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Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Entering the Palace to Be Enfeoffed, Snatching the Moon Goddess’s Position!

Through the gauze curtain, Zhao Ji gave Wang Ben a dissatisfied sideways glance.

She felt a surge of displeasure in her heart.

This boorish warrior had no sense of propriety.

But as the Empress Dowager, it wasn’t proper for her to argue with a minister over such a small matter.

So, she lazily leaned back in her chair to see what kind of excuse Wang Ben would come up with today.

Her plump red lips parted slightly.

The maid beside her sensibly stuffed a fruit into her mouth.

She ate and watched, looking carefree and leisurely.

Wang Jian was indifferent to Wang Ben’s actions.

This implied tacit approval for him to confront the civil officials over there.

The civil official, after being shouted at by Wang Ben, stood up with a start.

“Of course it’s inappropriate. Meng Tian is merely a thousand-man commander. In terms of rank, at most he is only a first-class rank four.”

“The Left Shuzhang is a solid ten-rank position.”

“Our Qin state’s ranks have always been based on military merit.”

“Rising six ranks at once will surely cause much dissatisfaction among the other officers.”

The official spoke reasonably and to the point.

It indeed sounded like that might be the case.


The military officers sitting in a long row in the hall all sneered simultaneously.

“We are convinced!”

The civil official was stunned.

Obviously, he didn’t react immediately.

“Wha… what?”

Wang Ben glanced back, then turned his head and said, “Didn’t hear it clearly? Do you want us to say it again?”

The civil official naturally heard it clearly; he just didn’t react right away.

He glanced down at Lu Buwei, seeing that the Prime Minister remained unmoved, and thus understood his attitude.

That meant Meng Tian absolutely couldn’t be made the Left Shuzhang.

If Meng Tian became the Left Shuzhang, he would be the first direct subordinate of Ying Zheng.

Relying on Meng Ao’s residual influence in the army, who knows what trouble they might stir up?

Although the military officers held power, their status in the court was inferior to the civil officials.

As the saying goes, “Civil officials move their mouths, while military officers break their legs running.”

Unless they were planning a rebellion, they had to follow the civil officials’ orders to the letter.

Of course, this had to be for legitimate reasons.

Civil officials played a leadership and commanding role.

Their orders had to be obeyed by military officers, even if it meant enduring great hardships and fighting to the end.

So, throughout history, many loyal and brave generals had died due to the scheming and conspiracies of civil officials.

Military pay and supply logistics were controlled by civil officials.

With such a lifeline in others’ hands, they had to bow their heads a little.

Facing the aggressive Wang Ben, the civil official was unafraid.

Moreover, he had the Prime Minister backing him up.

“Absurd! What does your conviction matter? Can you represent the tens of thousands of soldiers at the frontier?”

Wang Ben glared: “Of course…”


Suddenly, a loud cough interrupted him.

This time it wasn’t Lu Buwei coughing.

It was Wang Jian!

Wang Ben naturally had the ability to control his subordinates.

But those words must never be spoken.

Every soldier belonged to the state and to the monarch.

They should listen to only one person.

But that person absolutely cannot be their commanding general!

If Wang Ben claims he can represent the hundreds of thousands of soldiers at the frontier, does that mean his words are more effective than the Emperor’s or the Empress Dowager’s?

In his anger, Wang Ben almost fell into the trap set by this crafty old official.

Had Wang Jian not interrupted him in time, that single statement could have condemned him.

Seeing Wang Ben’s face filled with anger but forced to hold it in, the civil official immediately smirked with pride.

After casting a disdainful glance at him, he turned to Ying Zheng and said, “Your Majesty’s action is unfair. I request Your Majesty to retract the order.”

Ying Zheng’s sharp, icy gaze fell directly on him.

The anger in his heart was a hundred times greater than Wang Ben’s!

Ying Zheng’s lips moved slightly, reluctantly preparing to retract his proposal.

But at this moment, a not particularly loud voice sounded from the far end.

“Do you mean that the Emperor’s life is less important than a few military merits?”

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the voice.

They saw that the speaker was the main subject of this matter.

Meng Tian!

The civil official frowned deeply and turned around, shouting, “How dare you! Who do you think you are to speak here?”

Indeed, Meng Tian came from an illustrious family, but his current official position was not high.

If he hadn’t been specially summoned for escorting Ying Zheng back to Xianyang, he wouldn’t even have the right to attend this court meeting.

All the civil and military officials’ gazes fell on Meng Tian.

Although Meng Tian wasn’t nervous, he couldn’t help clenching his hands.

He knew what the position of Left Shuzhang represented.

It wasn’t just an official title.

It was the beginning of a contest between the Emperor of Qin and the Prime Minister!

Therefore, no matter what, he had to secure this position.

Yesterday at the restaurant, Li Mo had already anticipated this situation.

Whatever the Emperor of Qin proposed, as long as it benefited him and not Lu Buwei, the civil officials would oppose it.

