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Chapter 136

Chapter 136: The Emergence of the Han Marquess, a Mother Dragon who can stir up storms!

In this way, there was an explanation for Bai Yifei’s body appearing in front of the Emperor of Han’s palace.

He returned to the Blood Castle at the brink of death, seeking help from his mother.

But he still died!

The body was sent to the Emperor of Han’s palace, and that female marquess wanted the Emperor to know that Bai Yifei was dead!

But she and her group had already planned their retreat before the Emperor responded and sealed the city.

“What’s the name of Bai Yifei’s mother…?”

This was a person erased from all records.

It was probably related to the major incident she committed back then.

A marquess who killed her own countrymen would surely incur divine wrath and human grudges.

Lady Mingzhu held Li Mo tightly, feeling the fear in her heart start to recede.

Her voice also became soft and tender.

“Surname Bai, the full name I remember seems to be Bai Xianwu.”

Twenty years ago, Lady Mingzhu was not even ten years old yet.

She didn’t have many impressions of this aunt.

Most of her fear came from rumors and that one meeting in her childhood.

She vaguely remembered her as a very beautiful woman.

Although beautiful, she gave her a strange feeling.

Children’s intuition is often accurate.

She realized the difference between Bai Xianwu and ordinary people at that time, and later, confirmed it with her own parents. Li Mo gently touched her white and delicate jade shoulders, and asked softly, “With the surname Bai, what is her husband’s surname? Bai Yifei, is it not the same surname as her?”

Lady Mingzhu shook her head. With an embarrassed expression, she said, “For a person like her, where would she get a husband?”

Li Mo was slightly surprised, “Bai Yifei is not her biological child?”

It made sense when he thought about it. The only female marquis in Han for hundreds of years is naturally extremely proud and aloof. It is normal for ordinary men to not catch her eye. Moreover, she improved her strength by sucking the blood of men. Even if she dared to marry, no one dared to marry her!

Bai Yifei was adopted by her because of his special physique. Born with an extremely cold body, he was abandoned in the snow for three days and nights without freezing to death. This physique is very suitable for practicing the evil technique of Bai Xianwu. Lady Mingzhu pursed her lips and said with a strange expression, “Actually, it’s not that no one dared to marry her. With her beauty, there will always be some who are not afraid to die for a chance to be intimate with her.”

“It’s because this person… She has no emotions.”

“Or rather, she has no emotions at all.”

Li Mo was puzzled, “Apathetic by nature?”

Jing Ni was also such a person before. So, this kind of character is not uncommon. However, Lady Mingzhu shook her head and looked up at Li Mo. Fear appeared in her long and charming eyes. Slowly she said, “Because… she’s a dead person.”

Li Mo furrowed his brows slightly. Lady Mingzhu was now willing to act cute in front of him, but it didn’t mean she would say random things in front of him. A dead person. An alive dead person? Lady Mingzhu explained, pursing her lips, “She was born weak and sickly, with the same extremely cold and yin physique as Bai Yifei.”

“So, to survive, she practiced that evil technique.”

“But progress was slow, and eventually, the cold poison erupted, cutting off her life.”

“But seven days after the burial, her grave was dug up, and the body was missing.”

“A year later, she reappeared at the Blood Castle.”

“Not only did her strength increase significantly, she completely changed as a person.”

“That was when people knew, she had returned.”

“But only her body had returned!”

Legend has it that the female marquis had made a strong, secretive agreement with darkness, which is how she learned that evil magic. She offered her soul in exchange for the rebirth of her body. A corpse naturally has no emotions. Of course, she couldn’t have children!

How could she give birth? It’s a question whether she even menstruates like Lady Mingzhu!

Whether she can feel happiness like Lady Mingzhu is also a question!

She’s no longer human, so how could she even consider marrying or not? Suddenly, Lady Mingzhu remembered something and scrambled out of Li Mo’s embrace. She took out a sachet from her skirt and handed it to him. “Why give me this?”

Li Mo held it in his hand and felt it; this was the same sachet Lady Mingzhu used to trap Humeiren before, just with a slight accident. When she and Li Mo were alone at night, the two of them shamelessly ended up entangled together. “Bai Xianwu can find you based on the scent left on your bamboo pole. Keep this on you, it will mask your original scent.”

Li Mo hesitated for a moment. After a moment, he put the sachet in the clothes he had thrown on the ground. If Bai Xianwu wants to find him, it’s not a big deal. If the danger lies with himself, then others will be safe. But Lady Mingzhu’s heartfelt concern for him couldn’t be disregarded. Just pick it up later. The next day, Li Mo had someone send a message back to Han Fei. Bai Xianwu was not someone they could deal with. If they really found her, the most likely outcome would be walking into a trap. After learning that the culprit might be the Bai Xianwu from twenty years ago, Han Fei was shocked!

