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Chapter 125

Chapter 125: I want to cast a sword of the emperor and open up a paradise!

Master Xun and Ying Zheng stood up at the same time!

Master Xun was shocked that Li Mo would say such a thing!

Only one language remains, representing the rejection of the other six.

Destroying a language means severing inheritance and belief!

This is a huge evil heart!

The key is.

Which one to keep, and which six to destroy?

Would the other six countries agree?

And Ying Zheng was excited!

Li Mo’s statement that only one language remains in the world struck him directly in the heart!

It shook his inner being!

He had long harbored this idea.

Turning all those miscellaneous characters into one.

Everyone in the world can learn and recognize them, wouldn’t that be delightful?

“It’s impossible, this is impossible.”

Master Xun shook his head, denying every word.

“No one would be willing to do this, nor would anyone agree to it.”

“What you said is indeed thought-provoking, enlightening me.”

“But this method is impossible.”

But Ying Zheng had a different view on this matter.

He said, “The Confucian sage has long taught you a solution, how could Master Xun forget so quickly?”

Master Xun looked at Ying Zheng, “When was that taught?”

If it was taught, how could he not know?

Ying Zheng said seriously, “The Analects say, ‘In the company of three, there must be one I can learn from.'”

Master Xun frowned, feeling a sense of unease.

Sure enough, Ying Zheng said solemnly, “If you beat up three people, one of them will surely become my disciple.”


Then beat them until they agree!

Several women in the audience couldn’t help but laugh!

This is the emperor of a country!

Talking about Li Mo’s Analects, there was no sense of discordance.

He even looked like he was receiving divine instructions!

Li Mo pursed his lips.

Somewhat surprised!

Ying Zheng learns quite fast!

Seeing several women laughing, Ying Zheng’s face showed a hint of embarrassment.

“Sir, could it be that I misunderstood?”

Li Mo waved his hand at the words, “Yes, that’s right!”

More than that!

Ying Zheng’s future actions are not as simple as beating up three people.

Upon hearing Li Mo’s approval, Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He praised, “The Analects are indeed so exquisite, I must reread them when I return.”

He felt like he had memorized the Analects for so many years in vain.

Only today did he realize that there was such a profound meaning!

If someone else said such words, Master Xun would surely refute them.

But coming from the mouth of the Emperor of Qin, he couldn’t refute them even if he wanted to.

Just as Confucius said: Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.

If you learn my martial arts without learning my thoughts, you will be confused, and if you learn my thoughts without learning my martial arts, you will be killed by others.

And Ying Zheng has this idea, and has enough arrogance to back it up!

Thinking of this, Master Xun suddenly shook!

In that case, Li Mo’s Analects seem to have some truth to them!

Li Mo saw Master Xun’s dilemma and said, “Master, you don’t need to think too much. As long as you know the general trend cannot be violated, it can spare your Confucianism from a dilemma.”

Confucian ideology is indeed conservative.

But it is indispensable in every dynasty.

Although they are not the way to save the world, they are a good way to govern the world.

In short, this ideology is not suitable for turbulent times.

It can only be used to govern the country during peacetime.

And, moderation is also needed!

For example, Mengzi advocated implementing benevolent governance.

He once proposed the idea of “respect the people and lighten the ruler.”

He advocated “governing by winning over the people” and opposed harsh governance.

He proposed giving peasants a certain amount of land, not encroaching on their labor time, and having lenient laws and light taxes.

This ideology is very suitable for governing the country during peacetime.

The country should focus on the well-being of the people.

This is a concept that should not be forgotten in every dynasty.

And what the people seek is simple.

Having a piece of land to cultivate, without being displaced, is enough.

Having land to cultivate means having food to eat.

Who would want to be well-fed and then take up arms and rebel against others?

Winning means still farming and eating, losing means losing their heads.

The common people may not be highly educated, but they are not foolish!

Sparing your Confucianism from a dilemma?

Master Xun always felt that there was more to Li Mo’s words.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn’t figure out what dilemma Confucianism would face.

“Do you know something, Sir?”

He realized that Li Mo wouldn’t speak without purpose, there must be a reason behind his words.

Li Mo pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, “Master Xun, just remember my words. If you believe in me, I have a way to make your Confucianism prosper.”

“If you don’t believe, I won’t persuade you.”

Some things cannot be said.

At least not now.

Just like the celestial mechanism.

You can know, but you cannot reveal.

Being able to give Master Xun such a hint was already Li Mo’s utmost sincerity.

Confucian culture still has its merits, otherwise it wouldn’t have been spread for thousands of years by future generations.

Anyone who has read books and received education in later generations has been influenced by Confucian ideology to some extent.

No need to argue.

Take a simple example.

Books teach you humility and courtesy, not aggression and cruelty.

This embodies Confucian ideology.

Master Xun contemplated for a long time before nodding.

“If what Sir says is true, then this old man will thank you on behalf of the scholars of Confucianism.”

Li Mo accepted his gesture.

Master Xun rolled up his sleeves and said, “Although Sir is young, his insights make this old man feel ashamed.”

“Having such a profound discussion with Sir today makes this trip worthwhile, indeed, worthwhile!”