Moreover, they would use regulations and laws to rebut them, leaving them speechless.

Civil officials may lack other skills, but no one could match their rhetorical abilities to distort the truth!

For this reason, before departure, Li Mo had specifically given Meng Tian a piece of advice.

Since you like to escalate small matters, let’s see who wears the hat higher!

Meng Tian stood up from his seat and walked to the center of the hall under hundreds of scrutinizing eyes, neither humble nor arrogant.

Respectfully, he said, “Your Majesty, I have something to say.”

Ying Zheng’s eyes flashed almost imperceptibly.


“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Meng Tian turned around to face the civil official.

He asked loudly and clearly, “Lord Gao, may I ask you a question?”

“Is the safety of the Emperor’s life more important, or the lives of the enemy?”

The civil official sneered, bowed to Ying Zheng, and said without hesitation, “Of course, the safety of the Emperor’s life is more important!”

“Under the heavens, except for the Empress Dowager, not even thousands of lives can compare to the Emperor’s safety.”

Although Ying Zheng had no real power, his status still held weight.

Even Lu Buwei could not publicly claim to be more important than the current monarch.

Meng Tian’s face was expressionless, revealing no emotion.

He forcefully questioned, “If that is so, is the Emperor’s life not worth more than the heads of a few enemy soldiers?”

The civil official was instantly speechless!

He stared at Meng Tian in astonishment.

“You… what did you say?”

The surrounding civil and military officials’ expressions suddenly became quite colorful.

Meng Tian’s words undoubtedly put this civil official on the spot.

Seeing that he couldn’t refute him for the moment, Meng Tian continued aggressively, “I saved the Emperor from danger, which is a great merit.”

“But in your mouth, the Emperor’s safety isn’t even worth a few enemy heads.”

“Do you think the Emperor’s life is less important than the enemy’s?”

“Or do you believe the Emperor’s safety is inferior to a few ranks of military merit?”

“You dare to belittle the Emperor’s safety, aren’t you essentially disregarding the Emperor?”

“Lord Gao, you have quite the audacity!”

Meng Tian’s words were piercing and hit the mark.

The civil official was drenched in sweat.

The last bombshell made him collapse to his knees.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Meng Tian is slandering me. I never had such thoughts.”

“Of course, the Emperor’s safety is of utmost importance, the top priority in the world.”

The military officers exchanged glances.

Wow, Meng Tian can really argue.

A few words and he made that guy crumble!

Wang Jian furrowed his graying brows, giving Meng Tian a meaningful look.

He knew Meng Tian well.

He was indeed a well-rounded officer, versed in military strategy and courageous.

But he wasn’t someone who would win by words.

In other words, he was a man of action, a doer.

Such a lengthy and sharp debate that left the civil official speechless was definitely not his doing!

It was likely that someone had anticipated today’s situation and advised him in advance!

Wang Jian pondered deeply.

Who could it be?

His brother, Meng Yi?

Wang Jian thought about it and found it unlikely.

This was almost sophistry, which didn’t match Meng Yi’s straightforward and hardworking nature.

But regardless of who it was, the person advising Meng Tian had excellent rhetorical skills.

Ying Zheng seemed to detect a familiar tone in Meng Tian’s words.

This style, why does it sound so much like that of the teacher?

Li Mo had used similarly brilliant arguments to silence the Confucian scholar Xun Fuzi, leaving him speechless and embarrassed on the spot.

The key was that what he said sounded very reasonable!

Ying Zheng glanced at the civil official.

Expressionless, he said, “I think Meng Tian’s words make sense.”

Upon hearing this, the civil official broke out in a cold sweat from head to toe.

He couldn’t afford the crime of disrespect!

He quickly turned to Lu Buwei for help.

Lu Buwei squinted his fish-like eyes, his expression darkening without anyone knowing when it had changed.

He couldn’t refute Meng Tian’s words either.

To agree meant promoting him to Left Shuzhang, a position of real power in the army.

To disagree meant admitting he thought the Emperor’s safety was unimportant.

Even though he believed this and had already acted against Ying Zheng, public and private matters were different!

Until their conflict was out in the open, he couldn’t openly state that the Emperor’s safety was unimportant!

Lu Buwei weighed his options and weakly said, “In that case, let’s follow the Emperor’s decision.”

The hall fell silent.

Anyone could see that in this initial probing skirmish, Ying Zheng had won!

Meng Tian returned to his seat, wiping the sweat from his brow.

At least he hadn’t embarrassed Ying Zheng!

That Sir truly had incredible foresight.

Not being present in the court, yet able to influence the outcome of today’s confrontation!

Without the words taught by Li Mo, today’s position of Left Shuzhang would have been out of reach!

Meng Tian breathed a sigh of relief, but Ying Zheng did not relax at all.

Because this was merely an appetizer!

The civil and military officials thought that the court session was finally over after the resolution of this matter.

