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Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Lady Hu Eavesdrops on Nongyu, Should I Stop or Not?

The candle flickered in the military tent.

Ying Zheng stared at the flame, his thoughts slowly returning to a day ago.

In the house, only Ying Zheng and the couple Li Mo were present.

Ge Nie was tasked with cleaning up the traces left by a few people who had come over.

With Li Mo and Jing Ni present, Ying Zheng didn’t need to worry about his safety.

A gentle breeze blew through the courtyard.

Li Mo, holding a bamboo stick, was in conversation with Ying Zheng.

The topic of discussion was the Left Chief of Wusi, Wang Yi.

Ying Zheng asked the same question he asked Ge Nie a day later.

“What do you think of Wang Yi, Sir?”

Wang Yi is an old general.

He had participated in the large battles of Changping and Handan with Lord Wuan Jun before, and later even quelled the rebellion in Shangdang.

One could say he had impressive military achievements.

Ying Zheng only had two options for his return to Xianyang.

The first was to make a grand show of it, escorted back to the palace by soldiers from the border.

The second method would be more secretive.

To hide with Ge Nie and sneak back to Xianyang.

The advantage of the former was that even if Lu Buwei knew of Ying Zheng’s return to Qin, he wouldn’t dare act rashly.

But there was a prerequisite.

The escorts had to be trustworthy.

Otherwise, it would be walking into the tiger’s den!

The second method, although seemingly covert, was full of risks.

They would have to pass through various cities and checkpoints on this journey.

Lu Buwei’s power was immense.

Almost all of Qin was filled with his spies.

Keeping their tracks hidden would be extremely difficult!

“Does the Emperor want Wang Yi to escort him back to the palace?”

Li Mo heard the unspoken words in Ying Zheng’s question and understood.

Ying Zheng did not deny it, nodding in agreement, “Yes, Wang Yi has great military achievements and has been fighting outside all year.”

“His interactions with the court forces are not very close, so I want to ask Sir if he can be trusted.”

After the incident with Cheng Jiao, Ying Zheng no longer knew who he could trust in this world!

During the time in Purple Orchid Pavilion, Cheng Jiao’s soul had mentioned something to him.

His betrayal was related to his mother, Empress Dowager Zhao Ji.

But the specific reasons were not disclosed.

The involvement of Empress Dowager Zhao Ji in Cheng Jiao’s case was unexpected to Ying Zheng!

Li Mo thought for a moment and calmly said, “Wang Yi is indeed loyal.”

Ying Zheng’s face brightened.

But before he could speak, Li Mo’s tone changed, “But it’s not to you, Emperor of Qin.”

Ying Zheng’s expression froze.

He pondered, “Not loyal to me…then to whom?”

He didn’t suspect it was Lu Buwei.

Because if it was Lu Buwei, Li Mo would have said it directly, instead of leaving him to guess.

After a moment, a coldness appeared in his eyes.

“Is it the Empress Dowager?”

Lu Buwei was powerful in the court and controlled the power of the court.

However, there was one crucial thing not in his hands.

That was the military power!

Lu Buwei could only control some generals through his influence.

Most of Qin’s military power was in the hands of the Empress Dowager.

Ying Zheng had not yet taken power and had no real authority in his hands.

The royal seal was just a decoration for now.

But Empress Dowager Zhao Ji, who listened behind the curtain, had the actual power to mobilize the army.

Before the late Emperor of Qin divided the power of Qin into two.

Lu Buwei was in charge of the civil officials.

The military command was handed over to Zhao Ji.

He hoped that these two could assist Ying Zheng until he personally took power.

But ideals are lofty, reality is stark.

Lu Buwei was ambitious.

Zhao Ji also coveted power.

Regarding Ying Zheng’s affairs, she almost always wanted to interfere.

She firmly held onto power, with no intention of letting go.

In theory, although Ying Zheng has not yet personally governed.