Without any delay, he called Tianze and the others back. At Han Fei’s residence. Tianze covered his mouth with his hands, his elbows on his knees. Sitting with a full sense of force, he looked at Han Fei with a dissatisfied expression and asked, “We were asked to investigate by you, and now you’re asking us not to investigate?”

“Do you think that if that person is not here, I, Tianze, will be easy to talk to?”

Tianze exuded a rebellious spirit all over.

If Li Mo is not there, no one can control him.

Being sent here to help Han Fei investigate this matter coincides with his wishes.

The wide sea allows fish to leap, the high sky lets birds fly.

I, Tianze!

The time to show my skills has come!

But unexpectedly, just as Shiji Jingling found some clues using secret techniques on those bodies, Han Fei stopped their investigation.

Han Fei had just received a message from Li Mo not long ago.

He was still in shock at the moment.

Faced with Tianze’s dissatisfaction, he had to explain, “It’s what sir meant, he already knows who the murderer is.”

It’s good that Tianze didn’t find out.

If he really found out and went after it, he might not come back!

Li Mo originally showed mercy in order to recruit Tianze to work for him.

But for Bai Xianwu, a master like Tianze was the best nourishment for her.

The stronger the power, the more vigorous the qi and blood.

The greater the effect on her enhancement and recovery!

Tianze smirked coldly and asked, “Where is the murderer?”

Han Fei looked at him strangely and vaguely said, “This person’s strength… is not weak.”

Tianze twisted his neck slightly.

There was a cracking sound from the bones in his neck.

His eyes flashed with a desire for battle.

“Even better, the weak are not worth my shot!”

I! Tianze!

I only participate in the peak competition!

Han Fei shook his head and refused, saying, “sir has a new task for you. Let’s talk about your other task.”

Even if Bai Xianwu hasn’t fully recovered her peak strength yet, she is at least in a Free and Unfettered Realm.

Tianze’s eyes flickered with a dangerous light, and he said in a deep voice, “After this matter is done, it’s not too late to take on other tasks.”

Han Fei pursed his lips. “Are you sure?”

Tianze glanced at him obliquely, revealing a cruel smile, “You just need to tell me if it’s life or death.”

After hesitating for a moment, Han Fei said, “Alright, the murderer is Bai Yi Fei’s mother, she should be hiding in the Blood Cloak Fortress.”

Upon hearing that it was Bai Yi Fei’s mother, Tianze immediately sneered repeatedly.


“Hehehe, Bai Yi Fei’s mother… good, very good!”

“But don’t blame me, Tianze, for bullying an old lady!”

After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Just then, Han Fei’s soft voice came from behind.

“The other party may be in the Transcendence Realm, do you want to take more people?”

Tianze’s footsteps suddenly paused!

He slowly turned around and looked at Han Fei.

He stepped back to his previous seat.

His elbows were back on his knees, hands covering his mouth.

With no loss of imposing manner, he said, “I suddenly have some interest in the new task.”

Playing with me?

I, Tianze, participate in peak competitions, not in suicide missions!

After arranging Tianze, Han Fei left for the Han Palace.

This matter was entrusted to him by the Han Emperor to investigate, now that there are results, he naturally had to go report the situation.

To deal with the likes of Bai Xianeu, only the military could be used.

Otherwise, with just a few retainers in his mansion, it would be like sending them to their death.

Lady Mingzhu and Lady Humeiren were “burned to death”, and after a period of extreme sadness, the Han Emperor gradually recovered.

Moreover, he became even more clear-headed than before.

It makes sense.

Being drugged by these two every day before, even the most intelligent person would be confused.

In the main hall where the Han Emperor usually worked, after getting permission, Han Fei strode in.

As soon as he entered the hall, Han Fei uncontrollably shivered.

It was as if a chill was spreading in the palace, making people shiver.

He looked at the open window, feeling concerned for the Han Emperor’s health.

“Son greets the Father Emperor.”

After entering, Han Fei saw the Han Emperor rubbing his hands.

He only looked up at him after hearing his voice.

He said indifferently, “Oh, son, do you have something to report?”

Especially now without the Empress Mingzhu and Lady Humeiren giving him aphrodisiacs, his view of the problem becomes clearer.

The Emperor of Han knows well that if Han Fei has any crooked thoughts, it will pose a great threat to the position of the Crown Prince.

So he dares not promote Han Fei, but also does not dare to push him too hard.

Feeling the Emperor of Han’s indifferent attitude towards him, Han Fei’s heart suddenly sank slightly.

But he still forced a smile and said, “Father Emperor, I have found clues to the recent case of the dry corpse that you had me investigate.”

After saying this, the Emperor of Han suddenly frowned. He had no intention of letting Han Fei actually find anything. He only gave it to him to keep him occupied. But he didn’t expect him to actually come up with something in such a short time.

“Oh, about this matter, once you find something, just proceed with it.”

“Arrest, hold accountable, punish, do whatever needs to be done.”