However, Ying Zheng’s indifferent voice sounded again from the throne.

“My ministers.”

Lu Buwei’s eye twitched at these four words.

Is this never going to end?

Behind the silk screen, Zhao Ji gently waved away the tea offered by the maid, waiting for Ying Zheng’s next words.

Ying Zheng slowly rose from the throne, his gaze sweeping over the assembly with authority.

Solemnly, he declared, “I want to introduce someone to my ministers.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a murmur spread through the hall.

The civil and military officials whispered among themselves.

Lu Buwei remained still but deeply furrowed his brows, the gleam in his eyes flickering continuously.

No matter what, Ying Zheng was the king of a nation.

For him to personally introduce someone, it could not be an ordinary person.

Who could this person be, possessing what kind of talent, to garner such attention from the emperor?

Regardless of who this person was, Ying Zheng announcing them before so many officials clearly meant it was not just for show.

Lu Buwei’s expression suddenly sharpened, understanding Ying Zheng’s intention.

He was ready to strike back!


Lu Buwei opened his eyes wide, and his voice immediately quelled the noise in the hall.

“Since the Emperor wishes us to meet someone, we must comply.”

He also wanted to see what kind of person Ying Zheng had found, someone confident enough to start countering him now!

Ying Zheng remained calm, looking straight ahead.

He slowly said, “Announce, Li Mo, Mister Li, into the hall.”

“Announce, Li Mo, Mister Li, into the hall!”

“Announce, Li Mo, Mister Li, into the hall!”

The announcement echoed from inside the hall, quickly spreading outward.

All the officials turned their heads towards the tightly closed palace doors.

They too were curious to see the person Ying Zheng wanted them to meet.


The heavy doors were slowly pushed open by the guards outside.

A tall figure appeared before the crowd.

Handsome in appearance, graceful in demeanor.

His hair was impeccably groomed.

His expression calm, exuding an extraordinary aura.

He held a bamboo stick in his hand, with a piece of black cloth covering his eyes.


Everyone was taken aback!

Is… this a blind man?

The palace doors were fully opened.

Li Mo lifted his robes slightly, stepping over the high threshold with large strides.

Meng Tian, standing at the back of the crowd and closest to him, immediately straightened his posture to show respect as soon as he saw Li Mo.

The grand hall fell silent.

Only Li Mo’s soft footsteps could be heard echoing through the hall.

Everyone watched him step by step, their faces showing a mix of curiosity and surprise.

Their expressions varied.

Some were surprised, some puzzled.

Some were confused, and some even seemed amused.

Did the Emperor of Qin make such a solemn introduction just to present a blind man?

Li Mo walked to the center of the hall, his perception covering the entire space, capturing everyone’s gazes and expressions.

Surprised? Just wait, there’s more to surprise you.

Li Mo’s perception enveloped the entire hall, not even missing a crack in the pillars.

Naturally, the Empress Dowager hidden behind the silk screen was completely exposed to him.

Her figure and appearance were all clearly perceived.

Zhao Ji, behind the screen, wore a luxurious red and gold phoenix robe.

Her long black hair was styled in an elaborate updo, adorned with a phoenix crown, revealing her slender and fair neck.

She lounged lazily, her posture alluring, her face stunning.

The phoenix robe added an air of grandeur and nobility.

She looked quite youthful, comparable in age to Lady Hu, likely due to good maintenance.

Her eyes exuded an air of superiority.

She curiously observed Li Mo through the gap in the screen.

Her demeanor was cold and arrogant, full of charm.

She did not seem like an ordinary woman, but rather a mature, seductive lady.

“Commoner Li Mo, pays respects to the Emperor.”

Li Mo, after a brief moment of perception, did not focus on her further.

In terms of noble demeanor, Fei Yan was no less than her.

In terms of seductive beauty, Yan Lingji was unmatched.

In terms of assets, Sister Zi and Mingzhu were well-endowed.

In terms of coldness, Jing Ni was colder than anyone.

So, ultimately, it was just her status as Empress Dowager that gave her extra points.

Ying Zheng nodded lightly, “No need for formalities, sir. Someone, give him a seat.”

A few eunuchs brought a seat and placed it at Li Mo’s feet.

Li Mo sat cross-legged, placing the bamboo stick across his lap.

The civil and military officials craned their necks, observing him with curiosity.

Ying Zheng’s gaze swept across their faces.

“My ministers.”

Everyone knew he had something to say and shifted their attention from Li Mo to the throne.

Ying Zheng’s expression was solemn, his gaze stern.

“I intend to appoint Mr. Li as the National Advisor of Qin. Does anyone have any objections?”

“Achoo! Achoo!”

In a chamber of the Yin-Yang School.

The Moon Goddess, who was meditating, suddenly sneezed twice for no apparent reason.

Her eyes, hidden behind a veil, slowly opened, revealing a hint of confusion.

Frowning slightly, she murmured, “Strange, why does it feel like I’ve lost something?”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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