As the emperor, he doesn’t even have the right to mobilize the Xianyang Imperial Guards.

The deployment of the elite guards of a thousand people requires Zhao Ji’s approval.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Let alone his desire to recommend talents and cultivate his own people.

Directly blocked by Zhao Ji.

So when he heard Li Mo say that Wang Ji was untrustworthy, Ying Zheng’s first thought was Zhao Ji.

The reasons for the current conspiracy are still unclear.

Zhao Ji has now also been labeled as a dangerous figure in Ying Zheng’s heart.

Li Mo shook his head slightly, “No.”


Ying Zheng was surprised.

The most powerful figures in the court are Lu Buwei and Zhao Ji.

If Wang Ji is not loyal to them, who else could he be loyal to?

Ying Zheng earnestly said, “Please enlighten me, sir.”

Li Mo pursed his lips and mentioned a person he had never thought of.

“Wu Anjun, Bai Qi.”

Ying Zheng was shocked.

“Wu Anjun?”

His surprise was not because this person’s status was insufficient.

It was because, this person is already dead!

“Yes, Wang Ji was previously the deputy of Wu Anjun.”

“Wu Anjun made great contributions to Qin during his lifetime, but did not end well.”

“Wang Ji has always resented this and is dissatisfied with Qin.”

“If the Emperor of Qin wants to know if Wang Ji is trustworthy, when you visit the Wusui Camp, just remember two things.”

Ying Zheng raised his hand, “Please instruct me, sir.”

Li Mo succinctly said, “First, see if he kills the reporting scouts.”

“Second, see if he provides strategies to the Emperor of Qin.”

“If he does both of these things, it means he has malicious intent.”

Killing scouts does indeed help hide Ying Zheng’s identity.

But it’s not for the reasons Wang Ji mentioned.

It’s to silence them.

To prevent anyone from knowing Ying Zheng’s identity and disrupting his plans.

Providing strategies to Ying Zheng is to gain his trust.

When the time comes, he will personally send out the written letters on behalf of Ying Zheng.

Where to send them, to whom, and whether to send them or not.

It’s all up to him!

Ying Zheng’s face darkened, and his mood became heavier.

He said, “If Wang Ji really has malicious intent, then by going to the Wusui Camp, wouldn’t I be playing into his hands?”

Li Mo nodded, “But the Emperor of Qin has no choice but to go, it is safest to be escorted by the border guards.”

“Moreover, the Wusui Fortress is a key military position of Qin. If Wang Ji has ulterior motives, it’s best to eradicate him sooner rather than later.”

Ying Zheng also thought so.

He would not allow a traitor to continue to exist.

So he asked, “How should I break this situation?”

Li Mo calmly replied, “Go find one person, Qianfuchang of Wusui, Meng Tian.”

If there is anyone in Qin who will not betray Qin, who will not be swayed by Zhao Ji and Lu Buwei’s power.

There are only two people.

One is Grand General Wang Jian.

The other is Meng Tian.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves outside the courtyard.

Li Mo knew that Ge Nie had returned.

Ying Zheng clenched his fist, remembering this name.

“Sir, there’s one more thing I don’t understand, and I’d like to ask for your guidance.”

He raised his head with anticipation in his eyes.

“Emperor of Qin, please speak.”

Ying Zheng gritted his teeth, his cheeks bulging slightly.

With a murderous look, he said, “I would like to ask Sir, why did Cheng Jiao betray, is this… is this really related to the Empress Dowager?”

Li Mo remained silent for a long time.

Then slowly said, “I don’t know.”

Whether one knows or not, it’s hard to say.

“If the Emperor of Qin wants to know the answer, he can ask the Empress Dowager herself in the future.”

The betrayal of Cheng Jiao was indeed unexpected by everyone. Regardless of how it is said, he had no reason to betray. He also did not have the ability to betray. But he did betray!

