If Zhao Ji had such a reaction, there was no need to mention the civil and military officials!

Their minds went blank for a moment before they recovered.

Without Lu Buwei’s indication, they knew what to do!

Although the National Advisor does not hold real power and cannot influence court affairs.

However… he can influence the monarch’s decisions!

After all the circling around, isn’t the result still the same?

Ying Zheng has not yet formally taken power, but in a few years when he does, if any suggestions are made.

A glance from him to his side, and if the National Advisor shakes his head.

Well, those suggestions would be discarded!

Moreover, with the backing of this title, anything he does in the state of Qin would be almost legitimate and justified.

As long as it doesn’t harm Qin’s interests or threaten national security.

Even if he were to execute a few mid-level civil or military officials.

As long as the reasons are sufficient, and everything is for the state, then those executed would be in vain!

Lu Buwei’s gaze suddenly sharpened when he looked at Li Mo.

In an instant, Lu Buwei almost guessed his identity!

The leader of “Liu Sha”!

Ying Zheng met him in Han!

While Lu Buwei was observing Li Mo.

Li Mo was also “observing” him.

With fish-like eyes and a long beard on his chin.

Although he appeared quite old, his eyes were bright and clear.

Li Mo slightly tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Old thing, you’re the one who sent people to hunt down my Jing Ni, right?

Just you wait!

Lu Buwei evidently did not know Li Mo’s other identity.

All he knew was about “Liu Sha.”

But he was unclear about the members of “Liu Sha.”

This was something he inferred from Ying Zheng’s visit to Purple Orchid Pavilion.

Not to mention the relationship between Jing Ni and Li Mo.

Apart from Meng Tian, almost everyone below was anxious.

The military officers, led by Wang Jian, were also pondering.

If this person becomes the National Advisor, would it be a good or bad thing for them?

Lu Buwei’s group of civil officials almost immediately voiced their opposition.

“Your Majesty, I have an objection.”

“Your Majesty, I also have an objection.”

“Your Majesty, I do not agree!”

“Your Majesty, please reconsider!”

“We urge Your Majesty to withdraw this decision!”

As expected, a chorus of opposing voices echoed through the grand hall.

One after another, the voices rose, creating a lively scene!

Ying Zheng, having anticipated this, looked down at the crowd with authority.

He slowly said, “Why not?”

One official almost leaped from his seat to the center of the hall.

Holding his jade tablet high, he glared at Li Mo and said, “Your Majesty, the position of National Advisor is no small matter.”

“From the Zhou Dynasty to the present, the National Advisor has been responsible for influencing the country’s fortunes and development.”

“This position can only be filled by someone of vast knowledge and high moral character.”

“But this person is a blind man who cannot even see the road or recognize people.”

“How can he possibly be qualified to be the National Advisor?”

His words were direct and struck at the heart of the matter.

You cannot see, cannot read—how can you assist the Emperor of Qin?

No sooner had he finished speaking than another figure rushed out.

“Your Majesty, I second that.”

“This person’s background is unclear, and his morals are in question.”

“If he harbors ill intentions, he could be another Wang Yi!”

This statement was also well-placed, using national security as a pretext for criticism.

“Your Majesty, I also disagree.”

“Your Majesty, I oppose this!”

“Your Majesty is still young and inexperienced; do not trust the words of a deceitful person!”

“You blind man, do you think you can gain the Emperor’s favor with flowery words?”

One by one, the court officials fell to the center of the hall, criticizing Li Mo.

They painted him as a sycophant using sweet words to deceive Ying Zheng, aiming for sudden success.

Ying Zheng’s face turned dark with fury!

Listening to these people, it seemed like they were talking about Li Mo.

But in reality.

They were accusing him of not distinguishing right from wrong, of being naive and ignorant!

Li Mo sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, unmoving.

Come wind or rain, I remain steadfast as a mountain.

Since he was a man of high standing, he could not stoop to bickering like a shrew.

Anyway, he had noted all their faces.

Later, he would ask Meng Tian for their names.

He would take Yan Lingji to pay a visit to their homes at night.

The weather is dry, gentlemen, beware of fire!

After a long session of vehement spitting.

Ying Zheng remained silent, and Li Mo did not comment.

They found their tirades increasingly pointless.

Initially, they thought that after such a fierce argument, this person would retort.

But he acted as if he hadn’t heard a thing, with no reaction at all.

If Li Mo had engaged in a shouting match with them, he would have fallen into their trap.