Han Fei stood behind him, tightly pursing his lips.

You didn’t say this before!

On the way, you even said you were going to teach Sir what it means to respect teachers and uphold etiquette.

Now you’re showing such respect to Master!

“It’s getting late, so I won’t disturb Sir and the ladies any longer. Farewell.”

Master Xun glanced at the several beautiful and outstanding women in the house, then smiled and said, “Sir is really lucky, very lucky.”

The atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly became strange after he said this.

It wasn’t until he left with Han Fei and Hong Liang, who was reluctant to leave, that the atmosphere returned to normal.

Yan Lingji suddenly pointed to the door and said to Li Mo, “Hey, did that old man say I’m your wife?”

Lady Hu’s cheeks flushed, she greeted them and then went back to her room.

Li Mo pursed his lips.

Except for him, everyone here is a woman. Who wouldn’t misunderstand?

Master Xun had left, but Ying Zheng hadn’t.

“Honey, go and rest first.”

Jing Ni changed the tea, glanced at Li Mo upon hearing this, and nodded gently.

Before leaving, she also took Yan Lingji with her.

Because she knew that the fewer people heard Li Mo and Ying Zheng’s conversation next, the better!

Gai Nie bowed to Ying Zheng and said, “I’ll wait outside the door.”

With Li Mo here, no one could harm Ying Zheng.

If Li Mo wanted to do something to Ying Zheng, staying wouldn’t help.

It was better to guard outside!

Soon, there were only Li Mo and Ying Zheng left in the courtyard.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The breeze brushed past, gently swaying the leaves in the courtyard.

A leaf spun in the wind and slowly fell, landing right in front of Li Mo.

Li Mo reached out his hand calmly and placed the leaf in his palm.

He spoke, “Apologies for keeping the Emperor of Qin waiting.”

Ying Zheng stood up and walked towards him slowly.

His gaze fell on the black cloth covering Li Mo’s eyes.

After looking for a while, he finally shook his head and said, “Not long.”

“It’s fortunate to hear such words from you, Sir. Even if it were longer, it would be worth it.”

“However, I’m a bit curious.”

“In this dilapidated house, with your eyes unable to see, how could you write such articles as those in the snow, and how could you know the true meaning behind the Analects?”

Li Mo toyed with the dry yellow leaf in his hand and said slowly, “Some people have never seen the vast ocean and think rivers are the most magnificent.”

“While some people, through a single leaf, can see the whole autumn.”

Ying Zheng’s gaze also fell on the leaf in his hand.

“So, Sir is the latter?”

Li Mo shook his head and smiled, “Only by traveling thousands of miles can one see the vastness of the world.”

“As the Emperor of Qin said, my eyes cannot see, so there is no question of seeing or not seeing.”

“If one’s heart encompasses the world, they can witness all the beauty in the world.”

“How big one’s heart is, that’s how vast the world will be, and the more beautiful the scenery.”

Ying Zheng closed his eyes and stood silently under the falling leaves in the courtyard for a long time.

He was savoring the meaning of these words.

“Sir means that the size of one’s vision depends entirely on the heart, not on appearance?”

Li Mo chuckled.

“Is the world in your heart larger, or the world in your eyes broader?”

Ying Zheng didn’t hesitate to reply, “Naturally, the world in my heart is larger!”

“In my heart, there is a vast world.”

“Its size cannot be covered by mere vision; its breadth cannot be imagined by ordinary people!”

He tightly clenched his fist behind his back.

A fierce passion surged in his heart with these words.

Li Mo could feel his true inner feelings, filled with the spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers.

But, Li Mo just chuckled.

He asked, “Then why is there still a sense of loss on the face of the Emperor of Qin?”

Ying Zheng was stunned, looking at him with astonishment.

Surprised, he asked, “How does Sir know the expression on my face?”

“Because my ears can hear, and my heart can see.”

“I heard the Emperor of Qin’s helplessness and saw the Emperor of Qin’s loss.”

Li Mo continued to speak confidently, “You have ambitions to reach the heavens, but you have no ladder to climb to the clouds.”

“You want to fulfill your ideals, but now you can’t even guarantee your own safety.”

“Because… you will die.”

Ying Zheng suddenly froze!

Seemingly startled by Li Mo’s words, his tone became somewhat erratic: “What did you say?”

Li Mo remained calm and said, “The key is when you will die, and how.”

Ying Zheng’s face turned ugly.

It was only now that he truly realized Li Mo’s extraordinary nature.

It seemed like he knew everything!

No one knew his situation better than Ying Zheng himself.

Li Mo gently raised his palm, and the leaf in his hand rose without wind.

Slowly drifting into the air, it flew towards Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng reached out and caught it, looking at him puzzledly. “Sir, do you know?”

Li Mo pondered, “I have traversed the river of time, witnessed my own death with my own eyes.”

“I have also traveled through history, witnessing the changes of a thousand years.”

“Do you believe me?”

Ying Zheng’s breathing gradually became rapid, but he still shook his head in the end: “I… I don’t believe…”

What kind of person can travel through the river of history, witness their own death, and still live well?

And what kind of person can know a thousand years of history?