Moreover, it involves Empress Dowager Zhao Ji. So the truth behind this is not that simple. If what he said is true, then it’s the family affairs of Ying Zheng. If what he said is not correct, it will affect Ying Zheng’s judgment. So it’s better not to say anything. Let him go ask Zhao Ji himself…


In the camp of Wusui army. The setting sun poured down on the yellow earth, casting a bloody red color. The blood flowed like a river on the platform, with bodies strewn across the field.

The strong smell of blood permeated the camp. Fully armed soldiers stood around. In the middle, on the steps, sat an old general pierced through the chest by a long halberd.

Blood gushed from Wang Li’s mouth and nose. The armor on his chest shattered. Every breath brought out a large amount of blood from the wound. Even on the brink of death, the old general’s face showed no fear. His round, wide-open eyes glared angrily at the tiger-necked commander in front of the crowd. He said with resentment, “Meng Tian… Why did you betray me!”

Everything was going according to his plan initially. Ge Nie by Ying Zheng’s side was his only obstacle to assassinating Ying Zheng. So after gaining his trust, he could quietly eliminate Ying Zheng using the military power. However, Wang Li never expected that at a critical moment, his centurion Meng Tian would suddenly step forward to stop him!

Meng Tian in military attire, exuding a heroic spirit. His gaze revealed the determination of a soldier. Stepping forward, he said decisively, “Meng Tian has always been loyal to the emperor, why talk about betrayal!”

Last night when Ge Nie found him, he was shocked himself. How could the Emperor suddenly appear at the Wusui camp?

Only after Ge Nie proved his identity with a flying sword from a hundred paces, Meng Tian believed this matter. The Dragon Command Token might be forged, but the Guigu’s unique skill, the Flying Sword from a Hundred Paces, cannot be faked. And Ge Nie has always been at Ying Zheng’s side. Now that he appeared here, it means the Qin Emperor has indeed arrived!

However, what he couldn’t understand the most was why Emperor Ying Zheng didn’t trust Wang Li but trusted him, a centurion.
The Meng family has served the Qin Empire for three generations. However, due to the chaotic political situation in the court, Meng Tian is still only a centurion.

Following Ge Nie’s message, Meng Tian became the undercover agent by Wang Li’s side.

Ying Zheng’s imposing and calm gaze swept towards Meng Tian. There was satisfaction in his eyes. This person was indeed as described by sir.

Not only possessing the demeanor of a great general but also utmost loyalty. Nowadays, almost all of the Qin Empire is controlled by Lu Buwei and the Empress Dowager.

At such a time, he dared to stand by his side regardless of power and pressure. This loyalty is truly commendable. It wasn’t until then that Ying Zheng understood. Li Mo allowed him to enter the Wusui camp and remove Wang Li for a reason. Most importantly, he wanted Ying Zheng to discover a loyal and righteous general like Meng Tian!

“Cough cough~” Wang Li, who was leaning on the steps, coughed twice, revealing a cold smile. “Well, what a loyal and righteous general.”

Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, the white cloak fluttering in the evening breeze. His face was calm and indifferent as he stared at him. Wang Li raised his head, his eyes red, locked onto Ying Zheng. “Is Your Majesty very curious why I want to kill you?”

He fought for the Qin Empire his whole life, loyal and devoted. Now doing such a thing, Ying Zheng must be very curious about the reason. Although this plan failed, he still needed to express his full regret and resentment. Ying Zheng squinted his eyes: “Not curious.”

“Because… Wh… Why?”

Wang Li was all prepared to deliver a passionate speech, but Ying Zheng’s three light words stopped him in his tracks!

How could he not be curious? Why was he not curious? I, Wang Li!

I rebelled and you’re not curious? “This Emperor said, not curious.”

Wang Li suddenly became curious. “Why are you not curious?”

Ying Zheng stepped up the steps, approaching the platform step by step.

“Because, few people have a destiny.”

“Because, few people have the help of divine beings.”

“Because, this person has long been able to foresee without divination.”