The National Advisor values calmness and excellent character.

If he acted impulsively, wouldn’t that show a flaw in his temperament?

Look at how the Moon Goddess had such grace when she was the National Advisor in the original story.

Wearing a mysterious eye veil and a long, ethereal gown.

Referring to herself as “this seat” with every word.

She never engaged in petty arguments with ordinary people.

Even a glance at them would be considered a loss for her.

That kind of serene control over everything was quite intimidating!

Li Mo might not have her ethereal aura.

But when it comes to fooling people, he’s not at all intimidated.

Isn’t it all about being a charlatan?

As long as you can awe people!

“Your Majesty.”

The sound of objections ceased as Li Mo finally spoke.

“What does sir wish to say?”

Ying Zheng was nervous too.

When he invited Li Mo, he promised him a prestigious status.

If he goes back on his word now and Li Mo leaves for Han again, what then?

Lu Buwei hadn’t said a word from start to finish.

He was deep in thought, his expression calm.

When Li Mo spoke, everyone looked at him with hostility.

No matter what you say, you can forget about getting the position of National Advisor today!

Li Mo spoke mysteriously, “Does Your Majesty remember, I once told you.”

“I have traveled through the river of time, swam through history, and witnessed a thousand years of change.”

Ying Zheng nodded, “Naturally, I remember.”

A burst of laughter erupted from below.

“You have a lot of nerve, blind man!”

“Traveled through time, witnessed historical changes?”

“Do you think you are a reincarnated deity?”

Li Mo raised his head and said unabashedly, “I may not be a reincarnated deity, but I am here by divine will!”

The crowd fell silent, looking at him as if he were a fool.

The young Emperor of Qin might be naïve, but do you think we are so easily fooled?

Even Ying Zheng was momentarily stunned by Li Mo’s words.

Sir, we never discussed this before.

This sudden claim leaves me at a loss for words!

Zhao Ji, who had lowered the silk curtain, raised her eyebrows and gave a silent, cold smile.

She had wondered what kind of person Ying Zheng had brought back.

Turns out, he was a madman.

She shook her head in disappointment.

This is utter nonsense!

Li Mo remained calm and said, “I have come with the will of heaven, carrying the Heavenly Book without words.”

“To choose a determined ruler, restore order, create a prosperous era, and build a land of happiness.”

Ying Zheng was moved.

He nodded and said, “Sir’s paper-making technique and movable type printing are indeed extraordinary.”

“Such things have never appeared in the mortal world, so they must have come from the heavenly realm, right?”

Hearing Li Mo speak, he started to wonder if Li Mo might truly be a reincarnated deity.

How else could he predict the disaster involving Wang Yi and invent things like paper-making and movable type printing?

That paper-making technique was practically a divine creation!

The civil and military officials were stunned.

The disciples from the Confucian school exchanged glances.

They gathered together, whispering.

“Did he invent paper?”

“Light, durable, it truly seems like a divine creation.”

“Movable type printing is also quick and convenient. I heard that the Master has printed all the rare books in the Little Sage Village library.”

“Our Confucian culture, if it is to be widely promoted, this invention should take precedence.”

After whispering for a while, they suddenly looked at a middle-aged man at the back.

“Li Si, has the Master ever mentioned this to you?”

The middle-aged man, with a mustache on his upper lip, pursed his lips and looked at Li Mo in the center with a strange expression.

He nodded and said, “The Master indeed sent a letter.”

They pressed him, “What did the Master say?”

Li Si frowned, glanced at Lu Buwei in the front, then at Li Mo.

“The Master only said eight words: ‘Destined by Heaven, an inevitable trend.'”

Master Xun, the Confucian master, had only two disciples.

One was Han Fei, the other was Li Si.

However, Li Si was not as fortunate as Han Fei, as he did not come from a noble background.

After struggling for decades, he luckily became a disciple of Master Xun and then came to Qin, where he was appreciated by Lu Buwei and became a minor official.

Previously, he did not understand what those eight words from Master Xun meant.

But now, with Li Mo’s presence and his recent words, the answer became clear!

Li Si thoughtfully looked at Li Mo.

In Confucian circles, Master Xun’s words were almost considered truth.

If Master Xun said he was destined by Heaven, could it be that this person really is the embodiment of divine will?

Moreover, it seemed Master Xun had foreseen Li Mo coming to Qin and today’s events.

So, he had informed Li Si in advance, indirectly indicating his stance.

Li Si, looking troubled, moved his seat back after some thought.