If such a person truly exists, they should be called a god.

Li Mo asked slowly, “Is the Emperor of Qin afraid of death?”

Ying Zheng’s eyes were filled with unwavering determination: “Naturally not!”

“Everyone will die, won’t they?”

“I only fear, dying with regrets!”

To live, yet not fulfill one’s aspirations.

That is the cruelest ending for someone with great ambitions.

“What exactly does Sir want to tell me?”

Ying Zheng didn’t think Li Mo would ask such a meaningless question.

Li Mo slowly raised his head, feeling the gentle touch of the breeze on his cheeks.

He said methodically, “Mountains turn into valleys, seas turn into fields.”

“The prosperity and decline of nations, the cycle of life and death.”

“The mysteries of human life and death are truly unfathomable.”

“Ten years witness the coming and going of spring and autumn, a hundred years witness birth, aging, illness, and death.”

“A thousand years sigh over the rise and fall of dynasties, ten thousand years witness the shifting of the stars.”

“Human life is but a few decades, if the Emperor of Qin is not afraid of death, then what else is there to fear?”


A thunderous roar exploded in Ying Zheng’s heart!

The wind in the courtyard suddenly became stronger.

It rustled the robes of the two men.

In an instant, Ying Zheng felt as if layers of mist had been peeled away, leaving him clear-headed!

As if countless chains that had bound him had been effortlessly broken!

With no fear of death, there should be no fear in life!

If he wasn’t afraid of death, what could stop him?

Even if there were countless mountains ahead, he would move them and part the seas!

Even if there were obstacles, he would overcome them with ease!

“Emperor of Qin, it seems like you understand now.”

The leaf in Ying Zheng’s hand turned into a pile of powder as Li Mo spoke.

Flowing freely, it dissipated into the wind.

Ying Zheng raised his hand and deeply bowed to him: “Thank you, Sir, for your teachings.”

This was the answer he sought on this journey!

He hadn’t even voiced his question yet.

Yet Li Mo had already given him the answer!

Li Mo nodded gently: “Tell me, what do you want to do?”

Ying Zheng stood tall, his spirit soaring.

“I want to forge a sword!”

“What kind of sword?”

Ying Zheng’s expression became solemn, and he spoke slowly: “The Great Zhou ruled the world for eight hundred years, Confucius wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals, and the Warring States Period divided the land into seven countries.”

“The rise and fall of this world, ultimately, it’s the common people who suffer.”

“I want to forge a sword of the emperor!”

“With the seven countries as its edge, the mountains and seas as its blade.”

“Forged with the Five Elements, guided by Yin and Yang.”

“Held with spring and summer, wielded in autumn and winter.”

“Unparalleled in the world, with all under heaven submitting. This is the sword of the emperor!”

“I want to use this sword to open up a paradise!”

The strong wind suddenly ceased.


In the house, only Li Mo remained.

He gently picked up the tea cup, only to find it already empty.

“Shall we leave?”

A gentle voice sounded beside him.

Jing Ni refilled his cup, softly asking, leaning against his shoulder.

“Do you know what it means when the fierce wind suddenly stops?”

Jing Ni squatted beside Li Mo, gently leaning on his shoulder.

She pulled his hand back and replied, “It means, a heavy rain is coming.”

Splish splash~

Large raindrops hammered fiercely on the wooden carriage.

Inside the warm carriage, Hong Liang opened a corner of the curtain.

Watching the sudden downpour, she pouted unhappily, complaining, “So annoying, why did it suddenly rain?”

Just a moment ago, when she was with Li Mo, the sky was full of stars.

Now, it suddenly poured rain.

The rain came suddenly and fiercely.

Hong Liang sat bored in the carriage.

Listening to the rain beating on the carriage, her wandering gaze fell on Master Xun.

Since he came out from Li Mo, Master Xun hadn’t spoken a word.

Sitting cross-legged in the carriage, his eyes closed, motionless.

As Hong Liang’s voice fell, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He lifted the curtain to look at the pouring rain outside, and said woodenly, “Because, the weather has changed.”

Hong Liang rolled her eyes and said helplessly, “Of course, rain means the weather has changed!”

Such a simple truth, who doesn’t understand?

The carriage suddenly swayed a few times and stopped in front of Han Fei’s mansion.

Several guards saw the carriage and immediately ran over with umbrellas.

Master Xun got off the carriage and took a step forward, then stopped.

He said to Han Fei behind him, “You, come with me.”

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, before he could reply, Master Xun had already walked away quickly.

“I wonder what the master has called me for.”

In the study.

Han Fei, who hadn’t had time to change out of his soaked clothes, was completely drenched, looking as if he had just been pulled out of the water.

Master Xun stood with his back to him, by the open window.

After a long silence, he slowly said, “You seem to have doubts in your heart.”

Han Fei’s face changed slightly.

Indeed, he couldn’t hide anything from Master Xun.

He pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, then said, “Today, hearing Sir’s words, the disciple has gained some enlightenment.”

Master Xun didn’t move, and asked again, “What did you realize?”

Han Fei pursed his lips, lowered his head, and said, “Rule by law, and the teachings of Confucianism.”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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