Everything unfolded exactly as Li Mo had anticipated.

Wang Yi turned against him, and Meng Tian declared loyalty.

One major problem solved, gaining a skilled general!

Ying Zheng felt as though he could already see the dawn.

Before long, he would be able to shatter the darkness that shrouded the Qin state.
Breaking free from the shackles that bound him!

“It’s impossible!”

Wang Yi shouted in disbelief!

Fresh blood surged from the wound once more!

For so many years, he had hidden his true intentions well.

How could anyone see through his treacherous heart?!

Ying Zheng stood atop the commanding platform, like a towering mountain.

Gazing down at Wang Yi, the majesty of an emperor’s aura emanated.

“Order: Wang Yi, to be exterminated along with his entire clan.”

“All recommendations and approvals made in his career advancement process will be thoroughly investigated!”

He slowly lifted his head, the plain-colored robe swaying in the wind.

Despite the biting cold, he remained steadfast, his gaze resolute.

The spirit of a sovereign radiated from him.

Beneath him, the vast Qin army stood silent and motionless.

Ying Zheng gazed into the distance, looking towards Xianyang.

Suddenly, his gaze softened.

“I have returned.”

“You have finally arrived, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Outside the Xianyang city.

In a mansion with three entrances.

As soon as Li Mo entered, a soft and charming voice sounded.

The stunning and enchanting Sister Zi immediately noticed the belated arrival of Li Mo.

When he left Xinzheng initially, Li Mo only traveled with Jing Ni and Ying Zheng.

After passing through the Hangu Pass, he parted ways with Ying Zheng.

Because he had his own matters to attend to.

And so many women waiting for him to comfort, no, settle!

Sister Zi had led Lady Hu and the others to Qin ahead of time.

They had purchased a mansion outside Xianyang to serve as their temporary residence.

They were waiting for Li Mo to arrive so they could make the next arrangements.

Lu Buwei still did not know who his true opponent was.

This was also the reason why Li Mo felt at ease bringing them here.

But once they entered Xianyang, he would be walking on thin ice.

Therefore, before entering Xianyang, he needed to settle them all properly.

The night was alluring.

Quiet nights always made people want to find something to do.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the women naturally welcomed Li Mo with open arms.

Just as he had put Sister Zi to sleep, Li Mo wrapped himself in his clothes and hurried into the next room.

The weather was especially hot tonight.

Although Lady Hu had gone to bed early, she still couldn’t fall asleep no matter how much she tossed and turned.

Thinking of getting a drink of water and opening the window to let in some fresh air, she heard a commotion from the neighboring room.

Lady Hu was suspicious.

This sound… sounded somewhat strange.
It was like the moans of someone in discomfort.

She listened carefully and realized the sound was coming from the room on her left.

Nongyu, who lived in the left compartment.

“Is Nongyu sick?”

Lady Hu was suddenly shocked.

She quickly put down her cup of water and went to check.

For the past few days, Nongyu had been sleeping with her, but today she insisted on returning to her own room.

Although Lady Hu found it strange, she didn’t say much about it.

Now that she heard Nongyu seemed to be ill, she naturally had to go and see.

Without even putting on her coat, Lady Hu opened the door wearing only her nightgown.

Her mature and voluptuous body shivered in the cold wind.

She arrived at Nongyu’s door, just about to knock, but suddenly heard Nongyu’s soft and confused voice.

“Sir… what’s wrong?”

Nongyu, with eyes filled with liquid like a pool of water, looked at Li Mo in a daze.

Confused, she asked.

Li Mo’s face looked a bit strange as he leaned down and kissed Nongyu’s rosy lips.

He suggested, “How about… we rest for a while first?”

Nongyu puckered her lips to capture his.

Embracing him, she shook her head coquettishly, “No, Nongyu misses Master.”

Just a little bit, just a little bit more.

Li Mo scratched his head, looking awkward.

Are you sure?

Your mother is standing outside the door!

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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