Seeing this, the others also moved back.

They did not dare to oppose Lu Buwei.

They could only remain silent!

Li Mo sensed this and knew Master Xun had prepared them.

Although it wasn’t much, it was a gesture of goodwill.

He decided to give Xun Fuzi a 10% discount through Sister Zi later!

(TN: Xun Fauzi was the one who argued about confucianism with Li Mo earlier)

Lu Buwei’s pupils contracted slightly.

He had not expected that the paper, which had become popular in all seven countries shortly after its introduction, replacing bamboo slips, was actually invented by Li Mo!

“Your Majesty, although the paper is extraordinary, it doesn’t mean this person is a deity incarnate!”

“Indeed, Your Majesty, this man is shamelessly spreading deceitful words. You must not be fooled by him!”

After a moment of silence, voices of opposition resounded in the hall again.

Someone angrily said, “You claim to be here with divine will carrying a wordless Heavenly Book. Then show us the Heavenly Book! Let us see it!”

“Yes, let us see it!”

There was no such thing as a wordless Heavenly Book in the world.

No matter what Li Mo took out, under their sharp eyes and numerous mouths, even if it were genuine, they would declare it fake!

Li Mo, unhurried, slowly took a scroll from his sleeve.

“The wordless Heavenly Book is here!”

Countless eyes focused on his hand.

Even Ying Zheng was peering curiously.

He was also curious about what Li Mo was holding!

Zhao Ji also lifted a corner of the silk curtain again, hiding behind it to peek.

“This Heavenly Book records the fate of Qin. Do any of you wish to see it?”

Li Mo stood up, holding the scroll and waving it in front of everyone.

All eyes were fixed on the scroll.

Someone sneered, “Well, let me see this marvel then!”

With a flick of his wrist, Li Mo unfurled the scroll. “Please take a look!”

The scroll opened with a swish, revealing over a foot of blank space.

The hall fell silent as astonished eyes stared at the scroll.

There wasn’t a single word on it.

“Hah, as expected, nonsense to deceive us!”

“Presenting a blank sheet as a heavenly book? Do you think we are three-year-olds?”

Ying Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Are you saying I’m a three-year-old?

Ignoring the scoffs, Li Mo calmly said, “I did say it’s a wordless heavenly book, so naturally, there are no words on it.”

Even Ying Zheng struggled to keep a straight face.

How could this group be so easily fooled!

Had he not witnessed Li Mo’s abilities, he might have thought he was just putting on a show.

“How do you prove this records the fate of our Qin state?”

Li Mo chuckled, “I naturally have a divine method. Today, I shall let you mortals witness it.”

He turned to Ying Zheng and said, “Please fetch a cup of tea.”

Ying Zheng naturally wouldn’t refuse his request. Besides, he was curious about the contents of the wordless heavenly book.

Before he could respond, a melodious voice came from behind the curtain.

“I have some here.”

Zhao Ji’s voice rang out like a nightingale, and a maid emerged with a cup of tea.

The wordless heavenly book was beginning to pique her interest. Zhao Ji wanted to see what trick Li Mo had up his sleeve.

“Thank you, Empress Dowager.”

Li Mo took the scroll in one hand and the tea in the other.

With a gentle toss, he threw the scroll into the air.

The scroll unfurled and hovered in front of him.

A murmur of astonishment arose.

Without giving the onlookers time to react, Li Mo took a sip of tea and sprayed it as a mist onto the scroll.

The maid behind the curtain turned pale. “How dare you…”


Zhao Ji gently waved her hand to stop the maid’s scolding.

She peered curiously through the curtain.

All the officials stretched their necks, staring intently at the scroll.

“What is he doing?”

“How should I know? Is he mad?”

“That’s the Empress Dowager’s tea! He drank it and then sprayed it!”

“Where are the words? Didn’t he say we’d be amazed?”

As the scroll, now damp, remained unchanged, the officials couldn’t hold back their scorn.

Just then, someone exclaimed.

“Look! The scroll is changing!”

“Hiss! Something is appearing.”

“Doesn’t it look like writing?”

“It’s becoming clearer!”

Moments later, sixteen large characters emerged on the once-blank scroll.

The entire hall fell silent.

Some were shocked, others in disbelief.

The characters had indeed appeared out of nowhere!

With wide eyes, the officials read aloud, trembling: “The fire phoenix spreads its wings, heavenly blessings descend; ordained by Heaven, eternal prosperity!”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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