The Emperor of Han waved his hand, seeming not very concerned.

Han Fei could see through his attitude, pursed his lips, and continued, “The culprit has been identified. I came this time to ask the Father Emperor to send troops to assist me in hunting her down.”

The Emperor of Han’s face immediately changed.

He exclaimed, “What a joke!

Do you need the Emperor to deploy troops just to capture a culprit? Are you looking to catch the culprit, or are you planning…”

The words that were about to come out of the Emperor of Han’s mouth were swallowed back.

He tightened his robe, then said, “Forget it, just go to the royal guard and take two hundred soldiers from there.”

Capturing a culprit with the use of an army.

Do you want to catch the culprit, or do you want to use them for rebellion?

Seeing the Emperor of Han so guarded against him, Han Fei’s expression also became grim.

It was not just his body that felt cold; even his heart had a chill.

He had to explain strenuously, “Father Emperor, this culprit is not ordinary. Two hundred soldiers are far from enough!”

Although he didn’t know the extent of reaching the realm of the divine.

But it definitely couldn’t be dealt with by just two hundred people.

“Two hundred men are still not enough? Who exactly is this culprit?”

The Emperor of Han seemed to find it difficult to bear the chill in the hall; his lips were turning slightly purple.

When he spoke, he could see a white breath coming out of his mouth.

Seeing this, Han Fei walked to the window and closed it.

Then he walked back and said, “Father Emperor, do you remember the tragic incident caused by that female marquess in my Han country twenty years ago?”

The Emperor of Han shuddered!

“Are you saying…”

Han Fei nodded and said, “I have learned that this person may not have died.”

“For these twenty years, she has been hiding.”

“Those victims are likely to have been used by her to regain her strength after waking up.”

“So I want the Emperor to lend troops to investigate Bloodcl Coak Fortress. I hope the Emperor will grant permission.”

The Emperor of Han’s eyes flickered, hesitating as he looked at him.

His purple lips murmured a few times, then he said in a deep voice, “Fei’er, how do you know about that female marquess?”

Han Fei evasively said, “It’s just a guess from me, maybe, if we go to Blood Cloak Fortress, we will know the truth.”

In fact, he already had a clear answer in his mind.

This matter was almost certainly the doing of that female marquess!

Her death back then was already mysterious.

It was said she was surrounded by troops, but there was no record at all.

Not only could they not find records of that battle, they didn’t even know who participated in the siege.

The Emperor of Han deeply furrowed his brows, his gaze becoming somewhat elusive.

Waving his hand, he said, “No, no, this matter… You shouldn’t investigate it any further.”

Han Fei hesitated, asking, “Why? I have already found clues!”

The Emperor of Han suddenly became furious, shouting, “Clues? Do you have concrete evidence?”

Han Fei insisted, “If we go to Blood Cloak Fortress to investigate, we will find out the truth.”

The Emperor of Han stood up abruptly, his face full of anger.

“If there is no concrete evidence…”

“If there is no concrete evidence, and you send troops to search my Blood Cloak Fortress, can Ninth Prince bear this responsibility?”


A cold voice without any emotion rang out!

Like the icy wind in the twelfth lunar month, chilling to the core!

A beautiful woman draped in blood-red cloak emerged from behind a screen in the palace.

She exuded a chilling aura that made people tremble.

Han Fei turned his head and looked, instantly shocked to stillness.

“Empress Mingzhu… no, you… you are not Mingzhu.”

“You are, you are…”

His heart suddenly started beating faster.

Looking at this woman who looks somewhat similar to Lady Mingzhu, her face is full of shock!

Although she bears some resemblance to Lady Mingzhu in facial features, her temperament is completely different. Lady Mingzhu is charming and glamorous, with varied styles. Yet this woman’s eyes and brows carry an unparalleled coldness, like a puppet with no expression or emotion!

“The Ninth Young Master doesn’t even know who I am, yet is so certain that I am the culprit.”

“Does he think my Blood Cloth Castle is defenseless?”

Bai Xianwu’s icy gaze scans Han Fei. With an expressionless face, not even a hint of emotion can be discerned from her tone. For the first time in his life, Han Fei felt fear, his hands and feet turning ice-cold. She!

How could she appear here? “Father Emperor…”

Han Fei looked incredulously at Emperor Han, with a deep sense of disbelief in his eyes. Emperor Han slowly sat down, his face darkened, “Bai Yifei is dead, and my Han army of a hundred thousand on the border has no leader.”

“Bai Xianwu is both the mother of Bai Yifei and a female marquis in my Han country.”

“My Han country is in need of talents at the moment. I intend to appoint her as the Grand General to guard the Hangu Pass.”

Dong dong!

Dong dong!

Han Fei’s face turned pale, his heartbeat almost jumping out of his chest. After painstakingly removing the two troublemakers in Han country, now there was another dragon that could stir up the situation!

Is Han country destined to never have peace?

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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